Technological Supremacy Chapter 240: The era of immersive full-sense marketing

The collective action of Star University soon alarmed the instructor and Luo Jia himself, and the instructor asked Luo Jia how to deal with it.

According to the original plan, the students started the 15-day special training on August 10th and ended on August 26th. After a few days of rest, the school officially started on September 1st. Now the students are busy with this This plan affected the progress of the special training.

Luo Jia decided to suspend the special training for three days and let the students come up with their plans. He really wanted to see how capable these little guys are.

On August 25th, after two full days of high-intensity work, Shen Lang and his roommate Zhang Qidou found Luo Jia with a business plan.

The excitement of this project completely exceeded everyone’s expectations, and Luo Jia and the famous brainstorming team of Xingchen Technology were extremely shocked!

With unrestrained imagination, the students designed a whole set of plans for the global promotion and promotion of domestic electric vehicles, from the location selection and decoration of 4S stores to the certification of dealers and the after-sales service network. Construct.

Then to the preliminary drafting of the publicity campaign and spokesperson, there are even sketches of print advertisements made by the students themselves, as well as video clips of TV advertisements.

To put it simply, the plans of the young geniuses can be summed up in one sentence.

We are not selling electric cars, but the future!

Although human society is currently facing many contradictions, one thing is certain, no matter what, we must move towards the future.

So how do we move into the future?

Of course, electric vehicles are used. Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, electric vehicles have many advantages such as environmental protection, economy, and powerful torque. They are a future-oriented transportation tool, which is the consensus of all mankind.

Through a series of publicity campaigns, the concept of the future is installed on products such as electric vehicles. When consumers buy an electric vehicle, it is as if they have bought a ticket to the future.

“That’s enough, they changed the concept secretly. Electric cars are not the same as the future, but this set of plans is indeed amazing.” After reading it, An Ran gave her own evaluation with a smile.

Luo Jia also thinks so, maybe it is because they are still young and their thinking mode is not constrained by reality, so they can come up with such a wild and unconstrained plan.

Using the laser projection technology of Xingchen Optics to create a future sci-fi version of the 4S store is the highlight of this project. Through multi-angle optical refraction, the huge 4S store can be transformed into an overall projection screen, although the cost is not high. Low, but the effect is more than a dozen streets away from competitors.

The next morning, Luo Jia’s partners arrived in Shanghai one after another, and they were very excited when they were invited into the big conference room.

After such a long time of preparation, they are finally going to attack the global market, attack Toyota, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, the base camp of this series of super giants, and start a fierce hand-to-hand fight with those giants. This will affect the Chinese electric vehicle industry. Undoubtedly a milestone.

Luo Jia walked into the big meeting room and looked around. There were quite a lot of people. Boss Wei from Great Wall, Boss Li from Geely, Boss Wang from BYD, they didn’t come by themselves, they even brought their elite team , hundreds of people, filled the entire conference room.

Standing on the stage, Luo Jia said with a smile, “Welcome everyone to Xingchen Technology. Before today’s meeting starts, I have something that I need to show you.”

After finishing speaking, Luo Jia waved his hand towards the door of the conference room, and called Shen Lang to his side.

People were surprised. Shen Lang was only twelve years old. He was just a child in everyone’s eyes. He was wearing a short-sleeved blue shirt and a pair of white sneakers. Luo Jia put his hands on Shen Lang’s shoulders and said loudly: “This is Shen Lang Lang, a classmate of our Star University, under his leadership, Star University has developed a project, let him tell us now.”

Throwing an encouraging look at Shen Lang, Luo Jia stepped off the stage and sat next to Boss Li. Boss Li looked suspicious. Luo Jia shrugged without explaining, and signaled everyone to watch Shen Lang’s performance on the stage.

Although he was young, Shen Lang did not show any panic or fear. He calmly lit up the big screen and introduced the core of the project, the concept of the future, to everyone in a slightly immature voice.

Everyone was amazed, Shen Lang quickly entered the role, his calm and mature temperament far surpassed his peers, very attractive, if you don’t look at his height and face, no one will Connect him with a twelve-year-old boy.

Marketing courses tell us that third-rate marketing sells products, second-rate marketing sells stories, and first-rate marketing sells concepts. This is a time-tested rule in the marketing world.

But back to reality, although selling concepts is a top marketing rule, not everyone has the ability to sell concepts, because concepts belong to a stream of consciousness, invisible and intangible.

However, Shen Lang and the talented team of Xingchen University have achieved it. Through laser projection technology, consumers can be immersed in the scene, offering a feast of visual and auditory perception, and releasing the powerful magic of future time and space.

Colleagues of Xingchen Optics never dreamed that laser projection technology could be used to build a house. A 4S store itself is a huge holographic theater. The birth of this genius design will surely shock the whole world. .

Shen Lang didn’t waste time on other aspects, he directly talked about the key points, the concept of the future, and how to make the concept of the future come true.

When the speech ended, everyone stood up, flushed with excitement, and applauded wildly. They realized that a marketing method that would be written into textbooks was born.

You have come up with a marketing concept, which is not difficult, but the difficulty is how to realize the concept and turn it into a kind of existence that consumers can feel, and stimulate the potential consumption desire deep in the brain.

Undoubtedly, the talented team of Star University has achieved both of these two items. They not only proposed concepts, but also made specific implementation plans. For a group of teenagers whose average age is only twelve years old, it is really great easy.

“It’s amazing, the sense of the future is so strong!”

“As expected of a group of geniuses, I can’t imagine what Star University will be like in the future!”

People cheered wildly, full of expectations for the future of Star University, and looked at Shen Lang with extremely hot eyes.

Luo Jia stepped onto the stage again, smiled and said to everyone, “Actually, what you have seen is only a small part of the whole plan. I think the part that is more amazing, Shen Lang and the others have done in-depth market research. Cultural analysis, fashion trend forecasting, consumption capacity assessment of various countries,”

“Anyway, even I didn’t expect them to be able to do this.”

“Having said that, this kind of futuristic full-sensing marketing can not only be used for electric vehicles. I have called Mr. Ren of Huawei, and he is also very interested. If Huawei’s mobile phone stores can also be transformed into immersive If there is a full-sensing experience store, it is estimated that the impact on the market will be very large.”

“If you continue to push down, all Huaxia manufacturers can actually use a similar marketing plan. This will lead to an interesting result, which is to comprehensively improve the quality of the Huaxia brand.”

Everyone laughed after hearing this. In the modern business competition marketing is a necessary means. The so-called wine is not afraid of deep alleys. Marketing can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Luo Jia paused, and continued: “Originally, the optical department made this laser projection, but I didn’t like it very much, because the technical level is not high enough, it is not holographic, and requires a lot of optical refraction to achieve the final image. effect.”

“If it weren’t for the students of Star University, this technology would probably be shelved, but now, I think the primary laser projection technology should become a new profit point for Star Optics, and more importantly, it will bring An epoch-making marketing upgrade for our partners.”

“It won’t be long before those foreigners will be surprised to find that not only the quality of Huaxia’s products is good, but even the specialty stores are beyond their reach. When they are still using flat decoration, our specialty stores have entered the immersive In the era of full perception, walking into our specialty store is like walking into the future.”

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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