Technological Supremacy Chapter 434: The map of the eyes of the stars and the map of the stars

Boss Li never expected that Star Technology would redefine the map and add a lot of interesting data to the map, making it an unprecedented geographic encyclopedia.

Feeling that it is impossible to be Luo Jia’s opponent, Boss Li begged Luo Jia to buy his company, but he was flatly rejected, because the upright and hated Xingchen Technology, no matter in the past or now, does not want to compete with the notorious Bai Degree, even a little bit of relationship.

After Boss Li left with anger, Lu Junlin, the general’s secretary, felt Luo Jia’s deep vigilance towards capital. Always thinking about how to get rid of capital.

“Although some people are our compatriots, they are also the scum of the nation.” After sorting out the language, Luo Jia said to Lu Junlin very seriously: “There are still some companies, although they have produced excellent products, It can be called the light of the nation, but in essence it is still capital to squeeze compatriots.”

“These two things are the same. The biggest difference between us and other companies is that other companies grow bigger and stronger in order to hire more people for their own 996, while the ultimate goal of Star Technology is to eliminate 996. .”

Lu Junlin was dumbfounded. If it was last year, he would definitely dismiss her, thinking that Luo Jia was hypocritical and just talking about fake things.

However, to define a person or a company, don’t listen to what they say, but to see how they do it. Star Technology takes 50% of the robot’s employment fee and makes it Star Fund. Such practical actions are enough Proof of Luo Jia’s sincerity.

After all, that is a huge amount of funds in trillions. If Luo Jia really operated Star Technology for profit, he would never do such stupid things.

After eating a satisfying meal, Luo Jia returned to Shanghai overnight.

The time has come to May in a blink of an eye, and the company’s three long-term plans are steadily advancing. These three plans are the robot plan, the space plan, and the controllable nuclear fusion plan.

Big projects go hand in hand, not because Xingchen Technology is greedy, but because the scale of the company is too large, not counting ordinary employees, and the number of engineers and scientific researchers alone exceeds 800,000, which is equivalent to Florence, the city of the Renaissance. Twice as many people, one hundred thousand more than Frankfurt, the financial center of Germany.

Looking at the history of the world, there has never been any technology company that can reach the scale of Xingchen Technology. At the peak stage of my country’s Huawei Group, it only employs 180,000 employees, Microsoft 120,000, Apple 110,000, Google One hundred thousand.

As the largest super technology group in the history of the earth, it is not inconceivable for Star Technology to launch three large-scale projects at the same time, and the Eye of the Stars and the Map of the Stars are just sub-projects of the space program.

At the beginning of May, Stellar Technology and Tencent Group reached an agreement to acquire the map business unit of Tencent Group for a price of 6.5 billion yuan in cash.

After the news came out, the market value of Baidu and Ali Group plummeted. Financial analysts generally predicted that once Xingchen Technology entered the map field, Baidu Map and Ali’s AutoNavi Map would inevitably collapse.

Tencent Maps is already ranked third, and its market share is even less than 10%. Xiao Ma sold the hopeless map business unit to Xingchen Technology, which is undoubtedly a good deal. It also reflects Xiao Ma’s shrewd and pragmatic personal style.

In the beginning, when Xingchen Technology entered the cultural industry, it was also looking for Brother Xiaoma. Without saying a word, he sold Yuewen and Station B to Luo Jia. After all, Brother Xiaoma is a man of science and technology who likes to make money. He does business with a rational mind, and Boss Ma is a typical liberal arts student. He also likes to make money, but while making money, he prefers to set up archways.

There is a relatively unpopular knowledge. In fact, before Wei Zexi, Putian Hospital’s advertising fee was 30% to 70%. Three points went to Ali and seven points to Baidu. In Tencent, Putian Hospital was always blacklist .

After learning this unpopular knowledge, you may become a fan of Tencent in an instant, so you are too anxious. Many times, the Chinese people are too honest and kind. Entrepreneurs talk about the so-called character, the so-called The pattern, everyone actually believed it was true.

If you love reading, you will know that the theory of capital begins with the clear meaning that the interests of capital and the direction of human development are not unified, there is conflict, and they are opposite to each other!

It is undoubtedly ridiculous to talk about morality with capital, because it does not conform to the survival rules of capital, capital can only survive by sucking blood, and capital will die if it does not **** blood. Death, it would be strange if it agreed.

In addition, capital is also short-sighted. It will never forcibly start a project when it knows that the Qinghai-Tibet Railway will lose its pants, and it will not lose money to send electricity to the most remote mountain villages.

In short, the civilization of the Chinese nation for thousands of years is not driven by capital. The real power to push the nation forward comes from a group of intellectuals, a group of idealists, a group of people who are born to butcher dogs, but have the world in their hearts. A person with lofty ideals who understands righteousness.

Unpredictable big times are rolling in. Many years later, when people write the history of Xingchen Technology, they all regard April of the seventh year of its founding as an important symbol. It is from then on that the wings gradually harden. Luo Jia started to part ways with the capital. He acquired Tencent on the Star Map project, and killed Baidu and Ali without any hesitation.

As time passed day by day, Luo Jia kept on studying intensively. He handed over company affairs to others as much as possible, and rarely showed up in the company except for the regular meetings of the administration every day.

After nearly half a month of integration and debugging, the Star Map project started its trial operation in mid-May. As expected, the Star Map has caused a great sensation all over the world just after its launch.

The vivid and interesting geographical encyclopedia has opened the door to a new world for people all over the world. For the first time, people discovered that there are not only landmarks and roads on the map, but also such a wealth of knowledge hidden.

Click on the interesting map, and you will find that the most open country in the world is not North America and Neon, but Thailand. What a magical Thailand. The age of shame for the first time is ahead of Northern Europe, which is known for its precocity. The number of couples in China is ahead of France, which is famous for its waves, and about 10% of Thais are welcome to come, both men and women.

Straight men in science and technology use data to tell everyone, why go to Lijiang? If you really want to subvert the three views, you should go to Thailand.

“My God, how can a map do this? Isn’t it so interesting!?”

“I was fascinated, and I swiped the map for hours without knowing it, can you believe it?”

“I can’t believe it. I saw someone in the forum today saying that it’s better to scan TikTok these days than to scan the map. There is Yan Ruyu in the picture, and the golden house in the picture.”

“Have you looked at the global map of murderous houses? Those straight men have marked all the houses in the world where murders have occurred. I checked and found out that the building I live in has been out of the house more than ten years ago. The wife-killing case scares me so much that I dare not go out in the middle of the night, and I am worried that the housing price will plummet because of it, mother Xipi, I have lost my mind too much, right?”

“It’s a little back, pet the dog’s head upstairs.”

“The map of the haunted house is not scary. What is really scary is the global haunted map. However, the anchors of many adventure programs claim to bravely venture into haunted areas. The live broadcast industry should be lively for a long time.”

The people who eat melons are discussing a lot, and everyone is shocked by the powerful functions of the star map. Anyone can find points of interest on the map. There are not only public needs such as gourmet maps, but also many more. Unpopular knowledge, such as flat chest map, red light map, appetite map, alcohol map, no underwear map and so on.

Forty-eight hours after its launch, Star Map officially reached the top of the global traffic list. look at the map.

Three days after the launch of Star Map, Google Maps, which ranks first in the world, is far behind.

As the star map became popular all over the world, people once again turned their attention to space, looking at the foundation of the star map, the eye of the star.

“I’m going, the change is too big!”

“Last month, there was only a mirror in the eye of the stars, but now it has become a giant!”

“One, two, three…Which big guy can explain, what are these seventeen telescopes used for? Do we need so many telescopes to observe the surrounding starry sky?”

“This question is very simple. At present, there are two types of astronomical telescopes in the world, one is optical mirrors, and the other is electromagnetic mirrors. Even the best optical mirrors cannot see black holes or gravitational waves. Therefore, electromagnetic telescopes are needed to observe from different dimensions.”

“Upstairs is correct. In fact, in addition to optical mirrors and electromagnetic mirrors, there is a third type of space telescope that is stronger, laser mirrors. If you want to peek at a lady taking a bath outside the Milky Way, optical mirrors and electromagnetic mirrors are both What can’t be done is to add quantum imaging with laser mirror.”

“Awesome! Excuse me, boss, where can I buy a laser telescope that can peek at women taking a shower outside the galaxy?”

“Stop You can’t buy something that hasn’t been invented yet, and even if it is invented one day, the laser mirror, a country’s most important tool, will not be sold to ordinary people. Human.”

“Agreed, the focus of our country at this stage is not the laser telescope at all, but the two preconditions of the laser telescope, laser hegemony and quantum hegemony!”

“Secondly, high-energy weapons represented by lasers, and quantum computing that surpasses contemporary computing systems are all battlegrounds for military strategists!”

Netizens were surprised to find that the Eye of the Stars located at the L2 point of Lagrange is now a huge monster, and its volume has expanded by more than six times.

Originally there was only an optical mirror and a base, but now, there are more infrared mirrors, ultraviolet mirrors, radio mirrors, etc. on the base. Star Technology is building the Eye of Stars into a full-featured super space according to the established plan. observation array.

Besides the excitement, Huaxia netizens are also speculating on which field the never-ending steel straight men will charge after completing the Eye of the Stars and the Map of the Stars.

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