The Amber Sword: Act blood-stained forest

Act 8 blood-stained forest ()


“How can you

The young militia glared at their one’s own companions. And the youngster, controlled by Lich, was even paler, hesitant, ashamed, and feared, and he bowed his head deeply.

But he didn’t want to die, did he?

Freya feels that her heart is about to stop, she subconsciously draws a sword. But the Lich immediately dispelled her thoughts, and the green light in her eye sockets exploded suddenly. One arm of the youngster burst immediately like a balloon, and the plasma splattered. He screamed, and the whole person fell to the ground and curled up.

“Wow, Boss-neesama, please save me !”

Johnson rolling on the ground like blood, mournful.

This terrible scene made several people immediately turn back and vomit. ponytail The girl’s face turned white all of a sudden, she shook and almost fell down.

“Human little girl, you’d better not take it lightly.” Lich warned her sharply, its glaring eyes one by one swept all the people present.

But it immediately found that there were some militias present, not to mention, bugs.

Lich The green light in his eyes dimmed and was a little disappointed. It was ordered to hunt the whereabouts of the human scout that had escaped before, instead of getting confused with the worms.

Freya is blank, but still resists a wave of dizziness and tries to think about how to get out of this situation. Anyway, she still remembers that she was the leader of this industry, and she couldn’t show the weak side at will.

As for the girl next to Romaine, she passed out at immediately, thanks to miss merchant to help her.

Sophie feels that Romaine grasps the sleeve of one’s own tightly with one hand, which is a kind of dependence and trust. He also helped the young girl militia Captain with a long ponytail in the back to prevent her from falling down, but the latter was stronger than he expected.

But anyway, he knows that the other party needs some comfort at this time, otherwise it may break down psychologically first.

A girl living in a peaceful age, it is difficult to accept such a cold scene. Fortunately, Aouine is a war-torn country. Most youngsters here have such awareness.

Freya.” Sophie said weakly and slightly.

The girl froze slightly and woke up immediately. She was breathed in, which calmed down a little with the help of Sophie’s. Sophie saw her fingers softened on the hilt, and nodded in admiration.

This kind of performance can already be regarded as excellent. Few ordinary people can calm down on the edge of life and death. Although he didn’t know why he didn’t seem to be nervous at all, seemed to have gone through the traversal, and later the test of life and death, and the one’s own mentality became level.

But at least it’s a good thing.

He continued to ask in an obscure voice: “Remember what I said before, do you want to do the worst?”

Freya froze for a moment, and the back nodded slightly.

“Do you have more power to fight?”


An obscure response.

Sophie was relieved. He rubbed his thumb with a cold Ring of the Wind Empress and told him that he had recharged to complete half.

Three hours, which is too slow compared to charging once in ten minutes in game. Fortunately, the energy of half is enough. Although it is impossible to make a complete wind bomb, it is enough to make a strong wind.

Anyway, already is planning for the worst, there is no worse.

At the same time, the Lich finally confirmed that there was no other ambush here. It didn’t look at the poor worm lamenting at its feet, and raised its only boneless arm:

“Soldier, kill them

A sharp, dry voice just sounded, and four skeleton soldiers with sharp swords and black chain armor appeared in the forest. They emerged from the mist, their bodies made a clicking noise, and step by step was walking towards Freya Approaching.

Maybe the Freya’s team members still thought about fighting back these cold monsters, but not now. youngsters was full of confidence before, but at this moment already was scared by the cold blood of the enemy, and the only courage was defeated by the approaching death Aura, unable to resist.

They can only pale to step by step retreat until they die, perhaps because of the instinct of creature self-protection to pull out the sabre around the waist. You can see the shrinking look, no one really dare to fight Guarantee.

There are only one inhalation sound in the forest.

Looking at these pale-faced youngster, the Lich couldn’t help sneering from the leaking chin.

The green light flashed in its eyes, as if enjoying the pleasure brought by this fear.

Indeed, human fear is their greatest enemy, weak, transient, and easily exploited by useless feelings. In contrast, undead naturally overcomes all these defects. They can be the best soldiers in each, especially low level undead does not even need to think, only obedient obedience.

Compared to those of the trained militia, they behave like a helpless child on the battlefield. Such a weak creature should not be existence in this world.

It can’t help but feel an aversion from the depths of heart: Yes, Madara will win

But at this time, the Lich heard an extra voice: “ is entrusted to you.” This is a young man’s voice, calm, calm, full of confidence.

Lich felt that one’s own Soul Fire jumped a little. This was an ominous sign, and it turned back vigilantly.

Into its empty view is a shiny ring.

The ring was worn on the index finger of the severely injured militia. It had never seriously paid attention to the dead and dead human of that guy one and a half. What is worth noting?

Pretending to be seriously injured can deceive others, but it must not deceive undead. These cold-blooded monsters crawling from the grave can look directly at the fire of life when looking at a creature, and the faint and faint fire of life on Sophie can never be disguised.

That’s a seriously injured patient.

It does look so.

But the real threat comes from the ring on the opponent’s hand, that is an Magic ring. The green fire ball in Lich‘s eyes faded a little, it could almost smell a lethal Aura in the air converging.

It recognizes this taste. One of its masters let it touch some counterfeits when teaching it Black Magic, and it can be seen from the Aura that escaped from it that it is at least an Magic ring with an order of 20OZ.

How does an official Item of wizard appear in the hands of an ordinary person?

Lich can’t help showing a look of panic and greed.

“Dead soldier, go and give me that thing ” It raised bone magic staff and screamed.


But Sophie raised his right hand and tried his best to spit out this byte to or more like squeezing out the remaining air in the lungs. When youngster fell back again, I couldn’t help sweating.

Space swells a bit, then shrinks sharply

When the contraction erupted again, the blast of wild air uttered a howling that was enough to penetrate the human eardrum.

The wind pierced Lich and its skeleton soldiers like a sharp arrow, even though they raised their dry arms trying to protect themselves, but turbulence passed through their empty ribs to form an air vortex to pull them step by step tilted to one side.

There is no damage, but the pinning effect already is obvious enough.

Freya!” shouted Sophie.

The girl pulled out the long sword at a sound, a crisp metal tremble, and the long ponytail fluttered in the wind

However, to the surprise of Sophie, this junior militia Captain was not impulsive, but immediately turned around and scolded others: “Maxim, Essen! What are you waiting for, Bucce’s militia! Follow me! “

Inspiring courage is sometimes like a signal. At the moment of life and death, a word or a hint can make people endlessly burst out.

But one condition is calmness.

The calmness of one person can affect more people, just like now. Under the reminder of Freya’s, the young militias were a little surprised, but in the end, was the best opportunity and the only chance to survive.

The sudden strong wind caused the skeleton soldiers and Lich retreat to have no time to take care of them.

This discovery made the boys renew their courage. In the sound of a long sword coming out of the sheath, the tactical literacy trained in weekdays seemed to return to their bodies.

Maxim, cover me.”

“Abominable monster, it’s your turn now …”

“Kill that black wizard first!”

“That’s Lich.”

Little Phineas, come behind me.”

They started trying to fight back.

But Sophie looked at the chaotic scene with some anxiety. He was afraid that these guys would break the situation with an impulse, so he couldn’t help but remind him calmly: “Remember calm, everyone! Only calm down can you Fight ! “

In the Amber Sword, he has seen many novices 愣头青, exactly like these youngster.

Blood is a good thing, but it can’t get your head off.

He had to read out the battle doctrine of militia, which was carried by the everyone at the scene. Not many people can remember these boring and valuable experiences at the time of engagement.

I have to say that Brando is a unusual.

Sophie has all the memories of the last battle of that youngster. As a recruit, the opponent’s performance already cannot be better. Even as a Veteran Warrior, he has to say that Brando is indeed a youngster with exceptional talent on Swordsmanship. The only pity is that he encountered a wrong battle at the wrong time.

The other guy was calm down after being reminded by Sophie’s. However, this is not enough. Sophie knows that these guys still need to take a little advantage to strengthen their confidence, otherwise the morale that is built up in a short time will easily collapse.

The wind is getting weaker.

Skeleton soldiers are shaking the banging chain mail to prepare to fight back. They try to find the balance, but the Sophie’s voice already over there instructs Bucce’s militia to change their tactics:

“Listen, these Madara’s low grade soldiers lack intelligence, move slowly, and turning is their biggest weakness. Try to move to the left in the direction of their swords. There is a blind spot where you can attack safely …”

Maxim, you have to attack left and right with Essen, do you know how to cover it? Yes, attract the attention of that bone and frame, that’s it.”

Sophie is half-lying on a rock, watching the situation above the battlefield, and pointing out what the other party’s next step action should do. There seems to be a special Mana in his language that people can’t help but convince . This is what we call self-confidence. It is calm and calm, and makes people rely on subconsciously when they are at a loss.

The Bucce’s militia soon tasted sweet. The first was Ike at his reminder, at the cost of a sword in the thigh, a sword split the tibia of a skeleton soldier, and then his partner, Little Phineas, caught up with a sword and pierced the skull of the bone.

The moment the sword crossed the skull, the icy monster burst into a clamor, and Soul Fire in its eyes flashed slightly, and soon faded.

A bit of golden light flew out of the fragmented bones, then sank into the chest of Sophie’s not far away.

Sophie froze for a moment. Unlike the last time, this time he clearly felt the abnormal experience value, and he suddenly realized it. But before he had time to verify this, he heard that the young militia, who had defeated the enemy, was yelling excitedly.

“Oh my God, I did it!” Ike could hardly believe it. He held out his bleeding wound and yelled, “Brando, how do you know this?”

Sophie smiled slightly. These experiences were summed up by his partners in game. Even the seemingly insignificant one is full of profound lessons, because they are all valuables that have been tempered in thousands of battles and deaths. Cognition.

It seems that Brando has learned some similar knowledge in militia training, but it is too superficial and too superficial in Sophie. If it is said that the knowledge can increase the combat power by 10% when he faces the skeleton soldier, then one’s own should increase half or even higher.

From 375 to Second Era, the long-term battle with Madara has made Sophie know the skeleton soldiers down to lowest grade, up to the highest level Lich, Bone Dragon and even Vampire Thane.

If only on the understanding of this dark country, I am afraid that few people in Aouine can compare with him. After all, before the first War of Black Rose, the relationship between Madara and the bright world has not risen to such a tense level.

Friction and conflict are less frequent

Of course, these experiences are also one of the most proud of Sophie in this world. Relying on his familiarity with the world, he was confident to continue, and step by step returned to the previous height.

But now you have to finish the work at hand. The gust of wind that caused before is not known if it has attracted other attention. In order to be safe, you must make a quick decision.

Thinking of it, his eyes fell on that Lich.

This is a tricky enemy.

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