Swallowed Star Chapter 12: “Black Hole Evolution”

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Chapter 12 “The Evolution of Black Holes”

Because I checked the information of 30 Universe Rank elderly people early, I am also very familiar with the information of these five major experts.

Universe Rank five big expert Ni Nan, Kroff, Yu Feng, grid, Sa Jin * Fire Dragon, the most difficult and strongest is undoubtedly FighterKroff ‘, the most frightening is’ AlchemistYu Feng, these two are five The scariest of all! Even if it was Luo Feng, he thought he was far from those two opponents at the moment.

Kroff, brave and sturdy.

Yu Feng, in the Alchemist genre, very rare. But once it is achieved, it becomes extremely scary. Even Kroff has been planted in the hands of Yu Feng.

The other three … Ni Nan, Sa Jin * Fire Dragon, and grid have similar strengths. Grid, although it is the latest one to break through the seventh floor of Heavenly Bridge, but his combat Special Power is terrible.

Sa Jin * Fire Dragon?” Luo Feng looked up at the dragon-tailed man on the ring, brow wrinkled, “Do you want to fight him now?”

It was planned.

After breaking through the seventh layer of Heavenly Bridge, I will pick up cultivation tasks one by one, and in the next six years, I will do my best to temper. Before solving Mo Yilin, Ah Shen, just solved it by hand. Luo Feng never considered those two opponents. But Sa Jin * Fire Dragon, that’s totally different.

On the platform.

The dragon tail of Sa Jin * Fire Dragon fluttered, beating the rock on the platform, staring at the bottom and roaring, “Luo Feng, come up! Don’t you dare to come up?”

“Go up.”

Luo Feng, I have the ability to go up.” Some old people of Universe Rank below the ring also shouted, “Mo Yilin They are weaker than you, you dare to bully the weak. When you meet Sa Jin … you are scared. Got it? “


The World Lords with the largest number of people watching below, in reality, they are all wandering in many dangerous and mysterious areas in the universe, hone between life and death. Time and again, life and death, the nerves are extremely tense. Occasionally, it is interesting to see the Universe Rank juniors’ discussions, not to mention that today, the geniuses among the juniors have to compare!

Sa Jin and Luo Feng?”

“It’s interesting, really fighting, who do you say will win?”

Three World Lord all wearing black battlesuit, talking to each other.

“That Sa Jin * Fire Dragon, cultivation is” Black Hole Evolution “, one of the ultimate tome. Although his points can only be exchanged for the first few volumes. But he can definitely use all his strengths. Win Luo Feng, no problem . “

“Well, I also like Sa Jin.”

“Haha, everyone has the same idea, and I also like Sa Jin. I saw him and Kroff last time. This Sa Jin is indeed the combat race ‘Flame Po Luo Race‘, and the fist technique is very powerful. Luo Feng unless you can ‘World of Sword‘ is so ubiquitous as sword energy. Otherwise, you can’t win. “

Highest Beginning Mythical Region‘s World Lord, all World Lord 9th Rank pinnacle.

Generally, World Lord who can enter End of the World Mythical Region are recognized by origin law. And Highest Beginning Mythical Region‘s World Lord … Anyway, they are all existence in the universe, which is stronger than Black Dragon Mountain Starfield‘s Tianchen. I don’t know how much. How vicious are these World Lord pinnacle existence people?

Clearly see the pros and cons of Luo Feng and Sa Jin * Fire Dragon.


The World Lords and Territory Lords next to each other look forward to watching this, and some of the old people in the distance are even more provocative. The Sa Jin * Fire Dragon on the ring is also eyes ***, glaring at Luo Feng below.

“Can’t get on?” Wuka looked at Luo Feng.

“If you do n’t know, I think, that Sa Jin * Fire Dragon is waiting to be better *** Luo Feng, you ca n’t make him wish.” The green hair youth next to it will be whispered, “and Sa Jin * Fire Dragon, broke through The seventh floor of Heavenly Bridge has more than a thousand years. Even if you temporarily lower your head, it will not be a shame. “

“Don’t get on?” Rong Jun also said solemnly.

The surrounding big men Opah tela, the soft and beautiful Qian Shui and Ai Chen, and the handsome Lan Siluo also looked at Luo Feng.

Eight is a camp, a rookie camp.

Glory and Shame!

“I originally wanted to wait until Qualification Battle to perform trump card. It seems that this time, I have to perform a trick.” Luo Feng looked at the dragon-tailed man on the stage, and looked at the Wuka, Qian Shui, Rong Jun, etc., who were expecting and shivering around A group of people, in his heart, made a decision. Even for everyone … this battle!

Must win!


Luo Feng is directly converted into a stream of light, like a meteor, falling on a distant platform.



Luo Feng has a bold color.”


“Work hard, I like you.”

The World Lords and Territory Lords shouted one by one, lest the world will not be chaotic. In their hearts, Luo Feng is indeed regarded as equal because they can see that Luo Feng’s progresses to speed and there is great hope for Primitive Mystical Region in the future.

On the platform.

Luo Feng and Sa Jin * Fire Dragon are separated by several kilometers, facing each other. They can clearly see each other clearly, and even the sweat glands on the other’s face.

“A bit bold!” The voice of Sa Jin * Fire Dragon is powerful.

“Don’t talk nonsense, do it.” Luo Feng said, Sa Jin * Fire Dragon on the opposite side grinned suddenly: “brat, arrogant enough. However, I will make you sober!”


Luo Feng appeared Dark Cloud Shuttle out of thin air, at the same time, the dark golden stick behind it shot thousands of golden light, a golden sword with a handle shot out, secret runes on the golden sword also flowed out thousands of golden silk threads, countless silk hooks Moving the world, suddenly the world around hundreds of kilometers around the world suddenly changed.

A vast area, countless sword energy twirled around.

World of Sword!

“Haha … a little bit interesting, a little bit interesting!” Sa Jin * Fire Dragon stood on the ring, but laughed with his head raised, and at the same time, red flames erupted around his body, and fiery flames circulated around him. , The surrounding flame directly blocked the surrounding sword energy.

He, the whole person is like a flame god,

“The flame domain of powerful is extremely restrained and can withstand the oppression of my World of Sword.” With the movement of Luo Feng in his heart, the foot Dark Cloud Shuttle was suspended in midair, and a light golden sword energy quickly coagulated in front of it.

Small translucent pale golden sword point.

“Go!” Luo Feng points to the past.


The pale gold sword energy went straight.

“Kaka!” Sa Jin * Fire Dragon was wearing a black Battle Armor and a battle skirt, and at this moment, a pair of big hands appeared in black gloves, the whole body of the gloves 黝 black metal, finger joints are very sharp 狰狞Like a knife.


Sa Jin * Fire Dragon, in the face of lightning-fast pale gold sword energy, it is a lightning punch!

Fist like an arrow!

The muscles of the bare arms and stiff neck of the whole person are slightly shaken, and apparently endless power is instilled into the punch in an instant. A simple punch, but the strongest burst out. If you go to Undying Altar, the Sa Jin * Fire Dragon test will reach an explosion of at least 90 times.

“Peng!” The pale gold sword energy disintegrated, and Sa Jin * Fire Dragon was also a step of retreats. The heavy battle boots stepped on the ring, causing countless rubbles to collapse.

This scene changed the face of Luo Feng: “Is this just blocked?”

“It actually made me retreats one step.” Sa Jin * Fire Dragon looked at Luo Feng remotely, grinning, “Amplifying Spirit Weapon is indeed one of the nine Spirit Weapon!”


As soon as Sa Jin * Fire Dragon took a step, the whole person rushed to the front of Luo Feng, and Luo Feng retreated at the same time.

“Fast speed, under the pressure of World of Sword, speed is so fast in an instant.” Luo Feng pedals Dark Cloud Shuttle, bursting out instantly.


Thousands of phantoms suddenly appeared in the surrounding heaven and earth, and countless phantoms kept flashing.

The fourth layer of “Million Streams”-Million Streams!

In the 36th mystery of Wutuo, and passed comprehendRainstorm Chart” in the third book of “Time Space Scribbles” six months later … Luo Feng already can perform 10,000 stream! Especially in ‘World of Sword’, it ’s easier with World of Sword. Usually cast to tens of thousands of phantoms, that is purely a competition speed.

However, secret skill can effectively combine tens of thousands of phantoms, making Luo Feng as ghostly and invincible.

“Thousands of streams?”

“I hate this kind of secret skill that can only escape.” Sa Jin * Fire Dragon wants to be *** like.

“Haha, of course Controller will not be Fighter close combat.” Thousands of Luo Fengs laughed at the same time, and suddenly a light golden sword energy condensed and shot directly.


The pale gold sword energy seems like a naughty child, and it has been around from Sa Jin * Fire Dragon week after week, and it doesn’t hit Sa Jin * Fire Dragon at all.

“Asshole!” Sa Jin * Fire Dragon roared, his hands in mittens were slightly stretched out, and then he fisted again.

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Seven Phantoms!

Seven Sa Jin * Fire Dragon, each Sa Jin * Fire Dragon is performing a certain fist, and from left to right, the dark red light layer on each Sa Jin * Fire Dragon glove is getting thicker, especially the first Seven phantoms, the dark red light layer already on that glove is 30 centimeters thick, making a pair of fists like a huge hammer!

“Boom ~~”

Sa Jin * Fire Dragon threw a punch in midair, the sky was shaken, and the sound of booming, the entire World of Sword collapsed more than half, only the area around Luo Feng is still maintained.

Luo Feng‘s face changed: “This is Jiu Lianquan?”

“Black Hole Evolution” is comparable to “Time Space Scribbles” and should be regarded as two secret skills of the same status. As long as cultivation reaches a higher level, it can reach the level of Universe Country Master. I heard that “black hole evolution” cultivation to peak, whether it is a punch, a sword, a sword, or an idea can produce a black hole.

Black hole is very scary celestial body!

It’s not really a ‘hole’.

It is ‘ultra-high density’ celestial body, which is formed after the collapse of countless substances. In terms of density, the density of White Dwarf Star is very high, and the density of Neutron Star is even more terrible. However, the ratio of Neutron Star to ‘black holes’ is simply not a grade.

A black hole is extremely tiny but its mass is far more than one or ten stars. Its extremely scary density and mass give the black hole a strong peak gravitation!

Gravity, tearing space!

Accurately speaking, the black hole is between ‘Primordial Universe space‘ and ‘space turbulence’. Because of its ultra-high density, ultra-high quality, and ultra-high gravity, even the space turbulence cannot induce it, so it is like a piece Rock, rooted motionless in the same place. Consume all light, spaceship, planets, stars into themselves.

Even if it is as great as Undying, if you get into the depths of the black hole, there will only be die!

‘Jiu Lian Quan’ is one of the ultimate tome “Black Hole Evolution” secret skill, and it is very famous.

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