Technological Supremacy Chapter 66: One hundred eighty hz

With Star Technology launching challenges to higher and higher fields, talents have become an important issue restricting the company’s development.

Whenever Luo Jia saw the sixteen Nikon brand exposure machines in the Kunshan factory, Luo Jia felt chest tight.

He dared to bet that the cost of the FX85 exposure machine would not exceed 20 million.

However, there is no similar technology in China, and Nikon dares to sell this kind of machine to domestic customers at such a crazy price of 200 million each.

As for the top lithography machines produced by ASML in the Netherlands, each machine sold for 1.2 billion yuan after tax.

Not only is it expensive, but you can’t buy it.

So far, in the whole of China, only SMIC has managed to obtain a top ASML lithography machine.

This is reality.

In the land of China, 9.6 million square kilometers, there is only one top-level vapor deposition machine from TOKKI, and only one top-level lithography machine from ASML. With such progress, how long will it take to break the monopoly of the great powers on cutting-edge technology.

So this time, Luo Jia gave the human resources department a difficult task.

Di Wuchang led a team to Asia, to Europe, to North America, to the whole world, and visited those Chinese elites working abroad one by one.

After all, no matter how much knowledge Luo Jia has in his head, he can’t make products with a wave of his hand like magic. He needs a huge talent pool to challenge these hegemonies one by one.

However, it will be a very long and difficult process.

The car stopped at the parking lot of the 2012 laboratory. Luo Jia and An Ran opened the trunk and picked up two heavy cardboard boxes.

One box contains star magazines, and the other contains display screen samples.

Luo Jia is familiar with this place.

As the most important partner of Huawei, Luo Jia can now drive straight in without notification.

The two young men from the administrative department took the cardboard boxes in their hands, and the Huawei employees they met along the way greeted him cordially.

“Boss Luo is here.”

“What black technology did Mr. Luo bring this time?”

Luo Jia smiled, and asked Li Moran to put a box of star magazines on the table, then picked up a few, and threw them to the Huawei employees around him.

“Do you think black technology is a hen laying eggs, one day?”

“There is no black technology, but there are academic journals we develop. Let’s take a look.”

After speaking, Luo Jia took a book from the box and went to Gong Xiangdong’s office.

Not long after Luo Jia left, he heard their exclamations.

“My God, it’s a theoretical study on energy waves!”

“Is the paper finally out? Give me a copy!”

“Don’t grab it, let’s watch it together.”

“It turned out to be a full Chinese version!”

The research and development center fell into chaos and madness. People have been waiting for Star Technology’s paper on energy waves, which is really too long.

Everyone wants to know how the black technology leading this wireless revolution came true.

It’s just that they probably never dreamed that the papers in their hands were all in square characters, and it was a set of periodicals written entirely in Chinese.

“What’s going on outside?”

Gong Xiangdong opened the door to greet Luo Jia, only to find that the entire research institute was about to explode, and everyone put down their work, holding what looked like a magazine.

Luo Jia handed Gong Xiangdong the star magazine in his hand, he closed the door, sat on the sofa, and opened the catalog page.

Afterwards, Gong Xiangdong set off a storm in his heart.

Like anyone who sees the journal for the first time, he is immediately struck by its contents.

Those pioneering researches and brain-opening whimsy, like a black hole, firmly attracted his attention.

What’s more, this is an all-Chinese journal.

The value of stars cannot be measured by money or some so-called impact factor.

Luo Jia, a young man, is creating an era by himself!

An era in which all researchers can write papers in their native language!

It is conceivable that once this academic journal is released, what kind of storm it will bring to the global academic community. All the theoretical research published by Xingchen will be at the forefront and top of the academic circle!

Interested in learning about energy wave technology?

Want to know how the energy wave transmission chain is established?

Want to know why energy waves don’t affect the human body?

All these answers are currently the most concerned by the global academic community, which has triggered a wave of cutting-edge research, and the answers can only be found in the Star Journal.

Moreover, the Star journal not only published research on energy waves, but also some of their achievements in the field of optics.

Why is the S1 camera of Xingchen Optics able to beat the old giant Sony?

That’s because Xingchen Optics creatively developed the multi-surface COMS technology!

The COMS sensor they designed is not flat, but composed of countless curved surfaces, which is really amazing!

The entire journal is all original research, far exceeding the same level of the times.

And these research results, which are enough to shock the global academic circle, are all written in pure Chinese…

Gong Xiangdong’s mouth became O-shaped, and he covered his heart with one hand, because his heart was beating wildly uncontrollably.

Faintly, Gong Xiangdong had a feeling that the practice of publishing papers in pure English in the academic world might be completely broken by this smiling young man in front of him.

“It’s too precious, this journal is so precious!” Gong Xiangdong said excitedly.

“Huawei is an important partner of ours, so the journal was sent to you as soon as it was released.” Luo Jia said, “We still lack experience in establishing academic journals. Take care.”

Gong Xiangdong was speechless.

Does this still need to be taken care of?

Take a look at the current situation of the 2012 laboratory. The researchers and engineers of Huawei are almost obsessed with this journal.

If the star periodicals are sent to various colleges and universities, I am afraid it will have the same crazy effect.

Luo Jia nodded at An Ran. He opened the cardboard box he had carried all the way, put some simple experimental tools on the coffee table in the office, and then took out several LCD screens of different sizes.

“Actually, I came to you this time because we made something and wanted to show you.” Luo Jia said.

Gong Xiangdong nodded repeatedly.

He knew that Star Technology was sprinting into the display field.

Mr. Ren of Huawei contacted the 8.5G line in Kunshan, and the four giants each took out 2 billion interest-free loans in order to solve Luo Jia’s financial difficulties.

It’s just that Gong Xiangdong didn’t expect Jia to come up with results so quickly.

After safely connecting to the power supply, several screens lit up one by one.

Gong Xiangdong blinked quickly, feeling shocked again, he couldn’t believe what he saw.

It is clearly an LCD screen that has been used by the industry for decades, but the displayed effect is completely different from the past.

It seems that Luo Jia has cast magic on these screens, color, contrast, brightness, grayscale, resolution, without exception, showing breathtaking effects.

“We have achieved 2,000-level and 4,000-level resolution on a six-inch LCD screen.” Luo Jia said.

Six-inch screen, four thousand resolution!

Is this impossible?

Gong Xiangdong jumped up from the sofa.

Before Luo Jia, no one could achieve such a high resolution on such a small LCD screen, never before!

Moreover, these screens look like not only the resolution has been improved, but also all the technical parameters have achieved leaps and bounds, and the colors are as bright as oil paintings.

Gong Xiangdong felt that it was necessary for him to talk to a doctor in the cardiology department, because the shock that Luo Jia gave him today was too great, and his heart began to be a little unbearable.

Currently, the biggest shortcoming of the Big Four is the screen.

While Samsung and Apple have already used 4,000-level screens, the Big Four are still using the ancient 1080P.

Luo Jia’s super LCD screen was born, breaking the monopoly of the big powers and making up for the biggest shortcoming of the Big Four,

Regarding Gong Xiangdong’s question, Luo Jia smiled and shook his head, “No, our screens are not the same as Samsung’s, but better than theirs.”

“Because we have raised the refresh rate to the world’s highest, 180hz, while the resolution has reached 4,000 levels.”

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