Tempest of the Stellar War Chapter 78: Heart

Growing, this is the main theme of Solar System. This process is a bit long, but it does not mean that the efforts of Solar System are in vain.

It always appears in a certain generation.

Lie Guang and Mi Lu were eventually eliminated, but the two also played their own styles, no rivals imagination.

Lear and Luo Fei both advanced, and Luo Fei was very grateful for God ’s help, because his opponent was also Yellow level. Luo Fei was very happy for this. Although he was educated by Lear, he still I’m very happy, why should a relaxed opponent find it difficult, so Luo Fei happily beat the opponent to send the opponent back home, Lear’s opponent is Xuan level, the result is that Lear won, but the process is very ordinary, to Lear’s character also disdains to show what it is at this level.

“Congratulations Boss, Boss Hexi, I will say why those Xuan-level goods are the opponents of the boss, killing them.” Luo fatty quickly put on his **** with his **** in confusion.

Lear ignored the fat man, “How are those people?”

Wang Zheng, Achilles Curtis, Lie Xin, Zhang Shan promoted, Zhang Shan’s luck is as good as mine.” The fat man smiled.

The implied meaning of the fat man is that he also depends on luck, which means that the next round must be eliminated, so Lear should not have too much hope for him.

“If you are eliminated in the next round, you will not have to eat for a week.” Lier said lightly.

Luo fatty ’s smiling face instantly twisted into a bitter gourd, “If you do n’t eat for a week, you will die.”

“You can’t die, so you need to think carefully.”

Luo fatty is helpless, anyway, Lear eats him to death. Basically, when his tail turned, Lear knew what he wanted to do.

Luo Fei is a wise man. Anyway, his strength is not qualified to rush too high. After the first round, he will be finished without losing face to Solar System. He does not need anything in the second round, but Lear did not Did not let him go.

Lear not only wants to make his own appearance, but in general terms, he also hopes that Solar System will come out as a whole. The influence of a person who claims to be king is ultimately small. The entire Elite College is full of neglect of Solar System. This is not what Lear wants to see. He wants to see the rise of Solar System, and at the same time he is the king of Solar System, the power of Earth.

But. The representative of this power. Only one person is needed.

The first round is over. Although it is the most uneven state of strength, how many pages show the level, Xuan level is still strong. The winning ratios of White Tiger and Suzaku are higher, followed by Blue Dragon and Black Tortoise. Of course, these data are just what the school needs to master.

“Jiang Feng, you are very optimistic about Solar System.”

“Director, I am not only optimistic. In fact, other tutors have also discovered this situation. The power of Body Technique is rising, breaking the monopoly of x capabilities. Although some young people of Solar System have fewer to gain experiences, they are not without opportunities . “

“So, you are very optimistic about the two boys of Abitain and Earth.”

“shide, I think they may enter the semifinals of their respective divisions.”

“Oh, this confidence is indeed quite big, it seems that you have other plans.”

“Director Ming Jian, we should vigorously help outstanding students, especially the rise of Body Technique is a good phenomenon, which can cause certain checks and balances to the mainstream Atlantis and Aslan systems, and it is also a good phenomenon for us humans. “

Jiang Feng said that the x ability is essentially the way to obtain the research of the Atlantis rune power, but this kind of power is not enough to defeat Atlantis. As one of the core characters of Silver Alliance, Jiang Feng and they all know this, Both Atlantis and Mayan(s) have hidden power. Of course, peace is the main theme, but as Silver Alliance under the leadership of human beings, there can be no imbalance of force. Humanity must become the real strongest leader to lead Silver Alliance.

Hundreds of years of mysterious agreement, their generation is not clear, and the rising new generation does not think that the so-called agreement can truly bring peace and notification to mankind, and strength is the eternal truth, so They learn and develop technology from all aspects. The awakening of Body Technique is also a good thing in their opinion, but they do n’t pay too much attention, because the current scale and degree are too weak, just a little support, hoping to produce greater power .

Frozen three feet is not a cold day, the era of x ability mainstream, and want to reproduce the glory of Body Technique, frankly speaking, it is still far away.

Milky Way Military Academy(s), although the delegation has not yet set off, after all, the trial competition has just begun, and what they really watch is only high-level battles.

Of course, the trials are also open to Milky Way Military Academy(s), and they all saw it in the first game.

“The level of this group of people is just like that, if I go to Elite College, I can mix bucuo.”

“Haha, do you want to give up the glorious future and go to the darkness.”

Everyone laughed. Elite College has always been known for its individual strength. From the current stage, it is very easy to exert the power of individual heroism. This is very different from the Milky Way Military Academy(s) demanding team. All have strong personal performances **, which is where Elite College people look down on his Milky Way Military Academy(s), and there is always a little bit of dissatisfaction between the same kind.

In fact, the mecha combat of Milky Way Military Academy(s) is also an important course. They also have a fleet escort, a little meaning of the Air Force. After watching the game, I really think that some people are just like that.

Aurora and Oz are also this type of professional. They are themselves expert(s) mechas. In addition, they are people whom His Royal Highness Aina trusts. The two must pull a lot of hatred. After entering the college, there are also many challengers, but both also Demonstrate strength enough to deter.

For the comments of others, the two people are noncommittal. Maybe these people look down on IG, but they can never forget the two people who have experienced them personally.

That person, that shocked the entire IG, won the princess’s asshole.

As princess knights, they only have one purpose to fight for the princess. His Royal Highness Aina is the pride and weilai of their Aslan. In order to protect the princess, they can shoot life at any time. This is glory, Oz and iRe Aura is very proud of this responsibility, they need to become stronger, but it proves this.

This Wang Zheng, … is replaced by any other person, both of them will think it is a stain, and even say that they will not hesitate to kill Wang Zheng, but … this Wang Zheng

With the strength of two people, I have never seen such a person. When not fighting, it is an ordinary person, but once the mecha is driven, the flying and strength simply represent conquest.

However, it ’s been a long time since IG. Many people have just begun to become wizards, stunning the world, but they quickly fell. This is determined by many factors. The final number of people who can stabilize on the spire are always the handful. .

Aurora knows, Master Prime Minister did not know what method was used to eventually separate the two. This is also expected, but is it really separated?

If the two can never see each other, maybe there is really no wenti, but now we have to meet again.

From the perspective of Aslan Empire, Wang Zheng is indeed impossible, I hope Wang Zheng has fallen, so that it will save a lot of trouble for Aslan.

In their view, this is just a “trouble”.

Meng Tian completed the course and training tasks, and her progress made her unbelievable.

The x ability is c-level intermediate, which is almost unbelievable. She is very aware of her talents and circumstances, but now the growth of power is beyond her control, and the x ability has begun to evolve.

This is also rare among the elite of Milky Way Military Academy(s). After the emergence of the x ability, there are two situations that are extremely valuable. One is the emergence of new different types of abilities, and the other is the derivative of the same type of ability. And evolution.

There is no doubt that the evolution of the same type of ability is the rarest.

Derivation is just one more function, but evolution means higher grade.

Meng Tian, ​​the Earthling, is said to be the daughter of a General of Earth. It is the second generation of a small army. This kind of person is the most despised type in Military Academy(s), but now it has caused countless curiosity.

Her beauty, her coldness, her potential, and her own way.

Frozen ’s x ability is frozen at most. Five Elements-based abilities are very common. At best, they are more arrogant. The simplest of this ability is to increase the lethality, and there is no tricks to play.

But Meng Tian found that her x ability was breeding some strange phenomenon. For example, when she used the ability, she appeared warm and frozen.

It can be said that this makes the tutors whisper it, and sometimes she finds that her body will actually make an internal temporary change with the x ability. When the x ability is focused on the double purpose, the world she sees will happen. A strange change.

This level of application is simply unimaginable.

Others cannot find the reason, but Meng Tian knows that all this is probably related to Wang Zheng.

Under Meng Tian ’s cold appearance, only that one is warm.

There is only one reason for Meng Tian to leave. Wang Zheng does not like himself.

She does not want to be an emotional burden on Wang Zheng, which is contrary to her original intention. She hopes that the people she likes are happy.

The first round ended, the second round immediately followed, and after the first round passed, there was a certain elimination. Because of the virtual battlefield, there were basically no serious injuries, except for one, Olivier Doss ’s opponent, An x ability counterattack appeared, which caused a mental shock, and is currently lying in the hospital to recuperate.

Human current technology has deep knowledge of body repair, but it is still very elementary in the spiritual field, at most it is to help stability.

In the past round, Yellow level was basically eliminated, but more than ten people from the four colleges still entered the second round. The most eliminated group was the Xuan-level non-Xuan class. The Xuan class still showed a strong fighting power. The second is Xuan Er Xuan San.

(The first is sent to the second, and the second is the evening. I woke up at more than six o’clock today. I am still up to now, really rarely seen, I hope I can go to bed early today …) (To be continued …)

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