Technological Supremacy Chapter 319: Have the guts but not the heart

When it was dark, Luo Jia drove to the Peace Hotel, which was also Luo Jia’s designated restaurant.

More importantly, Manager Zou of the Peace Hotel has good eyesight. He knows that Luo Jia likes to be quiet, and also knows that his taste is more northerly.

There are a lot of people today. Apart from a few friends, Wang Tianwen’s younger brother is also here. His name is Wang Geography. Tie.

Gao Feng, the animal, recently had a romantic relationship. He hooked up with Zhang Wanyue, a senior who has always had a crush on him. Both of them came from Shandong, and they are schoolmates. I’m too lazy to ask, it’s the 21st century, and the relationship between men and women is already quite messy.

In addition, there is Hiraba Sakura, she is everyone’s friend, the little girl is too polite, she nods and bows all day long, and always brings a lot of white lovers and other snacks from Neon every time she goes home.

Everyone likes Hiraba Sakura very much, and also thinks that cannibalism is short-sighted, so they often ask her to eat and go shopping together. Unfortunately, Luo Jia is busy and hates shopping, so he never joins the road-blocking army.

“Come on, let’s have this drink to celebrate the end of our college career and the beginning of a new life!” Lu Qiu raised his glass and yelled, with this big girl from Inner Mongolia around, no one wants to drink less, and the atmosphere is impossible Inactive.

For Luo Jia, his college career is actually over long ago, but this glass of wine must be drunk anyway. At least we can get together now. It is difficult.

While eating, Luo Jia thought a lot. He had been in college for half a year, and he couldn’t recognize all the classmates in his class. The relationship between classmates in high school was also gradually alienated. After leaving the company, Luo Jiazhen didn’t have many friends.

After drinking for three rounds, Luo Jia discovered an interesting thing. All the beauties in Lu Qiu’s dormitory hadn’t dated in four years of college. Of course, except for Lu Qiu and Jiang Lei. They hooked up shamelessly since the beginning of school.

Nie Xiaodou, Jiang Weilan, and Su Ping are all beauties on top of each other. It is impossible for no one to chase after them. Not to mention, Wang Tianwen at this table has always been interested in Nie Xiaodou. Sending WeChat, as for other boys, there must be no less.

So the only reason they are single so far is that their vision is too high, and no one looks down on them.

Raising the wine glass, Luo Jia drank half of the red wine in one gulp, thinking to herself, Nie Xiaodou and the others are single because they have too high vision, so why is it because of themselves?

Since there are things that I can’t understand, I just don’t think about them at all. Luo Jia relaxes and plays around with everyone. It’s actually quite fun to drink and indulge occasionally, but it’s a pity that Nie Xiaodou and Ping Yuying seem a bit out of place.

Ping Yuying is too rigid, and there are many rules in her family since she was a child, and even the chopsticks are neatly placed. On the other hand, Luo Jia and the others just grabbed the mutton and gnawed it, which was set off by the polite Ping Yuying. , just like a group of bandits.

As for why Nie Xiaodou was unhappy today, Luo Jia couldn’t guess, and was too lazy to guess.

It was already eleven o’clock at night when the meal was finished. Most of the high-end restaurants were business banquets, which ended early, and there were very few people who were as nonsense as Luo Jia and the others.

A group of people returned to the suite. All kinds of drinks and fruits, as well as the snacks that girls like to eat, were already prepared in the room. Everyone had a cup of tea to sober up, and chatted along the way to talk about future arrangements.

In the summer, the four of Lu Qiu and Jiang Lei, together with Jiang Lei, will go to France for further studies. Luo Jia has already made arrangements for this, and Lao Wang from the European branch will secretly take care of them.

As for Wang Tianwen and Gao Feng, both plan to work directly. Wang Tianwen wants to go back to his hometown in Jiangxi, and Gao Feng wants to stay in Shanghai. I don’t know if it is because of Zhang Wanyue’s relationship.

Anyway, everyone has a way out after graduation. Luo Jia will not watch them suffer, but he will not give them money directly. Live a little more comfortably than others.

As the old saying goes, if you are short-handed, it would be easy if each person gave a check, but in the future, everyone will be unequal, and Jiang Lei and the others will only think that they have earned their own hard work and don’t owe any help to them secretly. Luo Jia’s, it’s tough to meet again.

There is no permanent banquet in the world, and friends messed around all night and separated the next day.

This is life, there is nothing to be pretentious, say to each other to cherish each other, and keep each other in your heart. Now that technology is advanced, even if it is thousands of miles away, you can always make a phone call, but you will never return. It’s not as good as the time when we were under the same roof and got along day and night.

“Let’s go together.” Luo Jia said to Ping Yuying, the two of them are going together, and Jiang Lei and the others are going back to Songjiang.


Hiraha Sakura nodded happily, sat in the co-pilot, put on the seat belt seriously, and pulled it hard to check whether the seat belt is fastened securely. It should be taught by her family since she was young. It has become a habit.

Luo Jia drove on the road, and after turning around a few congested intersections, he finally got on the elevated highway, and his speed gradually increased.

“Is the work going well?” Luo Jia asked Ping’s going well, I feel that the knowledge I learned in Massachusetts, as well as my Chinese, are finally useful. “

“Too modest, An Ran often said that you were one year younger than him when you were in college, you are a real genius, and you are very polite.”

“No, the elder brother is the real one. I have had a full-time teacher from Dongda since I was a child, and the elder brother is more self-study.”

While driving, Luo Jia chatted with Heping Yuying.

Hiraha Sakura was like a primary school student answering questions, very serious, with a nervous expression on her face, as if she didn’t want to say the wrong thing in front of Luo Jia, which would make her feel very embarrassed.

For a man, Hiraha Sakura’s attitude is very useful. After all, Luo Jia is not a cheap bone. It makes no sense to dislike a girl who respects and obeys him. of.

Maybe she really has the guts but not the heart. Although there is a seductive little loli beside her, Luo Jia suddenly loses her mind and unconsciously starts thinking about the lithography machine.

With the joining of Wen Chengling, the project department began to enter the actual combat research of ultra-ultraviolet light. New results are published every day, and the progress of the entire project is advancing by leaps and bounds.

“Extreme ultraviolet light should not be far away.”

Luo Jia murmured to herself, embarrassing Hiraba Sakura who was sitting next to her. Only then did she realize that she had been rambling about raising an Akita dog when she was a child, how cute and sensible the puppy was, and said Later, when the Akita dog died, he cried out sadly.

It turned out that Luo Jia wasn’t listening to these words at all!

What he was thinking about was extreme ultraviolet light!

“Hey, you are indeed the head of the straight male team.” Hiraha Sakura held her forehead, with a black line on her forehead.

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