Technological Supremacy Chapter 423: Distributed neuron free networking computing system

Chongming Island, an island located between Shanghai and Nantong, Jiangsu, now has a quarter of its land under the name of Xingchen Technology. It is the most important base and testing ground for Xingchen Technology.

Star Technology is also here, and has established a series of facilities including Star University, Star Machinery Research Institute, Star Biology Research Institute, and Star Hotel, making this island, which was originally far away from the city center, more and more prosperous.

From Chongming Island to the south is the Baoshan base of Xingchen Technology, and to the north is the Nantong base. More emphasis on manufacturing.

Shortly after, the vehicle entered the Xingchen Computing System Research Institute next to Xingchen University. Luo Jia and An Ran got out of the car and entered the supercomputing laboratory, while Xu Chunbiao went to the security center to conduct a surprise inspection of the security team here.

With the growing size of the company, Brother Biao is now an important figure. His team of 6,000 people, all composed of veterans, is responsible for the company’s security affairs.

Everything is in full swing. The test is scheduled to start at midnight. At this moment, hundreds of researchers are doing the final inspection and evaluation of the supercomputing system.

Luo Jia met Xu Guangda, the person in charge of the supercomputing laboratory. There were fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and he nervously directed everyone to make preparations. After a brief greeting with Luo Jia, Xu Guangda went He is busy again. Although he is nearly 60 years old, his energy is not as good as before, but his professional attitude is still the same as before.

In fact, universities in China don’t like Xingchen Technology that much anymore, because their methods of poaching people are really fierce. Xu Guangda was originally the director of the Supercomputing Center of Harvard, a famous university, and he was going to work at the Turing Center of Peking University. Retired, but was cut off halfway by Xingchen Technology, and dug the famous director Xu to him, which made Beijing University happy.

There are countless glorious deeds like this. Di Wuchang and his human resources department have long been thorns in the eyes of all universities and scientific research institutions around the world. in the company.

An Ran changed into the white coat she wore in the laboratory, and said excitedly: “It is just a by-product of this computer revolution to let nerds have higher-performance computers, and what we really want is science. It’s a supercomputer!”

“I can’t wait to see our supercomputers put into quantum research, controllable fusion, genetic analysis, and all the most profound and complex fields, to solve the problems that plague human beings one by one.”

Luo Jia understands An Ran’s excitement very well. Yes, it is the dream of nerds to have a computer that tastes better. However, people like Luo Jia and An Ran wish to crack the secret of the black hole.

For ordinary people, a supercomputer is not as meaningful as a Xiaobawang game console. However, a supercomputer is a weapon used by scientists to fight!

In the past days, those well-known and big Vs have taken the rhythm countless times to promote China’s huge investment in supercomputing. He would like armed Chinese people, so those public intellectuals were dispatched like locusts.

Fortunately, there are still people in this land who are still sober. On June 20, 2016, Sunway TaihuLight was born, ranking first in the world’s TOP500 supercomputing list, kicking off the prelude to the China-US supercomputing war !

Subsequently, the powerful North American Oak Ridge National Laboratory was ordered to take the lead in the face of danger, and finally used the powerful supercomputer Summit in June 2018, two full years after Taihu Light topped the list, to knock Taihu Light from the top of the list.

However, the matter did not end here. Just a few months later, when the time came to November 2018, Lawrence Laboratory, another major scientific research giant in North America, once again defeated TaihuLight. Their supercomputer Sierra, The number of its processors was even only one-sixth of that of TaihuLight, but its computing power surpassed that of TaihuLight. The whole world was shocked for a while, and it caused a huge blow to the Chinese scientific research community.

Up to this point, it is still not the whole of this supercomputing war. After the continuous confrontation between China and the United States, Neon scientists have also stood up. As of 2019, the top three supercomputers in energy consumption ratio are all taken by Neon Next, they won the championship, runner-up and third place, and established the global hegemony in the field of cost-effective supercomputing in one fell swoop!

So far, in the supercomputing war initiated by China, only Taihu Light is left alone, ranking third in the global supercomputing performance list. overwhelmed.

The only way is the number of supercomputers. Since 2016, Huaxia topped the global TOP500 with 169 supercomputers, and the champion has never been left behind.

Although Huaxia has never been afraid of anyone compared to the number of top-level supercomputers, more than 200 of the most powerful 500 supercomputers are in China, but the computer industry is generally very clear that China and the United States are really technically There is a gap, after all, we do not have a real high-performance CPU.

An Ran curled her lips and said, “When I was studying in North America, almost every university, even high school, had its own supercomputer, and it was open to students for free. Such abundant resources are really enviable. “

Luo Jia nodded lightly, resources are really important, just like you want your son to be a big man in the future, not to be bullied when he goes out, don’t be cowardly when he meets black and white people, just do it, then you We need to supplement meat for our son first, and feed him steamed buns and rice every day, so we can only cultivate a white and tender little fat man.

Similarly, assuming that Huaxia wants to lead the world in terms of talents and science, first of all, it must have world-leading supercomputing resources to cultivate children’s interest since childhood. The teacher leads a group of junior high school students to simulate the Big Bang on supercomputing. There is still a long way to go to achieve this goal.

Under the leadership of Xu Guangda, the supercomputing experiment started on time at midnight.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a supercomputer is just a little bigger and a little more processors, but the truth is not that simple.

A series of complex issues such as the underlying design of the supercomputing, the topological network configuration, the interaction bandwidth between processors, etc., determine the upper limit of a supercomputing.

Assuming that as long as stacking processors is enough, then there will be no supercomputing wars in this world, and there will be no supercomputing hegemony. After all, no one can stack blocks.

So the most important thing about supercomputing is the design concept and bandwidth interaction. The experimental supercomputer of Xingchen Technology, the bandwidth interaction chip comes from the next-generation 0.1nm technology, and the design concept comes from the distant extraterrestrial civilization, so as Its designer, Luo Jia, didn’t seem very excited, but just sat there calmly, watching the freshly released test data, watching the gradually flushed faces of his colleagues, and listening to their more and more excited voices.

Finally, after several hours of adjustments, the Xingchen Experimental supercomputer reached the design speed, a hundred billion billion times per second!

Most people may not understand kind of concept is a hundred billion billion times per second?

Let’s put it this way, the most powerful supercomputer currently designed in the world is aimed at exascale, such as Tianhe-3, and the countries in the world that have clearly stated that they want to hit the exascale supercomputing mark, a total of There are only three, namely Huaxia, North America, and Neon.

Under the premise that most countries in the world dare not even think of supercomputing for tens of billions of times, Xingchen Technology has already completed a more advanced supercomputing experiment of hundreds of billions of times. It has to be said that this is an astonishing miracle.

Long live!

The engineers hugged each other, wept with joy, and cheered wildly.

However, after a short celebration, as the east was pale, people became quiet again, watching the engineering support team launch four sets of new servers from the hangar, connected to the server that had just been tested on the array.

An Ran sighed deeply, put his arms around his shoulders, and said nervously: “The distributed neuron free network computing system, referred to as the neural computing network, is too crazy, I hope your design can be successful Let’s go.”

Luo Jia smiled slightly, with a relaxed look on her face.

The technology and experience from extraterrestrial civilizations make Luo Jia confident that the neural computing network will be successful.

Moreover, once this technology from the golden dome comes out, it will completely overturn the whole world like sparks hitting the earth!

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