Technological Supremacy Chapter 559: Refugees surge, red alert!

Chapter 559 Refugees surge, red alert!

The worst situation happened. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory unexpectedly used a substance called fullerene to powerfully remove free radicals in the body, and took the lead in achieving the goal of controlling metabolism and anti-aging.

According to the style of Xingchen Technology, it should be tit-for-tat and aggressive against it. However, Luo Jia was whimsical and came up with a trick of retreating to advance, deliberately showing weakness, and then instigating refugees to invade the West, creating violent social turmoil.

If the two sides fighting technology is a physical attack, then instigating refugees is equivalent to a biological and chemical weapon attack, so when Luo Jia proposed this plan, everyone in the management bureau was stunned. They looked at it with complicated eyes. Looking at Rodya, it was like looking at a monster.

However, at this time, across the Pacific Ocean, the performance of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has just reached its climax.

“God bless North America!”

“North America first!” Reinhardt shouted emotionally, “Since the production of fullerenes is limited in the initial stage, we will only give priority to the North American market, followed by our allies, Europe, Australia , Canada, New Zealand, etc.”

“In short, if the world outside of the West, especially some barbaric countries in East Asia, wants to obtain fullerene potions, I’m afraid they will have to wait a long, long time. It can provide a solution to severely punish lifespan.”

Reinhardt said triumphantly. As expected, these words quickly aroused great enthusiasm from Western netizens.

“Star Technology has been coquettish for so long, this time it is finally our turn!”

“West first, this is really the most beautiful thing I’ve heard recently!”

“Barbarians in China, are you envious? Are you jealous? Are you sour?”

Luo Jia quickly swept his fingers across the screen. When he saw these bullet screens, his heart was not disturbed. What he thought of was the battle that decided the fate of the West many years ago.

In 1453 A.D., when the Ottoman army came to Constantinople, Muhammad’s elite troops attacked in turn, trying to capture this famous city of the Eastern Roman Empire.

The soldiers defending the city knew that they would die if they surrendered, so they risked their lives and fought the enemy desperately, vowing to protect the eternal temple in their hearts with blood and bones.

However, by mistake, on that evening when the setting sun shone like a fire, an Ottoman soldier discovered that the Kerkamen door was not locked. With a light push, this small, inconspicuous door on the edge , was pushed away!

Thus, the Ottoman army invaded from Kell Carmen, flattened Constantinople, and renamed Constantinople to Istanbul. The cross of Hagia Sophia collapsed. Since then put on new green clothes.

Whether the West has learned anything from the fall of Constantinople, Luo Jia does not know, but he understands such a Western proverb, when God closes a door for you, he will open another for you window.

Luo Jia thinks that God is so interesting. The Chinese people build the Great Wall everywhere and guard it strictly for fear of barbarians coming in. Even if God does not leave doors for others, he will leave windows. He is a good man!

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s fullerene technology has shocked the whole world, and people have turned their attention to China, looking forward to the reaction of Star Technology, which defeated Cold Spring Harbor last time.

However, for three days in a row, Xingchen Technology did not give any response, people began to have a bad feeling in their hearts, and rumors were flying all over the sky, saying that this time Xingchen Technology might not be able to come up with a countermeasure. , Huaxia fell behind.

The rumors were not settled until Luo Jia’s weekly routine live broadcast. technology for longevity.

When Luo Jia said these words, the bullet screen broke out as expected, and Huaxia netizens expressed their disappointment.

“Oh my god, the most tough guys in the Chinese science and technology world didn’t follow up!”

“This should not be the so-called turning point in the history books, maybe the West will fight back in the future.”

“So what, the West is only leading in the direction of life sciences, and it is still far behind in other directions.”

For a while, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and there were many things to say, but the mood was generally restrained. Everyone still believed in Star Technology and would launch similar technology in the near future.

“Please give us some more time.” Facing the camera, Luo Jia said very sincerely: “The Life Science Department is the latest to be established among the company’s three first-level departments. The laboratory was founded by Mr. Watson, the father of genes, and it has been the strongest life science research institution on earth from the beginning to the end, and there is still a big gap between us.”

“But as long as we are given enough time, my colleagues and I will definitely repay you. At present, we have encountered difficulties in controlling the genetic channel. Human lifespan.”

“In the future, in addition to continuing the research on gene channels, we will also open a new laboratory to study fullerene technology. Please wait and see.”

After Luo Jia said these words, the whole world immediately exploded. Two important pieces of information were revealed in this passage. Star Technology has not started research yet.

Xingchen Technology is in trouble, big trouble, people who eat melons thought it was due to lagging behind in research and development progress, but who would have thought it was a battle of routes, the routes chosen by the two companies are fundamentally different.

It’s like the battle of display panels back then. Neon’s technical strength was absolutely awesome, but they chose the wrong path. Instead of LCD technology, they chose plasma technology. Everyone has seen the final result. Except that JDI is still waiting to die, there are almost no neon panel manufacturers in the market.

This time, Xingchen Technology chose a different route from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Will it end up the same as the neon panel company back then?

After the end of Luo Jia’s live column, not only failed to turn the tide, but played a role in fueling the flames.

The next day, all major media reported Luo Jia’s response to fullerene technology in the headlines. In such a big star technology, fullerene research has not yet started. Seeing that the fullerene drug in North America will be released next Monday Listed, Star Technology’s fullerene is only a plan.

As for the gene channel control technology Luo Jia talked about, ordinary people don’t know so much. The reality is that the West has life extension technology, but China does not. It’s as simple as that.

All of a sudden, the whole world was undercurrent. On the second day after Luo Jia’s live broadcast ended, a yellow alert was issued on the border between North America and Europe. A large number of refugees began to cross the border and headed for the western inland. There were more than 30,000 illegal immigrants, and the immigration prisons were overcrowded.

Are there any Chinese among these illegal immigrants?

There must be. After all, it is the most populous country, and the base is too large. Any natural or man-made disaster in any country will inevitably involve Chinese people, but even if a small number of Chinese people take advantage of the chaos to sneak into Europe and North America, It is by no means the main force.

On October 23, 2019, 39 smugglers were frozen to death in the UK because they hid in a refrigerated truck. It just exploded, these days, are there still people smuggled into the UK to work? Netizens could hardly believe their ears.

Facts later proved that a group of Vietnamese were frozen to death. Chinese netizens expressed their condolences on humanitarian grounds, but they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The West smashed Syria, causing millions of Syrian refugees to enter Europe. North America screwed up Venezuela, so millions of Venezuelans marched through Mexico to North America. This is how the refugees came. In the old Chinese saying, this is Typical retribution.

If the world was good and everyone lived comfortably at home, who would leave their homes?

There are three types of people who are desperately running to the west, either poor and white, or unable to survive the war, or purely bad.

A little analysis reveals that although the fate of these three people is ill-fated and worthy of sympathy, they all have one characteristic in common, that is, they dare to risk their lives. In the past, they yearned for the West because of economic factors. live a good life.

Then the question is, once the black uncles arrive in the west, can they live a good life?

It should be said that life is still good.

Luo Jia once saw such an example on a Canadian website. After the refugee couple was approved by the Canadian government, they lived in eastern Quebec, a small city with a population of 20,000. Ten thousand Canadian dollars, the cost of living is much cheaper than Toronto, Vancouver and other big cities.

Because the two refugees did not have a job, they lived on relief funds. The couple was 900 Canadian dollars a month, which was almost 11,000 Canadian dollars a year.

It doesn’t look like a lot of money, right, but they also had four children, each of whom has a $6,600 federal government milk fund per year, which is not taxed, so it is a net income. In addition, Each child also has a provincial government milk fund of 2,400 Canadian dollars per year, which is also tax-free.

So refugees have created a net income of 36,000 Canadian dollars per year by having four children. The Canadian authorities also provide housing subsidies for low-income families, value-added tax rebates and other subsidy projects. Add up to three thousand Canadian dollars a year.

The refugee couple has a house and two second-hand cars. As long as the real estate does not exceed 150,000 Canadian dollars and the car does not exceed 10,000 Canadian dollars, they meet the property requirements for relief funds. The income that does not have to pay taxes is equal to the annual salary of 70,000 Canadian dollars for migrant workers.

From the above data, it can be seen that the prerequisite for refugees to live a good life in the West is to give birth to children desperately. Otherwise, even if the Canadian authorities give refugee couples a monthly relief of 900 Canadian dollars, it will be difficult for them to live Comfortable, at best not hungry.

So we can conclude that the fertility rate of an old capitalist empire like France can be as high as 2.3, which is higher than the combined fertility rate of Neon and South Korea. Who is behind this? ? God bless Europe, is it alarmist talk, or is it an ongoing history?

The matter has come to this point, and the West is already on the verge of riding a tiger. Luo Jia made a ruthless move, and quietly added fuel to the flames behind his back.

Finally, in this hot August, the red alert is lit on the western border!

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