The Conjuror Xena: 454: “Wind Spirit Orb”, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Enchanting Summoner!

Gumei’s demon bells kept reverberating between heaven and earth, and all the living creatures within a hundred meters had already been crushed into powder. This extreme magic weapon was continuously activated, causing the dark elements between the sky and the earth to surge frantically towards the bell holder.

This is the task that the Demon Ancestor gave to Demon Tin and Demon Bell during the once-in-a-millennium meeting.

Even if it was suppressed by the Great Demon Sealing Array, the first demon ancestor in the abyss could still feel Morris’ illusionary weapon continuously converging, which made him feel extremely angry and frightened.

The trauma that Morris left him back then has not healed, but has turned from the body to the soul!

As long as the First Demon Ancestor smells a little breath of Morris, he will immediately fall into a kind of madness!

The Wind Spirit Orb was the first round he set.

He didn’t order the demon kings to come out of the hole and find out and kill the enchanting man with the spirit orb.

Because he understood that it was not a descendant who could replace Morris in the human race, but the fateful reincarnation, pushing another person in the long history to the peak of the human race.

Kill this person, the giant wave still rolls forward.

So the way the entire Demon Race fights against fate and heaven does not only stop at the level of killing, but he wants to stand on top of fate and rewrite the entire historical waves…

Distorting the fate of the entire Chuyuan Heaven and Earth in a way that is not seen by the world!

He is the giant hand beside the wheel of fate stretched out in the void, his power is enough to surpass all things and all beings!

In the dark night, the dialogue in the woods continues.

“Why didn’t my father come?”


“Oh, where did I say? By the way, Senior Xing Mo, why didn’t my father come?”


“Oh, Senior Xing Mo, it’s strange, why is your face so pale, I’m so thirsty, is the air in this forest poisonous? And ah, why did you send the spirit beads, I Where did the lunatic father go?”


The Baizhang dense forest with enchanting center in the forest seems to have stopped at one point throughout the night, repeating exactly the same dialogue, the magic tin standing on the tree and pretending to be “Xing Mo”, early My feet are already stiff, I can’t wait to slap the human sister who is still talking in front of me into scum!

But he is not the worst.

“It’s too hard to get it done!”

Ma Ling, hiding in the dark, has bleeding from the corners of her lips. She has not suffered such a serious internal injury in a century.

Because of the constant activation of Tian Mo Ling, her gorgeous skin is now dull and dull, as if all the vitality in the body has been brutally sucked away by the three golden bells tightly held in the palm of her hand!

If it hadn’t been for the iron order made by the demon ancestor herself, her murderous desire for enchanting was a hundred times stronger than the demon tin stiff on the treetops!

She didn’t dare to speculate on the depth of Master Demon’s arrangement like this, so she swears to death, she will also complete this task!


“The deity is fighting! Dead ants! After the master demon’s plan is completed, the deity must kill you and stew it into soup!”

She squinted her enchanting face fiercely with her eyes, Mo Ling’s expression struggled, and finally she was cruel, bit her tongue and sprayed her most precious blood onto the golden bell in her hand!

After absorbing Mo Ling’s blood, three golden bells the size of peach pits immediately emitted a powerful and enchanting magic light, as if some unspeakable power was brewing in the bells!

“Enchanting…you are finished, hurry up, go back to sleep…”

Xing Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing it was the one hundred and tenth time he answered like this.

Long and monotonous repetitions made big blood bubbles out of his mouth. And the most desperate thing is… he has no idea how long such a boring conversation will continue.

“Okay, but I still have a question, where did my dad go?”

The enchanting is endless, as if this problem in memory will never be obliterated by anything, another questioning made Moxi want to kill him on the spot.

For Moxi and Mobell, this is something that has never been encountered before. The belief in a person’s heart can be so strong that even the illusion of Jidao cannot be eliminated, and it is constantly destroyed and regenerated, only from this point. From the top, it makes them feel fearful and jealous of their enchanting determination and character.

It’s just that after Mo Ling vomited blood, the sky magic bell in her hand increased several times in vain, and the female devil holding the sky magic bell was rapidly aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. Her body was bone and blood, strength and spiritual energy. , Are all pouring into the golden bell frantically.


A soft sound.

The complicated step patterns appeared under her feet, and then she made a heartbreaking sound… part of the step pattern symbols, as the golden bell’s power exploded… and instantly shattered!

The strength collapsed!

If the enchanting can see the step pattern under Mo Ling’s feet at this time, she will definitely vomit blood for three liters, because she is actually a terrifying demon at the peak of five declines!

Half-step Nirvana!

It’s no wonder that Mo Ling has the supremacy easily above Ji Tianbai in the Mozu! Such strength, if placed in the Human Race, it will definitely be ranked in the top five of the Human Race!

And it is such a terrifying devil who sacrificed his ten thousand years of cultivation, and reactivated the power of the magic bell at the cost of all the background of a realm!

You said how could she not hate enchantment in her bones?

The fifth decline of heaven and human beings is to directly **** people into the thunder world! Standing upright in a million rushing thunder, a strong man who has undergone such cruel experience can truly reach the half-step Nirvana.

In order to confuse the will of a female cultivator of the human race, Mo Ling gave up her powerful strength, and since she was willing to become a demon king in the early stage of five declines.

I’m afraid that her current sacrifice will drop her strength to the 100th place in the Demon Clan ranking list. In order to keep her loyalty to the first demon ancestor, she has no other choice at this time!

Because the eastern sky has begun to faintly white…time, there is not much.

“If this is the case, you still don’t forget… the old lady tore you a bitch!”

A lot of magic blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and Mo Ling tried her last bit of strength, and began to shake the golden bell in her hand with exhaustion.

A golden bell was driven by power, and immediately following its own vibration, it projected an illusion of a huge bell 100 meters high in the air in front of it!

This phantom is not so much a “bell”, it is better to say that it is now bigger than the Buddha bell in the towering temple!

The enchanting and bright “bell” shadow under Mo Ling’s left and right, lightly acted as a hood for enchanting!

Although the enchanting illusion of the golden light is completely invisible to the blind, but since the “bell” shadow completely envelops her from top to bottom, the phantom immediately uttered a trembling bell!

This voice can’t be heard by anyone, but only the enchanting one can feel it…the endless magical sound, which seems to be emitted from any angle in the air, with a posture that will not allow anyone to reject or resist. Invaded the enchanting body imperiously.

Cracked her skin, penetrated into her texture, poured into her bone marrow, and deeply imprinted those modified and tampered memories in every part of her body!

“Ah!” The migratory birds in the forest screamed.

Headache is splitting. Enchanting screamed and then suddenly fainted to the ground. Seeing her suddenly faint aura, she might not be awake at all for a while!

Until she fell to the ground enchantingly, Moxi dared to shake her stiff feet, step by step walked in front of the perverted female sister, touched her arm with her foot, and found that she had really fainted.

“Damn! Don’t fall anymore, I will fall.”

With a fierce spit, Moxi immediately restored its original appearance and began to shout Mo Ling’s name!

“Master Mo Ling…”

I thought Mo Ling would appear in front of his eyes soon, but Mo Xi still didn’t find Mo Ling’s figure after yelling for a few times, so he had to leave the enchanting fainted and start to panic around. Look for Mo Ling’s figure.

Soon Moxi smelled Mo Ling’s breath, but after looking through the grass, his eyes shrank severely!

There is a misty shadow curled up on the ground, Mo Ling’s entire face has degenerated to the appearance before transformation, old…but covered with scales.

Her body rickets like an old man, trembling constantly in the wind.

“Master Mo Ling…you you you…how did you become like this?”

Moxi yelled in consternation, already scared of everything in front of him and lost his calm mood.

In the Celestial Demon Elders Association, Mo Ling’s position is very noble. Even Mo Xi, who is also an elder in the association, must respectfully call her: “My lord!”

This adult has never shown such a weak side in front of fellow demons in his life. But now, she was like a yellow leaf in the autumn wind, shivering and limp.

Too unexpected!

“How does this look like?”

The rising roar.

“You can’t see it when you’re blind, the deity has abandoned the cultivation base, and then forcibly erased the memory of the human race ant!”

Mo Ling didn’t get bored when seeing Mo Xi’s cowering look. Because there was nowhere for the anger to erupt, all of it was sent to the Enchanted Tin.

“It’s all you useless guys. It’s not enough to directly transform into a man called “Aslant”! Why is it not transformed into the **** thing of Xingmo, so that the deity has to constantly wipe Go to the doubt in her heart!”

Almost screaming, Mo Ling’s howling almost deafened Mo Xi’s ears.

This made Moxi even more frightened, but fortunately, even if Mo Ling was scolded, the little cleverness he had hidden in his head at this time did not disappear, but instead allowed him to find a way of reasoning more smoothly.

“Then’Aslant’ is the father of the nun. You have seen it, Lord Mo Ling. This woman has always been thinking about this person. If I transform into his appearance, I dare to pack a ticket, no matter what What kind of enchantment a woman is subjected to can definitely tell the truth from the false at a glance, so in order to seek the truth, the villain is best to turn into a criminal ink… At least the devilish breath on him is more for the villain It’s a disguise.”

Moxi is very reasonable. The “Xing Mo” he disguised as “Xing Mo” has made the enchanting hostile several times. If he really appeared in the appearance of Aslant, I am afraid that enchanting would really have a way to break away directly from their arrangement. trap.

Mo Ling was speechless by Moxi. After a while, she waved weakly and said to Moxi:

“Forget it, this loss, the deity bears it!”

A peak of five failures degenerates into the early stage of five failures, and the aura is extremely exhausted. This is simply more exhausting than a prolonged battle. Because of the collapse of Mo Ling’s strength, the impact on the upper battle power of the Mozu is also extremely heavy.

If it hadn’t been for the purpose of observing Mozu’s order and killing Moling, she would not have made such a sacrifice.

“You come to carry the deity and return to the Demon Realm, and throw that **** back to her companion by the way. Her memory has been absolutely rewritten by the deity.”

Crushing her teeth, Mo Ling angrily squeezed the word “Bitch” from between her lips and teeth, and then waved weakly to Moxi.

Fortunately, Moxi has always been a timid fellow. If I change to another elder of the Celestial Demon Presbyterian Church, he might take advantage of Moling’s weakness and slap her to death, and then take the Celestial Bell from her hand. .

However, Moxi, who was fairly honest, really obediently carried Mo Ling on his back, and then pulled the enchanting fainted person and went straight to the small village Yukong.

The early morning of the second day came soon.

The enchanting was awake by Ying Tianqing, and then he heard the thunderous roar of the uncle driving the car!

“Slackers! Get up soon! Before this evening, we are going to the Kunshan sect boundary, you guys who don’t want to move when you are full! The sun is so high that you can’t get up! “

“I never wait for someone in the carriage of Lao Tzu! If you don’t get in the car in five minutes, let’s walk to Kunshan by yourself!”

After screaming, the uncle who drove the car was already sitting on the front of the car.

“Head…it hurts…”

Enchantingly rubbing his temples, I have never felt so tired when I get up.

“Last night…was a dream?”

I vaguely thought of the scene where Xing Mo appeared in the night and then handed the Wind Spirit Orb into his own hands. At this time, the enchanting felt that it was just a dream.

But as soon as she lifted her body from the haystack, her palm suddenly felt pain from something hard.


Turning open the hay under the palm of your hand, a cyan spirit orb suddenly appeared in front of the enchanting eyes.

The soft and pure light instantly made her sleepy.

Wind Spirit Orb!

As soon as the green light appeared, the enchanting immediately pressed the Wind Spirit Orb into his palm.


If I vaguely remember the dream of the previous night, then the Wind Spirit Orb has been put into the beast control ring. Is it because I am afraid that I can’t remember clearly, this guy rolled out of the beast control ring again?

The memory is a bit hazy, but the enchanting still threw the Wind Spirit Orb back into the beast control ring in the fastest time.

She longed for the Consummation of the Six Spirits, precisely because she had already seen the power of the illusion weapon soar after the six spirits gathered. If a single spirit orb is put into the beast control ring, there is no problem, but it is absolutely impossible for her to enter the world of the beast control ring with the six spirits!

Whether it is the gathering of the six spirits or the whole body of golden bones, the enchanting feels that it is possible for him to say goodbye to the world in the beast control ring forever. So she didn’t want to think about the beast control ring at all, and only put her thoughts on the experience of last night.

The more I think about it, the more headache!

It seems that the memory is clear, but I always feel that something is wrong.

“Well… there is a little Xingmo made right.”

“It also refused to recognize me as the master.”

Enchantingly touched his chin with a positive expression.

“This Wind Spirit Orb has been circulated in a family in the Azure Dragon Continent. It is still passed down from generation to generation in the way of’eyes’. It has too much blood and breath of that family, so it seems to be with the other five spirits. Zhu, isn’t it very close.”

With regard to the relationship between Lingzhu, enchanting has its own feelings.

For example, the Fire Spirit Orb, as long as you move it slightly, you can immediately get the echo of all the Spirit Orbs, and it looks like it is the most popular one. As soon as the Dark Spirit Orb moved, all the Spirit Orbs would evade, as if it were an alien, and no one wanted to get involved with it. In contrast, the Light Spirit Orb is so arrogant that no one wants to care about it, the Water Spirit Orb can be approached by anyone, and the Earth Spirit Orb is dull and dislikes communication.

Then the Wind Spirit Orb… I am afraid it is the most unpredictable and quirky bead that can’t cause the Spirit Orbs to fluctuate at all.

The enchanting doesn’t know that he has such a conjecture, and has completely fallen into the prediction of the first demon ancestor.

The power of the first demon ancestor and his familiarity with Morris’s magic weapon are enough for him to imitate a “companion” who can’t tell the true or false even the Morris Orb!

If he didn’t even have this means and confidence, it would be a waste of him to arrange for Moxi and Mo Ling to prepare such a good show.

The First Demon Ancestor ruled the Demon Race for so many months, and slaughtered the strongest human supreme and countless masters in the Doomsday War. Even if suppressed and sealed, he can still make his deterrent power spread throughout the entire Demon Realm.

Because even if his strength is weakened, he is still the supreme powerhouse that cannot be surpassed in the descendants of the demons for thousands of years. hit.

It’s so strong!

Existence like the Dao of Heaven…Although Human Race does not want to admit it, the first person in the world is not someone from Human Race, but the ancient ancestor of Demon Race from ancient times to the present!

He said that the vast land of the early Yuan Dynasty was like a chessboard in his eyes.

Nothing wrong! The First Demon Ancestor has such conceited strength and heritage!

The chess pieces counted by him, whether they are enchanting or Aslant, as well as those human powers who have appeared or have not appeared, no one can escape the moment when he is swayed by him.

But even so, destiny still has such a one-tenth chance…because of the change of one step, the ever-changing results will be regenerated on the chessboard.

It’s just that now, the chess pieces have not yet awakened, and I don’t know why that one in ten thousand change will happen!

What we can know is…The flames of war on the earth have not disappeared. One day, the unburned flames of doomsday will surely return to this evil-cursed world with a more rapid momentum.

“Cousin, don’t be in a daze, I don’t want to walk to Kunshan Sect.”

Seeing the enchanting chin in a daze, Ying Tianqing immediately pulled her arm from the haystack, rushed forward, and threw the enchanting directly into the carriage that had begun to move forward. He also slammed into the door, squeezing himself into the small carriage with the help of the threshold.

The ferocious uncle driver did not bluff people, saying that people would leave at the right time. As expected, before enchanting and Ying Tianqing got into the car, he raised his whip.

Seeing enchanting and Ying Tianqing falling into the car in such embarrassment, the fellow travelers in the car suddenly burst into laughter.

Since everyone grilled cassava and talked together last night, the relationship of the group is far better than the silent and drowsy appearance on the first day.

They hurriedly helped up enchanting and Ying Tianqing, and then began to enthusiastically search for various topics.

At the beginning, he explained to Enchanting and Ying Tianqing that the old man who was driving the car was not a bad guy, and accompanied a girl who looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old. In addition, there were three identical brothers, and A mother and child.

With the enchanting and Ying Tianqing pair of “brothers and sisters”, it happens to be a team of nine people.

“You also went to Kunshan Sect to find relatives or make a living, right?”

It was the old man who spoke first.

Although Kunshan Sect is a training site for summoners, the dirty work of raising phantom beasts, watering elixir, planting medicinal materials, repairing walls, repairing roads and washing clothes still requires a lot of servants to complete.

Some civilians who want to come to eat or have an unusually awe of the summoner will sometimes go to the mountain to ask for an errand to eat. Maybe if I inhale more aura, one day I can suddenly achieve an amazing career.

There is no shortage of such legends in the world.

It is said that three hundred years ago, a fireman of the Kunshan Sect had the power to cleanse his body impurities because he burned the spirit wood every day to get boiling water to serve tea to the elders in the sect. A certain main peak was accepted as an outer disciple.

Although the strength of the mere Tier 6 of the God of War is not something to be proud of for the inner disciples, it is simply a bright dawn in their lives for the civilians who have no hope of becoming a strong one throughout their lives.

As long as there is the Dao of Heaven in your heart, no matter what your background or qualifications, the Dao of Heaven will open a door for its believers…

So seeing the expectant expressions on the faces of his companions, the old man would interrogate like this.

“Well, the three of our brothers just want to go to Kunshan Sect to find some heavy physical work to do.”

As soon as the old man’s voice fell, one of the triplets puffed up his shoulder muscles and answered the old man’s words excitedly.

Young people are full of hope and longing in their hearts.

They are eager to one day they can suddenly get some unknown opportunity, so as to start the legendary journey that belongs to them only.

Such a gorgeous dream looks so thin and feeble in this dilapidated little carriage, but at this time everyone has such a flashy dream in their hearts, so their humble wish can be unscrupulously said to their companions at this time, no People will ridicule and ridicule, only to taste the sweet taste of dreams together.

It’s just that in this joyful fusion, only one person is so incompatible with the joy and sharing of everyone.

The enchanting closed eyes and holding his chin, I feel that the Wind Spirit Orb is weird no matter how you think…

But **** it, she couldn’t think of what was to blame.

“It seems that I have to talk to my dad once to see if my doubts are too heavy? I feel uneasy recently… God knows something bad is about to happen to me again.”

The enchanting smile was helpless, and then his mood turned from heavy to open.

No matter what happens, it is impossible to be under her control, but what does it matter? Every mountain relies on two feet to climb and leave it far behind. Every time a crisis comes, you can cross it seriously!

------Off topic------

Something happened temporarily in August, so now Feather enters the storage period of crazy codewords, and try not to reduce production. At the same time, I will let you know and hope you understand.

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