Technological Supremacy Chapter 393: Get rid of those little fresh meats!

At the end of the live broadcast, Luo Jia solemnly announced a big news.

Star Technology, a company formed by a group of steel straight men, will officially declare war on the entertainment industry dominated by small fresh meat and traffic stars during the Spring Festival!

“Could Mr. Luo be a little too aggressive just now?” Taking advantage of the three minutes of the trailer, Professor Yuan Lanfeng couldn’t help but said: “I’ve never seen you praise anyone so much, Wang Po’s intention to sell melons is too obvious, anyone can easily see that you are trying your best to promote the movie.”

Luo Jia smiled and said nothing. He did boast just now, and he boasted a lot. He tried his best to make the movie Let go of that witch a flower.

“Actually, I have long been displeased with some people and things.” Luo Jia said bluntly: “When Huang Jiaju was still alive, he once said with great disappointment that when he debuted, he wanted to become a musician. , and tried his best for this, but when he really became popular, he suddenly discovered that the Hong Kong government does not have a music circle or a film and television circle at all, only the entertainment circle, the so-called music dream is all nonsense, and business and entertainment are the only ones. The theme, everyone is desperately trying to make money, drink and get their girls drunk.”

Sighing lightly, Luo Jia continued: “This sentence is still applicable today. Look at those traffic stars, their acting skills are in a mess, and they don’t have any works. People first became popular for no reason. I don’t want to think about how to make movies A good filming, full of gossip and hype, over-commercial, entertaining to death, the entertainment industry is now a cancer in Chinese society.”

“I’ve said it many times. I’m not against entertainment, but entertainment must show real materials and be worthy of the audience. I haven’t heard of any country or nation that has risen to the world through hype and entertainment. If Traffic stars can solve problems, so what else do you need Einstein? What do you need us hard-working straight men in science and engineering?”

“We always say that Hollywood is over-commercialized, but in fact, even a big star like Leonardo DiCaprio, who grew up as a fresh meat and became a greasy uncle, has made an unknown number of wonderful movies. It took decades to finally win an Oscar statuette with the Revenant Hunter. Although the process was difficult, it was well deserved. Years of hard work have paid off.”

“As for our Huaxia, that precious acting skill is like shit. If it weren’t for that over-changed face, I’m afraid I wouldn’t even be qualified to enter the studio. Such a character who was purely hyped up won Winning the Hundred Flowers Award is simply a joke in the world, feeding **** to audiences across the country.”

“The moment when the baby wins the Hundred Flowers Award, it is the greatest blasphemy against hard work and hard work. It tells us ordinary people with cruel facts that there is no use in working hard here. Hurry up and get plastic surgery. A world that depends on faces, a world where villains and scheming **** can succeed!”

“Such a distorted value cannot rise in the world, let alone the stars and the sea. Besides, the people living in this land are Chinese people, not **** star-chasers!”

“The historical process is rolling, no one can stop our road to the sea of ​​stars, if there is, then I will kill it!”

Professor Yuan Lanfeng was stunned. His expression was extremely shocked.

Moreover, Luo Jia definitely didn’t mean to be joking, because currently the real leader of the Star Entertainment Group is his apprentice Shen Lang, the young man who is destined to expand his territory and become a legend in the future!

“The last ten seconds are counting down. Principal and Teacher Yuan, please get ready. The trailer will be over soon, and the camera will cut back to the scene.” At this time, the director said in the invisible earphones of the two of them.

Sure enough, when the camera switched to the scene, the smiling faces of Luo Jia and Professor Yuan Lanfeng appeared. The professor smiled and said, “What you saw just now is the first movie produced by Xingchen Technology Group. Let go of the witch’s trailer.” If there are no accidents, this film will have its world premiere on the first day of the Lunar New Year.”

Luo Jia answered the words tacitly: “Yes, everyone is welcome to go to the theater to join in the show. In addition, if you have any comments and impressions after watching the trailer, you are welcome to leave a message on our Internet entertainment platform Sky Eye , participate in the interaction.”

Yuan Lanfeng said: “It’s almost time, this live broadcast will end here, audience friends, goodbye.”


As the director cut the camera, Luo Jia and Professor Yuan Lanfeng let out a sigh of relief at the same time. The two scientists actually became the host and popular science celebrity. This feeling is somewhat weird.

But there is no way, words are power, look at Weibo hot search, all gossip and gossip, Luo Jia wants to fight for the right to speak, so that compatriots pay attention to and understand science, there is still a long way to go.

“Entertainment is definitely an essential adjustment in life.” Luo Jia said as he unbuttoned his shirt to breathe. In order to appear more solemn, he always wears a formal suit with a white shirt and a bow tie when doing live shows.

“I also play games, watch anime and movies, and occasionally watch soap operas with my parents.” Luo Jia said, “But entertainment is entertainment, and we must distinguish between the primary and the secondary. Mainstream, otherwise it would be embarrassing to see the ancestors.”

“In 2018, Stephen Hawking passed away, and the whole network swiped the screen, and everyone came out to commemorate it. It was an unprecedented event.”

“Of course, Hawking deserves to be remembered. I have no objection to this. It’s just that I’m wondering. When a foreign scientist passed away, so many people commemorated him. What were they doing when Mr. Qian Xuesen passed away in 2009?”

Professor Yuan Lanfeng was taken aback, with a sad expression on his face. Although many years had passed, whenever he thought of Mr. Qian, he would still feel heartache for no reason.

The pain of losing a great scientist can only be understood by people who are engaged in science, and most people only commemorate celebrities. Luo Jia dares to bet that there are definitely more people visiting his brother’s grave on his death day than Qian Lao.

Luo Jia leaned on the sofa and said with emotion: “In 1978, People’s Literature published the cover article Goldbach’s Conjecture. The protagonist was a mathematician named Chen Jingrun. There are hundreds of love letters, so that the girls send photos, and they have to be packed in sacks.”

“In 1980, the scientist Peng Jiamu disappeared in Lop Nur. In the following two months, the government launched a large-scale search regardless of the cost, and searched thousands of kilometers around. Although it was not found in the end, the respect for scientists at that time can be seen One spot.”

“Also in the last century, there was a set of popular science books called One Hundred Thousand Whys. Can you imagine that a set of popular science books sold 100 million sets! Almost every family has it. What kind of fanaticism is that for science?”


After listening to Luo Jia’s words, Yuan Lanfeng sighed deeply and said, “I still remember what you said. There are a hundred thousand reasons why I really had one at home when I was a child. Unfortunately, everything has changed now. Maybe it belongs to science. The era of it is over.”

“It’s possible.” Luo Jia said, “But I’m willing to take a gamble. Don’t everyone say that Star Technology is a bunch of technical geeks? Well, we will take technology as the pioneer, regardless of the outcome, and kill him first. Let’s talk about my little fresh meat!”

Professor Yuan Lanfeng also seemed very excited, but he changed his mind, frowned and asked Luo Jia, “As far as I know, Star Entertainment Group has been managed and operated by the little guys from Star University since its establishment. The oldest is only fifteen or sixteen years old, can you handle the complex entertainment industry?”


After listening to Yuan Lanfeng’s words, Luo Jia almost blew up.

Can it work?

This question is asked, you must know that the current chief planner and executor of Xingchen Entertainment is Shen Lang! It’s the super military genius chosen by the Golden Dome!

Shen Lang is more than capable, he is simply too good, okay?

The business plan of the three major automobile factories was led by Shen Lang, and it was very successful after the actual test. The market share of China’s three major automobile factories in Europe has been soaring all the way. By the beginning of this year, it had exceeded 3% ten!

You must know that Europe is the most competitive battlefield in the global auto industry. Before Huaxia’s three major automakers entered the game, blood flowed like rivers.

As for the entertainment group, Luo Jia originally meant to fight those little fresh meats, grab hot spots and grab attention, promote science, and popularize knowledge. After all, the Chinese nation will not be able to rely on traffic in the future. , or rely on knowledge and science.

However, when Shen Lang set the goal, he directly made a plan to kill him!

This kid is too He intends not to keep any of them, and kill all the existing traffic stars!

Take this pioneering work of Star Technology, let go of that witch as an example.

This movie uses the star engine and full CG technology, and all the protagonists and supporting roles are virtual.

**** also issued a salary limit order to prevent stars from being paid too much.

Xingchen Technology doesn’t need it, because they make movies and don’t invite stars at all!

Luo Jia really liked chatting with Professor Yuan Lanfeng, and the time passed quickly. Just when they both felt a little hungry and went to the restaurant to eat a bowl of wontons, the director suddenly rushed into the studio.

“Boss Luo, Mr. Yuan, go and have a look!”

“The three-minute trailer of Let go of that witch became popular, and the word of mouth exploded!”

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