Swallowed Star Chapter 1: World of Sword

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Chapter 1 World of Sword

Luo Feng’s old nest, number 80389081, a fragment of a star, 6200 kilometers in diameter.

This piece of star land is suspended in Void. Outside the vast land on the star land, there are Universe Rank Warrior patrolling. Suddenly they see a shuttle-shaped Universe Spaceship in the Void in the distance. Surprised, sound transmission immediately gave the guard leader Otto.

“General, there is spaceship!”

“A spaceship is coming.”

A figure flew out of the manor. Correct‘s bald old man Otto, Otto looked up and looked away. It was a shuttle-shaped Universe Spaceship. At this moment, Otto’s face suddenly changed: “Heavenly Eclipse Palace‘s symbol? It turned out to be F-Grade Universe Spaceship, come with me! “

Odo took dozens of guards into a stream of light and quickly flew over.

In the distance, the shuttle-shaped Universe Spaceship slowly landed and pressed against a group of weed wildflowers.

Oh?” ​​

“The spaceship on Heavenly Eclipse Palace‘s side should be His Highness back. Why hasn’t the hatch opened for so long?” Otto, with a group of guards behind him, stood silently beside Universe Spaceship. After the spaceship was stopped for a long time, the door of the eventually hatch burst open, and a burly man with Great Axe appeared in the cabin entrance, glancing indifferently towards Otto’s group of people.

The invisible coercion is pressing on soul, a group of people like Otto.

“Meet Undying.” Otto was startled.

“Meet Undying.” The guards were also frightened.

Luo Feng is at comprehend, and he cannot be affected at critical moments.” Burly indifferently said, “My Heavenly Eclipse Palace‘s spaceship will stay here for a long time until Luo Feng wakes up, and you must not disturb.”


Otto and a group of other people salute respectfully, all of them secretly shocked.


In front of this coercion, and the faint law fluctuations around it, it is obviously a great Undying existence! But His Royal Highness Luo Feng was able to let an Undying stay here and not dare to disturb his cultivation, which is too exaggerated. After all, Luo Feng is only a member of Highest Beginning Mythical Region, and its status is slightly lower than Undying of Heavenly Eclipse Palace.


The hatch is closed. Otto and the others can only stay obediently outside.

One hour, two hours …

One day, two days …

“Why hasn’t your Highness woke up yet?”

“Yeah, we have been waiting here for a long time. General, if your Highness has been comprehend, we have been waiting here silly? I think we should go back first.”

“Shut up!”

Otto whispered and glanced behind because the guards who stood here for 18 days, coldly said, “How long have you waited for Universe Rank, Territory Lord? Even I didn’t say anything, even Yu Heavenly Eclipse Palace‘s Undying existence are waiting here, do not dare to disturb His Highness Luo Feng, cultivation, you are even crying here? Huh! “

The guards who murmured before did not dare to say a word.


“Give me all the time to wait here! If Your Highness wakes up and doesn’t see us greeted after coming out, this is our fault!” Otto yelled.

“Yes, general.”

A group of guards responded obediently.

In the control room of Universe Spaceship, Luo Feng tranquil cross-legged sits motionless on the metal floor.

At the moment, it is a scene that comes to mind. The trajectory of the previous Heavenly Eclipse Palace master who practiced with nine black fire Planet(s)s keeps coming to mind. There are many secret skill in the second volume of “Time Space Scribbles“, many unknown. I don’t understand, I’m cracking everywhere now!

Jiuyu Primordial Chaos tablet, Time Space Scribbles, Bleak tome, Nine Black Fire Planet(s), Ancient Pictures, Beast God Statue

Verify each other.

Besides, already originally realized 35 kinds of mysteries, and the 36th kind of mysteries also had comprehend. At this moment, each other confirmed that a lot of doubts were continually conquered, and many feelings emerged, making Luo Feng a smile on his face. .

Unconsciously, Luo Feng fully understood the 36th mystery, because the nine black fire Planet(s) were actually continuously drilled until the entire Law of Space was completely drilled. So I couldn’t help myself, Luo Feng continued to comprehend the following, and began to comprehend the third picture of Rainstorm Chart, the Primordial Chaos monument!

A variety of confusions continue to come to mind, and various incomprehensible points. Luo Feng combines nine black fire Planet(s)s and some insights from ancient pictures and shadows. It is extremely difficult to overcome a difficult situation, and it takes countless energy to overcome another difficult problem …

“So far.” Luo Feng, where tranquil cross-legged sat, suddenly opened his eyes.

“If comprehend continues, the efficiency will be lower. comprehend Jiuyu Primordial Chaos monument, the best is” Time Space Scribbles “. I now only have the first two volumes, but no third volume.” Luo Feng clearly felt that there is no “Time Space Scribbles 》 Mutual confirmation, how amazing the decline in comprehend‘s efficiency is.

Time Space Scribbles” was written by the founder of the Jiuyu Primordial Chaos monument, which is extremely expensive, but it is the best secret skill for the comprehend Jiuyu Primordial Chaos monument.


The door of the control room opened. Luo Feng turned his head and walked in. It was the burly man carrying Great Axe. The burly man looked at Luo Feng and said, “Since you are awake, you can go down.”

“Thank Undying.” Luo Feng bowed slightly.

“This is the Palace Master order, there is no need to thank me.” The burly brawny man no longer snored, Luo Feng saluted slightly, and quickly left along the passageway, then directly out of the hatch.

“Meet Your Highness.”

Otto and a group of guards saw Luo Feng coming out, and they waited more than 30 days to salute respectfully.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng jumped down the door, stepped on the grass, and smiled at nod. “Let you wait long, go, go back.”

“Yes.” Otto and the others followed respectfully.

On the land of this Void star shard, Luo Feng soon returned to his place of residence, and could not bear it and went directly to Virtual Universe Network.

Virtual Universe, Yu Xiang Mountain Taichu District, manor 1136.

Luo Feng came directly to his cultivation field.

“The Heavenly Eclipse Palace master helped me once this time, saving me at least two or three years. And the nine black fire Planet(s) drills … made me feel a little brow behind comprehendRainstorm Chart “. Luo Feng recalled that I was in Heavenly Eclipse Palace before One scene I couldn’t help but stunned for the nine black flames Planet(s).

Universe space is very stable, even if the temperature of the star is so high, it will not affect space in the slightest.

The black flame Planet(s) directly burns space, and even space turbulence is calmed down. The super gravitational force distorts spaceLuo Feng guesses that even if it is as great as Undying, it will be burned when it is burned by the black flame Planet(s) Die.

“Lift weight!”

“I don’t think so far, I ca n’t even play a star.” Luo Feng shook his head, then stopped thinking about it, and moved his mind, carrying a dark golden bag directly, “already fully realized 36 basic mysteries, but I do n’t know if I can exhibit sixth stage. “

Amplifying Spirit Weapon is ninefold.

fifth stageSpace Slash ’, sixth stage ’s own world. From fifth stage to sixth stage, it is one of the two most difficult levels in the entire Amplifying Spirit Weapon Nine.

80 years!

With more than 80 years of hard work, Luo Feng‘s consciousness has continued to improve, much more than 80 years ago, but still unable to exhibit Amplifying Spirit Weapon sixth stage.

Amplifying Spirit Weapon, come out!” Luo Feng chilled.


Countless golden light shot from the dark golden stick behind, for a while, the golden light dazzled, and the golden secret runes on a dark golden sword with a handle shot out the roots of gold. Countless golden light changed the surrounding space, causing Space Origin law and origin law. , Then all the scenes such as the alloy ground before the cultivation field disappeared.

The vast world, faint sword energy flow.

This trick can change the world as soon as you come out, Correct Amplifying Spirit Weapon sixth stage——Self-made world!

Oh?Luo Feng frowns, his face becomes red, and consciousness Mental Power controls the foundation of this ‘World of Sword’—the 5832 golden swords.

“No, no-”

“Hold it up!” Luo Feng could not help but growl.


The ‘World of Sword’ that formed remained stable for only three or four seconds from beginning to end, and then the whole trembled, and then it broke and dissipated.

There are 5832 golden little swords floating around, but they can be broken by World of Sword already.

“It broke in just a few seconds.” Luo Feng shook his head with a smile. “But fortunately, this is the first time I formally formed ‘World of Sword‘. After so many years, it was the first time that it was successfully condensed into World of Sword. Now that World of Sword can be formed, the following is estimated to be fast. “

Every breakthrough is hard.

Such as Amplifying Spirit Weapon first stage ‘*** style’, just combined into one handle ***. second stageHeaven Piercing Style‘, however, is to control the nine handles at the same time. How big is the gap between each other?

80 years.

Luo Feng continues to progress from Amplifying Spirit Weapon fifth stageSpace Slash’. Progress speed is amazing and the encounter is amazing. It took 80 years to finally reach the threshold of sixth stage ’s “Self-contained World”. Of course, it’s just the threshold … Each level of power is different. Luo Feng now only condenses World of Sword for a few seconds, which is the most primary level of sixth stage.


Rainstorm Chart” must reach a certain level of understanding before it can exhibit “World of Sword“. Luo Feng did not really deeply understand “Rainstorm Chart“.

“The first to third layers of Heavenly Bridge correspond to” Raindrop Chart “.”

“The fourth to sixth layers of Heavenly Bridge correspond to” Drizzle Chart “.” ​​

“The seventh to ninth layers of Heavenly Bridge correspond to” Rainstorm Chart “.” Luo Feng frowned. “This is a general correspondence. I have realized the first 36 essences, and I am afraid that stronger is ten times higher than ordinary Drizzle Chart Times, so we can barely form World of Sword. “

“But …”

“Just maintaining ‘World of Sword‘ for a few seconds, it is estimated that it is not enough to break through the seventh layer of Heavenly Bridge. A lot of cultivation is familiar, and it can take longer to maintain ‘World of Sword‘.” Luo Feng pondered, “And I understand the first 36 mysteries, and then study” “Rainstorm Chart“, it is definitely difficult to get to the top of the world. You can study some fur, and it is estimated that it will be very fast. “

The better the foundation, the faster you can feel.

The foundation of Luo Feng’s is undoubtedly solid!

“Researching” Rainstorm Chart “requires Book 3 of” Time Space Scribbles “. I should buy this secret skill.” Luo Feng understands the principle of sharpening the wood without accidentally chopping woodworkers, and immediately rushed out of the cultivation field.


Fly directly to study room in your residence.

Sitting at the desk and opening the laptop screen, Luo Feng quickly opened ‘Treasure House’ and started preparing to purchase secret skill. Suddenly, he saw the individual points under the treasure house.

“Personal points balance: 74660.”

“Only more than 70,000 points? It takes 100,000 points to buy the third volume of” Time Space Scribbles “.” Luo Feng slightly surprised.

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