Technological Supremacy Chapter 13: Communication (Revised Edition)

“Hello, classmate. My name is Sha Zhan. These two are my students, Li Moran and Ye Bei. I don’t know where the students are currently studying in university? Who is the tutor?” the silver-haired scholar asked.


Luo Jia tapped the code for a while, and turned around when she heard the voice, only to find three people standing behind her.

Sand show?

It’s such a special surname, I seem to have heard of it somewhere, but Luo Jia didn’t remember it for a while.

“My name is Luo Jia, a freshman in the Computer Department of Donghai University…” Luo Jia introduced her identity.

Sha Zhan and his two students were all stunned, with obvious confusion in their eyes.

Tunghai University and the others know that there are many universities in Shanghai, and Tunghai University has always been ranked at the top.

As for Luo Jia’s mentor, how can he have any mentor? It’s just a young counselor who just graduated a few days ago. Sha Zhan has never heard of it. He racked his brains and couldn’t think of such a number one person. .

“Are you a student of Tunghai University?”

Sha Zhan frowned, and said to himself, “How could he be Tunghai University, a school that is not popular? Could it be because of partial subjects, so although his professional ability is very strong, his college entrance examination results are not satisfactory?”

It was only then that Luo Jia discovered that Sha Zhan was not really old. He was about forty years old, and he was in the prime of life, but he had a little gray hair. Eighty percent of his hair was already gray when he reached middle age. others as an old man.

“That’s right.” Sha Zhan smiled, and said very generously: “I saw the code you wrote just now, and it seems that your definition of database weight is very different from the industry’s current conventional practice, so I just disturbed you rashly.”

Luo Jia actually discovered it a long time ago, showing that Sha Zhan watched behind him for a long time, and later his students also came to watch and discussed with each other after watching.

Luo Jia saw that the three of them were full of curiosity and spoke politely, so he used the program he was currently writing as a blueprint to explain to them the principle of the advanced weight definition of the database.

In fact, it is not an exaggerated technology. The database is like a lake. There are many kinds of creatures in the lake. The importance of each creature is different. What Luo Jia does is to grade the database, and then define different Weights.

Of course, it includes basic artificial intelligence technology. Luo Jia will not talk about artificial intelligence, at most it will talk about principles and ideas.

After listening to Luo Jia’s introduction, Sha Zhan and others were shocked.

Even if the technical factors are not mentioned, Luo Jia’s thinking follows the multiple laws of extraterrestrial civilizations. From several aspects, the compound advanced weight definition for the database is like a spider weaving a web. It is troublesome when writing code, but the real When used, the efficiency can be greatly improved.

“In this way, although the person who writes the program will be more troublesome, the customers who use this database can get the results they want in the first time and at the fastest speed!” Li Moran’s eyes lit up Said.

Luo Jia nodded, “That’s it. I’m writing a background search program for a service-oriented website. In order to improve search efficiency, I must define multiple cross-type search libraries. It’s really tiring to do so. I hope to use this set Users of the program can like it, otherwise it is really worth the loss.”

Once the clip is opened, it gradually becomes unstoppable, from the weight in the database, to the fuzzy sorting of keywords, and finally to the compression of the over-expanded database.

Sha Zhan chatted happily with Luo Jia. Gradually, he had forgotten Luo Jia’s age, and regarded him as someone like his colleague. He blurted out several times and called him Brother Luo.

And Sha Zhan’s student, Li Moran, has been watching from the beginning to the end, his eyes getting hotter and hotter.

Of course Li Moran knows what the teacher’s status is in the academic world. His conclusion to Luo Jia is only two words, horrible!

There are not many existences that can truly convince the teacher. The future of this young man is probably limitless. After all, he is only nineteen years old.

Luo Jia was a little embarrassed, “In fact, my level is really limited, and I haven’t done much, so don’t be so surprised.”

For Luo Jia, he really didn’t do any big things. After all, he has a universe-level civilization and all the knowledge and data.

At this stage, Luo Jia is still learning and assimilating new knowledge. It doesn’t mean that the knowledge is stored in his brain, and Luo Jia has to master it.

Moreover, his ears kept ticking, and the data transmission was far from over.

The accumulated knowledge of that cosmic civilization is really too much, and I don’t know how long it will take to transfer it. If he wants to fully grasp the civilization inheritance, Luo Jia is still far behind.

“Mr. Luo, although we scholars should not be too proud, we should not underestimate ourselves.”

“Your current level can be ranked at the top of the professional field. I still have this confidence. I definitely don’t mean to kill you.”

Nani! ?

Luo Jia was shocked again, Sha Zhan no longer called him Brother Luo, but changed his name to Teacher Luo, probably because he treated Luo Jia as an academic expert.

“Today is really an eye-opener.” Sha Zhan said excitedly, “It’s a pity that the train has already arrived in Gusu and will reach the end soon. Otherwise, if there is still time, I must have a careful chat with Mr. Luo. Ideas in the field of intelligence.”

“I don’t know when Mr. Luo will have time~ will be able to come to Fudan University as a guest. I will invite all my peers and students to communicate with each other?”

Luo Jia quickly waved his hands.

I thought to myself, so you are from Fudan University, which is a very powerful school.

But let’s forget about the communication, I’m very busy now, I’m busy starting a business to make money, besides, what I’m learning is probably not the same as what you’re learning.

“Sorry, the course is quite busy, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to spare time recently.” Luo Jia said.

“If it’s not convenient to come to Fudan, we can also go to Donghai University to find you. No matter what, we must leave a contact information.”

Sha Zhan seems to have caught the treasure, and he refuses to let go.

The more eager the teacher is, the more unhappy his student Ye Bei will feel. They are both young people, and the gap is too big. The teacher is in this state, and he is begging Luo Jia to get close to him. face.

Turning her eyes, Ye Bei came up with an idea.

“Teacher, don’t you have a big project in the field of artificial intelligence recently? Luo Jia is so powerful, maybe he can help. If it succeeds, it will be a research reward of tens of millions.”

“Is there a reward? Tens of millions?”

Luo Jia’s ears perked up immediately, and he couldn’t hear anything else clearly, but Luo Jia heard every word of tens of millions of reports.

Although he has made some money by relying on the eyes of the sky, compared to the great dream of the stars and the sea, that money is really not enough.

“Yes, how could I forget about this!”

Sha Zhan slapped his forehead, opened his notebook, and showed Luo Jia a project description, “This is the project. Huawei entrusted our laboratory to do it. If it is successful, they are willing to pay a large amount of research and development expenses.” .”

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