Tempests of a Foreign World Chapter 3: New era

   A group of children were still trembling on the eagle’s back with their eyes closed. Suddenly, the wind in their ears disappeared. They all opened their eyes and found that they had come to a completely useless place. In fact, they had seen the biggest one. The place is also a small town near the orphanage, and he ran away and was found to be beaten.

  The city in the sky is of course not really a city in the sky, but a big city built on the upper peak. The formation is used to keep the big city built on the narrow peak of the upper peak from falling, and at the same time it plays a protective role. The role of.

   The ground in the main city is made of neatly cut pieces of marble. The houses in the center of the city are getting higher and higher from the outside to the inside. In the center is a 16-story blue-gray tower. That is the real thing. Towering into the sky, the children were taken to a residential area in the north of the city to rest and wait for orders.

  The tower is called Yunxiao, and in the top floor there are more than a dozen people sitting or standing looking down on the entire city.

   “This time the number of new disciples is estimated to be more than 20,000.” A man wearing a fire red cloak stroked his long beard and said.

   “What’s the use of more people, I don’t know how many floors will be able to become our official disciple of the Sky City.”

  ” What if there is only one layer left, as long as we can smoothly promote to the level of little master or magister, even our backbone, the achievements of these decades have been seen by everyone, the backbone of our Sky City But more and more.”

  ”For 30 years, only two of them have broken through the realm of the Great Master and the Great Sorcerer. Will our expanded newcomers be coveted by other forces for what we have.”

   “Fart, as long as you practice hard, what’s the difficulty of being promoted to a young master? To die, we really have some geniuses. The people in this tower are already full.”

   Everyone looked at the two newcomers to the tower in recent years.

   “The barriers to break through are getting looser, and more and more people will be promoted in the future, sooner and sooner.” The old man sitting in the first seat of Hefa Tongyan, who had been closing his eyes and calming down, opened his eyes and said.

   Everyone is silent, but their minds don’t know what they are thinking.

   30 years ago, the elder of the Sky City felt that the barriers of the world were cracked, and at the same time, the spiritual power of the sky continent became stronger and stronger, and the magic promotion from the original martial arts was gradually transformed, rich Spiritual power makes it easier to break through magic. As long as one breakthrough, the other will also bring benefits to easy breakthroughs. Except for the strong of the older generation, the strong of the new generation are almost always magical. However, in this continent advocating military power, as long as it can become stronger, there is nothing wrong with it, maybe only the dwarves with outstanding martial skills are different.

   This old man is the head of the elders in the Sky City, advocating to start accepting all the new generations, start a large number of disciples plan, and name it-New Era.

   On the other side, the three brothers are being arranged to live. More than a thousand people are being arranged in two buildings. The building is larger than the orphanage building, and the decoration inside really blinds the eyes of these children. There is no magnificent design, but the children who have been squeezed into the kind of broken building since childhood feel dozens of times taller. The neat dormitory, the clean dining hall, and the ordinary sculptures arranged in the room are all ordinary. , But it is unusually unusual for children.

  Tao, Feng, Yin and 3 people naturally live in one room again. The room is small but divided into many rooms. Every 4 people in a small room. Everyone received the quilt and bedding, and the two sets of clothes began to make a lot of their own new ones. In the residence, a child named Song Tu is with his brother 3 minutes away. He also admires the black panther’s method of naming. This random association method of naming is that everyone gives a different name, even if the name is the same. This is not the last name.

   Song Tu said that he is 7 years old this year, and his spiritual affinity is fire. Fire is naturally very common as a symbol of Tianyan Continent, but Song Tu was not one of the many skin kids in the orphanage. Instead, he prefers to play with girls, so the three brothers who often fight really have no impression of him. However, since they live together, Tao Xiaoting patted him on the shoulder very friendly and said, “I will be your elder brother from now on. , There is something to greet our three brothers, you are welcome.”

   Song Tu looked at the three brothers who were half a head shorter than him, showing that we were covering you, a little dazed, but he nodded to them.

   A group of children spent 3 days in a state of surprise and anxiety. Of course, some of them have begun to familiarize themselves with the environment. They found that the same building nearby was full of children, and at the same time there were A new batch of children arrived.

   On the morning of the third day, all the children were told to put on the clothes sent down, and then go to Chengbei Square, which is the end of the avenue in front of the house where they live.

   There are about 30,000 children standing in the crowded square. They are all three to twelve or thirteen years old. Those under three have long been picked up and raised by someone, but after the age of thirteen ‘S children were also concentrated in one place, anyway, the children in the orphanage of the Black Panther’s family are divided in this way.

   Standing or sitting on the square, or flying in the sky or riding mounts scattered around the square, the children are not noisy, and those scary large monsters are not strange these days.

   There are three big seats on the platform opposite the square, but no one is sitting on it, and the surroundings seem to be deliberately away from those three seats.

  Feng Yehan and the three people are sorted by age in the third column on the left, and then to the left, they seem to be younger, and some of them are still walking.

   Suddenly three people appeared on the three seats in the square. One was wearing a black robe and covering himself underneath, looking like a woman~ IndoMTL.com~ The other was dressed in a fiery red cloak with a long beard and looked like Between the ages of 60 and 80, the crane-haired child sitting in the middle felt full of fairy spirit with a sound of a mysterious robe. As soon as the three of them appeared, the square suddenly became quiet, and the surrounding adults were also maintaining the order of the square.

   The one in the fiery red cloak fell silent, stood up and slowly said, “This is the city of the sky. It is a sect and the top sect among the sect groups and mercenaries in the whole continent. You, right? They are the preparatory disciples of our sect. Here you can only enter our sect by constantly improving your strength. Those who are unqualified will either leave or stay to serve this city and serve qualified people. Maybe you still have some I don’t understand anything, but then there will be masters of the sect to give you lessons, and your teacher will tell you about the specifics.” After speaking, he looked at the old man in the middle, owed himself and sat down.

   And the old man in the middle slowly stood up and said: “Children, some of you are orphans, some are sent by your parents to make you stand out, and some are sent by countries, groups, and celebrities. Yes, but as long as you become stronger with us, you will have the opportunity to stand out, give you resources, give you magic weapons, make you stronger, and become able to overlook the entire continent.”

  The people in the orphanage are still very confused, but some children have a shining light in their eyes. They are sent here if they have goals. Some of them want better or, some of them are not family members. The fancy children, they want to become stronger and want to be masters.

   finished speaking and waved, but the three people in the seats had disappeared suddenly without a trace, just like when they came.

   Yin Yu sighed: “If I can be like them, who can touch me next time I fight.”

  . . . . . .

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