Tempest of the Stellar War Chapter 45: Almost crazy

Yuan Jing froze, “What level is he, and your use of mental power is the strongest I have ever seen, even if it is Earth Two, the old man …”

“Even if he is Earth Level, I am afraid it has reached its peak, and on this Oracle star, Sky Level expert(s) sits.”

Everyone was dumbfounded, which means that even if Silver Alliance sent someone to rescue them, it would be in vain. In the face of Sky Level expert(s), all the struggles are weak, unless they are at the same level.

The Sky Level expert(s) in Silver Alliance is hidden in the mist. This is not something that Silver Alliance can drive. It is hidden in major empires, and it is in the interests of the empire. No one wants to use their own people because they ca n’t afford to lose.

This is another level. Suddenly the joy of everyone’s freedom is gone.

Xie Yuxin felt everyone ’s depression, and smiled slightly, “In fact, it is not that serious, there are still opportunities to leave, there are more than one way, but the last one is not compelling or unusable.”

Meng Tian suddenly felt that Xie Yuxin and Wang Zheng really seemed like, no matter who the opponent was, how strong they were, they would never feel despair and abandonment from them. It was just the enthusiasm of Wang Zheng, Xie Yuxin was too calm, and it seemed like a robot.

In the remote Aslan Empire, the much-anticipated SIG finals are finally about to begin. This game has nearly 20,000 higher education institutions in Silver Alliance to obtain live streaming rights. This is still due to the particularity of SIG, otherwise live streaming channels will be more extensive, and On some Skylink online live streaming and tires are countless, if this is a civil war of Aslan Empire and Atlantis empire, it would be good to have half of the attention, because this is not the first time, nor the last time, everyone has already After listening enough, Aslan Abitain Atlantis Menelaus, etc., can no one be able to kill the encirclement?

It was n’t true before. The dark horses all fell into the semifinals. It is basically impossible to reach the finals. The bigger the competition is, the more accidental it is.

And this time, a super dark horse was born and passed all the way. You have to know that there is no luck in it. On the contrary, this is the darkest luck horse in history. How many opponents are qualified to enter the finals before finally standing in the arena of Chigo Glory.

This is the Roman Sand Snake team!

“No matter what the final result is, the Roman Sand Snake team will become a mark in the history of SIG!”

“I think the Roman Sand Snake team can impact the championship. At this stage, only the champion can get rid of Aslan Empire. They have created the biggest miracle in the history of military schools in the past fifty years. Today, I am on the Earthling side!”

“The appearance of Wang Zheng has awakened my memory of the parent star. When I was young, I visited Earth. It was a beautiful planet. My ancestor was Earthling. It has been many generations apart, but I set foot on Earth. At that time, I still felt a different heartbeat, a very mysterious feeling, I always believed that if there is a miracle, it must come from Earth! “

“There is still a period of time before the game begins. Let ’s review the progress of the two teams. Compared with the smooth sailing of Sword shield rose, the Roman Sand Snake team can be called ‘more disasters and more difficult’, as you can see, This luck is really heaven defying. Every battle is a seed player. I really do n’t know what is going on with the Aslan people, but these are not important. What everyone sees is that Roman Sand Snake is about to stand on the finals. In this final, our Versailles Empire has no interest position, it is from the heart, I hope the Roman Sand Snake team can win! “

Military schools in various countries have their own moderators, all telling their own views and understanding of the game, including comments on each corps member(s), which seems to be just a warm-up, but in fact, it also represents the college Most people’s ideas and opinions.

Aslan Empire as the signal output side, there are also special personnel doing statistics, Zongde.Ririck and Scarlett are stunned by the data currently collected.

The Roman Sand Snake team crushed Rose Sword and Shield Corps with a support rate of up to 76%!

The statistics are for Silver Alliance. Of course, Aslan Empire will not be closed behind the door. They have this confidence because Aslan has always been the most popular country in Silver Alliance. It is a holy place for everyone, a free and democratic Paradise And, as a teacher of the king, has entrusted the dreams of countless people, so no one hopes that the Aslan Empire team will lose.

However, today, this practice is broken, a new generation of idols rise, and it is only because of a person, yes, a student called Wang Zheng!

The more digging, the more research, the existence of this person gives countless hopeful people, no matter which country they come from, even within Aslan Empire, especially the civilian class, although the nobles of Aslan do very well Good, but it is undeniable that they have enjoyed the best, and the gain is not comparable to that of the average person. Just look at Rose Sword and Shield Corps to know that the nobles and royals are all the same.

Whether ordinary people will be so powerful if they get their treatment, no one can give an answer, but obviously it is possible, the appearance of Wang Zheng is like a calm lake thrown into a rock, the sound may pass quickly , But the waves are constantly rippling.

Of course, the glory of your country still has the absolute upper hand, but judging from the Aslan Empire vote, 89% of people support Sword shield rose, but it is also unprecedented and has not exceeded 90%, 10% One student supports this Earthling called Wang Zheng.

In the semi-finals, the number of players in the Cavaliers Arena was a bit overwhelming. It is conceivable that some people started camping outside the camp three days ago, just for a good position. After all, not everyone can Entering the field, but outside the field is also a good place. Although the number of people has been controlled, but more than three million people came to the scene, Aslan Empire also had to dispatch a large number of military police to maintain order, which still controlled the number of people In the circumstances, there are Aslan people, and there are military fans from all over the world.

Dozens of helicopters are patrolling in the air, and some cooling planes are skipping in the air. The number is too large and almost crazy. For them, this is a festival.

The venue is already overcrowded. Zongde.Ririck and Scarlett have received a lot of interviews in the past few days. Of course, they have also done special programs. After all, they are the host of the home stadium. In a game, Scarlett is absolutely standing. From the standpoint of her own country, she is a supporter of Sword shield rose, and of course Zongde.Ririck is a supporter of Roman Sand Snake. The Captain of Menelaus has expressed the idea of ​​fighting with Wang Zheng more than once, and no one underestimated it. The Captain of Menelaus, on the contrary, has a good impression of his broad mind, and it is also the same in Menelaus.

Wang Zheng does not represent a person ’s dream, but countless dreams that want to defeat the Aslan Empire hegemony monopoly. It can be said that at this moment, they stand with Wang Zheng and Roman Sand Snake.

(Second even sent, some book friends said that Skeleton asked for leave without reason, in fact, sometimes they are unwell and in poor condition, there are always various things in life, everyone is Earthling, understand Yes, Skeleton does not want to pass negative emotions to everyone, I hope everyone can be happy every day, my skull is always an eighteen-year-old little blood shota!

Mid-month, friends, let ’s make a

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