The Brilliant Fighting Master Chapter 3905: Homecoming

? Chu Lan was not disappointed. When he came to Sancaijie, what he saw was the blue sea.

It coincides with the bright weather, cloudless miles, and blue waves, one after another.

Not only him, but the other two women are also very excited.

None of them have seen such a situation before, even think about it.

They rely on the city to rarely go outside, even if they go out to kill.

“Sword Ancestor, what is going on?”

It was amazed to swallow Zhu Jiu three people.

How come people from Taiyuantian seem to have never seen the world?

Jiang Chen talked about the scene of Taiyuantian.

“There are even racial divisions.”

After the three listened, they were surprised.

Because no matter what life is in Taihuangtian, as long as you cultivate to a certain level, it will be summarized into a life form.

The struggle between each other is only for profit.

Should you not think that you and the alien beasts exist differently when you cultivate into a god?

Speaking of this, God Punishment looked at Zhu Jiu.

Before the formation of the new world, Zhu Jiu had cultivated a human form and was born with wisdom.

Otherwise, she should be the current monster.

But she never recognized that she was still a strange beast, and wanted to help the strange beast win a living space.

Zhu Jiu remembered not long ago, because she met a group of people from other heavens.

Killed the same kind before and became angry, and shot it.

But after hearing what Jiang Chen said, Zhu Jiu still couldn’t understand Taiyuantian’s situation.

“Now we regard alien beasts as natural enemies, and we continue to kill and kill.

One day, some strange animals born with wisdom will write down this hatred.

Then separate yourself from us and fight against us. “

“This won’t work.”

Palace Master Daozu was very excited about this. She couldn’t imagine the situation where everyone was trapped in a city and could not go out.

Those majestic mountains, rough seas.

Every time she encounters a bottleneck in her cultivation, she goes out to relax.

Jiang Chen didn’t know what to say, he couldn’t stop those strange beasts from taking shape.

It’s like he didn’t know that there was a Lan family on the edge of Sancai Boundary before.

“Continue to promote the human form as the final form.”

Zhu Jiu is the person with the most say.

In that case, if the alien beast cultivates, it will think that he and the original alien beast are no longer of the same kind.

In order to find a new sense of belonging, it will not be the same as in Taiyuantian.

This kind of method can treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

But there is no other way, even Jiang Chen can’t change this.

Even if he has the power to surpass the entire world, it does not mean that he has the right to dispose of life wantonly.

“Follow the fate.”

This is what Jiang Chen thought when a group of them flew over the sea.

Back to the realm of the universe.

Here is the center of the Three Talents Realm. This is the center, including the eight great clans, the Yin Yang Realms, and the End Realm.

The news of Jiang Chen’s return reached Daozu Mountain earlier.

So when they came back, a group of people gathered in the mountain.

Stand neatly, the gods are solemn.

When Jiang Chen appeared in their sight, his eyes became hot.

“Meet the sword ancestor.”

A loud cry came from below.

This shocked the three women.

Jiang Chen frowned, couldn’t his own people make him dislike this?

He recovered quickly, nodded to the people below, and landed with the people next to him.

“I deliberately arranged it to let some people know that you have come back?”

Xiao Ruo appeared in front of him.

What kind of intimate actions the two will have? The three women next to Tai Yuantian can see that their relationship is extraordinary.

“Good temperament woman.”

This is their first impression of Xiao Ruo.

Xiao Ruo was born beautifully, if it wasn’t for Ye Xue’s appearance to be too defying,

His appearance can be said to be ranked first.

What’s rare is the temperament on Xiao Ruo.

It is easy to think of grace and luxury.

Looking at it closely, there is something different. In the noble, there is a trace of indifferent god.

If it weren’t for Jiang Chen’s heartfelt happiness, then the impression it would give people was an unattainable god.

Because it is a female xìng, it adds a unique charm.

“You brought three women back at once, but you really exceeded my expectations.”

Suddenly, Xiao Ruo’s expression changed slightly, and her narrow eyes narrowed.

Like a bright moon, more like a blade, exceptionally sharp.

Jiang Chen had already prepared, and patted her head with his palm.

Suddenly, his relationship with the three women was made clear to each other.

“It turns out that the teacher is a man who is afraid of his wife.”

Chu Lan couldn’t help laughing when she saw this scene next to her.

She didn’t underestimate his teacher for this, but felt that the teacher was more attractive.

“You are still honest.”

Xiao Ruo digested the memory Jiang Chen gave him and understood what was going on.

Then the three women settled down on Daozu Mountain.

Jiang Chen entered the Taoist Temple with him and asked about the current situation.

“You should know that there is someone who wants to challenge you.”

Xiao Ruo asked.

“I know.”

Jiang Chen has heard of this.

“I seriously suspect that that person was sent too tomorrow.”


“They want to know if you are here or not.”

“I mean why do you think he was sent too tomorrow?”

“Because after you leave, you will frequently contact the people below tomorrow, which is the end.”

Jiang Chen gave a sigh, and said that in his three-talent world, he was the least relieved,

Of course it was three days in the end.

It’s normal to find them tomorrow.

But Jiang Chen is quite curious, how did Xiao Ruo know?

“Because the end of the world thinks that this is a temptation for three days, he took the initiative to find us.”

It was the same as the divine punishment at the time. After I found him tomorrow, he immediately told Jiang Chen.

“What did they say?”

“It’s nothing more than secret support, but you have to do things for them.”

“In that case, I will contact them to see.”

Since Jiang Chen confirmed cooperation with them last time, it is no longer a unilateral communication.

Jiang Chen can also contact them.

So he came to the sky, just like Mu Wanqing communicated with her world.

Contact Tai Ming Ming’s Daming Shrine.

“Congratulations to Jianzu for leaving the pass.”

It’s not the last woman who appeared in front of her.

It was a stranger, the first time I saw it.

“Congratulations on leaving.”

The other party said enthusiastically.

“It was not you who met me last time.”

“She is sprinting to the level of the realm. Everyone wants to practice.”

The other party replied without soon as I left the customs, my people told me, you have gone to my people again? Want to secretly support and bring me down? “

“This is absolutely impossible!

Could it be made by the Great Thousand Shrine? “

“I am looking for you instead of looking for them, don’t you know it in your heart?”

“We have no reason, we still do such a thing now.”

“I will check it out, it is best if there is no nature.”

Jiang Chen stopped talking to him.

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