Technological Supremacy Chapter 621: The momentum is overwhelming!

Storm Star County.

The war between the Senna Federation and the Southern Star Empire has reached its worst stage. Countless soldiers have spilled blood on the galaxy, and the originally bright starry sky has become a cemetery of warships.

Either you die, or I live.

In the stars, there is no so-called art of compromise. Now, the reason for the initial war is no longer important, what matters is who can survive to the end in this war.

“Damn profiteers! The guys from Star Ring Trading are all bastards!” A roar came from General Worm’s office.

The Minister of General Armaments of the Imperial Army is in charge of the most important procurement tasks in the army. Such lucrative positions are absolutely impossible to fall into the hands of outsiders, so General Worm has another identity, that is Cousin of Her Lady Queen.

The secretary’s face was livid after being frightened by General Worm, and he quickly explained: “The people in Star Ring Trade said that although these EMP bombs were produced by small companies, their performance is better than that of energy civilization products.”

“The mouths of those businessmen can turn the dead into living! Only fools and idiots will believe them!” The general was still angry, and said angrily: “What the **** is Xingchen Technology? We have never even heard of it. Yes! EMP bombs are high-tech munitions, can any cat or dog make them?”

The thing is like this. As one of the largest traders in Qunxing, Xinghuan Trading Group dislikes the fact that the supplier is the only one. The machines are all made by ASML in the Netherlands. Huaxia has no choice but to listen to it, and has suffered a lot in this regard.

Based on this concept, Xinghuan Trading hopes that there will be more than one supplier for all products. Partner.

General Worm lost his temper, but he also understood in his heart that although Star Ring Trade claims that there are no products from Energy Civilization at present, it is obvious that they are forcing the sale of products from an unknown small company, but the war is so fierce Well, the Imperial Army has no confidence at all to reject the Star Ring trade. After all, the war will continue, and the front line cannot live without ammunition for a day.

Thinking of this, General Worm looked at the order form helplessly, full of disgust for the strange name of Star Technology.

“Thriller, what a **** name, there is no creativity at all! Let’s make use of it, this kind of product from a small company that is not lethal, thank God if it can have 80% performance.”

General Worm murmured, “Send this batch of goods to the front line immediately, and tell the people in the Star Ring Trade, if you send this kind of garbage over again, you will not cooperate in the future!”

“Anyway, the next batch of EMP bombs, we are determined not to tremble like shit! Only destroyers of energy civilization production!”

[Interesting novel]…

A few days later.

“General! Great victory, the latest news from the front line, great victory!”

“Our fleet won an overwhelming victory against the Senna Federation in the CP9451 galaxy! Annihilated the opponent’s 17th Fleet in one fell swoop, and disabled the 53rd Strategic Fleet that came to support!”

General Worm was dumbfounded when he saw the secretary rushing into his office with a look of surprise on his face. He couldn’t believe that the front line had won such an exaggerated victory, wiped out a half of the opponent’s entire fleet, and the battle loss ratio reached an exaggerated one and a half. Bi San, if you lose one starship on your side, you will lose three on the other side.

“Report! Her Majesty the Queen learned of the great victory in the battle, and announced that the whole army will be rewarded! You, the general, will also be rewarded!”

“Report! The news is out, and the whole country is boiling! The Royal News Agency is going to interview you! They ask if you have time?”

“Report! The Senna Federal Army has suffered a disastrous defeat, and its confidence has been greatly hit. The entire army is retreating!”

A series of good news directly confused General Worm.

For many years, the Senna Federation and the Southern Star Empire have been evenly matched, and now they have won a sudden victory, which surprised and surprised everyone.

“What happened on the battlefield?” General Worm asked curiously: “Our fleet was suddenly possessed by the God of War?”

The secretary smiled and said, “According to the battle report from the front, it was Tremor who made the great contribution this time.”

“Thriller!?” General Worm was taken aback suddenly. The name sounded familiar, and he had scolded him severely a few days ago.

“That’s right, it’s the batch of EMP bombs we just bought, the trembling.” The secretary explained: “The frontline battle report, the trembling is not an ordinary electromagnetic pulse bomb, but also superimposed with a space shock effect…”

General Worm finally understood that the trembling is not an ordinary EMP bomb, this thing has been modified by the devil, and it has a demonic aura!

For many reasons, Luo Jia did not sell high-level tremors, and only offered the highest level five.

According to the law of energy conservation, the effect of the fifth-level EMP bomb is the same. If the opponent is a large starship and has made a special design for releasing electromagnetic pulses, then the trembling can only play a role in interference, and there is no way to make the opponent’s starship Ship lying down.

However, Thriller is not an ordinary EMP bomb. Although it is not high in level, it also has superimposed space shock effect.

“Find faults?”

General Worm didn’t understand the secretary’s adjective very much, showing a confused expression.

“Look, this is the Canyon-class cruiser, the main cruiser of the Senna Federation. It was not until the Shivering came out that we discovered that the fire control system of the Canyon-class cruiser had serious design flaws. The control will fail, the fire will be misfired in an instant, and the ability to counterattack the enemy will be completely lost.”

“In the fleet configuration of the Senna Federation, the Canyon class is the main cruiser with the largest number. After a series of trembling projections, one-third of their fleet’s firepower was lost. How can this battle be fought?”

After hearing this, General Worm couldn’t believe his ears, trembling is so amazing? Is it the only EMP bomb ever designed to find fault?

Thinking about it, it makes sense. After all, trembling is a double blow. Electromagnetic pulse and space shock occur at the same time. Within a millionth of a second, not only must one resist the electromagnetic pulse attack, but also withstand the test of space shock.

This is like taking the three-day college entrance examination and putting it all in one day, and a lot of papers are thrown at you in an instant. A pseudo-scholar with a little less ability may collapse on the spot.

So, the tremor is not only a great tactical killer, but also a powerful test to test the stability of the equipment. If you want to know whether the design of the starship is excellent, it is very simple. Use the tremor for a few rounds, and all the moths will be blown up Come out, it’s a mule or a horse, pull it out, let Shudder take a walk.

“I see!” General Worm fully understands the horror of trembling. This thing is not only a monster, but also a magic mirror. Fake and shoddy starships and munitions will be beaten back once they encounter trembling. Prototype.

At this moment, the Senna Federation has been mad. Who would have thought that the main cruiser of the Canyon class, which has been in use for hundreds of years, has hidden design flaws. .

There are not 10,000 canyon-class cruisers in the Senna Federation’s inventory, but there are 8,000 ships. Even if they don’t go back to the furnace for rebuilding, refit them all, and replace the defective fire control system, the costs incurred and the long construction period are enough. They drink from a jug.

Undoubtedly, the Senna Federation returned to its original shape with a shudder, and they are in the rhythm of pills!

“Star Technology, awesome!”

Facts have proved that General Worm cannot escape the law of true fragrance. He quickly transformed from disgust and mistrust into a fan of Star Technology, and the only thing he has to complain about is that Star Technology does not sell high-power products above level five. bomb.

As an existence who likes to keep a hand, Luo Jia believes in the truth that no one has as much as he has. High-level tremors will not appear on his sale list not only now, but also in the future. Only fools sell things that can save lives at critical moments Woolen cloth.

“Mr. Bray, please sit down!”

“Are you thirsty? Drink fruit juice or mineral water?”

I came to General Worm again, and Bray was very uncomfortable with the general’s hospitality today, and he actually served tea for himself, and Bray’s identity was just a business representative of the Star Ring Trading Group.

“It must be because of the trembling. This kind of EMP bomb has become very popular recently.” Bray thought to himself, and he had already guessed that the reason why General Worm was so courteous was for the ammunition.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the past month, the Tremor has stole the limelight, sweeping the stars with lightning speed and becoming the most popular weapon of war in one fell swoop.

Thinking about it, Bray found it funny again. Not long ago, General Worm scolded him bloody, saying that he used the inferior products of Star Technology to fool himself. This change is really fast enough.

“This time the list, please have a look at the general.” Bray respectfully sent the list.

General Worm rubbed his hands, looking excited, unfolded the list, and quickly searched with his eyes.


“It’s not trembling, but a destroyer of energy civilization production!?” General Worm said angrily, “Who asked you to send this thing? We don’t want destroyers, we need trembling! We urgently need trembling now! “

Bray looked at General Worm with weird eyes, then curled his lips and muttered: “It’s you, you sent someone to bring me a message. From now on, only destroyers, don’t tremble.”

“You also said that if I dare to fool with trembling again, I will break my dog ​​leg.”

After hearing this, General Worm immediately rolled his eyes, %¥#@@#%………&

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