Technological Supremacy Chapter 426: This is super calculation!

Almost at the same time, computer experts and related workers around the world discovered a huge loophole in the Kunlun supercomputer. A number that can blow the cowhide to the sky, the peak computing power is one trillion billion times per second.

Suddenly, the developer and owner of Kunlun Supercomputer, Xingchen Technology Company, and even the whole of China, became the laughing stock of the whole world.

“Hahaha, this is the funniest joke I’ve heard this year! One trillion trillion times per second? How did the Chinese people do it? Is it in a dream?”

“This is the nature of the country of copycats and the country of counterfeiting. I have said long ago that although the quality of Huaxia Manufacturing has improved in recent years, their nature will never change. They will always be bragging inferiors. Yellow people!”

“Die Xingchen Technology! Let you be awesome, it’s good now, you have been completely reduced to a joke in the technology world!”

Suddenly, the western science and technology circles started a carnival. They tried their best to slander Huaxia and Xingchen Technology.

After all, the Western Kuxingchen technology has been around for a long time, and they wished they could kill the tough guys to the scum. This time, they seized the opportunity and naturally tried their best to ridicule and belittle their opponents.

However, the good times didn’t last long. Just a few hours after Kunlun went online, the news came from the other side of the Pacific Ocean. The Huaxia science and technology circle celebrated wildly, and countless practitioners couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Now the western world can’t sit still. There are indications that the Kunlun supercomputer is very likely to be real. , although I am anxious to get angry at this moment, but I don’t have the opportunity to verify it myself, so I can only let the true and false news on the Internet intensify.

“Let’s go over the wall!”

As expected of a group of people playing high technology, the West quickly found a way, that is, to enter the Huaxia network through the wall, pretending to be Huaxia’s IP address.

At this time, Kunlun is in the stage of public testing. Simply put, it is a trial for all citizens. If there are no problems, Kunlun will be transferred to the official operation stage.

In the official operation stage, although it is still free, it has stricter identity verification to avoid wasting precious computing power by people with ulterior motives. This is not only to guard against foreigners with ulterior motives, but also domestically.

In September 2016, the famous table tennis player Wang Nan and her husband turned on all the faucets in the hotel during their trip to Neon, claiming to deliberately waste the water in Neon to commemorate September 18th. Feel honored.

It can be seen that stupidity does not distinguish between my country and foreign countries, and it can be found everywhere. Although Luo Jia does not often speculate on human nature with the greatest malice, it is still necessary to keep a hand in everything. Water, what happened in Wanwan and the Hong Kong government has already warned us with **** evidence that often it is those “insiders” who hurt you the most.

All in all, the truth gradually surfaced in the few days after Kunlun went online. Xingchen Technology did not lie.

Kunlun’s peak computing power is unimaginable by the western scientific community. They also cannot understand that hundreds of thousands or millions of servers cooperate in real time. How does Star Technology do it? Besides black magic, This question should have no solution at all.

“Oops, it’s a feeling of heartbeat!”

“Hey, our project on Centaurus particle wave scattering may be completed ten years ahead of schedule with Kunlun’s assistance.”

“I really envy those Chinese scientists, the peak computing power of one trillion billion times, even if all the scientists and research groups in China use it together, it can’t be used up?”

“Super is a tool for scientific research productivity. With Kunlun, Huaxia’s scientific research and creativity will increase several times compared to the past.”

“Please God, don’t let those Chinese scientists speed up, they are already working harder than us.”

“I remember a few years ago, we were still ahead of Huaxia in the top cutting-edge research field, but now? If we lose the semiconductor war, can we still lead the Huaxia people?”

“Leading is of course leading. Aerospace, satellite launches, Mars exploration, seeds and fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and genes, etc. We are still much ahead of China in these fields. The only problem is, according to their crazy development trend , How much longer can we lead?”

Emotions of envy, jealousy, and loss began to spread in the western scientific community. After careful counting, it was discovered that, unknowingly, Xingchen Technology has won so many Tianwang Mountains in the field of science and technology, and left them to the Western world The leading time is really running out.

Kunlun, a supercomputer with a peak computing power of up to one trillion operations, was born in mid-October, and quickly shocked the whole world.

In addition to its huge size, Kunlun’s computing power has spanned generations, no less than the legendary quantum computer. The second Kunlun was born out of nowhere.

By the way, the reason why quantum computers are important is because of their miniaturization characteristics. Today, the size of Kunlun is almost equivalent to a small city. trouble.

In short, the emergence of Kunlun has dealt a great blow to Western computer professionals. The first thought in their minds is of course to fight back, but it is like a cowboy with a revolver meeting a man in a mecha Aliens, the gap between the two sides is not technology, but interstellar, there is no way to fight this battle.

Western authorities ordered the Semiconductor Alliance to carry out technical research, but quickly concluded that with existing technology, without considering power consumption and heat dissipation, the West can at most create a peak computing capacity of 100 billion A supercomputer with 1 trillion operations, and Kunlun’s 1 trillion operations is currently beyond the reach of the West.

After all, the most powerful lithography technology in the West can only achieve about two nanometers. If we continue to move forward, extreme ultraviolet light is useless. We must follow the example of Xingchen Technology and use extreme ultraviolet hybrid lasers.

Western authorities thought about it for a while, so don’t be stunned, and hurry up to study hybrid laser lithography machines. For photolithography, it is necessary to use modified fully synthetic photoresists, and wafers with graphene as the base material. If there is no graphene, silicene will do.

But according to the opinions of material science seems that silicene is more difficult to mass-produce than graphene. Many times technology is like this. Light research is useless, you have to really mass-produce it. .

As a result, the Western world was completely confused, and they finally tasted the pain when China was catching up with the West. Due to the huge correlation between the technology of this world, the final result is often that one step ahead, step by step Both lead.

Take high-precision machine tools as an example. In fact, the technological level of this thing is far worse than that of photolithography machines and semiconductors. Star Technology has set up a machine tool laboratory from the beginning, which is part of the Mechanical Research Institute.

However, although Xingchen Technology has laid out early, when did it finally realize the corner overtaking?

The answer is this year.

Yes, the history of the machine tool laboratory is almost as long as the company’s history, but they have not achieved a breakthrough in the field of machine tools until today, ultrasonic motors, main control chips, sub-control chips, industrial-grade cad software, super hardness Graphene cutter head, laser stabilizer…

There are too many, the top machine tool is a large collection of all the top technologies, all the above technologies are indispensable, until Cao Yuan’s graphene mass production, until the company built a lithography machine, which can independently manufacture chips, Xingchen Machine Tool Only when the project is completed, all the technical links are finally completed.

Today, Xingchen five-axis linkage machine tool has been mass-produced, and the seven-axis is still being tested, and the production capacity of the ultra-large marine milling machine has begun to climb…

This is the charm of science and technology. Ordinary people only see results, but scientific and technological workers see mountains.

To this day, the West is afraid of the next-generation supercomputer of Xingchen Technology, but it is only fear, and they will not be able to catch up with Xingchen Technology’s pace no matter what.

Because when Kunlun was born, the West had already fallen behind in the field of processors and supercomputing architectures.

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