Supreme God Chapter 86: Departure Aal Goss

  In order to complete the feat of seizing the golden wool, Jason invited many of his classmates who studied under Karong. These people are all heroes, everyone has a supernatural power.

  I have to say here that Jason has a personal charm that no other heroes possess. Apart from his teacher, Karon, that is, he can gather so many heroes.

   This point, even the son of the **** king Zeus, has completed the twelve tests, and Hercules, whose combat power is already close to the main god, is also difficult to compare.

  With the help of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, the most outstanding shipmaker in Greece, Argos, built a large ship for them. This ship is made of wood that will never rot in the sea water. The beams are carved on the ship, which also brings out the flying spirit of the heroes. It can accommodate fifty oarsmen and is named “Aal Ge” after the name of the shipbuilder, which means “light ship”.

   Athena has probably guessed Zeus’s intentions, but she has no strength to resist her **** king’s father and can only act by chance, hoping to save some of these human heroes in the future.

   In a sunny morning, all the heroes are on their own. With the command of Commander Jason, the Aal Ge was pulled out of anchor.

  Ia Song is the commander on the ship, Tifis is at the helm, the sharp-eyed Linkos is the pilot, the most powerful hero Hercules is in charge of the front cabin, Achilles’ father Perez and Eas’ father, Theramon, was in charge of the rear cabin, and the young and powerful son of the two of them followed.

  The rest of the sailors include Zeus’s son Kastor and Polutius, the father of King Perros Nestor’s father Nerius, and the loyal wife Aal’s husband, Admetos, Murray Agros, who killed Calyudong’s wild boar, the genius singer Orpheus, Athens’ king Theseus and his friend Pilitos, Hercules’s young friend Hulas, Poseidon The son of Seton, Aoyufu Mosi, and the father of another little Easis, Eleus, and Aal Themis’s attendant Atalanta, and so on, all gathered on this ship.

  Athena was watching this big ship loaded with heroes, her eyes were uncertain, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

  A little further away, Aderos, his elder brother Apollo, and sister Aal Themis were watching the departure of the ship.

  On this ship, there are not only human heroes, but also many heirs of gods. Apollo and the son of a muse, the talented singer Orpheus, are also among them. Similarly, the sons of Zeus and Poseidon are also in it.

   “Unexpectedly, everyone has always said that your talent is worse than us, and you have become the main **** in front of us.” Apollo sighed, and since Adros came back from the stars, let him know for the first time, His own brother has become the main god.

   Adros smiled: “I think you and Sister Aal Themis are fast, and you are only one step away from the main god.”

   Apollo nodded, not only him, but even Athena not far away, like them, almost became the main god.

   “You and Sister Aal Themis, wait a second. There are two gods, not in your hands, I feel uneasy.” Adros flicked his fingers, and a star of light went toward Apollo.

   Apollo received the starlight, and suddenly some information rushed into his mind, and some of Adros’s plans were also known to them.

The contents in    have a great impact on Apollo, the extremely talented **** of light. He did not expect that the younger brother, who has been protected by him and Aal Themis, has now reached this stage.

After a long time, Apollo said: “In this way, we have to take these two **** positions.” His eyes are complicated, because these two **** positions are not easily obtained, this It means to die with a group of Lord Gods.

   “Yes, leave it to others, not to mention Little Adros, even I am not at ease.” She was talking about Aal Themis, she had long known all the plans of Adros, her eyes were cold and firm. . Anyway, that family has always been unfriendly to them.

   “Well, since that’s the case, we should have made a plan early. For this matter, we must find a suitable time, otherwise Zeus and Titan will take action to block it.” Apollo sighed in his heart and also made up his mind. Determined, it is better to choose their younger brother than to stand with Zeus, an unreliable father. In addition, the master of the **** has always had a grudge against him.

   “What are you talking about?” Athena saw them and came over.

  Aal Themis snorted and ignored her, but Apollo and Adros smiled at Athena.

   Strange to say, Aal Themis is extremely cold. For all gods, not to mention how good the relationship is, at least it is calm. Only for Athena, she has never had a good face.

  Athena doesn’t mind either. On the contrary, she likes to tease her sister who has no good feelings for her and has a cold expression. Of course, the younger sister is just the words of her family. The goddess of hunting Aal Themis, has always been self-proclaimed.

   Adros smiled and said, “It’s nothing, just talking about the fact that a few of you will soon become masters.”

  Athena looked at Adros with a strange said: “What is our Lord God, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of that human.”

   “What human beings?” Adros questioned.

   Athena smiled broadly, with a deep meaning in her eyes: “It is the human preacher who can contend with His Majesty the King, speaking of that, the man and I have met a few times. But now it seems that he is Dangerous, our father of the **** king, this time to engage in such a big situation, just want to attract him.”

   “It’s not just a human being, which is worthy of His Majesty the King, you’re thinking too much, Sister Athena.” Adros waved his hand in disapproval.

   Athena shook her head and stopped talking. The words had already been brought, and there was no need to talk more. However, when she saw a worried look on Aal Themis, she suddenly uttered again: “If you have a chance to meet the evangelist Iassion, help me tell him that I peeked at me last time The shower is not over yet.”

After speaking, Athena giggled and walked away.

   “You even peeked at the woman taking a shower, Brother Adros, did you really make me look down upon you?” After Athena left, Aal Themis said in a cold tone.

   “I am not peeping.”

“It’s not peeking, so I’m still looking at it honestly. Who do you think is bad? Why should you go to see this woman?” Aal Themis was even more dissatisfied. Like her childhood, she didn’t mind her brother looking for more wives or Lover, but there must be no Athena, this sister who makes her very unhappy.

   Adros heard that he suddenly didn’t know what to say, dumbfounded.

Apollo on the side, looking around with a smile on his face, but praised Adros in his heart, but that is the mad woman Athena, even if he was afraid of him when he started, Adros dare to see She takes a bath.

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