Tempests of a Foreign World Chapter 1: The orphanage transaction

  The Continent of the Sky, a continent where the martial arts and magic of human races, dwarves, elves, monsters and demons are gathered, the story takes place here.

  The eastern part of the Continent in the sky, in the Tianyan Kingdom, a few uninvited guests suddenly came to the door of a run-down orphanage. The orphanage said it was too big, but it also gathered thousands of children. Some of them were abandoned by their parents, some It was because of the family’s reason that he had to be sent to this orphanage.

The dean    is a man in his 60s. Don’t think he is very old. The creatures in the Continent of the Sky have a long life span. Even the human race with the shortest life span is a combat clan. Their normal life span is 160 years old. , And their prime of life is between 40-120 years old, and after the rite of passage of 20, they also bid farewell to the growth period and entered adolescence.

   And this dean, who is in his prime, turned out to be the head of the ringing horse on the nearby Nanshan Mountain. The purpose of running this orphanage is to sell children. In the yard, the children are free and there are teachers who are mainly responsible for teaching them martial arts and skills. Magic, used to sell to martial arts or big families, Meiyue cultivates a new generation of outstanding Sora Continent.

   In the yard, a 4-5-year-old child led more than 50 children, facing another small group of 100 people led by a 10-year-old child.

   “Tao Xiaoting, the quilt hung on the east wall this morning is yours, right? The bedwetting boy is going to grab the site with me today.” The 10-year-old child in the lead laughed, and the children behind were also Laughing forwards and closes together.

   “Lin Dayu, the bed was not my pee.” Little Tao Xiaoting blushed, clenched his fists and stepped forward and said, “Moreover, you have been occupying these swings for several days, so it should be our turn. .”

   Tao Xiaoting jumped out from behind a child who was about the same age and stood in front of him and shouted, “I used to pee on the bed. “

   “Feng Ye Han, you turtle shell, if I don’t fight today, you cry until midnight, I won’t be called Lin Dayu.”

   A little brother behind Lin Dayu pulled Lalin Dayu’s clothes and said, “Brother Lin, don’t brag about it. As soon as Feng Yehan’s tortoise shell is released, we will not necessarily hit him on all of us. We still beat them. Tao Xiaoting, my boss.”

   “Well, you guys can’t fight, I’m going to go.” Tao Xiaoting doesn’t like to fight saliva, prefers to speak with his fists, clenched his fists, and a few arcs jumped over his hands.

   Suddenly this 5-year-old is the leader of the biggest but a figure in the team of 10-year-olds rushed out, and quickly ran to the opposite camp and knocked down the two children standing on the side.

   “Yin Yu, how did you sneak attack?” Lin Dayu shouted angrily, and at the same time the two teams began to scuffle together, all kinds of small fireballs, small water balls, electric arcs and so on.

   On the other side, in the main building, the dean’s man named Black Panther flatly talked to a few people who were observing the children there. The clothes they passed on represented the origin of their school, which is the east of the empty continent. The strongest sect in the mainland-City of the Sky.

   his eyes turned to the field in front of the yard. A group of children under a few lonely swing frames were fighting against each other with immature martial arts and magic. The scene can be said to be very spectacular.

   Black Panther didn’t panic and let the buyer see this spectacular scene, but instead moved up and pointed to the child among them enthusiastically and introduced it.

  ”The one who stood there running left and right to help was resisted by others was called Feng Yehan. I picked it up in the nearby Fengqi town on a cold night. The name was Feng Yehan. The wind magic affinity is particularly strong. , But the usage is a bit off the track, only defensive, and I figured it out to give him the rudiment of the wind wall.”

   Everyone looked at the child. There was only one of them who was not injured. Others knew that he couldn’t touch him and didn’t care about him. He helped his teammates block the attack, and occasionally kicked a few people from the opposite camp.

   “There is another one, called Yin Yu. I picked it up from the foot of Nanshan Mountain where I was a ringing horse on a rainy day, so the surname is Yin.” After speaking, I saw that those people didn’t care about his identity. Obviously it should have been investigated clearly, and he continued, “That kid is very fast, is water magic, feels like a natural assassin, every fight is a sneak attack.”

   Yin Yu just started kicking the first kick, stretched the distance, then ran to the side, rushed in and gave a punch to another person, was surrounded and dodged to the left and rushed out of the circle, several The guests in the Sky City nodded.

   The most noticeable thing in the crowd was Tao Xiaoting, who was fighting against three children twice his age. Every time a slight electric arc hits someone, the other person screams, and one hits three of them without falling into the wind.

   “What about this?” a young man among the group of people in Sky City couldn’t help but ask.

   Black Panther wanted this kind of reaction, and said grinningly: “This is the best child in our place. The rare thunder magic, and a natural battle object. It turns out that many people like this child, but I don’t think he should I went to such a place and was buried, so I kept it until now.” Actually, the price was not negotiated. The Panthers looked like five big and three thick and thoughtless, but they were actually very shrewd. These people are here to stay.

   Fortunately, Black Panther thought about it mentally and introduced: “That kid is Tao Xiaoting.”

  A beautiful woman in the Sky City suddenly laughed: “This time the dean’s name is a bit interesting, is there any implication?”

   Black Panther glanced at the woman and swallowed her saliva, otherwise it would reveal a little disrespectful meaning, even if his strength is almost the same as that of the woman, he is in the middle stage of the martial arts master, the middle stage of the magister, but they must be the heaven of the martial arts The proud son, the one who led the team is the peak strength of the martial arts masters and magisters. According to estimates, there are only more than 500 martial arts masters and magisters on this continent. That still includes elves, dwarves, monsters and demons. The clan-owner, in other places, can also be a fierce man who can exist as a lord, for fear that if he shows a trace of disrespect, he will be directly expelled from this world.

   “No, this child was sent to our orphanage, and his name was written in the bedding that was wrapped around him.” Black Panther told them truthfully.

   “Huh? The surname is Tao, the Lei family, isn’t it the Tao family?” the young woman said to their leader.

The Tao family of    thunder family was slaughtered by inexplicable forces a few years ago. The royal family of Tianyan Kingdom was furious about this. The Tao family, who was loyal to the royal family, was destroyed. To the murderer.

   “Dean, make a price, I want these kids.” The leading man interrupted the questioning of the beautiful woman and said directly to the black panther.

   “Hey, adults, you can see that these three children are also very talented. Originally I wanted to exercise and go straight up the mountain to be a member of our ringtones.” Hey, the black panther said it was actually lifting The high price is ready to sit on the floor and start the price.

   “Okay, I won’t talk to you about anything. The children I said~IndoMTL.com~ are all the children in this orphanage, including those three.”

  ”This, this, do you want everything, sir?” Black Panther thought it was a big deal, but I didn’t expect it to be such a big deal, and the strength of the other party was placed there. When the time comes, his personal wealth will be exhausted, and the Panther will cry. There was no place to cry. When he was embarrassed, the leader of the sky city on the opposite side directly took out nearly one hundred spirit stones from his storage bag and placed them on the table in the dean’s room.

   “There are thousands of gold coins, but I don’t have that many by my side. They will be delivered to your stockade in Nanshan in two days.”

   Black Panther was stunned. Thousands of gold coins are nothing to his wealth. The point is that this hundred or so pieces of spiritual stones are all 10 gold coins on the market. The point is that most of these spiritual stone resources are controlled by the state, martial art, In the hands of large groups, there are priceless black markets that have fetched 15 to 20 yuan. These spirit stones can speed up the practice. The key is some formations. All magical tools need spirit stones to provide energy or maintenance, even if they are In exchange for money, in this world where one copper plate can buy one steamed bun, Qianliang Gold is also a huge wealth.

   What did you say, why did you change into money? It should be because the world is rich in spiritual power, and the spiritual power is stored in the spiritual power for affinity with magic. Children aged 4-5 can start magic by themselves. The stone is only used to impact the realm or the battery provided for the formation.

   Black Panther no longer hesitated immediately, he carefully counted the spirit stones, and didn’t care what the nobles in the nearby sky city looked at. Anyway, he was happy.

   The transaction in the house has just been completed, and the group frame of more than 100 children outside the yard is also coming to an end. There are only four or five children headed by Tao Xiaoting on the two sides of the field, and Lin on the other. Da Yu Na is still standing with a 20-year-old child.


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