Supreme God Chapter 8: Boten for helping others

“Dear King Ashura, I am very pleased to meet you. My name is Boxun. I came to help you.”

The one who came to **** alone was the Babylonian Lord, who is now known as Marduk of Pentium. He has traveled through the world for more than ten years, probably understanding the situation in the Indian **** realm, and decided to rely on the power of Ashura to carry out his first step in overthrowing the Indian Fa-rectification.

“Bo Xun?” Luo Sui, the head of the four Asura kings, couldn’t help wondering after hearing the name: “Where are you the gods, we have never heard of you before.”

Marduk smiled: “I am the lord of all the gods and humans, but if I have the wish, I can come to me. All the people in the world, Ashura, can be obtained if they are enshrined in me. Whatever I want in my heart.”

After listening to Luo Sui, he was even more puzzled, and expressed a sense of horror: “The living master can also meet the demands of all sentient beings. Are you trying to compete with the living master for the divine position?”

The living master mentioned by Luo Sui is the Brahma among the three creation gods. title.

As one of the creators of Brahma, Brahma’s most notable feature is his ability to satisfy the requests of all gods, monsters, or humans. As long as the requester is sincere and makes Brahma feel it, he will answer in full.

Yan Mo, the **** of death, was originally the only **** in the **** who judged the dead, but he told Brahma that he was the only **** who recorded all life in the Three Realms. Big,

After Brahma listened, he closed his eyes and pondered for a long time. When he opened his eyes, a **** hand held a pen and ink bottle, wearing a sword on his waist, and appeared in front of Brahma and the **** of death Yan Mo, Chitra Gupta. Since then, he was responsible for helping Yan Mo record all actions of all life.

There is even a request from the devil to Brahma to make him unmatched and unstoppable. Brahma also met his requirements. This demon king named Heyranyakasip almost ruled the Three Realms, but he was eventually beheaded by the lion body of the world-divided Vishnu, because of his violent behavior.

The above mentioned are just two typical examples of Brahma satisfying all the wishes of the world. There are still many such examples. In the mouth of all beings, they are basically spread all over.

So, when Luo Ai heard of Bozen’s self-introduction, he subconsciously thought that this strange **** was so bold that he was brave enough to grab the rice bowl with the living master Brahma. How could he not be surprised?

Marduk laughed indifferently: “I know Brahma, but Brahma does not know my magic. The world asks for Brahma, it is for God; if the world asks for me, it asks for himself. Brahma gives people, yes. All external appearances, and what I give to the world, is the power of the heart. The power from the outside can be obtained and naturally lost; but the power of the heart, if there is one, is forever, and it will not be lost. “

“Isn’t it our original power, what do we use to differentiate?” Luo Su continued to ask.

“If human beings want him, he will become a god, and I can give him a way to become a god, if he wants to be a king, I can give him a way to become a king, if he needs wealth, beauty, power, etc. It’s simple, I have my own way to open up his inner strength and strive to achieve it. But if he wants to be the God of Creation and want Brahma Shiva to pay tribute to him, I can’t do it. So, what I can do, It’s the inner power. What you can’t do is not the inner power.”

A very brave King Ashura came out behind Luo Sui: “Since it is our inner strength, why do you need you to give it?”

Marduk glanced at him, and asked, “Are you the King of Poo, the former commander of the Asura Army?”

Since he is coming to the Asura tribe, it is natural to understand the King Asura he will face. In addition to the first Asura in the world, somehow, not in the Three Realms, there are four kings in the Asura tribe.

Four asura kings, namely, the assassin asura, the king asylum, the king asura, the king of Vilamudoro, and the king of asura. Childish, which means bravery, is the former army commander of Asura fighting Emperor Shitian. He has thousands of hands, two thousand hands, stepping on the sea, crossing the Mount Xumi; She Luoluo, meaning roaring like thunder, also The broad shoulders, because of their wide shoulders, can make the sea surging and roaring like thunder; Vimaldoro, meaning garland, has nine heads, each with thousand eyes, nine hundred and ninety hands, and eight feet , Spit fire in the mouth; Luo Hou, meaning to cover, because it can cover the sun and moon light with giant hands, it looks very similar to ordinary humans. Each king of Asura has commanded millions of Asuras, known as Ashura congregations, or asura families.

The pheasant blazes and says: “Yes, it is me, I want to know, why do we need the power of our heart?”

Marduk’s eyes are laid back, and he smiles faintly: “Inner power, this is unspeakable power, you can say what you have, and you can say no. You can really do what you want with your own inner power For what?”

“We can’t do it, can you do it again?”

The pheasant couldn’t help but ridicule that none of the four great Asura kings could do it. He didn’t believe that the **** named Boden could do it by himself.

I am afraid that what they want to do, the entire Indian God Territory, among the three realms, no gods do not know, that is to capture the Xumi Mountain, overthrow the rule of the Emperor Indra, and become the master of the new God Territory.

“If I can’t do it, I won’t come here to find you.”

Marduk’s eyes are full of confidence, full of confidence.

“What if you can’t do it?”

“Okay, pheasant, no matter whether you can do it with Lord Bozen, and what do you do with us?” Luo Sui interrupted his brother’s pheasant, and then said to Bozen: “What we want to do, It is being done now, and is about to be completed, so you don’t need your help to reach our wish.”

Marduk’s eyes seemed to be disappointed. He said to Luo Sui, who was clearly the nominal leader of King Asura: “Don’t you need to think about it again? I think you haven’t seen Mount Sumeru for hundreds of years. Take it down.”

Luo Ai waved his hands and said: “Hundreds of years have not won, but it is only because we have been delayed by other things. Your Boss, you have a good look, we will soon be able to win the Sumiya.”

“So, I really want to take a good look.”

In the depths of Marduk’s eyes, a smile began to appear. He traveled far and wide to say that so many nonsense that others would never listen to, is not to push the Asuras to hurry and start.

The world is stable, and the three foreign gods want to make trouble, the difficulty is really too great; only the world is uneasy and the disputes are constant, it is convenient for them to show different paths to the sentient beings.

Speaking of disputes, what other disputes in this god’s domain compare to the struggle between the Ashura clan and the gods?


After Marduk’s walk in hell, the several Asura kings of the Asura tribe did not know which rib was wrong. They ordered their soldiers and horses, and surrounded the Mount Sumiya, which was absolutely a big deal The meaning of decisive battle with the gods on Mount Xumi.

Their troubles scared the Emperor Indra on Mount Xumi. Because he offended the fairy of Yiyi and was cursed by him. For hundreds of years, Indra rarely went out to do things, and was worried that the curse of Yiyi would be fulfilled.

And he discovered that the curse of the mysterious fairy didn’t even know how to prevent it. Foreign enemies like Asura were dealt with during the heyday of the Sumiya Mountain Court, and it was not a big deal at all.

But now, the ruler of the Divine Court, except for Fengshen Fayou and Vulcan Ayoni, the other few seem to be unwilling to fight the Asura tribe for the Divine Court. Sturdy fortresses are often broken from the inside. If it were not for this reason, Indra did not evade the Asura tribe any more, so they dared not confront each other.

So much so that his reputation as the emperor of the Three Realms has been ruined. Even ordinary humans, in their usual communication, will tell Indra the current plight of others as an example of not being able to offend the fairy.

Indra once asked Vishnu, the world prince, to learn from his mouth that as long as Indra could last for three hundred years, this robbery could be resolved.

He has been trembling until now, but it has only been more than two hundred years in the past, but I did not expect that these Asuras don’t seem to want to give him another chance, preparing for the final battle.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, I have found out that these Asuras have almost come out of **** and are going to have a final duel with us at Xumi Mountain.”

Fengshen Fayou came to Indra’s palace and told him the news that he had guessed and worried him.

Indola frowned: “What does Yan Mo say?”

“When I was in hell, I didn’t encounter Yan Mo, but his assistant Chitra Gupta told me that Yan Mo seemed to be called away by his father, the sun **** Surya.”

“It’s Surya What exactly does he want to do, do you want to compete with me again for the position of the emperor?”

Hearing the name of the Taiyi God Surya, Indra suddenly had a bad face. When their Aryan gods first came in, because the world lord Vishnu needed their power to jointly create the Fa-rectification and open up reincarnation. , So let them compete for the position of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

At that time, the Aryan **** system was naturally dominated by Indra, and among the original gods of the Indian God Territory, the three major creation gods regardless of these things were headed by the sun **** Surya.

The final battle came when the Aryan gods won the victory. Indra became the emperor of the Indian God Territory. Suriya, the sun god, eventually had to obey his orders nominally.

But it’s different now. For some reason, Shushen Falou walked outside the region, originally a native deity of Indian God Territory, and the original Moon God Suma, who had a very bad relationship with Indra, has lost its dominance. And the Asuras began to fight for the throne with Indra.

At this time, how could the sun **** Surya still honestly obey the orders of Indra?

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