Technological Supremacy Chapter 360: Live fun stories

Human beings are creatures full of imagination and love to listen to stories. Luo Jia talked about the discovery and application of super mitochondria. Being conquered, human beings no longer fear the invasion of viruses, and everyone can live healthy.

In this world, nothing can compare with health.

Francis Bacon once said that a healthy body is the living room of the soul, and a sick body is the prison of the soul.

Life without health is incomplete. Whenever you see your parents or wife and daughter lying on the sick bed struggling and gasping weakly, even a man with a strong heart like a stone can’t help being heartbroken, right?

The prosperity of religion is also derived from human beings’ protection of their own weakness. They pray that there will be some kind of power in the world that can help themselves or their loved ones get rid of disease and death. A delusion is formed in it, and this delusion is religion.

Science is the only force that can eliminate religion. Most of the pious North American people are descendants of European Puritans. However, with the development of civilization and the progress of science, the descendants of North American Puritans are more and more unwilling to go to church and believe in God ratio hit record lows.

There is no other reason. Civilization and science have made human beings more confident, allowing human beings to get out of the darkness and ignorance brought about by ancient times. After all, in the world of science, religion has no market.

The launch of Xingchen Entertainment, and Luo Jia, uncharacteristically, took time out of his busy schedule to conduct live broadcasts and exclusive interviews, all with the goal of fighting ignorance with science.

It’s time to make your own voice, and you can’t let a group of magic sticks run amok in this world. After the explosion in Sri Lanka, Luo Jia became more and more convinced that the start of the culture war is imperative.

Amidst the excited emotions and rapid breathing of the whole world, Luo Jia ended his 30-minute speech. He was as precise as a clock, and the time was not more than one minute, and not less than one minute.

Luo Jia said with a smile, “Please believe that on the road of science, the future will be better and better. Now, the immune activation technology is undergoing large-scale trials, and I believe it will not take long, maybe next year, maybe In the next year, everyone will be able to enjoy the fruits of science.”

“It needs to be explained that at this stage, immune activation technology is only suitable for ordinary people in China. After all, ordinary people like us are non-religious people. Without the protection of God and God, we can only rely on ourselves to save ourselves .”

The corner of his mouth raised an intriguing arc, and Luo Jia ended the live broadcast in front of the stunned audience all over the world.

“Mr. Luo, what you said just now will cause a lot of controversy. Fortunately, this is in China. If it is placed in North America, a large group of people will definitely jump out and sue you.” Shorty said, “Only we Chinese can Enjoy the convenience of immune activation technology? This is too offensive and completely unnecessary.”

Luo Jia glanced at the short and tight face, and asked, “Are we Chinese?”

Short Dakin was taken aback, and his expression was obviously a little nervous: “Is there something wrong?”

Luo Jia shook his head slightly, and said in a calm voice: “In 2017, when you were talking about racial discrimination in North America, you accidentally said that you had voted for *** twice.”

“In your book, Xiao Songqi Talks about Fate Volume 81, you and Ms. Zhang Sujiu’s dialogue record, this is what you said in the original words. I really want to let those radical netizens on the Internet read it. People with North American passports are not traitors.”

“Earlier, your ex-wife came to North America with a student visa. After marrying you, you helped her apply for residence. I would like to ask, if you do not have North American citizenship, are you eligible to help others apply for residence?”

After listening to Luo Jia’s words, Ao Da was dumbfounded, and the staff beside him were all dumbfounded.

Luo Jia patted the short and tight shoulders, said with a smile, “Okay, I have no opinion on you personally, nationality or something, it’s all your personal matter, but I don’t like people lying in front of me, The tricks of the entertainment circle don’t work for me.”

Short and tight, he withered on the spot. There was no way he could not. Luo Jia was not the kind of person he used to deal with. The straight man of steel sought truth from facts, and presented evidence with facts. The page is directly reported, what kind of IQ is this, evildoer?

“Boss Luo is so majestic!”

“Yeah, I thought Mr. Gao was a romantic talent at that time. Compared with Mr. Luo, he is far behind.”

“Look, Mr. Gao’s face is turning purple, isn’t he suffering from internal injuries?”

“Never mind him, Mr. Luo is not talking nonsense, presenting facts and evidence, he is too young to pretend to be aggressive in front of Mr. Luo.”

It’s a small episode, Luo Jia didn’t want to be short and tight, but he shouldn’t lie, it’s fine to deceive ordinary people, Luo Jia doesn’t like him.

“Work hard in the future, and when the company’s genetic weight-loss drug comes out, you will be the first one to turn you back into a handsome man.” Luo Jia teased with a smile.

Short, tall and tight, he was handsome and handsome when he was young, but it’s a pity that years, the pig-killing knife, never spared anyone.

Out of the live broadcast room, Luo Jia met Yui Aragaki who had been waiting outside.

As far as neon actresses are concerned, Yui Aragaki is quite tall, probably at 1.7 meters, not to say how beautiful she is, the key is to be able to laugh, and her smile is so sweet that she always looks The one who is not tired, anyway, when Luo Jia saw Yui Aragaki, he couldn’t help but go up and pinch her face.

“Is there something else for Ms. Yui?” Luo Jia asked.

Aragaki Yui bowed, “Thank you very much for the cultivation of the company. My mother and younger sister are living very well in Shanghai now. They have already participated in the immune activation test, and their bodies have changed a lot. I heard that I want to see you, mother and sister. My sister told me to thank you.”

Aragaki Yui is filial, Star Entertainment signed her, the most important condition is to recuperate her mother and sister’s health, the money is actually not much more than what she earned in Neon.

“It’s nothing, it’s just a small matter, Miss Yui can speak Chinese?” Luo Jia asked.

“A little bit.” Yui Aragaki gestured with his little finger: “Originally, the neon culture was learned from China. Our civilization and living habits are actually very close. In addition, China has become stronger and stronger over the years. Chinese has become a trend, and many artists are secretly learning Chinese, hoping to have the opportunity to develop in China, I can be selected by the company, Chinese is not for nothing, I am really lucky.”

Luo Jia frowned, “Although your neon uses Chinese characters, it is not the country that has learned the most Chinese traditions. In fact, neon customs and culture are very different from ours.”

“The country most like China in the world is Vietnam. They also celebrate the Spring Festival, post Spring Festival couplets, set off firecrackers, and eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival. Speaking of which, Vietnam is the real Little China, and you are not.”


The staff next to me are all sprayed, Luo Jia is too upright, right now this big beauty is taking the initiative to show her favor, you will not lose a piece of meat if you let her, look at Yui Aragaki’s face, how embarrassing it is Just how embarrassing.

Aragaki Yui said that Neon and Huaxia are very similar just to please Luo Jia, but the head of the straight steel men’s group didn’t understand the style at all, so he corrected it immediately.


Shen Lang supported his forehead, with a black line on his forehead, the teacher is too upright, Wannian single dog is definitely not bragging, fortunately he is not an ordinary person, but Luo Jia, Aragaki Yui is full of grievances, and can only bear it Well, if it were an ordinary person, she would have lost face by now.

Facts have proved that the reason why scumbags exist is because only scumbags can satisfy the needs of girls. They know how to talk sweetly and coax girls around. Popular with women.

Walking out of the Star Internet Building, the sunset was almost dusk. Luo Jia carefully looked at Yui Aragaki’s face. It looked thinner than in the TV series, with more delicate skin, sweeter smile, and a mess of beauty.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to eat local dishes.” Luo Jia gently took Yui Aragaki’s hand, her tone not to refuse.

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