The Amber Sword: Act 34 The Chance of the Kingdom

After the Year of the Wolf, Wind Elf The most outstanding military strategist in history, who was not yet a Marshal Greymount King Shagriffin in his writings says, ‘If you ca n’t Madara In the army Lich Form effective kills, then you ca n’t really defeat one undead Army. . ’, But this flower Brumand’s When Black Rose was truly defeated, the bone skeleton that was defeated in the valley was not much different from a scattered human army Undeads Run away across the mountains, because already lost command , Lich We brought the skeletons we called together to fight, in the shape of a loose sand, from Sea of Dead Moon of Undead Thane Although they can still restrain one’s own Subordinates, but they just want to escape, already No fighting spirit, right now Bloodcane In fact, the army can no longer be called an army. It has lost the purpose and Will Struggling to save themselves, and Ampere Searl The smashed north noble The army is the same.

However, if you look closely, there are still some slight differences. The fleeing of humans under the defeat of the army is often due to the panic inward shake and submission. There are no two factors in the feelings of undead. They save themselves only out of For the rational choice, it will not happen that they are trampled on each other because of panic, or killed by people like driving ducks and dare not turn back to resist. If they are overtaken, they will stop and fight back, just out of the dark creature‘s selfish heavenly name. They will definitely not help the attacked colleagues nearby. Even if so, it may be better for them.

Earl Jacques and Brando are riding side by side in the valley, and I was very moved to see this scene: “It turns out that the undead army is just the same, they will make mistakes.”

undead is not a natural thing. No one understands the mystery between life and death better than them, so they remove the unease of mortal people from unknown roots. There is no attachment to life, so neither do they You will feel impulsive and will not produce the mentality of Fanaticism. However, impulsivity and fear are just one of all negative emotions. Greed, arrogance, arrogance, and selfishness will make them make mistakes. “Brando looked at the valley on horseback The progress of the war situation, while explaining to the Archduke of Viero side minister.

Earl Jacques nodded silently, he took a deep look at this Lord Thane who is also Count but too young: “Mr Count seems to know that dark country very well?”

“I always try to understand the one’s own enemies, the enemies of the kingdom,” Brando looked at the Lord Count from Jacques—Jangjin area, he knew this person; Jacques—Jang Jin was in Viero and Callas On the border, this Lord Count was also a person who had dealt with Madara in history. Although the other person has some problems common to this era Aouine noble, his knowledge of the Brumand’s black rose is still better than other noble adults who are useless They are much deeper, and it is rare that this person has won the trust of Archduke of Viero in history.

“Mr. Moboute,” he continued, “I suggest that you do n’t underestimate the black rose across from us because of what we saw today.”

“Naturally, I dare not look down on it. When I was young, I watched my parents bring back prey such as bears and wolves in winter hunting. I always thought that these beasts in the forest were just like this. Later, I was fortunate to let a cunning guy. It left a mark on me, and the scar is still on the back, and it made me understand that we must not underestimate any opponent of one’s own. “Earl Jacques made a metaphor to let Brando understand that what he said is actually what it is today, It means that what happened today, he will never forget easily.

Brando also believes that this battle will leave a deep impression on the other side, which is also one of his original goals: if these nobless are not taught, they will not understand what kind of enemy they are facing. Only by letting these people understand the real threat, under the persecution of external forces, the kingdom can embark on the path he wants as soon as possible. He shook his head with a slight smile and continued to expose the old Madara’s bottom: “But what Mr. Moboute thinks now must be that already has grasped the weaknesses of these bones and skeletons. If you think so, it would be a big mistake.”

Earl Jacques looks a little stunned: “Why do you say that? I think what you described as Mr Count makes sense, and those bones do have such weaknesses.”

“That is the surname of undead, just like the surname of man. Mr. Moboute, human beings will be afraid, but Trentheim, Viero and Lantolian people will not be defeated without facing undead. Humans will be impulsive and greedy. The last name is also arrogant and selfish, but our kingdom, civilization and order have not collapsed because of this. That is because we also have the second stats of the social last name, the same is true of the Madara people. They used to be scattered. However, the Bloodcane we defeated today is far different from the past. I think you must have a deep understanding of this. “

“But Mr Count, I’m afraid you haven’t thought about it. The Madara we see today is still an illusion.” Before Earl Jacques nodded, Brando continued to say, the latter opened his mouth after hearing this sentence, and looked very Looking surprised, but Brando did not give him the opportunity to speak: “The reason why we defeated Bloodcane today is based on its ignorance of us, and also on the fact that it still maintains an old command system. Mr Count should have heard about the military reform of the kingdom, but such reforms started already seven years ago in Madara, and before War of Black Rose, their already basically ended this historical mission. Today’s Madara has at least one thousand Emperor’s Chosen Mission, these Emperor’s Chosen missions are not the same as the army of Bloodcane that you and I saw. Bloodcane wild and intractable is actually not the supreme one Madara line. It was defeated by us today, most likely because the supreme one of Madara needs our help. He just cleared up aliens

He paused: “And the real Madara army, they have a complete medium low level NCO system, and will never fall into a state of sand because of the collapse of the upper command system. Such a undead army can really fight to Before the last Lich fell. Mr Count, you can imagine how the Aouine should fight when facing such an enemy, so as to win. “

Earl Jacques stared at the young Thane with his eyes wide open. If Brando came to tell him all this for a long time in the morning, he would never decide to believe it. This is simply ridiculous and nonsense. But at this moment, Brando‘s demonstrated strength and knowledge of Madara’s made him unable to doubt it easily, especially the thousand Emperor’s Chosen groups in Brando‘s mouth more like a thunder that shocked his mouth to dry, and a moment of coaxing in his mind .

His sallow-yellow complexion is as early as Brando expected. Of course, Brando will not tell him that although the expansion direction of Madara’s is Aouine, their main enemy is still Wind Elf of Saers and Faanzanian to the north, and more than a thousand Emperor’s Chosen groups of Madara must be used to prevent these two huge empires It’s okay to scare this guy, so as not to make them still delusional.

In fact, this is not bad. The number of troops Madara has at the moment is actually of little significance to the small kingdom of Aouine, because even after that, even if it is an legion of the Black Jazz, it may not be able to afford it. Today’s Aouine has only a first-line opportunity, which is to make Undeads feel like a mouse-tossing device. There are a lot of principalities on the border between Saers and Faanzan. Anyway, Wind Elf will fight with Madara’s bones sooner or later. Now as long as Undeads thinks Aouine More difficult to deal with than the duchy.

The Aouine in history awakened too late, Her Highness the Princess was powerless, Kirrlutzian was self-conscious and indulgent, which led to the kingdom’s final tragedy.

This time, it may not be the case.

But first, the kingdom still needs the courage and power of a war.

He looked at Earl Jacques. The latter turned pale, and wiped his forehead with his hands. He didn’t know if he was wiping rain or sweat. His mind seemed to be immersed in the one previously described by Brando. Among the fear brought by the thousands of Emperor’s Chosen groups, he whispered: “Lord Count, are you saying all the truth?”

“Mr. Moboute, even if my information is only one-third accurate, assuming that Madara has only three hundred regiments, what’s the difference for the kingdom?” Brando looked intently at the Undead Army that escaped in the rain curtain, while using He caressed the mane of the war horse and asked in no hurry. He wasn’t in a hurry, but Earl Jacques was so cold that he didn’t know what Brando said was true or false, but the other party seemed to have no need to make him happy, as Brando said, even if his words were only one-third accurate, or even four One-third accurate, so what’s the difference for the kingdom?

There is no difference at all.

What is the German surname of the kingdom? In fact, the noble in their hearts knows best. Since the Anson era, the struggle between the local and the central government has greatly damaged the strength of the kingdom itself. And after the war of Ampere Searl, the North-South confrontation made it even weaker. In contrast, the dark country on the east has always maintained a strong army and war tradition, but in the past it was scattered, and the dark Thaness took their own politics and fought against each other, so they could not pose a threat. Today, Madara already is under the rule of that supreme one Together, the dark nobles gathered under the Mercury Staff that was reproduced thousands of years later, the Earl Jacques suddenly found that Brando may not have lied, but they have been neglected by traditional thoughts.

Madara already has a huge army, and now they are integrated, so who do you want to fight next?

Naturally it cannot be Wind Elf and Faanzanian, and the rest is self-evident.

Some things are actually like a layer of window paper. It’s hard to think of them before they are broken, but once they are lifted up, the remaining people will suddenly become cheerful. At this moment, Earl Jacques is almost this kind of mood, although he may prefer not to realize it, at least the fool can still live happily, and now whenever he thinks of the three words Madara, he must think of the pillow with confidence Issued by Undead Army.

That is undead. existence, which is incompatible with the living, you cannot surrender except death.

Earl Jacques thought coldly and thought for a while, but for a while, couldn’t think of a solution. For today’s Aouine, it seems that there is only one way to perish in addition to perdition. That dark country was already a big country, and it took the lead. The ridiculous thing is that the nobles of the kingdom is still drowning in death. In the face of such a country, he really does not know how to resolve the immediate crisis.

Maybe only Kirrlutz in exile?

Earl Jacques looked at Brando again with raises head, and his eyes were a little distracted. Brando knew that already was scared to the extreme. He sighed. In fact, the truth is very simple. These nobles hearts may not have thought about it, but they always think that Madara Without taking a step, some people in history even thought that the Madara was still in a civil war until the eve of the second War of Black Rose. Today, he personally told the other party that the Madara’s unification process already had already been ahead of schedule. Sure enough, the Lord Count reacted immediately, what the kingdom is facing.

Earl Jacques didn’t speak again, and Brando no longer demanded. He patted the horse’s mane, allowing the sitting horse to speed up to keep up with the White Lion Guards chasing in the valley. He knew in his heart that these words today can only give these noble a hint. They will sooner or later understand how Aouine can survive. At that time, if there are still stubborn spirits, then blame him for being ruthless.

The fate of the kingdom was treated with fierce medicine in the Ampere Searl World War already, but then it can only be slowly reversed.

Brando silently pursed his lips. He didn’t want to make a radical reform in his heart. The sharp sword gave the kingdom a new life, but the longer he came to this world, the more he understood the difficulty of this matter. nobles has ruled this kingdom for too long. Traditions have long been ingrained. Moreover, they do have their excellence. Although the Aouine’s class has long been rotten in its long history, it still has considerable power. He may be able to eradicate this share. Power, however, will inevitably bring huge damage to this ancient kingdom.

He is like most of the NCOs in Cagliss, Amandina, Curran, Maria and even White Lion Knight, which are inextricably linked with the traditional noble. Whether they come from royalist or local, but they all have more To a lesser extent, the old-fashioned mark has been made, and to completely eradicate all this, it is inevitable that damage will reach people around him. Even Princess Gryphine might turn against him because of this. He knew in his heart that the Aouine that Her Highness the Princess wanted was not the realm of Correct‘s new life on a ruin.

He doesn’t want either

“The opportunity already is in your hands,” Brando said to himself: “As for not cherishing treasure, it depends on you.”

Soon, the Knight of the Lantolian people came from the east of the river bank to join the White Lion Guards unit. Humans advanced along the river valley, driving Undead Army to flee south. Until the evening, the coalition facts of the Viero, Lantolian and Trentheim people already completely wiped out most of the Undead Thane mercenaries from Sea of Dead Moon. Most of the scattered Lich fled into the nearby forests. They will become a public security problem in the area in the next few months. However, at this time, Brando and Gwen already can’t afford to care so much. Vanmier legion has a headache. Bloodcane and its personal guard are mixed into the remaining one and a half regiment skeleton cavalry. At this time, the advantages of undead have begun to play a role. Skeleton cavalry not affected by Stamina gradually pulled away during the long march. The distance between Lantolian cavalry, Brando, only Forestsong Legion riding heavenly horse can catch up with these skeleton cavalry, but of course he cannot do that.

Fourth-tier shooters are used to deal with the skeleton warrior. It can also be said to be crushing. It is purely to death to pursue the real cavalry.

In this way, until the night fell, the coalition finally lost the trace of this residual undead cavalry. Ike jumped angrily. The subordinates of Earl Jacques also showed some pity. It was Commander of the Viero The adult stayed away throughout the day. Brando heard Cagliss that he sent a number of commanders and went north. He knew immediately that the Lord Count was asking for advice from Archduke of Viero. His words during the day were not in vain. Next It depends on what noble thinks. Although the information on Madara is difficult to obtain, if they are really interested, it is not difficult to get the information he said.

nobles has no such idea in history, but this time, they have a chance to respond.

Brando is very indifferent to the escape of Bloodcane. Not to mention that there is a Kirrlutzian Knights waiting for it to run into it. Even if it happens to return to Madara, what good results will it have? Banshee Queen Alvit has been waiting for it long ago. As a symbol of her resistance to the Emperor Madara’s, her freedom Will and self-raising value, Bloodcane must die, and then how she surrendered to Mercury Staff is another story.

Brando stands in the valley to admire the night in Sloughfarren area. The sky is dark after entering early autumn, and the day has not completely disappeared from the mountains. There is a night of solitude between Linden forest. This is the last a period of time after late summer. The moon in the sky should have been the proud sea of ​​gold and the flawless Timis, but in the rainy weather there was only a black one. The other side of the valley looked out at the valley plains in the Silman area. He stared In the direction of the flowing river, I thought that at this time Bloodcane should have encountered its last enemy already.

It’s just what the youngsters of Kirrlutz will look like. He doesn’t bother to care about it. He privately arranged Gwen to return to the Silman hills overnight, to lead his people to replace the Swordbreaker Knight group to clean the battlefield after the fight. Kirrlutzian was exposed to the public’s view. This time the battle Trentheim exposed a lot of power, in order to let Madara temporarily settle a period of time, but if it can be hidden, try to hide it.

(ps: Today this chapter has been written from idea to writing. It took me almost 10 hours to write it. There is really no time and energy to write another chapter. Today, the second chapter of Zhou Yue will be put first. , I’m really sorry, find another time to make up for it, I hope you forgive me.) (To be continued.

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