The Brilliant Fighting Master Chapter 624: Shimen

? “Do you believe her?”

After Jiang Chen came back and told Tang Shiya about Extreme Evil Island, she asked such a sentence.

Jiang Chen met her gaze and slowly said: “You have never seen the Cross League harvest human lives as weeds when boarding a ship.”

“My classmate would not do such a thing!” Tang Shiya insisted.

“Actually…” Jiang Chen told about Liu Feng and Jiang Zhenhai on the island.

Tang Shiya didn’t know about it yet, she was shocked after hearing it, and she couldn’t speak.

It would be fine if it was Liu Feng, but Jiang Zhenhai, who took good care of her, did the same.

“Going to war with her will destroy the Zhenhai, and that will not save people. This is the most important thing.” Jiang Chen said again.

Tang Shiya looked suspicious, and said sourly: “You don’t want to go to war.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help feeling novel, but she didn’t expect that she would be jealous, who is always intellectual and generous.

“Jiang Chen, you won’t be snatched by her.” Tang Shiya said with concern.

“No,” Jiang Chen said.

Tang Shiya naturally rushed to his chest and said: “Jiang Chen, I’m so scared, is the pirate really young as you said?”

Jiang Chen once said about the age of Brahma.


Jiang Chen himself is unbelievable. He is less than 30 years old and has become a realm of heavenly respect.

If it weren’t for her being forced into the Twilight Sea, there would be almost no suspense in the Three Realms.

“She is definitely not an ordinary cultivator. She also has a combat body or other things like you.”

Tang Shiya is very envious, every time she talks about war body, she always does this.

Now that Brahma Music is still a competitor, there is a strong sense of urgency.

Suddenly, Tang Shiya put her mouth to Jiang Chen’s ear, and said in an inaudible voice: “Jiang Chen, you want me.”

Jiang Chen was startled. For some reason, he remembered the words of Brahma.

Does not rule out that he deliberately said that to split his relationship with Tang Shiya.

Tang Shiya, who couldn’t get a response, raised a sad face and said: “Do you dislike me, or are you afraid that she will dislike you?”

“Nothing, just say this at this time…” Jiang Chen said in a tangle.

“I want it, I want the woman to hear you, you are mine!” Tang Shiya went out, her face flushed, and she dared to say anything.

She said again: “And don’t you say that you can practice? I don’t want to be so weak, two realms away from her.”

What else did Jiang Chen want to say, when he suddenly smelled the special scent of Tang Shiya’s body, his heart was aroused, and his body was hot.


The door of the room was not used to open at this moment, and Brahma Yin was looking at the two people.

Although she can’t see the expression on her face, the aura emanating from her body also knows how angry she is at this time.

Tang Shiya was very afraid of her and immediately let go of Jiang Chen’s body.

Fan Tianyin looked at Jiang Chen again, and said coldly: “The map has been completely pieced together, it’s useless to keep you.”

Jiang Chen frowned tightly, dragging the bronze cauldron with his palm.

If all this is to deceive the map, then this woman’s scheming is really terrible.

“I am teasing you, let’s go, know where the Poseidon’s treasure house is.”

Who knows that Brahma’s arrogance suddenly disappeared, this woman is like a sea of ​​change, unable to figure it out.

Immediately, the two followed Brahma to the other thieves.

“The most important piece of him is missing to know the whole map.”

“It turns out that the Poseidon’s treasure house is on a small island not far from us.”

It is precisely for this reason that Brahma Sound will find the Evil Island.

The slightest loss is a thousand miles away.

These thieves all know about the island on the map.

The area is not as large as the Zhenhai ship, so you can fly into the air and look down.

So knowing that the Poseidon’s Treasury is on the island, the bandits were very surprised.

Then proceeded to the island very actively.

“Once we find the Poseidon’s treasure house, we will be able to build a huge power on this sea.”

“One hundred and eight thieves are no longer the target of experience for people to kill!”

The treasure house is in front, everyone is very excited, dreaming about the scenes after getting the treasure.

On the sea, Zhenhai is not slow.

The island can already be seen before noon.

It’s almost a black spot on the sea, with reefs on all sides and very little vegetation.

A place like this is worrying.

If there were any treasures, they would have been discovered long ago.

Unless it is a particularly large treasure house, hidden in another space.

When there was a distance of 500 meters from the island, the group of people could not bear their excitement and flew to the island.

After going to the island, everyone’s spiritual consciousness crossed every inch of the place.

After a few minutes, people didn’t even notice an abnormality.

“Strange, this is the place on the map.” Fantianyin took out the complete map and wanted to confirm it.

Unexpectedly, in the patchwork map, light emerged from the cracks.

At the same time, everyone felt their feet vibrate.

The whole island is undergoing earth-shaking changes.


Tu Tianpi and others were excited and looked forward to it.

However, Jiang Chen’s face was puzzled.

“What’s the matter?” Tang Shiya who followed was concerned.

“Something is wrong.”

Immediately, the rocks on the island changed wonderfully with the shaking.

A stone gate emerged from the ground and rose to a height of over twenty meters.

But the door was empty, there was nothing, and the post was engraved with various runes.

When a group of people approached, it was full of incomprehension.

When someone tried to pass through the empty door, they were blocked by a force.

“Enchantment? No, I have to crack these.”

The gazes of several thieves turned to Brahma.

It’s not that Brahma is good at this aspect, but the star thief is good at it.

It’s a pity that I have been killed by Brahma, and now I am helpless in this situation.

“Should we try brute force?”

“No, what if something goes wrong.”

The longer the argument, the greater the complaint against Brahma.

“Let me come.”

Jiang Chen walked towards Shimen, he had already seen the clue when others were arguing.


Of course, Tu Tianpi and others did not believe it.

Jiang Chen is too young, it is impossible to involve so many aspects of time and energy.

But Jiang Chen ignored their doubts, looked up and down Shimen, and even touched the post with his hands.

The black doorpost is not stone, but smooth as jade, and has a warmth.

“There is a Chen’s expression changed, and said: “Let’s leave here quickly! “


Of course, Tu Tianpi would not listen to him.

“The enchantment on this stone gate has traces of time, but it was left three or four years ago, which does not match the ancient map.”

As soon as the words came out, several thieves looked at each other.

“Just say if you can crack it.” Tu Tiandao said in a polite way.

“You are so confident that you are not mistaken?”

“You don’t want to let us go back and grab the treasure by yourself.”

Others also questioned and let out: “You just crack, we are willing to do it even if it is dangerous.”

The author’s words: Yesterday, I finished two chapters and went out to eat. I planned to come back and write again, but I got drunk and changed it today.

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