The Amber Sword: Chapter 451 Consciousness IV

In the dark, Gryphine saw the unconscious Freya, she crawled over, pushed the body of the girl from Bucce, and whispered her name in chant. But Freya is tied with a thick bandage, which is a rough craft of women found from nearby towns. This is also the minimum care that wizards accords to Amandina‘s requirements.

Gryphine felt that Freya‘s breathing was very weak and intermittent. She touched the forehead of Female Knight with cold hands, and became hot. Her wound was purulent and inflamed. The long and narrow sword wound was close to the lung lobe and heart. The naturalistic and medical knowledge gained by Gryphine benefited from the royal education told her that such a degree of wound infection is likely to kill the Valkyrie. .

This discovery made Gryphine anxious. She held Freya‘s hand tightly. Female Knight needed a qualified Priest, or at least one priest capable of performing spell to cure her Stability injury, but people outside may not care about them. Life and death, not to mention that the soldiers in the camp are different from those who have learned wizards. These uneducated noble private soldiers are themselves potentially dangerous.

The wizard already who brought them here warned her that they should not leave the one’s own tent as much as possible, otherwise the consequences would be at their own risk.

In the dark, Princess Gryphine finally remembered something. She touched her hand along the neck of one’s own, and finally touched the pendant of the necklace at the position of the collarbone. Maybe it was self-confidence or it might be wizards didn’t search her, and only took her and Freya‘s weapons including Lion Heart Sword.

Gryphine’s‘s heart seemed settled.

That necklace was her birthday gift, and her father solemnly gave it to her on her seventh birthday. This necklace can save her life at a critical moment. Each royal family member has something similar. Halutz has a ring set with this necklace.

That’s also proof of the two siblings.

She carefully lifted the necklace from under the clothes with her hand, holding the shiny pendant with her hand, and put it on the chest of Freya. But at this time Correct, there seems to be a strong wind in the forest . The tent was violently scraped, and then a murmur of human voices came from the direction of the camp.

Gryphine stopped in shock, raises head came to look at the camp. The light from the camp seemed brighter, and the sky seemed to be burning.

The noise quickly turned into a killing sound. Princess immediately understood that the camp had been attacked, but she was still not sure whether the attacker was an one’s own ally, but the chaos now made Gryphine faint. Perceived this as an opportunity.

But before she could do anything, there was suddenly a mess of footsteps in the distance, and the footsteps quickly fell forward. There was a scolding from outside the tent, then scolding, then swords screaming, fighting, short screams, and finally ending with a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Gryphine’s raised her heart in an instant, she was not ignorant of little girl, what happened outside naturally. At this time, “huh” sounded softly. The tent was lifted by a dirty noble Swordsman, and the man with a fleshy face saw the scene inside the tent and could not help but whistle: “Oh, there are two beautiful little deer here.”

Gryphine saw the other person’s dress, and her heart sank, but she insisted to stand up and asked Shen Shen: “Who are you?”

“Haha,” the noble Swordsman looked at Her Highness the Princess with a greedy look: “Who do you think you are, little girl, Your Highness Aouine’s princess?”

Say. He reached out and grabbed Gryphine’s‘s shoulder, and then pressed her to the ground. When Gryphine was furious, she almost forgot to resist, and she felt a cold on her chest when she tore, and the instinct of ten days training like a day returned to her body. Her Highness the Princess arched like a fit female leopard, raised her knee and bumped into the sick man’s jaw.

The man sent a deep sorrow from the back of his throat. He angrily wanted the owner Gryphine’s‘s neck in pain, but stepped back after Agility after half-elven girl, blocking his mouth with one hand, and holding the other with lightning. Hilt of the waist. Press the card slightly with your thumb and draw your sword with your backhand.

The electric light flint-like action that noble Swordsman did not respond at all, he subconsciously rushed forward, but Princess Gryphine already piercing a sword into his chest.

The man uttered a hoarse sorrow and gave her an unwilling glance before heavily fell down.

The fighting in the tent finally caught the attention of the outside. The rebel soldiers outside scolded and rushed in, but Gryphine already completely calmed down at this moment. She slashed the spear coming in from the outside with a sword, and then stabbed two soldiers in the army with two swords in succession. At this time, the soldiers outside discovered that they had not caused a little doe without resistance, and It’s a female leopard hunting out its minions.

Finally, after losing two more companions, these noble private soldiers, who had no organization at all, finally couldn’t bear it. When the first private soldier turned around and started running away from Gryphine’s noble, the reaction was like a plague When they started, the soldiers fled.

At that moment, Gryphine couldn’t bear it anymore. She looked at the body of the place. At the same time, she felt humiliation and stinging, and made her kneel on the ground. This was almost the first time she had killed herself. The blood stained her only made her feel nauseous, but she didn’t know what to do. When she killed so many people, those people would not let her go.

She sat for a while, until she was quiet again, but after a while, Gryphine seemed to react from a blank state. She seemed to feel a bit cold around, crawled to Freya, hugged Female Knight, opened pendant, there was a crystal crystal bottle in pendant.

The crystal bottle is filled with blood-red liquid. Princess Gryphine removes the glass bottle plug and pours a small amount of blood on the Freya chest.

Then she opened her white lips of Female Knight again and poured some blood-red liquid into it. Unfortunately, the liquid quickly spilled out of the Female Knight mouth and slid down the corner of her mouth.

Her Highness the Princess hesitated for a moment, but she suddenly lifted bottle and drank the liquid inside, then held Freya‘s face with her hands, and resolutely kissed her mouth to mouth.

In the darkness, Gryphine almost shook his tongue out. Passing the liquid in the mouth a little bit past the tongues of the two girls unconsciously intertwined with each other. This action made Her Highness the Princess feel a hot cheek, and after a while, she heard Female Knight moan lowly. .

Her Highness the Princess bounced like a frightened fawn. She took a few breaths and turned back. Under the shimmering light outside, her cheeks were red. Although the other party was just a girl, such a bold move was still beyond her imagination.

She touched one’s own‘s face. After staying for a while, I realized what, and hurriedly looked outside the tent, except for the spears, which were empty. There were two dead bodies in the distance. It was a long time before Gryphine confirmed what happened in the direction of the camp. It seemed that some noble personal soldiers already escaped by chaos.

Determining this, she quickly retracted her tent, picked up a heavy Female Knight, and dragged her backward. They soon came to the back of the tent. There is also no one here, obviously Correct their best escape opportunity.

However, when Princess Gryphine picked up one’s own Female Knight, he turned his head subconsciously and looked towards the center of the camp. She doesn’t know what’s going on with Miss Adviser. Who are the attackers and will they save Amandina?

But she remembered the moment when Miss Adviser stood out, and the gentle eyes she looked at her couldn’t help but shake.

She almost shook, but gritted her teeth. Or hurriedly ran towards the forest not far away. Although the direction of the camp is chaotic, wizard will definitely notice it. She must get into the forest before that, and it is better to escape from a distance.

But things are not as complete as she imagined.

She just ran out a few steps. There was a rage behind him, and a bright light rose in the darkness, shooting from that direction.

There was a sound of arrow(s) breaking behind him. Feather arrows flew across the cheeks of Her Highness the Princess, and some even fell into the bushes. Gryphine gritted his teeth, and flew into a shrubbery clump. The thorns made her cheeks hot and painful, but she carefully guarded the unconscious Freya, then got up and ran forward again.

But at this time Correct, the sound of chanting sounded loudly, it was Magic! half-elven girl felt only a moment of despair in her heart, that was an attack she could never escape.

“Are I going to die here?” she shouted in her heart, “Your Majesty the Father?”

But as if to answer her question, a shot of silver light suddenly appeared in front of him, and Gryphine had not responded yet, then Li Xiao passed over her and shot at wizard behind her.

With a scream, the wizard rolled over. And a silver figure came to Princess Gryphine at the same time, one hand in one hand, putting her and Freya on horseback.

“Ms. Brenshidel?” Gryphine knew who saved him as soon as he saw the horse king wrapped in silver flames.

Brynhild nodded and replied with some hollow tones: “My sisters and I felt the turmoil in the direction of Grey Pines Castle and rushed over. I didn’t expect to be one step late. Fortunately, you and Freya escape Come out, Her Highness the Princess. “

“It turned out that you are attacking the camp of those people, Ms. Brenshidel!” Gryphine said anxiously: “She is still in the hands of the Amandina Young Lady, please be sure to rescue her.”

“We will,” Brynhild replied: “But the possibility is very small, the other party is strong, there is a wizard even above me. Fortunately, we are all spiritual bodies, and the Conjurer can’t do anything for us.” /

Gryphine is completely choked.

The wizard, which is stronger than Ms. Brynhild, isn’t it existence? But how can Aouine have existence of polar wizard?

And it sounds like those wizard each are not weak, otherwise the wizard of a polar state alone cannot stop Valkyrie horse riders from saving people from the camp.

who are they?” she couldn’t help muttering.

“They are most likely Buga, Her Highness the Princess,” the Brynhild tone calmly replied: “It is the gray Wizard and the secret walker, is a Sasaarland person.”

Gryphine can’t understand what is gray Wizard and what is Sasaarland, but she can understand Buga. She couldn’t help but widen her beautiful silver eyes and was surprised: “Buga people, but why Buga people will Aouine make a move.”

Brynhild couldn’t answer this question either. She quickly flew out of the chasing range with Gryphine and Freya. Before that, already sounded a trombone and let Valkyrie horse riders return to the confluence.

Yu Fengju fell in a forest clearing, the lady lowered the Her Highness the Princess gently, then lowered Freya, and then asked: “Lord Thane let me and my sisters listen to you and Ms. Freya‘s command before leaving. What should we do, Her Highness the Princess, what do you think? “

Gryphine took a step away from retreat, she smoothed the silver hair that was messed up by the wind, and looked subconsciously at Freya. The effect of the water of life already started to work, Female Knight blinked slowly, it seemed to be waking up.

Freya felt that she had a strange dream. She dreamed that she was seriously injured in the battle and was almost dying. Brando held her in her arms and kissed her. The dream was so real that she almost didn’t want to wake up.

But when she woke up, the first thing she saw was Brynhild and her flaming Heroic Spirit warhorse, and then Her Highness the Princess.

Her Highness the Princess …” she shouted weakly.

The memory seems to flow back to the depth of her spirit / mind. Female Knight lifted herself up and looked around: “How about everyone, Amandina, what is this place?”

“This is a safe place,” Brynhild replied.

Amandina she was taken away by those people, those wizards treated her as me,” Gryphine walked over to support Freya, and told her the whole thing in detail: “They will take Amandina Kurk Fort, if her identity is exposed, she will be in danger immediately. “

“How can this happen,” Freya looked anxiously: “We must rescue Amandina, she has been following Lord Thane since Bruglas, we must not lose her.”

“I will rescue Amandina Young Lady,” Princess Gryphine replied, “Freya, I assure you.”

“But those are Buga people, how could they be against us?”

“We must return immediately Valhalla , ” Gryphine Deeply breathed in , Since understand that the enemy is those silver Descendants of her already Fully understood the current situation: “Now there is only Valhalla To have the power to recover Amandina . “

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