Swallowed Star Chapter 4: gate

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Luo Feng, Deer Insect Lord, God Eye Race, Skeleton Clan, Elder God Cult, the five parties turned into five stream of light, crossed Void, and flew to the Tomb Boat.

“Booming ~~~” The ancient ship suspended above the black began to tremor slowly, and the outer wall immediately following it gradually exposed a gate, gate slowly rose, and the channel became larger and larger.


“The Tomb Boat hatch is open.

“Hurry in.”

The five stream of light flight lines changed slightly at the same time, rushing straight to the gate channel in the distance.

Deer Insect Lord, your strength is the strongest, and you are the most familiar with Tomb Boat. I think you are the last one to go in!” Crazy laughter sounded, meanwhile, the gray shadows were sweeping to Deer Insect Lord, and in midair The countless gray shadows in the middle gathered together and turned directly into a huge quaint machete.

Deer Insect Lord, you already have Gu Qiang Zenith Treasure, and you are still competing with us?” A cold sound that belongs to the first Elder God Cult sounded. In a flash, countless butterflies were born in Void, all kinds of butterflies flew, and went forward and backward, madly flying to Deer Insect Lord .

Deer Insect …”

Consistently includes Skeleton Clan and God Eye Race, which have always been wrong. At this time, they are also working on Deer Insect Lord. Instead, none of them started with Luo Feng!

Obviously the threat from Deer Insect Lord is too great, the strength is the strongest in the field, and the most aware of Tomb Boat is also in the field. If we do not cooperate to stop … this Tomb Boat almost falls into the hands of Deer Insect Lord. The Universe Lord present, but without a fool, naturally knew how to do it.

The giant Void machete, the endless drunk dream butterfly, the white whirlwind … Under these siege, the original high-speed flying pyramid disappeared instantly.

“畔 ~~”

A variant beast appears directly in midair.

It has a body covered with black scale armor, a huge body, and arms like everywhere. Its hundreds of pills and claws have sharp barbs on the joints, and its tail is similar to the scorpion tail. It’s just that the tail is divided into nearly a thousand knots, and the tail of each knot has a weird cyan ring.

As soon as variant beast appeared, Luo Feng felt tremor.

The only common point in the entire variant beast is the skull, similar to deer beast!

Deer Insect!” Luo Feng thought to himself.

Deer Insect Lord, with Matchless Zenith Treasure, incarnation can be a terrible variant beast, because after getting Matchless Zenith Treasure, he changed his name to Deer Insect Lord … ”So this and variant beast were set to Deer Insect,

“Piece ~~~”

Deer Insect is soaring in Void at the same time, while the gentle head is roaring that makes Void tremble.

Void oscillated with visible ripples, spreading in all directions. That giant Void machete, countless drunken dream butterflies, white whirlwinds … under the roar, they all disintegrated and annihilated.

Milky Way, follow me.” Deer Insect rushed, and a Divine Power sound transmission passed along.

“Okay.” Luo Feng murmured secretly, but speed was unabated.

Deer Insect, he has become so mad, he will use Matchless Zenith Treasure soon.”

“Stop him.”

“We can’t stop him, we must not get this Tomb Boat.”

“Slow him down.”

Silver River Lord, don’t help stop Deer Insect Lord yet? Let him go first, and the treasure will be gone without us.”

Silver River Lord, let’s stop Deer Insect first.”

The two sound transmissions ask for Luo Feng.

“Huh.” Luo Feng ignored it.

Silver River Lord, do you think you can get Tomb Boat by following Deer Insect Lord?”

“I’ll regret it later.”

“You have a lot of nonsense.” The voice of Luo Feng also came out, “I regret that you have the courage to attack me!”



Several coldly snorted voices, God Eye Race, No.1 Elder God Cult, and Skeleton Clan no longer care about Luo Feng. At this time, they will not part out of their strength to deal with Luo Feng. Their enemy is Deer Insect Lord! I saw them 3 sides, successively carried out a series of attacks through domain, frantically besieging the Deer Insect Lord. It should be noted that those who dare to break into such inner region are generally 5th Rank Universe Lord, and a few are the life-saving Special Power super-strong 4th Rank Universe Lord. At this moment, several parties join forces to besiege one by one

The variant beast Deer Insect ran in Void and made a roar, and the sound wave was extremely powerful.

However with God Eye Race, the first Elder God Cult, Skeleton Clan all broke out, Deer Insect Lord speed is significantly slower.


As soon as Deer Insect Lord is slow, Ben followed the **** flowing light, but it surpassed Deer Insect Lord in an instant.

Correct Luo Feng!

“Don’t worry about that Milky Way, he doesn’t know the layout inside Tomb Boat.”

“We won’t have any problems if we stop Deer Insect Lord …”


“Pan!” Deer Insect Lord did not ask Luo Feng for help, but broke open the attack again and again, and rushed towards the entrance of gate.

Although the distance is far away, how fast is Luo Feng and their speed?

A **** flowing light rushed into the gate entrance instantly.

Following Deer Insect Lord, God Eye Race, Skeleton Clan and the first Elder God Cult, which were restraining each other, they rushed into the gate entrance almost simultaneously.


“Here is …”

Tomb Boat is very safe. A name expert has a pinnacle palace Zenith Treasure. At least one who can break into Flame Ice Territory must bring an pinnacle palace Zenith Treasure.

“This …” The first Luo Feng who rushed in was also looking back at Zhou.

After rushing in along the gate channel, it will soon be an extremely large and empty wide chalk field? Or the lobby? In short, this huge Cantonese field is scared to have a diameter of More than one hundred million kilometers. There is no object in the empty Cantonese field. It only has an extremely smooth ground at a glance. Is that all? On the edge of the Canton Field, there are channels leading to all directions.

This makes Luo Feng wonder. He doesn’t know which direction to choose. Once he chooses the wrong way … then a lot of time will be wasted. That time will be wasted. The other expert will be found. The control core is owner recognition.

Milky Way, follow me.” Deer Insect Lord suddenly sound transmission.


Deer Insect Lord flew directly into the distance. As soon as Luo Feng‘s eyes lighted up, he almost rushed away.

God Eye Race showed only two Universe LordShadow Dust Lord and Witch Spirit Lord. The first Elder God Cult only appeared one Glazed Jade Lord! Skeleton Clan only appeared one … Wild Sea Lord! The four of them, while acting instantaneously with Deer Insect Lord and Luo Feng, also chased with conditioned reflexes.

“Staring at Deer Insect, he knows where to go.”

Deer Insect!”

“Don’t let that Milky Way take advantage!”

The four Universe Lords who were chased immediately followed by an immediate attack, or an soul attack, or a long-range weapon attack, or a domain attack. For a while, the four in the back and the two in front of each other flashed against each other, and they were all advancing at high speed.

“This Deer Insect is to let me **** the opponent’s attack power.” Luo Feng was chasing, looking at Deer Insect in front, dark thought to himself.

“However, if I compare them with God Eye Race, Skeleton Clan, and the first Elder God Cult, and I compare them with the three influence, I am the weakest. Even if I dragged Deer Insect Lord … I really grab the treasure, I ca n’t grab them 3 sides? But I followed Deer Insect, Deer Insect attracted most of the firepower, maybe I can touch the fish in muddy water. “Luo Feng chased behind.

All parties present have their own calculations.



Along the Tomb Boat interior channel, six figures are advancing at a high speed. Deer Insect Lord is indeed attacked on all sides. His speed is also significantly slower, all side by side with Luo Feng.

Milky Way, if I am blocked, I’m afraid you have taken advantage.” Then Deer Insect looked at Luo Feng‘s eyes and made a sound.

“I am being attacked now.” Luo Feng is like Beast God, with fast and fast figure, sometimes whistling with right paw … The four followers behind it are powerful, but if it is only obstructed from a long distance, and does not give Luo Feng full strength Go … How does Luo Feng care?

“That’s it!”

Deer Insect Lord is a sudden rush, a booming sound. One of the corners of his skull hits one of the corridor walls of the rotating corridor. The pattern on the corridor wall is suddenly fierce. The ground depression, followed immediately by the wow ~~~~, the huge gate dropped sharply above the corridor, and the bang gate landed.

Four silhouettes rushed one after another, and immediately saw this huge gate, and immediately became furious.


“I said earlier that Deer Insect is the most dangerous. Wild Sea Lord you idiot, you are still distracted to attack Milky Way? Then Milky Way doesn’t know anything about this, the key mystery, will Deer Insect tell him? So Blocking Deer Insect, even if he let Milky Way break in, he could not find it in a short time.

“The waste of God Eye Race will say afterwards, before I attacked Luo Feng, why didn’t you say it?”

“Okay, let’s quickly find another passage. This is Tomb Boat. There are many passages in a ship, leading to one, a place, there is not only one lane. Let’s hurry, maybe we will return Will be closed by Deer Insect. “

The God Eye Race girl Witch Spirit Lord is still unwilling to kick on gate.

Booming ~

gate does not move, but Witch Spirit Lord is a three-step retreat.

“Go!” Witch Spirit Lord turned around and took Shadow Dust Lord, quickly went to find another channel.

Deer Insect Lord, Luo Feng fly in succession.

Deer Insect Lord is really amazing, admire.” Luo Feng said.

“I have researched two Tomb Boats, do you know something weird?” Deer Insect Lord smiled at Luo Feng. At this time, his already became the original look …, bald man, he said directly, “Milky Way, before I pulled You, one is one enemy, you are the only one who can be drawn to me. The other is to give the other one more opponent. But now … you have no use. “

Luo Feng is startled.

In fact, when gate fell in that channel, already was very careful, because there is no exterior enemy, then the possibility of Deer Insect Lord to start is very high.

The strength of the opponent … but obviously surpasses himself.

“Rest assured, I am as long as Universe Sea, but not as Lunatic as the first cosmic era.” Deer Insect Lord leisurely said, “Tomb Boat is very precious. It alone is worse than palace Matchless Zenith Treasure. But it is better than any pinnacle palace Zenith Treasure! It can also be used to enter the tomb. Its preciousness is higher than strange item, which is very close to a Matchless Zenith Treasure. “

“They are crazy, but I am not crazy.”

“Because of my long life, the most exciting thing is the adventure, the important adventure process, Depot? Just work hard, and failure is nothing.” Deer Insect Lord is very leisurely, and it also turns into flowing light, moving along the zigzag passage .

Luo Feng ignored him.

failure is nothing?

Don’t care?

If your own group can be eternal existence, and you can be eternal existence, then you can do so freely!

“I expected it well, the core room is in front, the control core should be in it.” Deer Insect Lord glanced at Luo Feng, sound transmission said directly, “Look at your strength, who can get the control core.”

ps: Update to! Suddenly, I think it’s my birthday tomorrow, haha, I’m in a good mood ~~.

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