Swordsman’s Road Chapter 1: Ordinary life

  Binhai City, China Pearl of the North Sea Port, adjacent to Kyoto. As the only municipalities directly under the Central Government, the economic level is not top-notch, and at least it can be regarded as first-class. Relying on the port with the largest throughput in the north, the people here are rich and ordinary. China has been open for decades, people’s living standards of materials have been continuously improved, and some spiritual and civilized entertainment has gradually spread throughout this metropolis, just like this fencing club in a building in the city center.

  Wei Guoguang rode his slightly worn but well-maintained mountain bike into the underground parking lot of Rongheng Building. There are countless famous cars here, and the mountain bike is incomparably shabby. There is no way. Many buildings now have no Reserving a bicycle parking space, he had to cheek up and parked the car in the underground parking lot. Fortunately, the relationship with the security guards was good, and finally there was a place to stay.

   parked the car in an unobstructed place, a chain was locked with the fire tie next to it, Wei Guoguang greeted the security guard Hu, and walked towards the elevator. Datang Fencing Club is in the building 11 floor, which is Binhai‘s premier big club.

  Wei Guoguang is not a member of this club. He can’t afford the 200,000 ordinary membership fee every year. From the worn mountain bike he rides, he can basically know what level his economic situation belongs to. He is here Employee, a fencing coach.

  Take the elevator to 11 floor, exit the elevator door and a huge Chinese emblem straight into your eyes. After a few laughs with the pretty little girl at the front desk, Wei Guoguang walked into the employee lounge. The conditions here are incomparable with the member lounge. The boss is very luxurious in the decoration of the member lounge, while the employee lounge can save. Wei Guoguang quickly put on a white fencing suit while habitually vomiting.

   Datang Club is very large and occupies the entire 11 floor of Rongheng Building. It has all kinds of facilities, physiotherapy, fitness, sauna, rest, coffee, bar, restaurant and everything. Of course, there are the most important 3 fencing halls and 5 VIP halls. Wei Guoguang is responsible for Hall Fencing C, there are 10 Sword Dao, under normal circumstances by 2 coaches.

   In China, the fencing movement began to gradually enter the eyes of the people after the country Olympic strategy. Compared with traditional martial arts, fencing is a very large and fashionable thing that reflects a certain aristocratic style, which is in line with the current Chinese people. Zhafu pursues a quality of life mentality. In this world, people who are prosperous and prosperous will always show their sports hobbies when chatting and farting with people. It seems that this is not enough. It has shown their personal taste, even if they are not in their hearts. Hiking, hiking, donkey walking, racing, rock climbing, taekwondo, paragliding, etc. Even if you dance pole dance, you will always be the same? Among them, the more foreign imported products are more popular, such as fencing, is such an elegant, aristocratic, without the sun and rain, and a little practical means that can show the masculinity of the stuff.

   walked into Hall C. The hall of more than 300 square meters was slightly empty. The five Sword Dao in charge of Wei Guoguang had only four students catching and playing right. That’s right, it was either fencing or playing. He is in the evening shift, from 4 pm to 10 pm. There are not many people at present. These four students belong to nocturnal animals. They usually have to play until 7 or 8 o’clock to leave the supper, and then start the evil urban nightlife. .

   greeted several students, Wei Guoguang casually found a chair next to Sword Dao, took a bottle of mineral water and drank casually while watching the situation on the field. It’s not a professional sports team here. It’s really not important to learn fencing if you don’t learn. As long as the members have a good time, they think they will be done. The key is not to hurt these lords. This is the most important thing.

  Fencing is divided into fencing, saber, and épée. Among them, épée is heavy because of the sword, and there is no certain sports foundation for long-term wielding. The average person can’t eat well. less. Because the saber allows hacking, the effective stab range is relatively large, basically two people hedge, 1, 2 wonderful can end the battle, lose the fun of the round, and easy to be injured, so there are not many choose the saber. Only the foil is the favorite of the successful rookie. The sword is lighter, there are offenses and defenses, there are rounds of advance and retreat, and occasionally you can play a handsome or something, which is the choice of most people.

   “Stop, stop,,”, after watching it for a while, Wei Guoguang is really a bit unattractive. This is fencing, which is basically street fighting, training a group of people with no athletic talent and trying to ensure them as much as possible. Not being injured, this is really a headache and a sense of accomplishment. If it is not for that expensive salary, anyone who has an ideal and a pursuit of the bottom line will not waste time here.

   “Fatty Zhuo, can you run away? The reason why you have Sword Dao is to restrict, attack or defend, move forward or backward… You run with a sword all over the world, and you hit a hairy sword. “” It’s an old acquaintance, Wei Guoguang and these people have a good relationship, but don’t care too much about whether your words are polite.

   “What kind of **** rules do you have? My grand goal is big and I’m too deficient…” Fatty Zhuo is a safety gate and a good person. In recent years, with the massive construction of urban housing, I have not made a lot of money. It is this figure. I have been here for 3 months. I haven’t seen any weight loss. Instead, I have gained a few pounds. I have historically broken the 200 mark.

   “And you, Little Huang, use fencing to advance and retreat, not chicken step, you jump around…and your left hand, is it nice to pinch an orchid finger?”

   “Is that a sword finger, okay? Sword finger… Oh, the TV novel Shang Gao hand prawns are to pinch the sword finger, hehe, it’s much better to look at the fist than the left pig head~ IndoMTL. com~Little Huang, stylist, it seems that people in this profession are a little girly, he and Fatty Zhuo are dead rivals, and these two people on Sword Dao will be pinched.

   fighting lazily with the stylist, Wei Guoguang points the finger at the third student, “Bamboo pole, I know you have a good figure and long legs, but this is not a reason why you can kick people casually, easy to hurt people, don’t you? If you love to use your legs so much, why not learn Taekwondo? That is more suitable for you…”

  ”Sorry, sorry, I was in a hurry, this man, I can’t help but use my advantage when I am anxious, I think, my habit is still closer to actual combat, you see the uniqueness in the novels of Jin Daxia With a long arm, besides the fast sword, don’t you have to set legs to chase the soul, fast sword and long legs, this is a perfect match…”

  ”Fuck you a dog stinky, surnamed Wang, you said, how many times have you kicked Laozi in the past two months?” The fourth student reprimanded, “I also lost my body. Sturdy and generous, if you try Fatty Zhuo, he can carry a chopper and kill you. If you play Huang Xiaoya, like a bean sprout, how much medical expenses do you have to pay…”

   The bamboo pole is not too slow or slow, and you don’t lose money on your mouth, “Dare you dare to say generously? Brother I can’t control my legs, but after which kick you won’t kill the old man? Just 2 In the month, all the restaurants on this street have been eaten up. Otherwise, I will kick you for me today, and I will eat back…”

  Wei Guoguang shook his head helplessly, these two brothers are small, they are used to playing. To tell the truth, how can anyone here come to sincere to work hard to learn fencing, basically three days to fish and two days to surf the net, just to join in a lively, people have money, how willful, what can you do. I didn’t even think about correcting their movements anymore, just having fun, anyway, I asked my brother to practice by myself. Wei Guoguang sat back in his chair and began to think about his thoughts.

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