Supreme God Chapter 53: 3 father and daughter vampires

Dela sat next to Adros and began to talk about her experiences over the years. Because she is really talented in igniting the fire and becoming a god, she has always been depressed.

Later, her father Cain found her and purified the blood of their family. The so-called family is better than Cain’s bloodline.

Dela is different from Cain’s other two children. She is not the daughter of Cain and Lilith. She has not inherited other gods’ powers, but can only continue to purify the same power as Cain.

However, Cain was only willing to spend his hard work on this daughter. At first, he was seduced by Lilith to give birth to the pair of children.

But Della is different, not only among his many human bloods, the only one who has inherited his blood, but also the goddess in his heart who admires for thousands of years, the closest niece of the reincarnation of Isis.

Cain has always had a fierce love for the goddess of Isis who has saved his life, but it is a pity that Isis was already married to the castrated Oliss, and it was Egypt The most admired Lord God in the Divine Realm. Feeling deeply that he was not well-matched with Isis, he could only cover up the love in his heart, he could only stand next to Isis as a friend, and was also ridiculed by Olysses.

Later, Isis was cut by the emperor who held the golden Excalibur when he was in the Taiyi Divine System, and he was entrusted by Isis to look after the reincarnated body.

Then he went to the domain of Kaos, and only then was Della’s birth.

It belongs to darkness, but it can devour everything and merge everything. This is the power of the bloodline that Yawei once gave Cain. Of course, the great god’s divine power was originally not dark, but it was eroded by the power of death and could only mutate this power.

Dela went out of Kaos with her father, passed Egypt, and passed Babylon. All the way, I didn’t know how many powerful gods and monsters had swallowed the blood, and finally broke through to the strength of the main god.

However, due to the limitation of the rules of heaven and earth, their power is naturally suppressed by the power of light. In order to dispel this repression, Cain obeyed Satan’s words and brought Della to the Persian realm, hoping to find a way to perpetuate darkness in the endless light.

Unfortunately, not only did they not find this method, but they were photographed by the supreme good God Ahura, and he did the experiment on this dark power.

If it weren’t for Adros this time, they would finally be able to reincarnate, otherwise they would not know how long they would continue to work on the test.

After listening to Della, Adros looked to the side, the earliest vampire, Della’s father. This vampire has short black hair and is a charming middle-aged man.

“I heard that when you were young, you killed your brother Abel because of jealousy. What do you think of this now?”

If you change to other general gods, dare to bring Cain to regret and pain until now, he must have killed the past immediately, no matter what kind of **** is not a god.

But Adros is different. Such a ruler, a **** powerful enough to use the original altar of the Persian realm as a material, to make artifacts, he did not dare to make times.

Others don’t say, Adros just made him feel terrible just by the momentum revealed slightly.

“When I was young, I always did some ridiculous things, and my God has given me the disposal. The only thing I am sorry is probably Abel.” Cain’s tone was extremely peaceful, and he could hear that Yawei expelled him without complaints.

“Eh, do you regard Yawei as your god?”

Adros couldn’t help wondering. He thought Cain should be full of resentment against Yawei, but he didn’t expect the facts.

Cain said with respect in his eyes: “Yawei is the **** of my father Adam, the **** of mine, and the **** of my descendants and many people.”

In addition to passing the vampire with Satan’s lover Lilith, Cain also married two wives in the world, one named Yada and the other named Zilla.

Adasheng is Yaba. Yaba is the originator of people who live in tents and raise livestock. The name of Yaba’s brother is Juba; Juba is the originator of all those who play piano and flute. Zela also gave birth to Tuba Cain, a craftsman who made various copper and iron utensils; Tuba Cain’s sister was Nama.

His descendants didn’t get any of his divine power. They still live in the area sheltered by Yawei, who has worshipped Yawei for generations.

“In this case, you can go, Yawei is waiting for you in this Persian realm. It’s just Della, he is my maid, and can’t worship any gods other than me, it’s impossible to go with you. .”

Adros waved a starlight to Cain’s mind, pointed Cay to the location of Yawei, and ordered him to leave.

Cain paid a gift to Adros, and then looked at the daughter who inherited his special bloodline and said: “Dela, you have always been very opinionated, and I dare not persuade you to change the court. This time parting After that, in the future, I don’t know when the gods can meet, I can teach you what you have learned. Next, in your life, I will return to the hands of His Excellency Adros.”

Dela’s eyes are a little bit sad, but she still sees her father leave, and it is impossible for her to follow Cain to worship God Yawei. Otherwise, where would she place her beloved master?

After Cain left, Adros suddenly smiled lightly: “You also come out, anyway, Cain is your father, shouldn’t you come out and meet?”

“I haven’t done my duty to be a mother, so my children are against me; and Cain has never done my duty to be a father. Why should I use him as a father?”

The words fell, a delicate bat fluttered, and then turned into a woman beside Adros and Della. She was wearing a bright red dress, with a graceful figure like a devil in her long skirt, and her dark and ink long hair, it was a beautiful face, it was Adros in Babylonian domain in his early years Received pet, Cain’s niece Lilith.

“It seems reasonable to say that it is no wonder that your children must put you to death, the virtue of nurturing is actually greater than the grace of fertility.”

Seeing that Lilith didn’t speak, Adros smiled and said: “You two sisters have a good chat, my refining machine will arrive at the critical moment, and I have no time to ignore you.”

After speaking, Adros put Della and Lilith into the stars chart. The next crucial period of refining was that he had no time to take care of their two sisters.

On the stone seal, the two seemingly meandering rivers have almost begun to give it a divinity.

The thing that Adros chose to place above the seal is the Stygian River and the Tianhe River. Adros’s thoughts are almost the same, he can only call on the essential power of these two rivers, and can only leave a trace of the shadow temporarily. In the future, let the goddess of oath and wish, Lord Styx of Styx and Tianhe Gradually endow the power of oath and wish.

The power of the law that he can mobilize, the star divine power makes the Tianhe shine, and the nether divine power is also very vast, which has been completely pinned on these two rivers. Then these two rivers are like dragons, circling on the fired square body of the altar, and finally, among the is a little light shining.

This light is not starlight, daylight, moonlight, or any light that can be seen in nature.

This light is what Adros calls the light of hope, the light of enlightenment, and the light of the future. I don’t know how long it has been in Adros’s brain. This time, this strange light is rare. There is a place to use.

Continuing to meditatively prepare his seal seal artifact in this void chaos, how much Adros hopes that this seal seal can have the power of the Fan Tianyin in the hands of Guang Chengzi.

The seal of the seal is finally finished, and Adros put it in his hand and weighed it, familiar with its power. Before long, he will be with Yawei. Marduk set off together, embarking on the road to the Indian **** realm.

Yave on the Persian earth is talking to Cain about his way of faith. With regard to the road of faith, Cain played twelve points of strength listening, and he also longed for being able to find his own way of God from the road of Yawei.

And Yawei is also thinking about how to make arrangements for this already powerful master to become a help for heaven.

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