The Delicate Lady Coroner Chapter 199: Ten kinds of flowers 13, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Wu Zuo Jiao Niang!

Chapter 199 Ten Flowers 13

“The murderers of serial murders always have certain rules when choosing their targets. The death methods of several children this time also have sacrificial meanings, and it is impossible to kill indiscriminately.”

In the main hall of Wu Zhaohou Mansion, Sun Zhao and Lin Huai were invited back. The case had been transferred to the Ministry of Punishment, and it was about to be finalized. However, such a big change occurred, which really caught everyone off guard.

After Bo Ruoyou finished speaking, Sun Zhao glanced at Wu Xiang and said, “The birthdays of several children are different, but they were not discovered during the visit.”

Wu Xiang touched his nose and felt a little guilty. Lin Huai said: “I don’t blame him. These children are different in age, and the days of their birth seem to be chaotic. Unless a Taoist priest is specially invited to come. Look.”

Huo Weilou said: “Li Shen imitated the killing method, but something changed in the conditions for selecting the target. However, he finally admitted all the crimes, and he seemed to have a clear understanding of how the previous children were killed. Chu, indicating that he knew the earlier murderer and knew what the murderer did to others.”

Sun Zhao also continued: “Is he trying to protect the murderer, or is he trying to take the blame?”

Bo Ruoyou’s expression was particularly serious, “It has been two years since the last child was killed, and the causes of death of those children have not been proven to be different, and the government has no plans to re-investigate. Li Shen The case just appeared out of nowhere.”

If Li Shen had not appeared, most of these old cases would have continued to be buried in the government files.

Huo Weilou thought for a moment and said: “There is only one possibility. The murderer felt the crisis, so he pushed Li Shen out. This person must be related to the sect that Li Shen believed in.”

“Crisis?” Sun Zhao couldn’t figure it out. “Several people died in this case, but the government office did not have any plans to re-investigate earlier. Not only me, but also Wu Xiang, no one in the entire government office. I remembered this case.”

Bo Ruoyou, who was sitting next to him, suddenly had his eyelids twitching, “Sir, it is not that no one has thought about it…”

Everyone looked at her, and she continued: “When we were investigating the Bainiaoyuan case, we were looking for the files on the Zhao family class case in the inner treasury. When we were looking for the files on that case, I saw Ming Ming I later mentioned the case file of the young master’s kidnapping with the Marquis, but in the government office, I did not say that I wanted to re-investigate the case.”

Huo Weilou also thought of this matter, and then Bo Ruoyou continued: “People who were looking for files in the inner treasury at that time may have some impression, but at that time everyone’s attention was on the files of Zhao’s class, so it should be No one will pay attention to this.”

Sun Zhao looked at Wu Xiang, “Do you have any impression?”

Wu Xiang nodded, “You know, sir, I can’t read those files. Xiao Bo and Xiao Hu were looking at the files in the inner treasury those days. Later, when Xiao Bo saw the case of the Ming family master, I happened to be nearby. But I didn’t think deeply about it. Later, I took people to visit outside, and it wasn’t until Xiaobo said that Wenjin’s case was related to the Ming family’s case that I became interested.”

Sun Zhao frowned, “Wu Xiang has been a policeman for many years, and he is very concerned about criminal cases. Moreover, the case of Zhao Jiaban at that time was completely different from the previous cases, so he never took it seriously. What happened, others forgot about it as soon as they heard it. How did the murderer know that Xiao Bo noticed the Ming family’s case?”

He looked at Bo Ruoyou and Huo Weilou, “When Xiao Bo was talking to Mr. Hou, was there anyone else present?”

Bo Ruoyou and Huo Weilou looked at each other for a moment. She mentioned the Ming family’s case to Huo Weilou more than once, but every time there was no one around. At this time, she suddenly thought of something and looked to the side. Huo Qinghong, “I didn’t do it the first two times, but the last time I happened to run into Mr. Ming and the Crown Prince when I came to the Hou Mansion, I mentioned it to Mr. Ming.”

Huo Qinghong was about to doze off. When he heard that it was related to him, he suddenly woke up and remembered the matter in a daze, “Yeah, what happened? Gui Lan and I left first that day. At that time, this matter was not discussed.”

Bo Ruoyou looked at Sun Zhao, “Then no one else knows about this matter.”

Lin Huai looked at Sun Zhao and asked, “Is there someone in the Yamen who is quick to talk?”

After saying this, everyone’s expressions darkened. The person behind the scenes was hiding behind Wang Qingfu, and was practicing the sect quietly inside and outside the capital. His status must be either rich or noble. If there is really something wrong with the Yamen, it is true. There is such a possibility.

Sun Zhao was a little nervous for a moment, and turned to look at Wu Xiang, but Wu Xiang immediately said: “This is impossible, our yamen has not had any new members in the past two years. Brothers have been working in the yamen for several years, and I know their conduct. Maybe the murderer had an informant in the Yamen many years ago?”

This case took place more than ten years ago. If the murderer had such a plan, it would be an exhaustive plan.

At this time, Lin Huai said again: “If the murderer can find a way to find out information from the yamen, then I am afraid he will also know the progress of the yamen and the Zhishisi investigation during this period. Even we are now in Hou The government is discussing matters, will the murderer also see it?”

The night fell quietly, the heavy snow outside the window had stopped, and only the cold wind howled. Lin Huai’s words made the warm spring hall suddenly feel chilly. Huo Weilou said in a deep voice at this time: “The timing of Li Shen’s case appears. It’s indeed weird. Although it took some effort to solve the case, it went smoothly. He accepted all the blame. If there weren’t some clues and mistakes, the case would have been settled and the real culprit would always be free from justice.”

At this point, he said in a deep voice, “Now we are in the open and the murderer is in the dark. This is a bad thing and a good thing.”

Lin Huai asked quietly: “What does the Marquis mean?”

“The man behind the scenes wanted to blame Li Shen, but he didn’t expect that the government had not been deceived. If you were him, what would you do?”

Lin Huai was stunned and said, “Of course he is trying to find a way to keep covering it up.”

Huo Weilou was thoughtful, and Lin Huai said: “The murderer probably told Li Shen what happened that year, but why didn’t he tell Li Shen to choose someone whose birthday was in Sanyang?”

“It’s more likely to be wrong. The murderer is probably lucky.” Bo Ruoyou said, “Li Shen has a very bad reputation and a humble status. It’s hard for him to live in Feiyun Temple. If he wants to get the birthdays of all the young masters, The horoscope is even more difficult. If Li Shen had revealed this at that time, the government would have to investigate the origin of this birth date, and to select so many young gentlemen who meet the requirements, it would be necessary to know the birth dates of the young gentlemen from various families in the capital. It’s even more impossible for Li Shen. He can’t explain it, and the government will immediately suspect that he has an accomplice.”

Having said this, Bo Ruoyou looked at Huo Weilou, “Except for Wen Jin, the other five are all young masters from wealthy families in the capital. Three of them are from official families. Together with Mr. Ming, these People are not just able to ask about birth dates casually, not to mention that the murderer has to go through screening. There must not be many people in this huge capital who are of the right age and whose birth date is Sanyang. The identity of the murderer must have some contacts with these families.”

Birthdates and horoscopes are extremely private. Normally, only close relatives know about them. Outsiders can find them even if they use various methods to find them. However, it is completely different if they are family friends. As long as they spend time and effort, they will always have the opportunity to inquire.

But even so, the scope is very large. Huo Weilou glanced at the sky outside and ordered: “The official documents from the Criminal Department will be sent back to the Yamen first. The case will be re-investigated. The murderer is hiding in the dark and watching. No matter what, we should not stop visiting pilgrims at Feiyun Temple, especially if we look into Li Shen’s life, especially when he started to contact him. And when he chose to return to the secular world, he must not really want to return to the secular world. Most likely, he still wanted to return to the secular world from Feiyun Temple. Get away so you can spread the word.”

A few people agreed, but Huo Weilou did not let them stay any longer, and soon they left the house.

Bo Ruoyou is still thinking deeply, “The murderer has not committed another crime for two years. How did he get the idea to let others commit the crime?”

I thought that even if Li Shen had something to hide, he should be one of the real culprits, but now he has overturned the previous conclusion. Thinking that the murderer of his younger brother is still hiding in the dark, Bo Ruoyou’s forehead acupoints throb with pain. .

“There must be an opportunity. He must have discovered something.” At this point, Huo Weilou couldn’t help but hold Bao Ruoyou’s hand, “Could it be because of you?”

Bo Ruoyou frowned, “What do you mean by this?”

“You were the only one who escaped from him that year. When Gui Lan escaped, he never saw his face. But when you escaped, you might have seen more things. You have been back in Beijing for more than half a year. With that, If you were intentional about this person’s status, you would naturally have known it for a long time. If I were him, I would definitely not be at ease with you.”

Bo Ruoyou frowned, “But he must know that I can’t remember old things.”

This person’s status is not low. Back then, Bo Ruoyou was ill and had to wait for medical treatment. It was also known to everyone in the family. This person probably also knew about it. Perhaps it was because of this that the person let a five-year-old idiot go. Silly.

But twelve years have passed since then, and now she has grown up and is not only tall and graceful, but also has become a widower and works in the government office. The murderer is indeed very likely to be suspicious.

“But I have been back in Beijing for such a long time. There is no reason why he didn’t find out until winter. I still think that the murderer had this idea because of something else. For example, the Yamen became suspicious of Mr. Ming’s case.”

The night was falling outside the window. Bo Ruoyou saw that it was getting late and wanted to go home. Huo Weilou comforted her and put her in the carriage himself. He also ordered the servants of the Marquis to see her off, and watched the carriage slowly move slowly. Go far.

“From today onwards, send two people to follow the county lord secretly, and then have people keep an eye on the surroundings of the Marquis Mansion to see if there are any people waiting around to stare.”

He ordered like this, and the servants of the Hou Mansion responded. After Bo Ruoyou’s carriage disappeared at the end of the long street, Huo Weilou turned around and entered the gate of the Hou Mansion. The moment the door closed, there was indeed a figure in the dark alley in the distance. In a flash, the cold wind whipped up the snow foam on the ground and whimpered, and a string of footprints was clearly visible on the layered snow.

Bo Ruoyou returned home with many questions in his heart. After washing, he went to bed almost full of doubts. When he got up the next morning, he saw Zhou Liang and Aunt Liang counting the New Year’s goods they bought the day before. Two pieces of silk and satin were among them. It was to cut new clothes for Bo Ruoyou.

Auntie Liang gestured and said, “I don’t know what looks good. The young lady likes plain ones, so I bought the plain ones. It’s just that the young lady is young, so I bought the bright ones. Do you like them?”

Aunt Liang has been with Cheng Yunzhi for many years and is considered half an elder. Bo Ruoyou smiled naturally and said he liked it, and Aunt Liang was a little satisfied, “I bought it at Liuji Silk and Satin Store in Dongshi. The young lady from that house recognized it. ”

Bao Ruoyou was a little surprised, “I recognize it?”

“Miss, do you still remember the last time you performed rites for your wife and master at Xiangguo Temple? Later, when you were preparing to return to Beijing, you met a young master when you were coming down the mountain?”

Bo Ruoyou remembered, “It’s Liu Yan!”

Aunt Liang smiled and nodded, “It’s that young master. When the slave went there yesterday, the master still remembered the slave.”

Bo Ruoyou naturally did not forget that day when she left Xiangguo Temple, she met Liu Yan as soon as she left the temple. And she also knew that the Liu family was not only following the path of officialdom, but also had a lot of business outside. She wasn’t very surprised, but she didn’t know what she thought of, and her expression suddenly became serious.

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