The Delicate Lady Coroner Chapter 19: One inch of gold 19, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Wu Zuo Jiao Niang!

Chapter 19 An Inch of Gold 19

The silly girl fell down on the snow, huddled up, her shoulders and back were shaking, and she lowered her head and did not dare to look up at anyone. Huo Weilou stared at the silly girl, as if he did not expect that the person he was holding was a little girl. .

Bo Ruoyou whispered: “Master Hou, she is a stupid girl.”

When they were checking the servants in the front yard that night, Sha Gu stood in the corner and did not stand out. Therefore, this was the first time Huo Weilou saw her. Bo Ruoyou whispered about the fate of the eldest lady and Sha Gu. , Huo Weilou frowned even more tightly.

There were people standing around with embroidered clothes holding swords, and Huo Weilou was even more imposing. Bo Ruoyou stepped forward and knelt down, and said softly: “Silly girl? Why are you here?”

The silly girl shrank even tighter, and Bo Ruoyou said: “Look at me, you saw me last time.”

Si Gu was stunned for a moment, and then she slowly raised her eyes to look at Bo Ruoyou, but her eyes were dull and her expression was blank, and she seemed unable to remember when she had seen Bo Ruoyou.

Everyone knows that the stupid girl is stupid, and Bo Ruoyou is not surprised to see that she cannot recognize him. He just looks at these eyes, although they are still beautiful, but they are not as beautiful as that day, but under the light of the lights, It feels inexplicably familiar. And the scar was still spread across her face. Bao Ruoyou only glanced at it in surprise that day, but now that she looked closely, she felt it was even more terrifying than that day.

A strange feeling flashed through Bao Ruoyou’s heart, and he asked softly: “What are you doing here?”

Although this place is close to the ancestral hall, it is also remote. Moreover, the ancestral hall has just been burned down, and there is still a smoke and smoke surrounding it. If nothing happens, why come here?

The silly girl lowered her eyes again, hunched her shoulders and remained silent.

This is a bit difficult to handle. She is obviously more afraid of people than that day.

Bao Ruoyou looked her up and down. She was still wearing the plain coat from last time, and her shoes were stained with slush, but there was nothing unusual about her. Besides, her legs and feet were not strong enough, so it was unlikely that she had committed the crime.

There are only the footprints of the Embroiderer and Silly Gu on the ground. Comparing them, Silly Gu’s footprints are very obvious. Her left leg was injured, so the footprints are always one deep and one shallow, and they are smaller than those of the Embroiderers. After a while, Bo Ruoyou looked in the direction of the bamboo forest, and then looked at the traces left by the murderer.

The wormwood was withered and yellow, covered with layers of snow, and the traces of being trampled back and forth were very obvious. Bo Ruoyou compared it carefully and realized that it was exactly the same as the footprints he saw outside the courtyard of Zheng Wenyan’s study last time. Of course, you can also see the difference between the footprints and the silly girl’s.

Bo Ruoyou frowned for a moment: “The person the girl saw just now didn’t appear to be lame, and she was wearing a winter coat of a different shape. She shouldn’t be a stupid girl, but she refused to speak, and she couldn’t ask why she was here. .”

Among all the suspects, the most difficult one is someone like Shagu who is mentally ill or mentally ill. Huo Weilou made a quick decision: “Take her to the front yard and ask the steward who lives with her.”

The embroidered clothes messenger responded, and He Cheng also hurried over at this time. On the way, he knew that Bo Ruoyou had met the murderer. When he saw Bo Ruoyou, he was afraid and said: “Little Bo, please don’t do it.” One person comes out, it’s too dangerous.”

Bo Ruoyou hurriedly responded. Huo Weilou glanced at He Cheng. At this time, the embroiderer came forward and said: “Master Marquis, we have searched all around. There are many traces, but they are all extremely complicated. Every branch of the Hou Mansion is in chaos.” There are guards at all the important roads, and my subordinates suspect that the murderer has been avoiding the martial law in these remote places in the past few days. To the north of this bamboo forest is a plum grove, and after the plum grove is the high wall of the backyard.”

After saying this, Bo Ruoyou smelled a faint fragrance of plum blossoms.

Huo Weilou then walked towards the direction of the plum grove. He Cheng and Bao Ruoyou followed. After a moment, a yellow-scented plum grove came into view. No one was taking care of the bamboo forest. It was further north, so it was even more beautiful. Desolate, no matter how it is, now in the cold winter season, the cold plum blossoms are blooming. Under the light of the fire, the pale yellow stamens are clustered on the branches, with a faint fragrance floating around, and the fragrance is astonishing.

The Embroidered Clothes Messenger raised his hand and pointed, “There are also some traces of people in the plum forest, but it is empty here and it is not easy to hide people. There is a dry well in the far north. My subordinates checked just now and no one was hiding in it.”

The bamboo forest is dense and can hide people, but the plum forest is sparse and can be swept away at a glance. Huo Weilou looked at the high wall in the distance, pondered for a moment and led everyone to the front yard.

The murderer suddenly appeared and was almost caught. Huo Weilou ordered people to search the entire Hou Mansion. Half an hour later, Zheng Wen’an and others in the mansion gathered in the main hall of the front yard. However, everyone, including Zheng Wenrong, There are witnesses tonight.

Zheng Yunni came the latest. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw the silly girl standing outside the hall. The silly girl lowered her head and stood quietly. But when she heard the footsteps, she turned around and saw Zheng Yunni, with a smile on her face. Suddenly frightened, he took a few steps back and his back hit the railing of the corridor.

Bao Ruoyou stood at the door and happened to see this scene.

Zheng Yunni looked at Silly Gu coldly, as if she was dissatisfied that she was actually here. Bo Ruoyou could be seen looking out the door, she raised her chin and entered the hall with a graceful manner.

Zheng Wen’an is talking in the hall, “After the order of the Marquis, I have been watching them clean up the fire scene in the ancestral hall. The silly girl is clumsy in doing things, and today she is doing manual labor. The people she calls are servants. I don’t know why she ran away. Go over there.”

“Master Hou,” Zheng Yunni said at this time, “she went to pick yellow plum blossoms for her mother. Although there are many plum blossoms in the house, my mother only loves yellow plum blossoms, and only the plum forest in the north is yellow plum blossoms.”

There is an explanation for this, but it sounds a bit weird to ask a stupid person to break plum blossoms so late at night.

Huo Weilou looked at Zheng Yunni for a moment, then looked at Zheng Wen’an, “Are you sure your mother’s robe was burned back then?”

Zheng Wen’an hesitated and said: “The third brother sent the maid next to my mother to burn it. Generally, no one would leave the things of the deceased, and the robe is not gold, silver, pearls and jade…”

He said this because he had never seen the robe burn with his own eyes.

Huo Weilou glanced at He Cheng, and He Cheng walked out of the hall.

After Zheng Wen’an finished speaking, Huo Weilou was speechless and asked hesitantly: “Master Hou, do you have any clues?”

Huo Weilou searched the Hou Mansion, but did not say why. When everyone arrived, he asked about the silly girl first. Therefore, everyone still didn’t know what happened tonight. Huo Weilou’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Tonight the murderer was wearing that plain The coat appeared in the bamboo forest to the east and was caught.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s expressions changed, especially Zheng Wen’an, who froze on the spot, “What…did you meet the murderer?”

Zheng Yunni also asked: “Can you see clearly?”

Huo Weilou said in a deep voice: “I didn’t see it clearly.”

Zheng Wenrong stood aside and said: “Then she must be hiding in the bamboo forest. Maybe she has been there these past few days. There are many such remote places in the mansion. The Marquis should send more people to search.”

Eunuch Fu sighed: “Fourth Master, we have already searched, and there are indeed many traces of people around, but we still haven’t found anyone, and we don’t know where they are hiding. Everyone should be careful these days to avoid being the murderer. Hurt.”

Zheng Yunni clenched her sleeves tightly with her pink fists and looked solemn. Zheng Wen’an was also thinking about something, but his thoughts were elsewhere. At this time, He Cheng entered the hall door. Huo Weilou saw that he was hesitant to speak, so he ordered everyone to leave.

After everyone left, He Cheng said: “Master Hou, I went and asked. It was the old lady’s maid Mo Yi who burned the clothes that day. She gave the clothes to a rough woman to burn. The woman had some taboos. He threw the robe into the brazier and left. According to the woman, when she went to carry the brazier later, a lot of debris was burned in it, and the robe was no longer visible. It must have been burned.”

Having never seen it with my own eyes, I still had doubts. At this time, another embroiderer came in and said: “Master Marquis, silly aunt usually lives in the servant’s room, and lives with more than ten rough envoys and women in the inner courtyard. In the first courtyard, because she is favored by the eldest lady, she has a small independent room of her own.” After a pause, the embroiderer said: “The rough lady who burned the old lady’s clothes also lives in this courtyard.”

Huo Weilou’s eyebrows moved, “Take someone to her room to have a look.”

Bao Ruoyou also felt something strange in her heart. Could it be that she was wrong about such a coincidence?

She looked out of the hall and saw Sha Gu huddled in the corner, very avoidant of Zheng Yunni and others. She hesitated for a moment and walked towards Sha Gu, pulled Sha Gu and asked her to follow her into the house. Perhaps Bo Ruoyou was friendly, Silly Aunt followed closely into the hall. Bo Ruoyou closed the door and squatted in front of Silly Aunt, saying softly: “Silly Aunt, I am a doctor. Can you show me your old injuries?”

The silly girl looked at Bao Ruoyou blankly, as if she was a little surprised, but she didn’t dare to do it. She felt that Bao Ruoyou was friendly, so she didn’t resist, so Bao Ruoyou’s hand followed her ankle. Touched it.

Going up is the slender calf, but there is almost only a layer of skin and flesh sticking to the bones in the calf. The scars are rough. If you look closely, you can feel the traces of broken bones and healing. Bo Ruoyou frowned at first. Then she breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and gently stroked the top of Silly Gu’s hair, “The injuries are all healed, it’s okay.”

The guard in the silly girl’s eyes relaxed a little. Bo Ruoyou took her out and said when he entered the door again, “The injury on her leg is real, and the lameness is also real. She can’t commit murder.”

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