The Brilliant Fighting Master Chapter 4689: Xuanyu Mansion

On this day, two people came from Xuanyu Mansion.

One man and one woman, with outstanding fairy posture and outstanding temperament.

The two fell on the mountain where Jiang Chen was, and came directly to the cliff.

I was very happy at first, but when I found that the sacred grass on the cliff was missing, my face suddenly collapsed.

Mountain God has already anticipated this day,

I immediately came out from the ground with a trembling expression.

“Where did the sacred orchid grass go?”

The woman said coldly.

The mountain **** said he was taken away by a child.

Hearing this answer, the men and women were furious.

“Why do you want it?”

When they said this, their eyes were murderous.

“The boy was climbing the mountain. I originally planned to let him fall to death, making them fear the majesty of hurting the gods, but at that time someone was also watching the boy, and the realm had reached the middle stage of the true god.

I didn’t dare to act rashly. I didn’t know if he was an enemy or a friend, but in the end I loosened a stone and let the boy fall, only to be saved by that person.

Seeing that the **** grass was about to be taken away, I came out to talk about the stakes, but the man remained unmoved, and put the boy down the mountain and let him take the **** grass. “

He speaks very wisely, not only picking himself clean, but also describing himself as being devoted to his duties.

And let alone, it works.

The men and women of Xuanyu Mansion were furious.

“Who would dare to come to our star world presumptuously and let a sacred grass give a mountain citizen?!”

“What kind of power can a guy in the middle of True God Realm have?”

The mountain **** said that Jiang Chen may be in the mountains, or he may have left.

“You can run to a monk, but you can’t run to the temple. Where is the village of the mountain people?”

The mountain **** knew about it and immediately explained the direction.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the couple hurried away.

“The people in Xuanyu Mansion really believe in whatever they say, but I didn’t deceive them. This is the way things are.”

The mountain **** is secretly proud.

Talk about Xiaoli.

He got the sacred grass and successfully rescued his sweetheart.

The sweetheart is the daughter of the king outside the town.

She was seriously ill, and seeing that she would not be able to live, Wang Yuanwai released a message saying that whoever can save her daughter must be grateful.

Even marrying a daughter is not a problem.

Xiao Li thought of a spiritual grass he had seen when he went up the mountain before.

The villagers said that it is a magical grass, which can cure all diseases.

So there was little Li going up the mountain.

Bring the sacred grass back to Yuanwai Mansion and successfully rescued the sweetheart.

Little Li thought that everything could develop as he imagined, but it was counterproductive.

After the sweetheart came back to life, he really enjoyed two days of good life and was treated as a guest.

But one day, he was driven out by Yuanwai Mansion.

There is no reason!

He was puzzled, but the subordinates who drove him out revealed the information.

These people are afraid that he will bring disaster to themselves!

Because he offended the mountain god.

Xiao Li finds it very absurd

He did offend the mountain god, but it was Miss Yuanwaifu who enjoyed the results. Afterwards, he turned his face and refused to admit it, and pushed him out to calm the mountain god’s anger? !

What made him most chilling was that when he returned to the village, everyone in the village was the same, for fear that he would bring disaster to himself.

Only his parents didn’t care about it.

Only then did Xiao Li understand that the only people in this world who can rely on are the parents who gave birth to him.

Suddenly, Xiao Li grew a lot.

No more unrealistic dreams, but focus on the present.

He thought of Jiang Chen he met in the mountains.

So he went into the mountain again, wanting to find this **** and embark on the journey of cultivation.

However, this mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, and Jiang Chen can change places for dozens of miles.

So Xiaoli searched for days and nights, and finally returned to the mountain village dejected.

However, when he went down the mountain, he saw that his village was flooded by mud and rocks.

Some villagers wailed in the distance.

His parents were even more targeted, and they were thrown with stones.

Xiao Li hurried over to protect her parents and heard what these villagers said.

It turned out that when he went up the mountain to look for Jiang Chen, a mudslide broke out on the mountain, flooding the entire village, killing more than half of it.

The survivors all lost their relatives. They attributed this to Xiao Li, thinking that it was his price for offending the mountain god.

Some extreme people want Xiaoli’s family to pay for their lives, but in the end they didn’t do it.

Then Xiaoli’s family and other villagers ran to the town.

As refugees, they are homeless and penniless, and even food becomes a problem.

Xiao Li thought about the outside of Wang Yuan again, and saw his parents being hungry and cold, so he ran to Yuanwai Mansion.

But the gatekeeper refused to let him in at all, and even murmured at each other to make him, a beggar, stay away.

“I went into the mountain to search for the sacred grass, but I provoke the mountain god, but it is also for your young lady. Now that your young lady has recovered and tried to separate the relationship, will your conscience not hurt?”

Xiao Li couldn’t help it anymore, standing outside the door screaming.

People in Yuanwaifu see that people in the past are attracted to the attention, and they are not angry~ Just about to step forward and teach Xiao Li, a pretty lady walks from the gate, Xiao Li admits That’s my sweetheart

The effect of the sacred grass is very powerful. Ms. Wang has always been weak and sickly, but now she is radiant and beautiful.

She stopped the people in her house, and then waved to Xiao Li.

Xiao Li thought that when everything happened before, the lady was still in a coma, so she entered the house with illusions.

Miss Wang didn’t tell him much, and took him inside.

Xiao Li thought that his parents hadn’t done it yet, he was about to explain his current situation,

Unexpectedly, Miss Wang in front of her looked like a different person, with disgust on her face.

“I don’t want to hear you say anything about my life. It was saved by you. Here is a hundred taels of silver. Take it and go away.”

Miss Wang said.

Xiao Li was taken aback for a moment, a little confused.

Since I don’t want to say that I saved my life, why should I pay him again?

Looking at the disgust in the opponent’s eyes, Xiao Li suddenly realized.

I just don’t want to have any relationship with myself. These hundred taels of silver are not life-saving, but a hush fee.

Xiao Li wanted to leave, thinking that his parents were still starving, so he picked up money.

As he was about to leave, two young men dressed in brocade stopped his way.

“Our royal family’s silver is not so easy to take. If you want to take it, go under our crotch.”

These two people are both direct disciples of the Wang family.

Xiao Li was full of anger, clenching his fists tightly

In the end, he didn’t choose to kneel, but put the banknote into his arms and suddenly shot at the two people.

“Looking for death!”

Although the two have no practice, they are strong and good at fighting.

Xiao Li, a villager, how is their opponent.

Shenwu Battle King

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