Tempest of the Stellar War Chapter 22: Meet narrow roads

Here we are preparing, and we are also celebrating the other side. Jason Zha’er Borg and others have already won. The original voice from Earth suddenly sounded, although the influence is already weak, but it ca n’t stand the bark, it also makes Zha’er Borg a little annoyed, but I did not expect What makes Didaian so powerful is that it has begun to build up, which is completely in line with their plan and saves time.

So I ’m happy to give them time to assemble, but the little foxes of the Red Fox actually ran away, but Jason did n’t care much. It ’s better to die in the flames of war. At best, give them the title of a hero. If he died in the city but caused him trouble, everything went smoothly.

The time passed slowly, in a canyon more than two hundred kilometers outside the city of Lankao. This is the military base of the Chamber of Commerce. Of course, it is the Dida Star development base. Of course, this name is not completely wrong. It is indeed a development base. , But after shoveling Dida Star.

Wang Zheng and others are already lurking in the jungle. They also want to attack at night, but this is impossible. At night, all the combat robots are released, but they ca n’t cope with it. However, the warning for a long time is relatively low.

After the final selection, Wang Zheng only brought more than 800 people, and selected the most flexible and strong among the giants. The number is not decisive, but an unexpected victory.

Zhai Ba, you haven’t finished it yet. At this level, it’s not drizzling at your level.” The old bear is already a bit impatient.

Some stinky businessmen actually turned on the Silver Alliance soldiers, which is unbearable!

“Do n’t hurry, there are two things in the surveillance system here, Captain said, no mistakes can be made.”

Zhai Ba is the real system expert(s). To be honest, the Trojan mercenary garrison does n’t pay much attention to this aspect. To deal with a group of barbarians, what kind of difficult Defense System is needed. It’s just in accordance with the rules, to tell the truth is not necessary.

The only thing that can be tossed is Lan Family. Now Lan Family is like a dog, but it is not an obedient dog. The old fox Lan Jiang seems to want to stay away from each other. There is such a good thing in the world. Just need Lan Family for the time being.

After a while, Barry waved his fist and whispered: “Done!”

“Okay, according to the formation, Red Fox, the turret at the door will be handed over to you, Lala, lead the brothers to rush in, remember. The formation must be guaranteed, all follow the orders!”

“Relax, Ada!”

With a single order, the mech protruded forward and scouted. The body armor Didaian followed behind, keeping the distance as close as possible and slowly approaching. There is time, no matter how anxious it is for a while. The closer they are to the base, the closer they are to success.

“Red Fox, the target is in range.”

“Wait, let the formation press the front.”

Everyone squeezed their weapons tightly, getting closer and closer to the base, suddenly. A screaming police siren broke out at the base, apparently a giant accidentally triggered something or was discovered by the enemy.

“Hands!” Wang Zheng screamed, and the Sniper(s) mech immediately launched an assault on the turret, and the giant rushed toward the gate under the guidance of Radu.

Rows of battle robots have poured out, and the enemies are very jealous. Many of the death squads recruited this time are from Lingshan Department. The entire Lingshan Department has been turned into ashes. For the giants of Lingshan Department, they have hated these robots.

When Shan Meng took the lead, the huge long sword killed the robot, and the fighting robot raised its flamethrower uniformly.

Seeing that the giants in the front row were all turned to ashes, Radu had a shocking roar, and the spear in his hand was radiant, and a strong whirlwind appeared, and the sky appeared dark clouds.

In a flash of thunder and lightning, a series of lightning flashed towards the combat robot in the direction of the spear, rumbling …

The Spitfire Robot exploded in an instant, and it blasted the robots coming out from behind, suddenly exploding the base door.

Jason and Zha’er Borg were stunned. They were watching this group of idiot-like brainless Didaian through a telescope. They even wanted to attack the base. That’s just a few people, but the performance of Radu still scared them.

“Titan, there really is a Titan!” Jason exclaimed.

“Master Consul, please be restless, what a titan!”

“Legend of Didaian, Son of God, Titan!”

“It’s just a barbarian with some advanced weapon. What a fuss!” Moore said lightly. Although surprised, he was relieved to see only one of these golden giants.

Not to mention just a color-changing giant, even if it is really a god, it will be crushed into pieces in front of a huge robot.

In fact, after using such an attack on Radu, the light dissipated immediately, and his body seemed to drain his strength. However, the Radu did not move, and the giant behind him rushed in like he was crazy.

There is really no rule, it is a torrent of crazy giants, for the glory of the Titan!

These giants are not afraid of death, no matter whether the opponent is a machine or whatever, they are fighting in vain.

Shanmeng rushed to the front, the shield blocked a row of attacks, and madly rushed to a battle robot. Lan Family ’s equipment still played a vital role. Just rushing into it would kill one, but Shanmeng There were still several shots in the body, but this giant could not stop the mad giant.

Red Fox Squad has followed up. They are dealing with the defensive facilities. These facilities are more harmful to the giants, but it is a different matter to the mech units.

And a large number of robots simply can’t open, but instead gave the giants a break through the first line of defense.

At this time, Moore frowned, “Head Miasu, let you destroy the invaders at all costs!”

“Mr. Moore, please be assured, a bunch of little ones.” Miasu, the head of the Trojan mercenary regiment, his mecha fighters have been prepared for a long time. Since the Dida Star, they have completely slaughtered some silly Dida’s meatballs are too much fun, and they are a bit decent.

The predecessor of Troy was actually a pirate group, but later it was whitewashed and belonged to the business alliance. It started a “just business”, but the habit of bloodthirsty for many years has not changed. It is meaningless to kill giants.

Radu Wei, Shanmeng, you two lead the giant to block the robot troops, let us do the rest!”

“Yes, Ada, for glory!”

“For glory!”

All the giants roared up to the sky and kept guarding the passage, while the Wang Zheng members of the Red Fox Squad rushed inside.

A row of bullets swept over as soon as they appeared.

In front of them is more than a hundred different kinds of Mechanized warrior(s), and everyone’s titanium alloy saber(s) is unsheathed.

There is no room for manoeuvre!

“Master Consul, do you think it will take a few minutes to resolve the battle?” Moore laughed.

Jason is also slightly centered. The large robot forces outside are constantly hitting the giant’s defense line. The giant is constantly falling, and the giant is falling one by one, but the robot is indeed endless.

And there are more than a dozen of them in a dozen fights. If you ca n’t win, you ’re going to eat shit.

(Second delivery, ask for monthly ticket, thanks !!!) (Unfinished to be continued …)

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