Technological Supremacy Chapter 308: All-round lead!

Luo Jia appeared more restrained in the video, using his rational and calm voice to tell the world about the technological breakthrough made by Xingchen Technology in the field of ultrasonic motors.

Abandoning the piezoelectric disk and switching to a lithium niobate piezoelectric film with a thickness of only nanometers means that Xingchen Technology has the ability to make the motor very small.

Small enough to enter the body along human blood vessels, or make the motor into an irregular shape, the motor does not necessarily have to be circular, triangular, trapezoidal, it is also achievable.

“The world’s smallest motor system? Could this thing be made for the medical field?”

“Very likely, I have seen a sci-fi movie in which humans in the future repair damaged hearts by injecting medical robots into blood vessels.”

“Sure enough, it’s a revolutionary technology. Our medical profession has been waiting for this kind of motor!”

“The future has really come!”

The audience discussed excitedly. The new piezoelectric design can make the ultrasonic motor very small, which can be used in the medical field. It can also design a fly-sized spy drone for military applications.

In short, the people who eat melons give full play to their imaginations, imagining the fields where micro motors can be applied in the future.

The second feature of Star Technology’s ultrasonic motor is precision.

Through the substantial improvement and replacement of the stator, rotor, and drive control system, etc., they have increased the precision of the motor to the nanometer level,

Generally speaking, motor control is based on circles, how many circles are rotated forward, and how many circles are rotated backward.

But Xingchen Technology’s technology is powerful. It rotates forward by one nanometer and backward by two nanometers. The accuracy of the movement has exceeded the limit that the naked eye can detect.

People who eat melons may ask, is it meaningful to spend a lot of money just to achieve ultra-precision control?

Of course it makes sense.

The whole world has guessed that Xingchen Technology is about to enter the semiconductor field, and in the IC manufacturing industry, the precision is usually controlled at the nanometer level, and it will even advance to the crazy picometer level in the future.

In this case, whoever masters the motor with the highest precision in the world will have the most competitive machine. Ultra-precision motors are not only meaningful in the semiconductor field, but also of great significance!

In addition to semiconductors, precision is also required in the medical field and the field of automated precision machine tools. If you use power tools to perform heart surgery on patients, since the precision of the motors is not high, it’s more of a one-size-fits-all.

Then you say, “Oh, I’m sorry, this knife has been cut, I’ll make it up for you.”

It’s outrageous!

There is no doctor in the world who would do such nonsense. If you really dare to do this, the angry family members of the patients will dare to kill you.

The same is true for five-axis machining centers. Domestic machine tools have been in operation for so many years, but they have not been able to occupy the high-end market. The lack of precision is one of the major reasons.

Some students are short-sighted and need to wear glasses to supplement their eyesight. Suppose that when the lens is milled, the accuracy is not high, and the difference is dozens of degrees. ?

In short, after Luo Jia announced that the ultrasonic motor of Xingchen Technology has nano-level precision, the world has become extremely crazy.

In SMIC, countless semiconductor practitioners shed tears of excitement to celebrate this historic moment.

Ultrasonic motors will reshape the accuracy of semiconductor production machines, greatly improve the yield rate, and provide basic technology for the development of future generations of products.

The field of domestic machine tools has also fallen into a carnival. Engineers engaged in this industry know very well that domestic machine tools have five major shortcomings, design, cutting tools, motors, software, and stability.

Not long ago, Xingchen Technology just solved the industrial software, and now it has solved the high-precision motor, which will greatly boost the competitiveness of domestic machine tools in the global market.

What’s even more frightening is that, according to rumors, it seems that Xingchen Technology has plans to build machine tools of its own…

The medical field is China’s huge shortcoming. How short is it?

Among the top 50 pharmaceutical groups in the world, there are 16 North American companies, 10 neon companies, 4 German companies, 3 companies in Switzerland and Ireland, 2 companies in France, the UK, India, Israel, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Italy, and even South Africa have a company that ranks among the top 50 in the world.

However, the number of companies on the list in our country is zero, and there is not even a single one. It is not only weak, it is as weak as grandma’s house!

This is probably the current situation. There are no Chinese companies among the top 50 pharmaceutical companies in the world, let alone higher-end medical equipment.

So where are the pharmaceutical companies in Huaxia?

The answer is simple, they are all in the advertisements, or when something happens to the vaccine, you can see them.

Based on this tragic situation, even if Xingchen Technology provides ultrasonic motors, it cannot solve the problem of long-term backwardness.

But this is a good start. If the friendly army can’t count on it, the big deal is that Xingchen Technology rolled up its sleeves and went on its own. The successful development of the ultrasonic motor is also the technical reserve they made before entering the pharmaceutical industry.

Luo Jia’s introduction is still going The third feature of the ultrasonic motor lies in its powerful torque.

Simply put, it means full of strength.

Star Technology’s permanent magnet vector motor has created history. It is the motor with the strongest torque in the world. It can easily push hundreds of thousands of tons of giant wheels and run at a speed of more than 40 knots.

The ultrasonic motor of Star Technology has twelve times higher torque than the permanent magnet vector motor. It only needs a mechanical structure the size of a little finger, and can easily lift a two-hundred-jin basketball player.

There are many other features, such as being completely immune to electromagnetic interference, running in a vacuum environment, being able to resist high and low temperatures, and having a response speed of less than 0.01 millisecond, etc., and the products of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory also have these features. , is not considered unique to Xingchen Technology, so Luo Jia did not make a key introduction.

“Our ultrasonic motor is probably like this.” Luo Jia said with a smile at the end of the video, “If you are interested in knowing more technical details, please pay attention to the May issue of Star Journal, thank you.”

As soon as his words fell, the screen stopped abruptly, and the rotating galaxy badge of Xingchen Technology appeared on the screen again. As the galaxy slowly rotated, the world fell into madness.

Unlike the industrial software previously released by Star Technology, industrial software is more for professionals and industry elites.

Ultrasonic motors can be used in all aspects of society.

Not to mention machine tool manufacturers, semiconductor and medical manufacturers, even those manufacturers of range hoods are excited.

The ultrasonic motor has no sound when it is running. If it is used to make a silent range hood, it will be very powerful, okay? It’s very exciting, isn’t it!

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