The Brilliant Fighting Master Chapter 391: Wufang

“One sword… defeated?”

People who were looking forward to a wonderful battle came back to their senses, and saw Mo Jianfei’s hands hanging weakly, and scarlet blood dripping.

Mo Jianfei raised his head, his eyes revealed a chilling malice.

“Don’t let me find a chance to kill you.”

Jiang Chen’s lips moved lightly, and only the voice that Mo Jianfei could hear sounded in his ears.

With this look, Jiang Chen has enough reason to kill him.

But he can feel that there are elders lurking in the dark in the Hall of Heroes, waiting to take action at any time.

If Jiang Chen kills in front of them again, it would be arrogant, even if the Hall of Heroes does not punish him, it will lay the roots of evil.

Hearing his voice, Mo Jianfei stiffened, and his expression left sadly.

“From now on, I will establish the Excalibur Club. If you want, you can join in.”

Jiang Chen didn’t leave the air, and shouted below while everyone was there.

“Excalibur Society?”

People were stunned, but it’s not surprising that Jiang Chen is now the number one in the battle power list. It is strange not to form an alliance.

There is no doubt that with Jiang Chen’s performance, Excalibur will be worth joining.

In addition, a large number of members of the Sword League withdrew before, these people are happy to become a member of the Excalibur.

However, an organization needs to apply to the Hall of Heroes, and only after passing will there be a place belonging to the Excalibur Club.

This process takes several days. Jiang Chen just said in advance to tell everyone that there was something.

Immediately, Jiang Chen and Ying Wushuang left, leaving behind a group of disciples who were still remembering.

“The top of the battle list! You are too shocking!”

Back to Jiang Chen’s courtyard, with no outsiders, Ying Wushuang no longer hides his emotions and expresses his inner surprise to him.

“The setting of the combat power list is flawed, and it is impossible to stack combat power as smoothly in actual combat.”

In front of the enemy, pride and self-confidence are necessary, but it does not mean that Jiang Chen is not humble. What Mo Jianfei said just now has some truth.

“But you are not the only one who exploited this flaw, others also have this problem, so you deserve the top spot in the power list!” Ying Wushuang said.

“That’s true.”

Jiang Chen was startled, thinking about it, it was indeed the same.


At this moment, there was a slight shock from the tokens of the two people. After taking them out, you can see the status of the battle list.

The battle power from the first to third place in the previous battle list is changing.

The name of Jiang Chen, who ranked first, was quickly squeezed out of the top three.

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes and remembered these three names in his heart.

There is no doubt that these people have not moved in the rankings for a long time, and they don’t bother to refresh.

But after Jiang Chen provoked their authority, they all made efforts to regain their honor.

Especially this first place, the combat power value directly rushed to 160,000, which opened a long distance.

“What are these people?”

Jiang Chen was a little confused again, and Mo Jianfei’s performance in the Hall of Heroes was considered top-notch. These three were stronger, but he hadn’t heard of it.

“Inheritance disciples, they rarely show up in the Hall of Heroes in the land of inheritance.”

When it comes to the four words “inherited disciple”, Ying Wushuang’s delicate face is full of solemnity, as if those people are inviolable.

“Inherited disciple?”

Jiang Chen also remembered. Last time Nan Gong asked him to say that the Hall of Heroes deliberately made him a disciple of the inheritance, but it depends on his performance.

It now appears that he is only more than 20,000 points away from the third place.

“Inheritance disciples, are these three only?”

“No, it should be said that only these three inheritance disciples still want to stay on the battle list.” Ying Wushuang said.


Jiang Chen understands. In other words, this number one is very likely to be the weakest among the inheritance disciples.

However, he was 50,000 points ahead of him.

This makes Jiang Chen very upset, the sharpness in his eyes is getting brighter and brighter, and he secretly said: “The martial arts master, imminent!”

Only by truly integrating many forces, can we exert the greatest power.

Regarding the realm, Jiang Chen is not anxious at all.

Divine veins and phoenix blood are beneficial to the realm. Even if Jiang Chen buys them, or refines a few 7th or 8th grade spirit pills by himself, he can raise his power to the fifth level in a short time. day.

But what he most wants to do right now is martial arts in swords.

To blend the two together, the sword does not separate the family.

However, the point is to combine the advantages and discard the disadvantages, otherwise the combination will only be very mediocre.

The sword is the mainstay, the sword is the supplement, and the immortal swordsmanship is combined with the subtlety of “Wuji Knife”, which is the combination of the artistic conception of wind and the artistic conception of gold.

“Jiang Chen, what are you thinking about?” Ying Wushuang’s slightly displeased voice came, and Jiang Chen forgot that she was standing in front of her and smiled.

“Don’t be discouraged, they have been on the list for a few years before they have been promoted to this point. You only got fourth on the first day and will catch up sooner or later.” Ying Wushuang was not really angry, she thought Jiang Chen Is affected by the changes in the battle list.

“I don’t doubt it.”

Jiang Chen shrugged and said: “I was thinking just now that the sword should not separate the family, but you said before that this is completely unnecessary. Do you still think this way?”

“Yes, it is the same to practice the sword to the extreme, isn’t it the same?” Ying Wushuang said affirmatively.

“That may be incorporating the advantages of my sword into the sword. That is also a kind of kendo. In a few hundred years, people might use my kendo as the standard.” Jiang Chen said.

Ying Wushuang’s Liu frowned and said, “I understand what you mean.”


“But I don’t recommend that you waste your energy on this kind of unsolved problems in martial arts at this age.”

Ying Wushuang speaks the truth from his heart, and doesn’t want Jiang Chen to make a big mistake.

This woman is still very gentle inside.

Similarly, she is also very smart, knowing that Jiang Chen can’t listen, she said: “Well, you go to Wufang for half a month, maybe you can understand your own way.”

“Wufang?” Jiang Chen didn’t understand what it was.

“It is a place in the holy city about improving martial most important thing is to help martial artists achieve the unity of nature and man, and master the artistic conception of Tianwu.”

“But I have reached the Tianwu mood.” Jiang Chen said.

At this point, Ying Wushuang obviously didn’t know yet, and looked at him with a look of monsters.

“There are also those targeting Tianwu’s artistic conception.” Ying Wushuang said.


Jiang Chen came interested, asked for details, and then became more interested.

Wufang uses music, chess, calligraphy, and other methods to interpret martial arts, just like the chessboard Jiang Chen saw before Nan Gong.

It is very possible that, as Ying Wushuang said, he can find the key to martial arts master.

“I only found out now that you are also a enthusiastic person.” Jiang Chen said.

Hearing this, Ying Wushuang pursed his mouth, restrained the expression he wanted to show, and after a blank look, he turned and left.

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