The Brilliant Fighting Master Chapter 835: Holy Woman

? Because the impact of the battle at Xuan Lei Gate was too great, Jiang Chen and Yao Yuntong acted separately.


   This was proposed by Jiang Chen, and he didn’t want to hurt others.


After using the   Shenhuo ring several times, it can still be used for about seven minutes.


When    is used up, his situation will become precarious.


  ”I hope the two guardians of the Fire Spirit Race can have a deterrent effect.”


  Only in this way can he be strong enough in seven minutes.


  ”If the three-year covenant can reach the Great Venerable with the Divine Body, it is enough to walk into the Ice Spirit Race with your head up and chest up.”


   “Obtain the title and find the inheritance according to the title guide, so as to meet the needs of the divine body.”


On the way to   , Jiang Chen was thinking about the future road again.


  The Yandi inheritance is in the seventh realm. According to the rules of the Yandi inheritor, there must be danger waiting for him there, and he can only temporarily put it aside.


  At this time, the flying boat he was in passed a mountain and river.


   Here is still the deep winter season, snow is fluttering, and the top of the mountains is white.


   Jiang Chen noticed something and stopped the flying boat.


   His heavenly eyes found a man in the mountain, sitting in the ice and snow, his whole body covered with snow.


  When Jiang Chen’s flying ship arrived, with this person as the center, all the snow attacked the flying ship, as if the ship had a special suction.


   Jiang Chen yelled badly, feeling a sense of crisis, and the other party was waiting for him here specially.


  ”Ice Spirit Race?”


   That breath is very similar to the Ice Spirit Clan that Jiang Chen has seen. He suddenly thought of Feiyu, but he didn’t think it was.


  ”At the time of Xuan Lei Sect, no one from the Ice Spirit Clan came to call the formation, why would they deliberately wait for me here?”


   Among the eight spirit tribes, the fire spirit tribe and the earth spirit tribe have the most enemies.


   Regardless, Jiang Chen put away the flying boat. This is his tool for driving. If it is destroyed, he can only fly on his own.


  Leave aside the speed issue. Without flying ships, it is impossible to freely pass through the forbidden land.


   He punched, and the scorching fire melted the snow into water.


  Before the water evaporates, a wave of spiritual power turns it into profound ice, turning it into a sharp sword, and stabbing him.


   Jiang Chen frowned, holding the Chi Xiao Sword in his hand, responding easily.


   “If you want to kill me at such a distance, unless you are the Great Venerable.” Jiang Chen said downward.


  ”Spirituality: Mirror Flower Water Moon.”


   still can’t see the other party, but there is a soft voice in the ear.


   Xuanbing’s sword’s edge changed again, becoming a square ice cube with an extremely smooth surface, reflecting the figure of a woman.


  ”The Saintess of the Ice Spirit Race?”


   The last time he was on the Danhuang Ship, Jiang Chen had seen each other, and for a while he mistakenly thought it was a senior sister.


  She is in the ice, which is even more ethereal and unreal.


   Without giving Jiang Chen a chance to speak, countless ice cones shot out.


   Jiang Chen could easily resist at first, but I didn’t expect that the figure of the Saint Lady of the Ice Spirit Race was reflected in each block of ice, and the ice cones came from all directions.


   These ice cones are not ordinary sharp weapons, and the spiritual power they contain is exceptionally pure, and their sharpness is not lost to the spiritual weapons.


   Like a torrential rain, shooting continuously, Jiang Chen drew the Tianque sword with the other hand.


   “Don’t talk anymore, don’t blame me for being polite.” Jiang Chenhan said.


   The saint remained silent, and the ice cone became more and more rapid.




   Jiang Chen yelled, the wind and fire sword state formed, wind and fire like a fierce fire dragon, swallowing the ice cone and hitting the ice on each side.


  Who knows that ice cubes are so hard that the fire can’t melt them immediately, but water is gradually flowing.


  ”Water and fire restrain each other, it means water restrains fire, not fire restrains water.”


   The soft voice of the Saintess of the Ice Spirit came again, as if not fighting, but chatting with tea.


   Jiang Chen wants to get out of the ice, this is the wisest way to deal with it.


   But ice cubes are not only on all sides, but also up and down. There is a gap of less than half a meter on each side.


   “In that case.”


   Jiang Chen raised both the Chixiao Sword and the Tianque Sword at the same time.


  ”Sparkle prairie fire!”


   “God thunder sword!”


  The burning sky demon flame melts all the ice cones, and the thunder and lightning blooms, sublimated in the water, hitting every ice block.




  The ice cubes were all broken, and the real body of the Saintess of the Ice Spirit also appeared not far away.


   “The technique of instantaneous body!”


   Jiang Chen couldn’t breathe, and came to her, the palm of thunder and lightning grabbed her neck.


   Unexpectedly, the Saintess of the Ice Spirit tribe is like fragile porcelain, cracking at the sound.


   Jiang Chen was startled, and looked around, dozens of ice spirit tribe saints stood in the air, not in the ice this time.


  ”Spirituality hasn’t been broken yet?”


   Jiang Chen realized the strength of the Saintess of the Ice Spirit Race, and he was shocked.


   Xinghuoliaoyuan and Shenleihuajian can be said to be his absolute style, but there is no way to get the other party.


   “Water and fire are incompatible, human and spirit are incompatible.”


   Every ice spirit saint opened her mouth and said exactly the same thing.


   Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, suddenly thinking of something.


   This is the test of the Ice Spirit Race!


   or it is embarrassing.


   Regardless of which type, he has already received the attention of the Ice Spirit Race.


   The high level of the Ice Spirit Clan, that is, the royal clan, knows his relationship with the spiritual girl, the senior sister.


   Today, Jiang Chen is the youngest and most promising Celestial Alchemist, a disciple of Emperor Wu, and a genius in the Fifth Palace.


   Apart from having no backer to rely on, it is particularly dazzling among the younger generation.


  ”Is this the test of the Ice Spirit Race? If you defeat you, you can pass the level?” Jiang Chen said.


   The saint didn’t speak, but she didn’t deny it either. The face still couldn’t be seen clearly.


   In the next second, a mysterious ice sword appeared in the saint’s hand.


   “Sword power?!”


   The opponent’s sword is only Xuanbing, but it has a not-low kendo power. Under the operation of spiritual power, the sword power is extremely terrifying.


  The human race cannot get close to the upright martial arts like the spirit race, so they can practice spiritual power.


  The spirit race can practice martial arts that the human race is good at.


   This is the reason for the arrogance of the spirit race, thinking that he is the proud son of heaven.


   “Since it is related to the senior sister, then it is offended.”


   Jiang Chen sneered, this inexplicable battle made his blood boil.


   He put the two swords in the sheath, but his hands did not leave the hilt.


   “Ssuna Sword Technique: Third Style!”


   Even when facing a large group of spirit races, Jiang Chen had never used this type of sword trick.


   people turned into nothingness, I saw the flashing light, one by one the ice spirit tribe saints shattered and turned into ice scum.


   Less than a Jiang Chen stood with a sword, and all the saints disappeared.


   “Come out.”


   Jiang Chen said.


   A cold wind blew by, with great strength and endless chill.


   “The Profound Meaning of Wind?! This is at least the fourth one!”


   Jiangchen’s face was as sinking as water, then he lost his face in shock, and said: “There is also the profound meaning of the fifth layer of water!”


   The cold wind blew across his body, and his joints immediately made a sound of freezing, and then mysterious ice covered his whole body, turning him into an ice sculpture.


   After this, the real body of the Saintess of Ice Spirit appeared.


   “The top genius of the Spirit Race is not something you can contend with. Go back, you are not Huo Zhengyu and they do it, and don’t stay in the Middle Three Realms anymore. This is not your stage.” The Ice Spirit Race Saint said.



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