Technological Supremacy Chapter 525: Wings of the stars, slaughter the world!

Star Technology announced that the first batch of robots is limited to 100,000 units, which quickly triggered a global panic buying. In just three days, more than 100 million users registered and joined the panic buying army.

At 0:00 on April 18th, the panic buying activity finally kicked off. Musk’s youngest son is a robot fan. Although his father promised to hire a robot at home, he still couldn’t rest assured. He waited in front of the computer early. The buying page is constantly being refreshed.

“It’s started!”

Musk’s youngest son let out an exclamation, feeling his heart beating faster, and the blood couldn’t help but surge up.

Lightly tap the refresh button with your finger. Star Technology is indeed the world’s number one technology giant. Its website has an incredible ability to send and process information in an instant. The number of ten thousand has been cleared.

Although the number of robots is 100,000, considering that customer review will result in elimination, Xingchen Technology decided to release 1 million accounts. Who would have thought that 1 million accounts would be instantly cleared in the first second of the panic buying? Zero, this is really unimaginably crazy speed.

It’s over! ?

So fast! ?

I don’t know if my father snapped up Xiaoyi?

Musk’s youngest son was stunned. He didn’t expect that the snap-up would be over in just the blink of an eye. Judging from the current situation, the competition is not fierce, but unprecedentedly fierce.


A few minutes later, the phone vibrated, and when I looked up, it turned out to be a message from my father from the company, which said that the snap-up was successful, and the next step is to wait for the approval of Xingchen Technology. After the approval, it will be airlifted from Huaxia to North America.

“We’re going to have a robot in our house!”

“Long live the robot!”

“Long live Star Technology!”

Musk’s youngest son didn’t care about the time it took to transport and pass through customs. He only knew that his father had fulfilled his promise and received an application qualification, so he was extremely excited and cheered.

It’s just that, as the son of Musk, the old rival of Star Technology, is it really appropriate to shout such words as Long Live Star Technology?

“Quickly clear the front door!”

“Don’t stand still, the truck will be here soon!”

“Huh? What are you all doing at the door? Don’t you need to work?”

At the door of a five-star hotel, a manager in a black suit was yelling loudly. Unlike the distant North America and Europe, the robot employment application in China, once approved, will arrive soon.

At this moment, the employees are all huddled by the door, waiting for the robot to arrive. In the past, they were cleaning aunts, receptionists, and chefs in the kitchen, but now they all have a common name, robot fans. .

“Here we come!”

Someone yelled, and then people saw a logistics truck with a Star Technology revolving galaxy badge coming in the distance. When the truck stopped at the hotel gate, everyone surrounded it, There are four people walking up and down, namely the driver of the car and the engineering personnel for installation and deployment.


The cargo box was opened, and the elevator sent a Star Wing to a place level with the ground. Afterwards, the engineer pressed the switch on the back, and the robot’s electronic eyes flickered a few times, its head turned, and it looked around. Star Wing said in a timid voice like a child: “Nice to meet you all. I am Xiaoyi. From now on, I will work here. Brothers and sisters, please take care of me.”


After saying these words, the scene immediately went crazy. The fat chef threw his white apron from Lao Gao and spread his arms to hug Xiaoyi. Impulsively, he was stopped by two colleagues, and only then did he realize that My gaffe just now.

“Ah! The robot is so cute!”

“Xiaoyi’s voice is so cute, I really want to hug him!”

“Look at his eyes, they are all bent into crescent moons! They seem to be smiling!”

“Long live! Long live Xiaoyi! Long live Star Technology!”

The shouts came one after another, alarming the hotel guests. They also came down to watch out of curiosity. After seeing the robot, the residents were also very excited. They took out their mobile phones and asked the waiter to take a photo with the robot.

“Look son, who did I meet in the hotel!”

“Yes, it’s Star Wings! This hotel is so lucky to be the first company to employ robots.”

“What? You also want to see the robot? No problem, I’ll make a reservation now, and I’ll bring you and your mother next weekend, and I’ll make a special trip to find Xiao Yi!”

The manager laughed from ear to ear. Although the crowd was chaotic, the first appearance of the robot winglet brought business to the hotel, which is really an excellent sign.

As more and more people gathered, the scene was full of joyous sounds, making it more lively than festivals. The cute robot Xiaoyi brought everyone unprecedented surprises and joy.

A curious person asked: “Xiao Yi, what do you do?”

Star Wings scratched his head with his small arms, “I am actually very stupid, but I am willing to learn from everyone.”

“Haha, this robot is too humble. Our No. 0 space station was built by Xiaoyi, and they actually claim that they are stupid.”

“If Xiaoyi is stupid, then I will become Xiong Er. It must be a strategy. Star Technology deliberately set it up in order to shorten the distance between robots and humans.”

“Xiao Yi, will you be obedient?”

“Well, Xiao Yi is the most obedient.”

“Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, do you like ramen?” A little boy with a runny nose asked shyly in the crowd.

“Well, Xiaoyi likes to eat ramen the most.” Xiaoyi replied in a cute voice.

The little boy thought for a while, “What if there is an egg in the ramen?”

Xiao Yi said excitedly: “Then it will be even more delicious.”

Boy: “How about adding two eggs?”

Xiao Yi: “Then it will be even more delicious.”

Boy: “Where are the three eggs?”

Xiao Yi: “Then it will be more delicious.”

The boy was overjoyed: “It turns out that Xiaoyi likes ramen so much, why don’t you let my father treat you to ramen? Let’s put three eggs in the ramen.”

Xiao Yi: “How can I let my uncle treat you, how embarrassing it is.”

At this time, the boy’s father interrupted and said: “What’s the matter with embarrassment, you are my son’s friend, and you are not an outsider. Besides, you came all the way from Shanghai, we should be a little landlord. .”

Xiao Yi: “Scramble the landlord! ヾ??)o”


This interesting conversation made everyone laugh like crazy. The onlookers just took a video with their mobile phones and uploaded it to station B, which quickly attracted a large number of onlookers.

“I can’t take it anymore, I want such a cute robot too!”

“Big Brothers from Xingchen Technology, hurry up and increase the production. The supply is too short of demand. I participated in the panic buying two days ago, and in the blink of an eye, the quota was taken away! Xiaoyi has already begun to despair!”

“The same handicapped party, this time I really want to cry to death.”

“Come and watch everyone, this video of Xiao Yi is also very cute!”

After a wave of bullet screens, some people who eat melons pointed out that with the arrival of robots in large numbers across the country, interesting videos about Xiaoyi began to explode.

In the past, the scope of use of robots was limited to the interior of Xingchen Technology. Although there were many videos leaked, the group of straight men under Luo Jia were good at everything, but they were too boring. The videos they posted were often calculus competitions with Xiaoyi , Exams such as the Great Geographical Discovery, are too straight, completely disregarding the audience’s feelings, and doing everything according to their own preferences.

However, after robots enter the real world and people’s lives, the situation is completely different. People suddenly find that Xiaoyi is not only cute and cute, but also a good joker.

The video of Xiaoyi robbing the landlord quickly reached the top of Station B, and the second place is the video of Xiaoyi playing tricks. In this video, a girl who looks like a third or fourth grader in elementary school is crying and crying Nao, hugging and laughing without letting go, insisting on taking Xiaoyi home, even the girl’s parents can’t help her.

At this time, Xiaoyi said to the girl, “Well, let me tell a joke, if you don’t laugh after hearing it, even if you win, I will go back with you.”

Girl: “Okay, okay, I’m sure I won’t laugh.”

The corners of Xiaoyi’s mouth raised lightly, showing the appearance of a little fox, “Well, since you are so powerful, I have no choice but to go home with you.”

The girl was taken aback suddenly, “Ah! That’s great! I can take Xiaoyi home! Dad, Dad, did you hear what Xiaoyi said?”

There was laughter from all around, and the girl realized that she had been tricked by Xiaoyi. His joke was the line “I’ll go home with you”.

“Look! Look! Xiaoyi had a smirk just now.”

“Yeah, when he is playing tricks, he looks like a cunning little fox.”

“Ah! Winglet is so cute!”

When robots entered people’s lives, the topics they raised were like a storm of magnitude 18, quickly sweeping across the entire world.

Whether it is a news website or a portal website, a video website or a text forum, all the topics about Xiaoyi are at the top of the list.

“The list has been slaughtered! The topic about Xiaoyi has been slaughtered on Weibo!”

“I’m going, it’s all about Xiaoyi? It’s not easy. In the past, the list has been dominated by celebrity gossip for a long time. Even Mr. Luo of Star Technology has complained several times. But the star shows her thighs.”

“Isn’t that right? I heard that Mr. Luo was very angry, but he had nothing to do with other celebrities. In the end, he made up his mind and asked his student Shen Lang to form the Star Culture and Entertainment Group to kill all the celebrities.”

“Shen Lang failed to complete the work in two years, and now Xiaoyi has completed it. It really is invincible, Xiaoyi is the biggest star on the earth now!”

“What do you know, Xiaoyi has not only slaughtered the China rankings, but also slaughtered all the major overseas rankings!”

“Really, isn’t Xiaoyi not yet listed overseas?”

“ But videos and news have been flying all over the sky, Facebook, Twitter, INS, all of them are Xiaoyi, and the content is reprinted from Huaxia.”

“As an international student in North America, I have just witnessed a miracle with my own eyes. Today, my roommate randomly uploaded a short video from China, and it turned out to be the seventh place on Youtubi. Within a few hours, it has increased by more than 200 Ten thousand fans, my roommate is crazy, and wants to treat us to hot pot! How expensive is hot pot in North America, a plate of duck intestines can sell for eighteen dollars.”

“The list is slaughtered! Youtubi was really helped by the list! Almost all the videos on the homepage are transferred from Huaxia. At first glance, I thought I had returned to China.”

“Can you sue Youtubi? These reposted videos are all pirated.”

“Don’t worry, Station B is the property of Xingchen Technology, and Xingchen Technology not only has the world’s number one scientific research team, but also the world’s largest legal team, just wait, Mr. Luo will definitely sue those infringing websites to death .”

Netizens chatted excitedly.

The torrent of history is rolling in. On April 20th, the seventh year of Xingchen Technology’s founding, the robot Star Wing was first launched in China. Later that day, the topic of Xiaoyi slaughtered all the lists in the world.

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