Technological Supremacy Chapter 330: Straight men of steel VS young women of literature and art

Boss Chen of Yageo Electronics finally felt what real despair is. In just one night, partners canceled orders one after another. Boss Chen swore and cursed and begged his grandpa to sue his grandma, but no one responded.

It seems that everyone doesn’t care about the life and death of Yageo Electronics at all, but cares more about the rumors that Xingchen Technology is about to enter the semiconductor field.

Although it was just a gossip, it quickly set off a storm in the world. After all, although passive components are small, they are important auxiliary materials for the semiconductor industry.

If it is true that Xingchen Technology secretly formed a passive component alliance, then their next step is to start challenging the brightest jewel in the crown of the technology industry.

As powerful as Huawei, the second-largest technology group in China, it took decades and countless dollars to gamble, but only managed a HiSilicon.

Among the top ten semiconductor design companies in the world, there is only one Chinese company, Huawei HiSilicon, which ranks fifth, and Ziguang Zhanrui ranks eleventh in the world.

In addition, Tsinghua Unigroup, which represents the national team, invested hundreds of billions of dollars in just a few years, trying to enter the memory chip manufacturing industry, but it was not until March 2018 that they received their first order since their establishment. 10,776 32-layer dnand chips are used to manufacture b memory cards. As for Ziguang’s ddr4 project, it has not yet been mass-produced.

This is the cruel reality. After years of repeated shuffling, the semiconductor cake has already been divided up.

AL is assigned to lithography machines, Intel and AD are assigned to PU, Samsung, Micron, Toshiba, Hyundai, memory chips, Shin-Etsu, Applied Materials, Colin Technology, etc., and semiconductor raw materials and manufacturing tools.

When the big powers were scrambling for territory, Huaxia was still in a poor and white stage, so nothing was allocated. Although Huawei HiSilicon is strong, it does not involve the production process, but only in the semiconductor design process, laying a solid foundation.

Currently, China’s best player is Xingchen Technology. If even Xingchen Technology cannot win the semiconductor, no Chinese company will be able to take this responsibility.

In any case, everything is undercurrent. Star Technology adopts a pragmatic attitude and has not announced any news so far. It has not responded at all despite the rumors outside.

In the blink of an eye, it was the weekend, Luo Jia called her parents and told them that they had something to do this week and would not go back for dinner, and then went to An Ran’s house as agreed.

An Ran’s home is in the Xingchen Battleship Community, a duplex mansion on the top floor, with a construction area of ​​nearly 300 square meters, and it is one of the largest houses in the company.

Senior Qi Mengzhou lived in two bedrooms and one living room when she was single, which was located on the middle floor of the building. Now it is Hiraha Sakura’s new home. They are neighbors, and they look down and see each other every day.

Luo Jia rang the doorbell, and it was Li Moran who opened the door. He had already arrived early with his girlfriend, and was chatting with his senior sister on the sofa. He should have called Hong Tao and Di Wuchang today, but unfortunately they were both on a business trip I went, not in Shanghai.

“The girls are preparing dinner in the kitchen.” Li Moran said.

The so-called girls refer to the little girlfriends of Ping Yuying and Li Moran. Thirty-year-old Li Moran found a 19-year-old girl while An Ran was in her twenties. A 30-year-old Yujie is his wife. As for Ping Yuying, she is one year younger than Luo Jia.

It is summer now, the temperature is getting hotter, and the dishes are mostly cold dishes. The senior sister has a big belly now, and unsafe food such as sashimi is fine. The main dishes are light food such as vegetables and fruits. It was a pheasant bought from the mountains. It was safely put into a casserole early in the morning, added with fresh mushrooms, and stewed to make a pot of thick soup.

Steamed rice from northeast China, topped with delicious mushroom and chicken soup, served with a few side dishes, the dinner is simple but satisfying.

After dinner, everyone sat around on the sofa in the living room, and An Ran brought red wine, while the senior sister drank watermelon juice, a Western-style ham platter with tomatoes and cucumbers, which was regarded as an appetizer.

“Let me tell you, what books are you bringing today?” senior sister Qi Mengzhou muttered, “Our family Anran is good at everything, but his personality is too straightforward, a typical man of science and engineering, not interesting, and he doesn’t know how to coax girls. .”

“If possible, I don’t want my child to study science and engineering. I want my child to study liberal arts. In the future, he will be a poet, engage in music creation, or a painter.”

Luo Jia frowned and said: “Although poetry is very beautiful, the progress of this world depends on science. With you and An Ran’s IQ, the child must be extremely talented. It’s a pity not to let the child study science and engineering. Maybe, Will be the next Einstein.”

Qi Mengzhou waved his hand disdainfully and said: “You and An Ran are almost carved out of the same mold, science and technology, science, all these things are in your mind, I’m really lazy to talk to you, anyway, this is my child, in the future It is up to him to choose what profession he engages in.”

For the sake of Qi Mengzhou’s pregnancy, Luo Jia did not refute, and Li Moran’s little girlfriend also lost the opportunity to change the topic and asked the senior sister which book she chose.

The book that senior sister Qi Mengzhou chose was To Kill a Mockingbird. Luo Jia had read this book before, and it told a story about justice and kindness, which was very educational.

Maybe it’s because she is about to become a mother. When Qi Mengzhou chose this book, she should have her unborn baby in mind.

Compared to senior sister Qi Mengzhou’s realm and foresight, An Ran was too upright. He ran to his study and brought back a copy of Journey to the West.


Suddenly, Li Moran’s little girlfriend laughed and said to senior sister Qi Mengzhou, “Sister Mengzhou, your husband doesn’t seem to have any artistic talents.”

Qi Mengzhou pinched his waist and said, “Journey to the West? Are you a joker invited by a monkey? How did I tell you back then.”

An Ran looked blank, “You said it should be interesting and stylish. Journey to the West is one of the four great classics. It’s very interesting and it’s also my favorite book. Isn’t this book bad?”

Li Moran’s mischievous little girlfriend explained: “Brother An Ran, we are not saying that Journey to the West is not good, but that everyone has read the four major classics. If you choose this book, it is equivalent to telling others about your own. The research is not extensive enough, I only know the four classics.”

Qi Mengzhou supported his forehead, “Liu Bei is right, please can you be more serious? There are also comparisons in the book club, each picks out the sentence that is the most beautiful or meaningful, and reads it aloud for everyone to appreciate and comment on.” , broaden everyone’s reading horizon.”

“Journey to the West is of course a good book, but everyone present has read it more than once. Your understanding of Journey to the West may not be as profound as Sakurako. I will let you choose a meaningful book. You Picking Journey to the West is obviously just perfunctory, okay?”

An Ran was speechless at the time. This straight man with a high IQ in science and engineering really thought that he was not perfunctory. Journey to the West is very good.

At this time, Qi Mengzhou suddenly caught a glimpse of Li Moran’s hand shrinking back, as if he was hiding something.

“What are you hiding?” Qi Mengzhou asked curiously.

Liu Bei has sharp eyes, and snatched the book from Li Moran’s hand. When she saw the cover clearly, she laughed like a wild girl.

“I can’t do it, I laughed so hard!”

“As expected of the twin stars, you two are really good brothers!”

“Brother An Ran chooses Journey to the West, you choose Romance of the Three Kingdoms!”

“Hahahaha, I’m dying of laughter. Could it be that Brother Luo is leading the Outlaws of the Marsh?”

“Sister Mengzhou, do you have an incense burner at home? Hurry up and get three sticks of incense, and ask the three elder brothers to swear and bow down. From now on, they can become brothers of the opposite sex.”

Li Moran’s little girlfriend has a very funny personality, she lay on the sofa with her stomach in her hands, and tears came out of her laughter.

Ping Yuying looked at the three science and engineering men of Xingchen Technology with sympathetic eyes. It is obvious that they are not literary. For them, Journey to the West is already very literary and elegant. The three men in science and engineering really don’t like the little capitalist romantic sentiments in the movie, how could Sun Wukong enjoy fighting monsters?

Qi Mengzhou sighed, and said helplessly: “Ah, An Ran, even if you choose not Journey to the West, it is Wukong Biography, it seems that our children are unlikely to have any literary talents. Three straight men have nothing to do with literature and art.”

“Why don’t we do separate activities today, we three girls talk about our literary dreams, and you continue to engage in your technological war?”

It seems to be despised

Luo Jia thought for a while, then smiled and said, “Actually, the book I brought today is not Water Margin.”

Liu Bei said disapprovingly: “What is that? I heard from Li Moran that your student Shen Lang is only thirteen years old this year, and the list of books you arranged for him is all about monarchism, the theory of the wealth of nations, mobs, and time.” A brief history, such obscure and profound things as non-violent communication, and even a book by Peking University Press, Youth Love Psychology.”


After listening to Liu Bei’s words, Qi Mengzhou and Ping Yuying immediately sprayed. Ping Yuying quickly lowered her head and apologized for her rude behavior, while Qi Mengzhou stared at Luo Jia like a monster.

Students are actually asked to study youth love psychology? It is also the authoritative version compiled by Peking University Press.

You really deserve to be the leader of the Straight Men Legion, isn’t this too upright, and you have to find the rhythm of a theoretical basis even when you fall in love?

Luo Jia had a black line on his forehead, and frowned, “It’s not what you think. I’m different from An Ran and Li Moran. Both of them don’t have much literary talent, but I actually have some.”

“Really or not?”

“It’s hard to believe.”

“Brother Luo is doing big things, don’t worry about these things.” Hiraha Sakura said kindly,

“Xiao Yingzi, don’t speak for him, I think he’s bragging.” Qi Mengzhou pouted and said, “Based on what I know about you, it’s impossible for those literary cells in you to compare Enron is more, the three of you are just like dogs.”

Luo Jia laughed, “How about we make a bet?”

“How to bet?”

“Just bet that the book I brought is better than the one you brought.”

Qi Mengzhou waved his hand impatiently, “It is better to have a standard. Is the writing more elegant, or the artistic conception more profound, and the philosophy more transparent? There is no standard. If you bring a Xinhua dictionary and say that your book More authoritative, we will definitely not win you.”

Luo Jia said lightly, “According to the standard you just said, my book is more elegant than the text you chose, and the content is more artistic and philosophical.”

“Impossible!” Li Moran’s little girlfriend stood up excitedly and said, “You don’t even know what book I and Heping Yuying chose, so you can boast about this kind of book. We chose the favorite book of our life to come here. , I want to read it to you and share it with you.”

Hiraba Sakura, who has always been submissive to Luo Jia, is also nodding her head again and again, looking very serious, as if she doesn’t believe that Luo Jia will hide some literary talent.

“Anyway, no matter what you bring today, my book will be completely crushed.” Luo Jia said.

The three literary and artistic young women have expressed their do not believe it, and they do not believe it.

“That’s what you said.”

With a smirk on his face, Luo Jia brought his backpack and groped in it, but he couldn’t seem to find it.

“Give me the bag.”

Qi Mengzhou couldn’t bear it any longer. She snatched Luo Jia’s backpack and reached in. There was indeed a book inside. It wasn’t too thick, it looked like several hundred pages.

“What a broken book? You still want to crush our favorite works, you will die if you don’t brag.”

Qi Mengzhou muttered, dumped the contents of the bag on the table, and with a flicker of light, everyone saw the title of the book clearly, and then everyone was dumbfounded, and the room became completely silent, only Luo Jia was hehe weird laugh.

Not to mention, when Luo Jia brought this book, it really crushed the three literary young women mercilessly.

Because the name of this book is Three Hundred Tang Poems and Song Ci

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