The Brilliant Fighting Master Chapter 956: Re-entering the Ice Spirit Race

Those who have not mastered Taoism are destined to not become the strongest.

Unfortunately, the Taoism in today’s world is firmly controlled by the holy land and the religion, and outsiders have no chance to practice.

Jiang Chen thought of the inheritance of his undefeated God of War.

I still remember that there was news that a complete ancient scripture was found in the title inheritance guidelines.

That also means that Taoism is recorded in it.

Unfortunately, not long after the news came out, someone from the Seventh Realm forcibly took away the ancient scriptures.

“In my inheritance, there may be Taoism.”

Jiang Chen’s heart was greatly moved, no matter what kind of Taoism, his four Qi practitioners can all practice.

Unexpectedly, his gaze turned to the direction of the Ice Spirit Race.

“Wait until my father’s decisive battle is over.”

Soon, Jiang Chen gave up his plan to leave.

He still doesn’t want to step into the spiritual soil of the Ice Spirit Race, and dare not face the senior sister.

Two days later, Jiang Chen put aside his things and came to Yizhou.

Today is the day of the war.

Not only is he paying attention alone, this decisive battle has become the focus.

Because the news is known in advance, a mirror transmission array is arranged near the battlefield.

In this way, large cities in the nine borders and ten states can be seen in real time.

People who enter the city are charged an expensive fee.

In spite of this, the city is still unprecedentedly hot.

Jiang Chen stood in the crowd, looking up at the giant crystal in the middle of the city.

On the flat mirror surface, there is a picture of the battlefield in the spiritual realm.

When the sun rose, Jiang Chen saw his father.

The city suddenly became lively, and the noise hit the sky.

Most people saw Jiang Qingyu for the first time, and were attracted by this man’s demeanor at first sight.

Many people watched his appearance carefully, and indeed found that he was similar to Jiang Chen, and there was a sigh of being worthy of being a father and son.

“What is the imperial society of the Godwing tribe.”

People began to look forward to the arrival of the emperor of the Divine Wings.

But at this moment, the picture in the crystal disappeared!

For a moment, countless complaints sounded in the city.

Many irritable people threaten the leaders in the city to recover as quickly as possible.

However, soon news came that not only in this city, but all the cities in the nine states and ten states have lost their pictures.

The problem is not on this side, but on the battlefield of the spiritual realm!

The arrangement of the transfer formation was destroyed.

Many people yelled at them, and they were full of dissatisfaction.

“Could it be that the Divine Wings do not want to show up?”

Someone thought.

Jiang Qingyu has appeared generously, and naturally there is no reason to destroy it, only the Divine Wings.

People are complaining about the stinginess of the Divine Wings, but some people feel that something is not right.

For example, Jiang Chen, he almost has an intuition that things are definitely not simple.

However, he can’t do anything, it will take him half a month to rush to the spiritual realm.

At the same time, the Mining World War is erupting in the spirit realm.

Jiang Chen can only wait for the news to come.

Every minute and every second is suffering, and finally got through the afternoon when the crystal finally appeared again.

Everyone, including him, opened their mouths and let out a neat exclamation.

In the morning, the battlefield I saw was over the prairie of Yimapingchuan.

But now, the grassland is completely unrecognizable, not only as simple as riddled with holes, but the landform has become a grand canyon.

There are traces of fighting everywhere.

But the battle is over, no matter it is Jiang Qingyu or Shenyi Emperor, they are all invisible.

Jiang Chen frowned, he knew something was wrong.

The Divine Wings are good at speed, and his father is also a master of kendo.

The battle between the two sides is a speed contest and should not cause such damage.

Look at those traces again, it’s not just caused by a source technique.

Sure enough, the latest news came in the evening.

The emperor of the Divine Wing Clan did not abide by the rules and took the emperors of the other four clans to besiege Jiang Qingyu.

Among these four tribes, there is the Flame God tribe. It is said that one of their outstanding disciples died tragically in the Zhenwu Realm, which is related to Jiang Qingyu.

Jiang Chen was startled and thought of the four ancient tribes killed in Shenwu City.

He thought that the ancients would retaliate, but he didn’t expect to use this method.

“Damn it.”

Jiang Chen was anxious, unable to sit still, and headed to the spiritual realm.

The result of the victory and defeat came out in the middle of the night.

Being besieged by five ancient emperors, Jiang Qingyu did not let the wind fall.

According to the onlookers present, Jiang Qingyu’s white clothes are like snow, with empty hands.

Use only one hand in the battle to run the sword art, and the Five Emperors are at a disadvantage.

That’s not even counted. In the end, two kings died under his sword.

However, Jiang Qingyu also paid a heavy price, and his right arm was cut off from his shoulder.

The remaining three emperors launched a fierce offensive, but failed to take Jiang Qingyu the first time.

Later, Jiang Qingyu knew that there was no hope of surviving, and wanted to die with the Three Emperors.

So when the three emperors performed a move of “Sword Thirteen”, the three emperors ran away early, but they were still severely injured and escaped.

After that, Jiang Qingyu’s whereabouts were unknown, and the Three Emperors slumped back to the seventh realm.

All kinds of news flew all over the sky for a while.

Some people say that Jiang Qingyu finally stood in the sun and turned into a golden flame and disappeared.

Someone also said that he flew thousands of miles away and fell into a snowy mountain somewhere.

Some people say that he was captured by the ancients and taken to the seventh realm.

There are all kinds of news, it is difficult to tell the truth from the false, most of which are rumors.

Jiang Chen used all his abilities to rush to the spiritual realm and the battlefield in less than ten days.

At this time, it is very lively here, and countless people come here to feel the unprecedented battle.

Standing on the battlefield, Jiang Chen could feel that the sword aura belonging to his father still remained everywhere.

But after a search, there was no clue.

Jiang Chen thought that now the Ice Spirit Race is the overlord of the Spirit Realm, and he should know a lot about what happened here.

So Jiang Chen went to the Ice Spirit Race without hesitation.

After he learned that Senior Sister had turned the four tribes of wind, fire, wood, and earth into a snowy territory through the “Frozen Miles”, he understood why the Ice Spirit tribe paid so much attention.

But for him, these are no longer important.

He came to the snowy area he had visited before and headed towards the ice palace.

There is no change in the wind and snow, and there is still no vitality in the snowy area of ​​Wanli.

Even if a disciple of the Ice Spirit race flies by, it will only make the world colder.

“I said you, what are you doing here?”

A group of young people saw Jiang coming up to intercept him.

“Find someone.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the person, only said two words, and continued flying.

It’s just a look, these people are dumbfounded and dare not act rashly.

“It looks like that person…”

It’s also a coincidence that this group of people had met Jiang Chen before when they proposed marriage.

When I saw it just now, there was a feeling of deja vu, like an electric shock, unable to move.

They looked at Jiang Chen’s back, with mixed feelings in their hearts, not knowing what they were thinking.

In the Ice Palace, General Wei still leads the Forbidden Army, but his personality has changed drastically compared to before.

He was domineering and defiant, he got rid of bad habits, and he was very polite to everyone, which made the Ice Spirit tribe very surprised.

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