Technological Supremacy Chapter 298: Missing a few samples

This special guest is Wen Chengling, a global leader in the field of lasers, who has now switched to a career in life sciences. After going through twists and turns, he finally returned to his hometown across half of the world.

When he returned to Huaxia more than ten years later, Wen Chengling couldn’t see much excitement on his face.

Stepping on this familiar land, Wen Chengling’s mind is full of memories of the past, parents, younger brother, the simple and warm life of the family, and a carefree childhood.

Once the fish tank at home was knocked over, the father asked who did it, the two brothers were silent, neither of them betrayed the other, no matter how much the father forced them, they just kept silent, and then they were both fined to face the wall and not allowed to eat lunch, The gentle mother felt sorry for the two brothers, and secretly stuffed chocolate into their hands while the father was not paying attention.

Scenes of the past emerged, and it was unbearable to look back. In a blink of an eye, he was already in his forties. Although he was still alive, his home was gone. Wen Chengling only felt his heart twitching and aching.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand the meaning of returning to the root of the fallen leaves. The body can be anywhere, but the memories will stay here forever, and they can only stay here. Therefore, the moment he got off the plane, Wen Chengling’s eyes were moist .

Not long after, Wen Chengling met Luo Jia, who was here to pick up the plane.

This legendary richest man in the world and a once-in-a-thousand-year technological genius has no airs at all. He wears ordinary sneakers and a hooded sweater, smiles, and speaks very funny.

As the boss, he came to greet him in person. Such respect and thirst for talents made Wen Chengling feel a warm current in his heart.

Sitting in the car, Wen Chengling stared at everything outside the window without blinking his eyes. It has been fourteen years, and everything in China has changed. The changes have amazed the world.

When the plane was still taxiing, Di Wuchang pointed out to him the Karmen vortex street power generation array located at the Donghai Bridge. Wen Chengling’s chin.

In the big city of Shanghai, it is full of silent electric vehicles, ubiquitous wireless charging piles, all kinds of shared transportation, and countless high-rise buildings.

All of this shocked Wen Chengling deeply. For more than ten years, their brothers lived in the rainforest, but the hometown they remember has already leaped thousands of miles, and it is not what it used to be.

In the next few days, Luo Jia never talked about work, but asked Di Wuchang to take him around, take a look, feel the passion and vitality bursting out of China today, and feel the relationship between people and people again. warmth among people.

On this day, Wen Chengling suddenly offered to see Luo Jia, so Di Wuchang took him out of the hotel where he was temporarily staying and went to the company Luo Jia’s office.

Luo Jia greeted him cordially, and asked Shen Lang to make good tea.

Since finishing high school, Shen Lang now spends the rest of his time with Luo Jia except for open classes and group activities. If Luo Jia has something to do, he will go to An Ran.

“Don’t worry.” Luo Jia persuaded him, “You can do the work later, and get familiar with the environment first. After all, you have been away for too long, and your hometown has changed a lot these years.”

Wen Chengling shook his head, “Chengfeng is still in the Amazon, besides, tomorrow will be Qingming, and at such a time, it is inevitable that I will think of many things again, so let’s start working early, and when the work is completed, we can end this matter.” Everything.”

Luo Jia was slightly taken aback, and understood what Wen Chengling meant.

As long as their research on life sciences is not completed, those piranhas will not be able to kill them, and the piranhas will not be able to kill them, and it will be difficult for the Wen brothers to untie their knots.

At this time, Di Wuchang said, “Yesterday, I talked with Wen Chengfeng on the phone. Now his village is building an airstrip. When the airport is repaired, our supplies can be transported there very conveniently.”

Luo Jia thought, “Will there be any trouble if we conduct research on the Brazilian territory?”

Di Wuchang thought about it for a while, “The village is located on the boundary line between Colombia and Brazil, so it’s a three-way zone, and in Latin America, as long as you have money, there is nothing you can’t do.”

“I have already told the local branch that you should send money when you need it. Don’t be soft-hearted. In short, you must complete the procedures for the scientific research center in Brazil. In fact, we are not the only ones. The Amazon region has diverse species and strange climate. Many large Pharmaceutical companies and scientific research institutions have branch laboratories there.”

“We follow the formal procedures, and we have the full support of the embassy in Brazil. There shouldn’t be any problems. For scientific research, the Brazilian authorities also support it. At most, we need to strengthen the security work.”

Luo Jia stroked his chin and said, “Security is indeed a big problem. I’ll look for the military later, and ask for retired special forces, and send some capable people to Brazil.”

The two discussed it, and Di Wuchang invited the Wen family brothers to join Xingchen Technology, and they agreed, so the simple laboratory in the rainforest is now the prototype of the research center in Brazil.

To make everything normal as soon as possible, use two teams from Brazil and China to form a new life science department, and carry out cutting-edge research in a series of medical fields such as immune enhancement, gene therapy, and metabolism.

Suddenly, Di Wuchang seemed to think of something, “Speaking of which, there is indeed a strange thing recently. Wen Chengfeng said that it seems that some genetic samples have been stolen by someone, but it is not the samples of immunity and metabolism. Most of them have been taken by us. It’s back, but there are a few fewer samples of piranha gene mutations.”

“After hearing about this incident, I suddenly thought that when we arrived there, there were three North Americans traveling nearby. Could they be spies or something?”

Luo Jia frowned, when the piranha was strangled by a school of black once mutated into a very ferocious strange fish, and what was lost was the sample of that guy.

“If you were really spies, you would have died long ago.” Luo Jia said, “You have seen the 007 series of movies. Those people are ruthless and murderous without blinking an eye. And if they were really spies, they probably wouldn’t just steal A few samples, but the samples that are full of refrigerators should be swept away, and by the way, a bomb should be placed to destroy the entire village and destroy the evidence.”

Di Wuchang was stunned, but he felt that what Luo Jia said made sense. This kind of petty theft did not seem to be backed by state forces.

Wen Chengling waved his hand, “There are many naughty children in the village. They are very wild. The test tubes containing the samples may have been used as toys by them. Similar things have happened in the past. The laboratory is not the first Throw something at once.”

“It makes sense for a brat to steal things.” Di Wuchang nodded slightly.

Wen Chengling brought up the matter of work again, with a very persistent attitude.

Seeing that he has made up his mind, Luo Jia said in a deep voice, “Okay, if that’s the case, then come with me, and I’ll show you something.”

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