Technological Supremacy Chapter 58: Mingxiu plank road dark Chencang!

“With such a big fanfare, within a few hours, everyone in the circle will know that we are going to enter the display industry.”

After the meeting, Li Moran came to Luo Jia’s office and said.

Luo Jia smiled and asked him to sit down.

Entering the display industry requires the acquisition and start-up of more than one factory at the same time. Such a big move cannot be hidden from anyone, so Luo Jia doesn’t care what people in the technology circle think.

Star Technology has an important feature. They do not directly face consumers, and the products they produce are directly supplied to major manufacturers. They are a company hidden behind the giants.

So up to now, the vast majority of consumers still don’t know the name of Star Technology.

But in the technology circle, Xingchen Technology is gaining momentum.

“What do you want me to do?” Li Moran asked.

Luo Jia didn’t speak, and handed him a tablet computer.

The company is now a paperless office, and all kinds of documents are transmitted in digital form through the internal server, and the signature is also directly signed on the screen with an electronic pen.

Li Moran lowered his head and looked it up carefully. After turning a few pages, his eyes became serious.

Ten minutes later, Li Moran finished reading the information Luo Jia gave him, and was completely shocked, his eyes full of disbelief.

“Are we going to develop a general-purpose operating system?” Li Moran asked tentatively, his voice trembling.

Luo Jia admitted frankly, “That’s right, the original 168 modules of the mobile assistant will remain unchanged, and another 402 modules need to be added, for a total of 570 modules and about 6 million rows. The code, you and your colleagues in the software center, have four months to finish it and debug it.”

Li Moran was completely silent.

This is a general-purpose operating system!

The life of a modern computer!

All software must run on the operating system platform!

Although the world is big, the field of operating systems is monopolized by American companies, such as Google’s Android, Microsoft’s Windows, and Apple’s OS.

Neon, South Korea, Germany, Britain, France, they are also great powers, but none of them have the ability to enter this field.

This shows how difficult it is to enter the field of general-purpose operating systems.

The reason why it is called a general-purpose operating system is because of its universality, it can be used on mobile phones, notebooks, and tablets.

As for the server side and the professional operating system used in the military industry, there are actually some in my country or in the world.

But those professional operating systems are not universal, and only exist in professional institutions and laboratories. People all over the world use these three major systems every day, and there is nothing else.

Our country once spent a huge amount of money to promote the LINUX system, but unfortunately it failed miserably in the end.

In the field of general-purpose operating systems, it has never been a state of hegemony, but absolute hegemony!

There are only three giant companies in the world, and nothing else.

Li Moran raised his head with a serious expression, “Mr. Luo, we are not challenging Google, but the United States.”

Luo Jia laughed, “That’s why I asked Enron’s hardware department to develop display screens with great fanfare, just to attract firepower for your software department, to build plank roads openly, and to keep dark.”

“The project of the display screen is just an upgrade based on the past technology.”

“And your task is to completely replace it!”

Luo Jia turned his head and looked out the window, “We didn’t have a chance, but Google gave us a chance.”

“Samsung and the Big Four are less and less listening to Google, making them very passive and want to play in person.”

“It’s a pity they forgot that in this world, everything has a price.”

“Once Google plays in person, it will immediately become the enemy of the Big Four. No matter how stupid the Big Four are, they will understand how ridiculous it is to use the enemy’s operating system.”

“And we have never been the enemies of the Big Four. We are the most important partners of the Big Four. No matter in the past or in the future, we will stand in the same trench as the Big Four.”

Li Moran slowly raised his head, a bright light flashed across his eyes.

He knew that Luo Jia had always wanted something big, but he never thought that what he wanted was the whole world!

Becoming one of the players in the general operating system field is the dream of almost all countries and enterprises in the world!

Now, he actually wants to challenge the operating system, the absolute hegemony field?

“In any case, let’s make the operating system first. It’s the same as when we were working as mobile assistants last time. I’m in charge of the system architecture, and you’re in charge of the connection and guidance between the various teams.”

“The level of this project is Top Secret!”

“Except for the modules they are writing, each team should not let them touch the deeper underlying architecture. In this way, no one except you and me will know what they are writing.” Luo Jiashen Said loudly.

Li Moran got up and left Luo Jia’s office.

Just now he was still envious of Enron. The hardware department managed by Enron is about to fight a tough battle.

It wasn’t until this moment that Li Moran suddenly realized that An Ran’s big show off was actually a cover for herself. Luo Jia’s ambition was bigger than anyone imagined!

In a few months, Xingchen Technology will launch a fierce attack on the general operating system, the field of absolute hegemony!


When Li Moran walked out of the office, he couldn’t restrain his crazy excitement!

When he met An Ran, Li Moran didn’t even say hello, but just nodded slightly. He is now completely immersed in Luo Jia’s crazy plan, and has no intention of asking about anything else.

Knocked on the door of Luo Jia’s office and walked in safely.

“Just now I met Li Moran in the corridor, he seems not in a good spirit.” An Ran said to Luo Jia with a frown.

“Oh, I asked him to work on the third-generation mobile assistant, which is quite difficult.” Luo Jia said.

Although An Ran is also the top management of the company, Luo Jia has no intention of telling him the secret. It is enough for only himself and Li Moran to know about this matter.

An Ran shook her head, “Three generations of mobile assistants are not easy, but the challenges our hardware department is facing are so severe. After I went back, the hardware department and the laboratory were blown up. Time is tight and tasks are heavy, and the pressure is very high.”

Luo Jia thought, compared with what Li Moran was doing, the pressure on the hardware department was really not that great.

The project of the display screen can at best be considered as climbing Mount Tai, but what Li Moran has to climb is the Himalayas.

An Ran paused, “Mr. Luo, can I ask a question?”

“Of course Why do we want to make LCD instead of the most popular OLED now? People in the industry think that LCD is already a thing of the past, and the flexible screen that Samsung is working on is the display industry future.” An Ran expressed her doubts.

“It’s not what others do, we must follow suit.” Luo Jia shrugged.

He stood up, went to a whiteboard, picked up an ink pen, drew a few boxes, and marked the size and price below.

“Thirty-two-inch 8K LCD TV, nine hundred and ninety-nine yuan.”

“Forty-two-inch 8K LCD TV, 1,499 yuan.”

“Fifty-inch 8K LCD TV, 1,999 yuan.”

Luo Jia said, “This is our goal, using mature technology and low cost, to launch products that are as good as Samsung, or even better than them.”

Luo Jia pointed to the map of Huaxia hanging in the office, “Our country is very large and has many people. There are many rich people and many poor people.”

“Samsung’s flexible screen is technically good, but the cost is too high. A mobile phone with 4,000 screens will cost an astonishing 10,000 yuan.”

“Such a product is destined to be impossible to serve everyone, and what we have to do is to lower the price. Samsung sells a 4,000-quality OLED screen for more than 300 US dollars, and I plan to reduce the 4,000-quality OLED screen. LCD screens, selling for 150 yuan.”

“They want to serve the rich, so let them do it.”

“We choose to serve the most.”

“The high-end market accounts for less than five percent of the world, let Samsung do it.”

“What we want is ninety-five percent from low-end to mid-to-high end!”

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