The Amber Sword: Act 221, Curtain XIV

Madara Queen took a deep breath, said: “Well, if this is the path you choose, I hope you will not regret it. You are a recognized host of Holy Sword, a promised person of Marsha, and I do n’t know to hand over Mercury Staff now. You is right or wrong, but I respect your choice. “

She paused before continuing: “But no matter what you want to do, you must get seven Holy Sword. Now I tell you where the natural orb is.”

Brando held his breath. In fact, when he saw Fang Qi and Feng Huo, he guessed that already had the intention of Madara to call one’s own. After all, she asked Insidolon and Targus to go to Rosalin to contact the ghost car, indicating that Madara should have been already Know the existence of the Emerald Mystery.

“But before that, I still have something to say to you,” Her Majesty began to relax a little in a tone, and she threw her handkerchief to the ground gently, “Owen Rose has already Death, Bahamut should come to already, and the gods from all over will come one after another. In addition, although Twilight’s Will is temporarily sealed, but its minions are already offensive. For us, the war already has come, so whether you want to or not Take this responsibility, but the entire civilized world must join together to fight one, otherwise we will have no chance. “

Brando glanced at her angrily: “But at this time, Madara’s Undeads was invading Aouine, and it was at war with Wind Elf of Saers.”

“No, now Aouine already does not have my army, you should understand this. Besides, the reason why your so-called War of Black Rose outbreak is because of another thing, I will tell you the reason sooner or later, and who will tell you that we are working with Is Wind Elf fighting? “

“Did you not fight with Saers?”

“Are we crazy?”

Brando was not surprised, because historically, Madara battled Aouine and Saers at the same time in the second War of Black Rose. And Aouine is not the main battlefield of War of Black Rose for the second time, and the impact is not large, far less than the subsequent Battle of the Oblique Forest and the Battle of Sifah will have a fatal blow to the kingdom.

In fact, the second War of Black Rose in history specifically refers to the war between undead and Wind Elf. Although that war undead did not take much advantage. However, the Queen Madara used this to consolidate the authority of one’s own and consumed the power of the empire against one’s own.

But he only reacted after a while, realizing that the idea of ​​one’s own was somewhat constrained by the history in “Amber Sword“. In history, although Madara may also be fighting Crystalline, it is not as urgent as it is now After all, in game, Vaunde smoothly and steadily transitioned to Second Era mid-term, although it has experienced Tablet War and Wolf Disaster. But it didn’t look as crumbling as it was now.

In this case, Madara’s is very unlikely to split the army to deal with Saers, but he is a little speechless, why is the owner of Mercury Staff so arduous about Aouine that he can return to the enemy with his back? Fight a war specifically for it.

After all, the first War of Black Rose can also be interpreted as a battle of her prestige, then the second War of Black Rose does not know what it means, especially if undead does not operate on Wind Elf of Saers. Brando really cannot see any strategic intention.

“So, what is your Majesty planning to do?”

“We must guarantee. Before you find the seven keys, the world has not fallen, and the seal of Dragon of Twilight is our last chance, but this time the Will already that sheltered the world is no longer, and even the gods are still standing by us The only opposite of the world is the mortal world. Seriously, I don’t know if our desperate efforts will succeed.

“If it is absolutely necessary, we have to turn to Isis

Brando shook his head, that was not what he wanted, but he already understood what Her Majesty meant: “So. The world of order needs an alliance, enough to bring Aouinian, Kirrlutzian, Faanzan and Wind Elf to Four Holy Cathedrals Linked to all the intelligent races in this world, just like Holy Covenant thousands of years ago, mortals will once again fight for the fate of one’s own. “

The Queen Madara nodded slowly.

She replied: “Although this is far from my original assumption, it can only be so. The Faanzan and Aerlanta already alliance, the Saers attitude is unknown, and we need an intermediate force to connect them. Arise, I originally hoped that Kirrlutzian could block Twilight’s Will, and then Silver Lineage called for this alliance. Unfortunately, Kirrlutzian already lost this opportunity, and Silver Lineage will soon face one’s own troubles, but your proposal reminded me that maybe you are a Good choice. “


“Do you want Aouinian to dominate this alliance?” Delphine suddenly responded and asked incredulously.

Brando immediately reflected, Her Majesty’s intention was still on her.

But this time, he groaned for a moment without objection, only asking: “What should we do?”

The Queen of Madara froze slightly, and it seemed that none of the prepared speeches came in handy.

“What do you think I will is against?” Brando saw the look on his face.

The Queen looked at him with purple eyes for a long while before answering: “You should understand that the Alliance is not the best choice, but the best way to integrate the power of the civilized world is an empire. And everyone will support you, descendant of Faanzan, Gaetel, Saers and Aerlanta, they will not oppose you, because you are the Chosen prince of this world, Marsha our mother will crown you for yourself “

Brando laughed: “The world of civilization and order will stand together, as described in Holy Covenant. Your Majesty, if people need a banner, I will stand in front of everyone. This is my responsibility. But isn’t that to determine their fate, life and death. Do people really need a sovereign monarch? “

The Madara Queen is dumb.

“Stop talking about this, but I want to hear your thoughts, Your Majesty.”

The Queen hesitated before answering: “… It’s actually very simple. I want the civilized world to believe in us. I will let Undead Army pass through their land. Join their camp and defend the Twilight’s army in the Alkash mountains. Our only chance. “

Brando took a sip of cold air: “defend the Twilight’s army in the Alkash mountain range, what about Sea of Dead Moon, could it be that do you plan to give up Sea of Dead Moon?”

Clais will come on this land and lose the protection of Death Moon Goddess . This land is no longer meaningful to us. Maybe we will come back one day, but that is after we have won”

undead, the word Brando flashed in my head.

He thought for a while that Aouinian had to act as the Madara’s envoy to persuade the nations. This was not easy to accomplish, and the time left for them was also limited.

But the owner of Mercury Staff stopped invading Aouine at the last minute, maybe this plus the performance of Aouinian. It will make undead more or less trust in the country of the living, but in general, it is still not optimistic.

Brando knows that even Aouinian itself may not be able to accept Madara’s‘s goodwill. How can the eyes blinded by hatred for hundreds of years be changed overnight?

Not to mention that he can’t dominate all this, all of which must be given to Princess Gryphine and Halutz. Maybe there is His Highness Eldest Prince, I hope they can convince Aouinian. Take on this heavy task.

Thinking of this, he asked, “Do I have time to return to Aouine?”

The queen of Madara just shook her head: “Not so much time, this is why I asked you to call your Valkyrie. You must find the natural orb before Clais comes.”

“But Freya has just set off. Can’t Medissa and Scippamira be competent?”

Fucia will take them away. Can you convince her?”

Brando silently, not to mention whether he can convince the seven poles Dragon King, he can also see the desire of Medissa and Scippamira to become stronger, at this time, he must respect their choice.

“You can rest assured. We still have some time. After Clais is repelled by us, it will not come again in a short time. Although this time is not enough for you to return to Aouine to arrange everything, but at least you can wait until your After Valkyrie Young Lady arrived, I set off. I asked Holy Cathedral to build a Teleportation Gate, which can transport you to the central area of ​​Sea of Dead Moon. However, this Teleportation Gate is one-way. After you leave, we will also evacuate here. I will will bring those who follow , Then we will meet at Alkash, if we can meet again “

Brando understands that remote Teleportation Gate cannot be built overnight. Obviously, Her Majesty has been preparing all this for a long time.

The Madara queen saw his thoughts and replied: “Undeads also has a detailed record of the mystery of the emerald. I have always known that it is in the central area of ​​Sea of Dead Moon, but to open it requires the blood of Nine Phoenixes royalty. As for how to convince your student and That guy “

She raised her chin and motioned to Fang Qi: “It’s up to you.”

“The Nine Phoenixes clan will not flinch at such times, we will join this Holy Covenant,” Feng Huo finally found an opportunity to say: “I will also help the teacher.”

She said, looking at Mr. Liu, who nodded slightly to her.

“This is the bid of Yulong Holy Sword,” Fang Qi thought for a while, and said, “If I guessed right, Mr Count, you have been counted in the morning, right?”

Brando glanced at him, but the latter turned his eyes to Delphine: “If you say”

“Mr. Fang Qi, please take care of yourself.”

prime minister’s daughter coldly replied.

Fang Qi scratched his head and shrugged.

Brando thought for a while, but asked, “I have one more question, Your Majesty, you said that Russian Winrose was ridiculed. I want to ask what happened to Kirrlutz Empire, what happened to Colossal Dragon?”

“It was a terrible defeat,” replied Madara Queen coldly: “Twilight’s Minions opened a hole in Kirrlutz Empire, where they will be able to go south, while Faanzanian and Aerlanta elves fight against the army of capable people in the glacier , Kirrlutzian and Dragon Race already failed, Buga people are diligent, Wind Elf alone cannot stop the Twilight’s army, so my army and I must enter the Alkash mountain range before that.

“Can Buga people take care of themselves?” Brando froze for a moment, then suddenly came over: “Tablet War broke out?”

Tablet War?” Queen Madara looked at him suspiciously: “What do you seem to know?”

Brando became aware of his words, and quickly changed his voice: “You told Tarig to go to Alkash before that. Is that why?”

“Not only that,” Her Majesty did the trick, of course, it was more likely that she didn’t care: “Maybe when you see Alvit, you can see why she and Tarig met someone there. Right now, she is working on Aouine and mingling with your subordinates. Huh, I knew this woman had been looking for the whereabouts of Valhalla.

…… (to be continued …)

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