The Delicate Lady Coroner Chapter 188: Ten kinds of flowers 02, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Wu Zuo Jiao Niang!

Chapter 188 Ten Flowers 02

Halfway through Xu’s hour, Huo Weilou walked out of Cheng Yunzhi’s study. He stood under the eaves of the corridor, his phoenix eyes slightly raised, looking at the sky without stars and moon. The cold night seemed like Chen Mo that was so thick that it couldn’t be dissolved. His His eyes were as dark as ink.

For a moment, Huo Weilou looked back and asked, “Have you rested yet?”

Aunt Liang was standing by and said, “Yes, I just went to see you. The lady has fallen asleep.”

Huo Weilou pondered for a moment, then walked up to Bo Ruoyou’s courtyard and entered the courtyard gate. Sure enough, he saw the dim lights in her boudoir. He walked up the steps slowly and pondered for a moment in front of her door.

Aunt Liang stood in the distance not knowing what to do. After a while, Huo Weilou turned around and left again. This time he went straight out of the gate of Cheng’s house.

On the way back to the carriage, Huo Weilou didn’t say a word. The attendants who followed him also noticed that he was in a bad mood. They were neat and proper along the way and did not dare to offend him. When he returned to the Marquis Mansion, Eunuch Fu came up to him and said, “Master Marquis Are you back so soon? How is Youyou?”

Huo Weilou didn’t say anything and went straight to the study. Mr. Fu’s smile faded and he went to see the attendants who were following him.

“The Marquis has been cold-faced since he left the Cheng Mansion, and I don’t know what happened to him.”

Eunuch Fu waved his hand for them to retreat and quickly followed him to the study. Huo Weilou took off his cloak and sat behind the desk without saying a word. His already stern jawline was tense and his sword eyebrows were raised coldly. This made Eunuch Fu take a slight breath.

“Master Hou, what happened?”

Huo Weilou has such a serious look on his face. Eunuch Fu has not seen him for many years since he took the position of Marquis of Wu Zhao. He doesn’t know what happened to Bo Ruoyou, but if Bo Ruoyou is seriously ill, why can’t he stay with Cheng Mansion? With?

After waiting for a long time, Huo Weilou glanced out the window. The second watch had passed and the night was extremely dark. However, he said: “Go to the Bo family and invite all the masters of the Bo family -“

Eunuch Fu was startled, “Master Hou, are you talking about the eldest wife of the Bo family and the second master and his wife?”

Huo Weilou nodded, and Eunuch Fu did not dare to ask any more questions. He immediately turned around and went out to give orders. The servants of the Hou Mansion acted neatly and rode their horses to Anningfang within a moment. When they arrived in front of the house, everyone in the Bo family had already rested. Wu Zhao must have When Hou Xuan saw it, there was a loud noise everywhere in the house.

While Mrs. Hu was changing her clothes and dressing up, her hands were shaking nervously, and she was muttering to herself to the maids beside her: “What does this mean? It’s so late, is Wu Zhaohou trying to attack us?”

How could the maids dare to talk to each other? When they were ready, they came out. The second master, Bo Jingli and Mr. Wei, were also fully dressed and did not dare to be rude.

The Hu family has been at odds with the Wei family for many days, but now she had to step forward and ask her: “Brother and sister, what does Marquis Wu Zhao mean? He is engaged to that girl, and we can count him as half of his elders. What’s so urgent for him to see us so late?”

Ms. Wei was quite nervous in her heart, but she didn’t panic on her face. She sneered and said, “You dare to be Wu Zhaohou’s elder? But I don’t dare. Seeing us so late must have something important to do. Let’s go.” Then you’ll know.”

While Mrs. Hu was feeling uneasy, Bo Yixian walked out of the inner courtyard wearing clothes and asked, “Mother, Marquis Wu Zhao wants to see you so late?”

Hu nodded and Bo Yixian said, “It must be related to Bo Ruoyou.”

Ms. Hu naturally thought the same thing. Bo Yixian looked at Ms. Wei, “Don’t Second Aunt often go to Changshoufang? Don’t you know?”

Wei Shi smiled and said, “I only know that Youyou was ill a few days ago, but I don’t know anything else.”

Hu and Bo Yixian looked at each other in confusion. Wei raised her chin and said, “Be more polite and don’t keep Marquis Wu Zhao waiting.”

No matter how scared Mrs. Hu was, she had no choice but to go out. The group set out from Anningfang and arrived outside the Wu Zhaohou Mansion in half an hour. When they got off the carriage and entered the mansion, the three of them looked frightened.

For the sake of the marriage, a lot of construction work was carried out in the Wu Zhaohou Mansion. The three Bos entered the mansion for the first time. Seeing such a battle, they knew that Wu Zhaohou attached great importance to this matter. However, Bo Ruoyou was alienated from the Bo family. Wu Zhaohou had never sent anyone to the house before. People go to Bo’s, what can they do this time?

Huo Weilou was waiting for the three of them in the main hall. He was dressed in rich black clothes and had a cold expression on his face. When the Bo family and three people came in to salute, he didn’t even raise his hand. Although he ordered people to give him a seat, the three Bo family members could not The man was as silent as a cicada, and could only sit on the edge of a chair, with his back straight.

“I have called you here so late to ask about old matters concerning the Lord of Anning County.”

Huo Weilou calls himself the Lord of Anning County. Although it is an honorific title, he has a higher status. For a moment, people can’t figure out what he means. Bo Jingli said hurriedly: “Whatever the Marquis wants to ask, we will definitely know everything.”

The attendant served tea to everyone. Huo Weilou played with the white porcelain tea cup in his hand, and his tone was neither urgent nor slow, not as threatening as the pressure on him, “The Lord of Anning County gave it to his family when he was five years old. Do you know what happened?”

Of course they know about this. In order to finalize the case, the government office just went to Bo’s house to inquire about the details of the old case a few days ago. Bo Jingli said respectfully: “I know, I know. The government office sent people to ask about this case a few days ago. We Only now did we know that Lan Zhou was murdered. This is almost the same as our guess at that time. Because Lan Zhou was a child who had been sick and had a good temper since he was a child. Even if he was lost, he would not be able to run so far. It is impossible to run to the river to play. Alas, after so many years, the third brother and his sister can rest in peace in heaven.”

Bo Jingli is the second master of the Bo family, and he should be regarded as the current head of the Bo family. He replied that Wei and Hu did not dare to compete with each other, but they still did not know what had happened. Wei was secretly trying to figure out what happened to Hu. Shi’s mind turned faster.

Huo Weilou’s eyes fell on Bo Jingli. Hearing Cheng Yunzhi describe Bo Ruoyou when he was young was a completely different feeling than hearing Bo’s family describe it. Moreover, only they knew best what Bo Ruoyou went through before leaving Beijing.

Huo Weilou continued to ask: “After the incident, the Lord of Anning County was ill for a period of time”

As soon as these words came out, the three Bos had different expressions. Bo Jingli was obviously hesitant, Wei was also surprised and slightly sad, but Hu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Back then…Youyou was too frightened and was indeed ill for a period of time…” Bo Jingli said cautiously.

Huo Weilou’s eyes fell on the tea cup in his hand, “Be more detailed and speak out if there is anything wrong with it. Don’t hide it.”

Huo Weilou’s words only gave people the feeling that he was tracing the hidden secrets of the past. Mr. Hu had been making calculations. At this moment, as if he had guessed something, he couldn’t help but ask: “A civilian woman is bold, how dare you I asked the Marquis why he asked about these old things?”

Huo Weilou raised his eyes and met Hu’s gleaming eyes. He said in a nonchalant manner: “The Lord of Anning County has been acting strangely recently, which may be related to his illness. I need to ask him clearly.” .”

Mrs. Hu suddenly became energetic, as if she had been waiting for this moment for many days, “So it turns out that the Marquis is a noble person, and Youyou was betrothed by His Majesty. Before granting the marriage, he probably didn’t do any inquiring. The Marquis himself What should be asked, since the Marquis has asked, the woman will not dare to hide it——”

Huo Weilou looked at her, Hu swallowed, and spoke quickly, “Speaking of it, the child Youyou got sick because she and Lan Zhou were lost together. It’s strange to say that they were lost together. , but in the end Lan Zhou was murdered, but she came back alone. What she went through that night is unknown, but as a sister, she most likely left Lan Zhou cruelly before she came back…”

Ms. Hu sighed, “Of course she is also a child. No wonder. It’s just a bit disappointing. If she could have brought Lan Zhou back that night, maybe Lan Zhou would have grown up now, and her father and mother would not be the same.” Something will happen.”


Bo Jingli couldn’t help but remind him, but Hu ignored him, “Second brother, don’t think about hiding it. Youyou wants to be the wife of Marquis Wu Zhao. These things were hidden from the outside world back then, but the Marquis must not know—— ”

“After that time, Youyou’s disease became extremely serious. How serious was it? She was so crazy and stunned. Not only that, she was also stained with dirt, which made our family restless.”

Bo Jingli and Mr. Wei were afraid that Huo Weilou would be offended by saying this, but Huo Weilou followed Hu’s words and asked, “How crazy and stupid are you?”

When Mrs. Hu heard this, she felt that her guess was right. She originally felt that Bao Ruoyou was not worthy of being Wu Zhaohou’s wife. She did not dare to bring up old matters to Wu Zhaohou earlier. Now Wu Zhaohou asked her in person, how could she Will you cover up for Bao Ruoyou? Not only did he not hide it, but he also told Wu Zhaohou every detail of what happened back then. When Wu Zhaohou knew that the woman he wanted to marry was so crazy and stupid when she was a child, and she was destined to have evil spirits and could easily attract evil spirits. I’m afraid I will regret not ordering His Majesty to withdraw the marriage!

“When she came back, she was really sick at first. She had a fever, as if she had caught a cold. Later, she hired the best doctor. She recovered quickly from the cold. At this time, her madness was exposed. First she couldn’t recognize her parents and elders, as if she didn’t even know who she was. She talked nonsense all day long, and was afraid of the maids in the house. If something went wrong, she would hide in cabinets and corners by herself, letting others save her. …”

“Sometimes she fell asleep with great difficulty, and then she got sick again when she woke up. It was very rare that she got better. Later, the family hired a royal doctor for her, including her current adoptive father, as well as other royal doctors in the palace. Many of them were unsightly, so they had no choice but to invite a Taoist priest. When the Taoist priest came, he said that she had brought dirty things with her from outside and was possessed by an evil spirit.”

“Not only that, but they also said that she was born with evil spirits and that she could kill people. We didn’t take it seriously at the time. Later, the third brother and his sister-in-law had an accident while seeking medical treatment. Wasn’t it because of her? And died?”

Huo Weilou held the lid of the cup and flicked the foam on the tea soup. The expression on his face did not change, but under his pupils that were difficult for others to peek, ice was condensing inch by inch.

“What nonsense did she say? Do you remember other weird things?”

Mrs. Hu was stunned, she never expected that Huo Weilou asked such a detailed question, “This… a commoner woman can’t remember it for a moment.” She looked at Bo Jingli and Mr. Wei, “Second brother and sister-in-law, do you remember? ”

At this time, Bo Jingli and his wife were also wondering whether Huo Weilou cared about this and wanted to regret their marriage. After hesitating for a moment, Bo Jingli said: “I can’t remember anything else. I just remember that Youyou was very afraid of people approaching, especially when she was hiding somewhere. When we were together, she was also very afraid of the dark, so she had to light a light when sleeping. She talked nonsense… and seemed to have shouted for help…”

After finishing his words, Bo Jing looked at Mr. Wei, “Do you remember anything?”

Wei pursed her lips and said, “The civilian woman remembers a small thing. When she was unconscious due to Youyou Fever, she didn’t like to eat anything else but Dragon Beard Cake.”

This matter is not strange. Huo Weilou’s face was calm after hearing this, and Mrs. Hu couldn’t help rolling her eyes, “What kind of strange thing is this? That’s not what the Marquis wants to ask.”

Ms. Wei did carefully choose an unimportant thing to talk about, but she couldn’t stand Hu’s ridicule, “Dragon beard cake was Lan Zhou’s favorite food when she was young. Although Youyou also liked sweets when she was a child, But I don’t like eating something so sweet. After all, my sister-in-law only cares about Yi Xian and doesn’t know You You’s habits.”

Mrs. Hu was about to refute when she heard this, but Huo Weilou seemed to be very interested in it, “Suddenly she likes to eat Longxu Cake and only eats it when she is not sober? Then if she is sober, will she still remember the time when she was sober? Are you confused?”

Ms. Wei hurriedly nodded and shook her head, “I only like to eat it when she is unconscious. Every time she can’t stop crying, or when she hides somewhere and doesn’t want to come out, I use Dragon Beard Cake to coax her. She was able to soothe her a little, but after waking up, using Longxuxu Su didn’t work. She didn’t remember crying. She was young and very pitiful at that time. Although she could recognize people after she woke up, after that The torture is so great that people become silent.”

Mrs. Hu interjected at this moment: “There are many times when I am silent, as if I am mute. I can’t tell if I am still sick at that time. I don’t know, Lord Marquis. This kind of disease is the most difficult to recover. Who would be like this?” Having such a disease will ruin your whole life. The Marquis didn’t know this earlier, but now that he knows it, even if we want to break off the engagement with Youyou, we don’t dare to have a second thought.”

The expectation on Mrs. Hu’s face could not be suppressed, and the coldness in Huo Weilou’s eyes finally showed up like a sword. “Breaking off the engagement?” He stared at Mrs. Hu, “It seems that you really hope that I and the owner of Anning County will break off the engagement. .”

Ms. Hu was a little confused at first, but soon she realized that she might have misunderstood. Thinking of those words just now, her expression changed, “No…it’s not…”

The sharpness of Huo Weilou’s pupils made Hu shudder, “Don’t say that this happened when Lord Anning was five years old. Even if she becomes so ill now, I will not break off the engagement with her.”

“No…the common woman is just…just thinking that Youyou’s parents are gone. As an elder, the common woman is afraid that the Marquis will care…”

Huo Weilou said in a cold voice: “She left Beijing at the age of five, and you, the Bo family, never cared about her. After returning to Beijing at the beginning of the year, she never stepped into your family. She is now the head of the county, and you are the guilty minister. Dependent, what qualifications do you have to be her elder?”

The blood on Hu’s face suddenly faded cleanly. Bo Jingli and Wei couldn’t help holding their breaths, both of them looked nervous. Huo Weilou glanced at the three of them and said, “What happened back then, everyone is still It’s good to keep it secret. Although she has the same surname as you, I will not regard you as my in-laws. If the governor is sensible, I will not bother to investigate your cold treatment of her in the past. But if she is disgusted, I will argue with you. Calculate.”

Mr. Hu was so angry that she didn’t dare to breathe, while Mister Wei gave Bo Jingli a hard blow. Bo Jingli was frightened and immediately responded, “Yes, yes, I understand. Please rest assured, Lord Marquis, we will never Dare to say a word of nonsense.”

Huo Weilou didn’t know what he was thinking about, “If you remember anything about what happened back then, you can come to the Marquis Mansion to tell me. Other than that, I don’t want to hear any rumors about her childhood.”

Hu’s expression was pale and he could only nod his head. Bo Jingli and his wife also responded repeatedly. Huo Weilou was naturally impatient to deal with them. Seeing that there was no report of what happened back then, he waved his hand to leave. The three of them stood up and saluted as if they were being amnesty. He left the Hou Mansion.

When Mrs. Hu left the gate of the Marquis Mansion, she staggered. She was so frightened that her legs were weak. She could still hold on inside the house, but she couldn’t hold on when she left the house. Upon seeing this, the attendant hurriedly helped her, and she said feebly. : “Hurry…go home quickly…”

Ms. Wei was still frightened, angry that Ms. Hu was a fool, and glared at Ms. Hu fiercely, “If you affect Xuan’er’s future, I will make sure that you, mother and son, will never live in peace for the rest of their lives.”


Huo Weilou returned to his study, still not sleepy. Eunuch Fu came in from outside and asked hesitantly: “Master Hou, is Youyou’s old illness about to relapse?”

Huo Weilou glanced back at him and nodded.

Eunuch Fu immediately took a breath of cold air, “How…how could this happen?”

In front of Eunuch Fu, Huo Weilou’s throat felt a little bitter, “I should have realized that something was wrong that time she was kidnapped and in danger.”

Eunuch Fu didn’t know where to start, “Can’t it be cured? But Youyou seems to be fine on weekdays. She has been a widower in Qingzhou for many years, and I have never heard of her having any old illness.”

This is what Huo Weilou was thinking about. The first time Bo Ruoyou lost consciousness was when he was abducted by a murderer who liked to skin women. That night, Bo Ruoyou was on the line between life and death, and he was caught in the rain again…

Huo Weilou’s pupils shrank, caught in the rain! She had also been exposed to the rain that night when Bo Ruoyou and Bo Lanzhou were lost. She and Bo Lanzhou were kidnapped. Although she escaped, she was still frightened and lived and died for the night.

The two strange things happened to her this time. It was because the truth about Bo Lanzhou’s case came to light and it happened that she contracted typhoid and fell ill. She lost consciousness again and again. She was always scared and crying, and she also avoided others. Her habits, especially hiding in the cupboard in Cheng’s house, are very similar to those she had when she was a child. But when she was unconscious when she was a child, why did she like to eat the food that her brother liked?

People suffering from madness and stupidity are mostly caused by a heart disease. Bo Ruoyou’s heart disease was the death of her younger brother. Even if she has forgotten the past, it really happened and it must have left traces in her heart. But it would be too simplistic to say that it was just because of his younger brother’s old case. It seems that Bo Ruoyou’s madness is not that simple.

At least she liked the food that Bo Lanzhou liked when she became ill, which should indicate something…

Huo Weilou has been on the battlefield for many years. Although he can deal with external injuries, he is not very knowledgeable in medicine. Such inner demon diseases are difficult for ordinary doctors to explain. He just feels that he should understand this, but The mystery was hidden behind a lot of fog, making it difficult for him to see it clearly.

Early on the next morning, Huo Weilou entered the palace first to meet the emperor, and only left the palace after noon. After leaving the palace, he did not go to the Cheng residence immediately, but to the Ming mansion.

On a winter day, Ming Guilan was feeling uncomfortable in his legs and was recuperating in the house. He was very surprised when he learned that Huo Weilou was coming. When Huo Weilou said that he was here to see Ming Zhonghuai, Ming Guilan never thought that he would soon be there. He understood, “Master Hou wants to see his father, but for Miss Bo?”

Huo Weilou didn’t have to hide it from him, “Yes.”

“The last time Miss Bo suddenly fell ill, was it related to an old illness from childhood?”

Huo Weilou’s eyes darkened slightly, “Did you guess it?”

Ming Guilan sighed, “I never thought of it, but my father treated Miss Bo when she was a child, and he told me about the situation in detail, so I was a little worried. But when I went to visit the house, I heard that Miss Bo It was nothing serious, so I didn’t ask about it in detail.”

After a slight pause, Ming Guilan said: “If Mr. Hou wants to ask about Miss Bo’s illness back then, I can answer it for Mr. Hou. Back then, Miss Bo was in danger and frightened. She first suffered from typhoid fever, and then she went crazy…”

These three words seemed to sting Huo Weilou, making him frown slightly. Ming Guilan said regretfully: “It is indeed very similar to Her Royal Highness the Princess’s disease, but it is not exactly the same. When she was a child, Miss Bo was completely There were not many times when she was crazy and stupid, but she happened to change her temperament, and this state of good and bad times made it even more difficult for doctors to understand. At that time, such a big change happened to the Bo family, and the third master of the Bo family spared no effort to treat Bo. The girl asked famous doctors, but her father went to Bo’s house several times, but nothing could be done. Therefore, when he learned that Miss Bo had grown up well and returned to Beijing, his father was surprised at first. He didn’t expect Mr. Cheng to be so powerful.”

Huo Weilou said: “Mr. Cheng did use a lot of tricks at the beginning, but the other thing is that she stayed away from the capital and lost the influence around her. Now that she has returned to the capital and faced her brother’s case, she will have to suffer. Lots of excitement.”

“The crux is here.” Ming Guilan said: “Mr. Cheng must have a way to stabilize Miss Bo’s condition. As long as she is not stimulated, how Miss Bo lived in the first twelve years will be how she will live in the future. , but it’s very difficult. Now that the government has finalized the case, Miss Bo knows the truth back then, and she is still in the capital, so she can’t always be like before.”

In the past, Bo Ruoyou couldn’t remember old things and she was thousands of miles away from the capital. As long as Cheng Yunzhi didn’t mention it, she wouldn’t think much about it except for the anniversary of Bo Lanzhou’s death. But now it’s very different.

Huo Weilou said: “My mother has been ill for many years. I naturally know the symptoms of this disease, but you are right. They are different. When my mother was ill, although she could not remember the old things, she regarded her father’s former study as her own. place, but she doesn’t have her father’s preferences, but Youyou is different.”

Ming Guilan was a little puzzled, Huo Weilou said: “I asked Bo’s family, they said that when she was crying when she was a child, the Dragon Beard Candy, which she usually disliked, could calm her down, and this Dragon’s Beard Candy could calm her down. Sugar candy is what her brother likes to eat.”

“Could it be…that Miss Bo feels very guilty about what happened to her brother? It’s just that her child doesn’t know how to express it, and she’s confused, so she changed her preferences?”

Ming Guilan obviously had no idea, Huo Weilou shook his head, “Recently, she has been unconscious twice and cried, but she didn’t remember what happened when she woke up. Perhaps, Bo Lanzhou’s case has been settled for a while. It will slow down.”

Ming Guilan was a little worried after hearing this, but he also had no explanation for such symptoms. Huo Weilou said: “When your father comes back, tell him that I have been here for Youyou’s illness. If he has a diagnosis and treatment method, he will come to you. Mansion.”

Ming Guilan naturally didn’t stay in Huo Weilou, so he left the house and went to Cheng’s house.

It was already late when we arrived at Cheng’s house, and the wind was freezing outside. When Huo Weilou saw Cheng Yunzhi, he went straight to find Bao Ruoyou. The ground in her house was extremely hot, so she was naturally happy to see him coming, but Huo Weilou just took a look. It seemed like she was worried.

After sitting down, Huo Weilou asked: “You had already rested when you came last night. Did you sleep well last night?”

Bao Ruoyou nodded in agreement and poured him tea again, but his gestures holding the teacup were a little weird. When she put down the teacup, Huo Weilou grabbed her hand and asked, “What’s wrong with your hand?”

Bao Ruoyou let him look at it. When he looked at it, he saw blood spots on his fingertips. Huo Weilou frowned and asked, “Where did you get it?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Bao Ruoyou curled his lips, but his thoughts drifted elsewhere, and the carelessness on his face could not escape Huo Weilou’s eyes.

He pulled her to his side and sat down, “Are you thinking about other things?”

Bo Ruoyou looked sad, as if he didn’t know how to speak. Huo Weilou looked dissatisfied, “Why can’t you tell me?”

Bao Ruoyou took a deep breath and suddenly looked at him solemnly, “The Marquis said before that I cried in nightmares, right?”

Huo Weilou’s heart tightened, but he could only nod. Bo Ruoyou said sternly: “Master Hou, I’m afraid it’s not a nightmare——”

This statement made Huo Weilou uneasy, but Bo Ruoyou seemed calm. She raised her hands and looked at the high cabinet in the distance. She first told about the strange behavior between Aunt Liang and Cheng Yunzhi yesterday, and then said: “Liang My aunt is not a flustered person. She said that I hid in the cupboard and she would never say anything. At first, I didn’t think much about it because I didn’t remember it at all. Besides, why did I hide in the cupboard?”

“It wasn’t until late in the evening that I discovered a wooden thorn on my hand. Yesterday, except for getting on and off the carriage, opening and closing doors, I didn’t touch any other wooden objects. How could there be a wooden thorn on my hand? So I didn’t notice it last night. After finishing it, I checked the cabinet.”

“This cabinet is well polished, but there is a rough spot in the corner of the cabinet, where there are a few burrs. And I have checked the clothes in the cabinet, and they are indeed no better than what I saw when I opened them yesterday morning. Qi Zheng, Mr. Hou, my memory is probably very poor, and I really can’t figure out why I went into the closet. I thought, I… I am sick.”

She spoke solemnly about how she discovered the abnormality, but at the last sentence, her voice suddenly became harsh. An unknown symptom had happened to her. Even as tough as she was, she was a little scared. Huo Weilou was heartbroken for a while. Because of this heartache, With an unconcealed expression on his face, Bo Ruoyou asked keenly: “Master Hou…do you know?”

Huo Weilou hesitated, Bo Ruoyou was so smart, and immediately understood that he had heard Cheng Yunzhi mention it when he came to the house last night. Her voice became even more solemn, “I…I guessed it. During breakfast this morning, my adoptive father She was particularly caring and cautious towards me. Even when I was at the worst of my illness, she had never been so cautious. I thought that what they said yesterday must be true, but they just didn’t want to Tell me the truth, my adoptive father now trusts the Marquis, and the Marquis must know it too.”

She suddenly felt an uncomfortable palpitation, and subconsciously wanted to take her hand out of Huo Weilou’s palm, “What’s wrong with me…”

Huo Weilou held her hand tightly and pushed her into his arms, “Yes, Mr. Cheng told me last night that it’s nothing. You’ve just been thinking too much lately. You’re not in good shape right now.” ?”

He hugged her very tightly, and his tone was full of love, as if he was afraid of losing her. Bo Ruoyou noticed that he seemed to be more nervous than she was, and for a moment she felt a little relieved. She hugged him back, and from there I have never wanted to talk to him as much as I do now.

She buried her cheek in his arms and said in a muffled voice: “Huo Weilou, I’m a little scared. Sometimes when I’m half asleep and half awake, I’ll suddenly become irritable and flustered. At that time, there seems to be another person. Talking to me…”

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