The Corpse Collector In Conan Chapter 870: Vodka, Brave 1st

Gin glances at Vodka.

Seeing that he obeyed the arrangement without any objection, Gin looked away and said nothing more.

Although vodka has many disadvantages, it also has many advantages. “Listening to the command” is undoubtedly a very prominent one among them.

It’s just… Qin Jiu thinks, I don’t know what’s the use of Wu Zuo asking someone to come over. After asking for a long time just now, I didn’t come up with it – Uzo only said that if he is curious, he can go to the stadium to watch.

“…” Thinking that this young cadre has always treated assassination with the same attitude as a drama, Jin Jiu couldn’t help rubbing Beretta on his waist. .

But in theory, he can understand the reason why Uzzo did this – in order to attract an audience, Uzzo did not hesitate to sink the organization’s ship, and now he wants to let Uzzo take the initiative to spoil things, he will definitely not open it easily …Fortunately, he has enough ability, and Belmod will also be present at that time, and any accidents can be dealt with in time. Compared to several other mysterious **** members, Uzo at least has a good attitude…

While thinking about it, the phone suddenly vibrated.

Jin Jiu glanced at the screen with murderous eyes, and found that it was a message from Jiang Xia.

Click on the message, and see the tone of the letter, revealing a strange happiness:

[By the way, I prepared a small gift for vodka as a reward for this help. Hope he likes it~]


Gin’s eyes fell at the end of the text, staring at the dangerous tilde, and fell silent for a while.

…Uzo usually sends emails, and the symbols used are relatively common. Even when describing the cases that excite him, most sentences end with periods, and even exclamation marks are rarely used.

According to Jinjiu’s observation, the appearance of the rare “~” usually means that Uzo wants to show his goodwill to the recipient.

It can be combined with Uzo’s nature… Every time he sees something like Uzo coming over, Gin feels that he sees something like a Venus flytrap slowly opening, exuding a sweet and friendly atmosphere , and waited for something to slam into it—”over-friendliness, freaky,” in Vodka’s words.

And now, that “something”…

Gin couldn’t help but glanced over at the vodka.

Next to him, Vodka, who was concentrating on driving, froze slightly.

Intuition tells him that the look in the eyes of Brother Gin is not quite right, and the meaning seems to be a bit complicated.

Vodka thought about the letter just now, and the person on the other end of the mailbox. In an instant, the cold hair stood up: “…Big brother?”

Gin put down the phone and thought for a moment: “I’ll go there tomorrow too.”

…go to the meeting place and observe.

If all is well with Uzo, then throw the vodka out of the car and go do something else.

And if Uzo isn’t in the right state…

That still doesn’t let the vodka deliver.

Speaking of which, there are only so many business areas for vodka. Bourbon has always been a little bit of everything, quite versatile.

At that time, we can push Bourbon out depending on the situation… Although I can’t direct him, but tell the adult that if Uzo needs someone to cooperate…

Uzo may have liked this result even better.

Thinking about it, Gin revealed a sinister sneer.

On the other side.

Jiang Xia knew nothing about the baseless slander and suspicion of the two colleagues.

The next morning.

Jiang Xia fell asleep after a long absence. When he woke up, he yawned with his eyes half closed, and habitually reached out to the bed to touch the cat.

After I touched it twice, I felt that today’s cat was dizzy, and it didn’t take the initiative to rub people.

“…?” Jiang Xia was slightly startled, then opened his eyes to take a look. Suddenly I remembered that yesterday I was patronizing the discussion of vodka, and I forgot to feed the cat after riding the leopard.

He lit a ghost mint and put it next to the cat.

A group of ghosts gathered around, happy to have dinner.

The doorbell rang suddenly.

Jiang Xia put on his clothes, walked to the door, looked out from the cat’s eye, but saw no one.

Then open the door and let people in.

This point comes to him, plus the height that can’t be seen through the cat’s eyes. It was already obvious who was coming.

——It should be Haibara Ai who came to visit with breakfast.

“I saw that your motorcycle was still in the yard, so I came here to see if you had eaten. I just happened to be making more.” Haiyuan Ai carried a three-layer lunch box and walked to the restaurant familiarly.

After setting breakfast, she suddenly felt something lying beside her.

Looking along, Haibara Ai was startled.

…There is a familiar cat on the dining chair.

The cat was holding a lit cigarette in its mouth. Under the shocked gaze of Haibara Ai, it took a sip comfortably with a leisurely expression.

Haibara Ai: “…?”

…how can you give a cat a cigarette!

However, judging from the taste, this is not smoke, but the refreshing dry foam of Jiangxia plants… No, no, no, this is not the point. The point is that a cat is smoking “smoke” comfortably. How strange. And…

Haibara Ai secretly inspected the cat’s body shape, and then looked at the very characteristic coat color, her face turned white.

——Isn’t this the anonymous cat who visited her house last time?

Ai Haibara remembered that at that time, a “Z” pattern was drawn on the cat’s paw by an unknown member.

At that time, the cat disappeared after a meal with her… Why did it appear here in Jiangxia again?

While surprised, Hai Yuanai suddenly recalled his previous speculation about “there won’t be a ‘Z’ tattoo hidden under Jiang Xia’s wristbands”, and he snorted in his heart.

While Jiang Xia went to wash up, Hai Yuanai carefully turned her head, spread her legs, and secretly looked at the living room and surrounding rooms.

After a while.

Haibara Ai found in a complicated mood that these places did not have any supplies related to raising cats. Neither in the yard.

In other words, this cat is probably just coming to visit, just like she and Dr. Agasa visited the other day.

“…” Thinking of this, look at the cat lying comfortably on the dining chair. Haibara Ai briefly fell into thought.

Miss Anonymous and Xiaobai seem to like to save high school detectives everywhere. And now it seems… as expected, even the anonymous cat likes to come and play with Jiang Xia.

Speaking of which, Haibara Ai suddenly remembered one thing: in the live broadcast that Dr. Agasa watched yesterday, it seems that this cat also appeared.

Haibara Ai was not very interested in Kidd’s performance, and was busy doing experiments yesterday, so she didn’t watch the live broadcast with Dr. Agasa.

However, judging from the information that he glanced at when passing by, Haibara Ai remembered that Detective White Horse was also there at the time – Detective White Horse was also a high school student detective.

“…” This anonymous cat really likes to wander around high school detectives. Just like the elusive Anonymous.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Xia’s voice came from far and near.

Haihara mourned and shook his head: “It’s fine.”

After a pause, I finally couldn’t help reminding: “Does the cat smoke…does it matter?”


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