Swallowed Star Chapter 15: Pen money

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The noise and whistle sound attract a lot of Fighters to gather here.

“It is Fire Hammer Squad, and the person opposite is Tiger Fang Squad.”

“How did they fight?” The Fighter had a lot of discussions, Fire Hammer Squad and Tiger Fang Squad, Jiang-nan city are considered small and famous. In the reprimand of the supply base guard, Fire Hammer Squad also forged his anger and calmed down, after all, the authority of the military region cannot be provocative.

“Stop it!” With a scream, Luo Feng turned around and saw a lean and short man with Tiger Fang Squad and two other members also rushed over.

Chen Gu whispered on the side of Luo Feng: “Luo Feng, this is Tiger Fang Squad‘s Team Leader ‘Pan Ya’, known as ‘Tiger’, and the weapon is a Triangular saber, which is very difficult to mess with.” Luo Feng was startled, this The short, lean and inconspicuous man turned out to be Team Leader of Tiger Fang Squad!

“Huya?” Luo Feng watched the man with the nickname ‘Huya’ carefully, and glanced at Zhang Zehu behind Huya Team Leader. Zhang Zehu grinned at himself at this time, “Pride, Zhang Zehu! Not only You, and your entire Tiger Fang Squad, I will make you regret it, and I will definitely !!! “

Luo Feng thought it was heartbreaking for Zhang Haobai to interrupt one’s legs before entering Wilderness.

But look now …

This Tiger Fang Squad has a little bit of resentment against itself, it will destroy its entire squad, and it is not at all serious. Compared with Tiger Fang Squad‘s “Spicy”, Zhang Haobai is too immature.

Team Leader.”

Team Leader.”

Zhang Zehu and the three stood behind Team Leader, Tiger Fang Squad and Fire Hammer Squad faced each other, and a huge group person was on the sidelines. And the little Team Leader indifferently said of the patrol guard of the supply base: “Gao Feng, Pan Ya, I don’t care if you two talk about things. But if you do, don’t blame me. Brothers, go.”

Small Team Leader didn’t bother to watch here with a wave of his hand, and he warned that these people would not dare to come.

“Tiger teeth!”

Gao Feng sneered, “You are fierce enough! I used to look down on you in Gao Feng. I didn’t see that you were so wicked and so vicious! Firstly, we attacked Fire Hammer Squad with a sniper rifle from a long distance, and attracted the herd to attack our team , No vitality to our team, if there is no expert rescue, our team will die! “

The Fighter onlookers burst into an uproar.

Tiger Fang Squad is too hard.

Gao Feng, don’t talk nonsense.” Huya Team Leader cold said with a smile, “I have never done these things in Tiger Fang Squad, don’t push on my Tiger Fang Squad!” Such things that can’t see the light can’t be admitted. . Once admitted, his Tiger Fang Squad is really in big trouble.

“My brother’s arm was interrupted by your sniper rifle bullet.” Gao Feng‘s face was gloomy.

“I said no, no.” Tiger Fang Squad said coldly, “If there is evidence, you can sue the Security Bureau and let the Security Bureau decide! Don’t be crooked here. Brothers, let’s go.” Tiger Fang Squad Team Leader is very simple , Not much to say with Fire Hammer Squad at all.

Gao Feng and Chen Gu and the others have very ugly faces, and Luo Feng is also a bite.

But Luo Feng knows very well that there is no evidence for a group of people. In fact, there are many things between the Fighter team in Wilderness that kill each other because of some resentment or precious treasures. And most of them can’t produce evidence at all. Since they can’t produce evidence, Dojo Of Limits can’t help.

“Hum, let’s go!” Gao Feng sneered at Tiger Fang Squad as a group of people left and sighed.

Fire Hammer Squad A group of people could only hold their stomachs and leave.


The supply base, villa a9, has temporarily become a resting place for Fire Hammer Squad.

Team Leader, don’t get angry now.” Luo Feng said, “Let the Tiger Fang Squad be proud for a while now, and later they will enter Wilderness … It is not too late to solve them.” The Luo Feng sentence made the Fire Hammer Squad who was still in the stomach. The team members all smiled.

Chen Gu shot Luo Feng shoulder: “Yes, our team and Luo Feng, you, it is not difficult to destroy them.”

“The gentleman avenges, it’s not too late in ten years.” Gao Feng grinned, “Not to mention we don’t need to wait long. With Luo Feng in, their Tiger Fang Squad is dead!” A smile appeared on the faces of the Fire Hammer Squad players. Zhang Ke also rarely breathed a sigh of relief. Psycher Master has a period of rapid strength improvement.

Luo Feng is now horrible already, and it will increase quickly!

It can be said … Tiger Fang Squad, there is no trace of vitality!

“Not to mention Tiger Fang Squad, let’s deal with the monster materials we hunted this time.” Gao Feng said, “Although we haven’t been out for a long time this time, we have hunted down four heads of commander level monster, one of them is an addiction. Blood tank, a two-tailed Tiger Cat, a tiger mastiff and a hunter! “

Luo Feng A group of them, on their way home, also encountered a primary level commander level Tiger Mastiff monster, who was killed by Luo Feng and Gao Feng.

“But the supply base is so large. If we take out the materials of the hunter and sell it, it will be easy to be found. At that time, it will lead to the Fighter team that seriously injured the Silver Moon Wolf.” Gao Feng said cautiously.


Chen Gu nod agrees, “The body material of the hunter will be sold back to the base market. Other monster materials will be sold here.” For the Fighter team, the Soldier Level monster is really not very valuable, and the value is still commander level monster … Of course the terrible Lord Rank monster, each end is sky-high!

The high level commander level Silvermoon Wolf is not only rare, but also a wolf royal family. The price can be compared to the general primary Lord Rank, and it can also be sold for a sky high price!

“Everyone take a break and eat, then go and sell.” Gao Feng slightly said with a smile.

After the meal, six people from Fire Hammer Squad found the person in charge of the hr alliance and sold the monster materials they hunted to each other directly. Except for the materials of the Silvermoon Wolf, everything else was sold out.

In the a9 villa, a group of Fire Hammer Squad people are gathering money in front of the computer.

“There are many ordinary Soldier Level monsters collected by Luo Feng, ranging from g-class and F-Grade. The material of each Soldier Level monster averages more than 6000 points per head, in other words, these ordinary Soldier Level monsters, Luo Feng score more than 120,000 “Team Leader distributed money there.” There are 12 types of ordinary Soldier Level monster materials collected by Wei Tie, all of which are F-Grade, with an average price of about 8000 and a total price of about 100,000. “

Wei Qing, the common Soldier Level monster collected …”

“Zhang Ke, a collection of ordinary Soldier Level monster materials, a total of 11 kinds …”

Fire Hammer Squad six people, quickly divide the money of ordinary Soldier Level materials.

“Okay, here is the allocation of commander level monster. This double-tailed Tiger Cat monster has a total body price of 12 million.” Gao Feng looked at everyone, “During the hunting process, I played the main force. If not Unexpectedly, I should take 60% of this double-tailed Tiger Cat money. But … during the hunting process, the first thing was the herd attack, and Luo Feng rescued everyone! Luo Feng had a great effect. Zhang Ke was seriously injured and he It ’s because of a public disability, so for this head commander level monster, Zhang Ke takes 60%, I take 10%, Luo Feng 15%, Wei Tie brothers and Chen Gu, take 50%! “

“Do you have any objections?” Gao Feng said.

“No objection.” Luo Feng also nod.

Fighter team rules, if a certain battle, who is disabled because of this battle, then this battle will be 60% to the person. In fact, it can be regarded as ‘subsidy’ qualitative.

“So, of these 12 million, 7.2 million belong to Zhang Ke, Luo Feng1.8 million. I have 1.2 million, Chen Gu, the three of you, 600,000 each.” After entering the data, Gao Feng “The tiger mastiff killed on the way home. Monster, sold 10 million. Everyone contributed a lot in this battle. Luo Feng and I each accounted for 30%, Chen Gu, Wei Tie, Wei Qing and Zhang Ke, each took 10%. No objection? “

Crowd nod.

Zhang Ke didn’t make any effort in the last battle, but everyone subsidized him. Zhang Ke himself didn’t say much … Fighter team still talked about favour.

“I, Luo Feng, 3 million each, others 1 million each.”

Gao Feng smiled slightly. “Last one, the bloodthirsty tanks sold the highest, reaching 16 million. Chen Gu contributed the most, killed by one shot, accounting for 60%! Others contributed equally, Luo Feng, Wei Tie, Wei Qing, Zhang Ke each one Success. I’ll forget it. “If anyone in the team is the richest, it’s Gao Feng.

Normally hunting Warlord level monsters, Gao Feng is almost the main force, so for so many years, Gao Feng has made more than ten times as much money as other people.

So, when there is not much energy, Gao Feng is very modest.

in other words, Chen Gu scored 9.6 million, Zhang Ke, Luo Feng, Wei Qing, Wei Tie are 1.6 million.”

“Total calculations.”

Chen Gu is 11.26 million, Luo Feng is 6.52 million, I am 4.2 million, Zhang Ke 9.91 million, Wei Tie3.3 million, and Wei Qing332 million.” Gao Feng reported the final distribution amount and laughed, “Of course we still have a sky-high price. Treasures of the silver moon fierce wolf body material, that can definitely sell a sky-high price! “


It’s too late today for tomatoes, sorry ~~


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