Supreme God Chapter 42: Moses meets Pharaoh Ramses

Moses continued to move forward. Forty years later, the surname of Wangcheng has been rewritten. The little thing he had murdered had no longer been concerned.

Even if someone cares, forty years later, no one will recognize him.

On a wilderness near the land of Goshen where the Israelites lived, Moses ran into God’s will to greet his brother Aaron.

When the two brothers met, they were both tearful, hugged together, and faced each other.

Moses told Aaron about the words he said and the miracles he was told to do, and Moses and Aaron went to gather the elders in Israel. Aaron repeated all the words that Yawei had told Moses, and performed the miracles before the people, and the people believed. When the Israelites heard Yawei favoring them and inspecting their difficulties, they bowed their heads and bowed.

So Moses and Allen set off from there and went to the Egyptian court to meet the current Pharaoh Ramses II. Worried about the safety of Moses, Sipola handed over her young son to the eldest son, even though the two brothers passed by.

When walking to Thebes, the capital of 100 gates, Sipola lamented that she had never left the land of Midian since she was born. I never knew that there would be such a majestic city in the world.

Moses also constantly sighed that he grew up in this city. In the first forty years of his life, the father of his adoptive mother, Ahnhotep Pharaoh Ehna moved to central Egypt. At the time of Amarna, with the foster mother stayed there for a while. Later, as Pharaoh Tutankhamun returned to Thebes, he returned again. It was at that time that he no longer had the right to live in the court.

The three Moses stood outside the palace wall and said to the guards guarding the gate: “Please tell the respected Pharaoh that an old man Moses came to visit.”

Ramesis II was enjoying the exotic singing and dancing. Hearing the name of Moses from the attendant, he immediately frowned, and then waved to bring Moses and others over.

Seeing the son of the old man again, Moses can no longer see a shadow of his childhood from Ramses II, seeing the immense power, far superior to his father and grandfather, and far beyond what Moses had seen The ancient kings of Egypt.

When Ramses II saw Moses, he could still match this aging face to the middle-aged one in memory.

“It has been forty years since we last met, Your Majesty Ramses.”

Moses decided to get close to the Egyptian king first to facilitate his actions. Ramses was once the name of his grandfather, but it is said that when his father entered the underworld to welcome the gods, he changed his name so that he should not forget his grandfather’s ambitions.

“Yeah, I remember the last time I saw you with my father, I was less than ten years old, and now I am old too, let alone you.” It is also rare to see an old man who can speak, Ramesses Neither did II mind chatting casually with Moses.

Moses sighed: “Pharaoh, when you were still in his prime, the Egyptian land was gradually regaining the glory of the past under your leadership. How can you say that you are old? As for me, I now have to walk with a cane. It’s really old.”

After finishing speaking, Moses leaned on his palm and knocked on the ground, showing that he was exhausted and tired.

The corners of Ramses II’s mouth were slightly warped, and then he said indifferently: “These are the great merits of the **** Amon, and they have nothing to do with my pharaoh. Let’s say, you are a fugitive, and you go back to the hundred. The capital of the door is looking for me, what’s the matter?”

Others may not know that Moses was still a fugitive, but when Ramses arrived, he received a voice from the old priest in the palace, telling him that Moses had escaped from Egypt.

Moses sighed and said to Ramses: “When your majesty was young, I remember telling your majesty my true life.”

“Oh, you say this, I know, you are Hebrew. But it doesn’t matter, I can order that you don’t have to suffer like hardship and weight difference like other Hebrews.”

Seeing that Moses hadn’t reached the topic for so long, his brother Alan went to Ramses II and said, “The Lord God of Israel said this:’Let my people go and keep the festival to me in the wilderness. ‘”

For Allen, Ramses II was no longer so friendly: “Who is the Lord, let me listen to him and let the Israelites go? I don’t know the Lord, nor let the Israelites go.” He knew This group, which they call Hebrews, has always claimed themselves as Israel.

But Ramses II could not let the Israelis leave. In these years, the Egyptians’ lives have become better and better. On the one hand, they have recovered the lost territory of the Egyptian God Realm, so that the foreigners who are living abroad are not afraid to be small. Look at them. On the other hand, there are millions of Israelis serving in Egypt.

They do the most tiring work, with the least compensation, but the success of the labor is enjoyed by the Egyptians.

Moses also said, “God has met us. Please allow us to go to the wilderness and walk for three days to worship the Lord our God so that he will not attack you with plagues and swordsmen.”

“Moses, are you using your gods to threaten me, threaten the Egyptian dynasty, threaten the Egyptian gods?”

The expression of Ramses II was suddenly cold, looking at the three people in front of him with a cold smile. For Egypt, the most disgusting thing for the Israelis is that they were raised by the Egyptian heavens and earth and were blessed by the Egyptian gods, but they did not know the gratitude. Thank you in the temple.

Four hundred years have passed. Egyptian gods and Egyptians have long lost patience with this group of Israelis and Hebrews who did not know how to be grateful. They decided to give them heavy hard work and let them continue In the days of worshipping their gods, they slowly went to extinction.

Then the angry pharaoh said to them, “Moses and Aaron, why did you call the people absent from work? I originally wanted to save you from labor, but now, I think it’s still okay, you go too Take your burden!”

On the same day, Pharaoh told the supervisor and the governor to say, “You must not give the grass to the people as bricks and ask them to pick up the grass. You usually ask them for the number of bricks. They are lazy, so they cried and said,’Let us go to worship our God.’ You must put more effort on these people, and make them work hard, and not listen to lies.”

The inspector and the chief came out and said to the people: “Pharaoh said this way:’I will not give you the grass. Where you can find the grass, go find it, but your work must not be reduced.'”

So the people scattered all over Egypt, picking up the broken straw as grass, and the supervisor urged, “Your work on this day is still done, the same as when you didn’t need to find grass.”

The inspector reprimanded the Israeli ruler he sent and said, “Why didn’t you make bricks and finish your work yesterday and today?”

The ruler of Israel came to plead with Pharaoh and said, “Why treat your servant like this? The overseer did not give the servant the grass and said to us:’Make bricks!’ Look, your servant was beaten. , Is actually the fault of your people.”

Ramesis II ignored him and said directly, “You are lazy! You are lazy! So you will send people to say: “Let us go to sacrifice to the Lord.” Now you go to work, This is where you want to lazily worship the gods outside. The grass is not for you, but the bricks must be paid in full.”

The chief of the Israelis heard that “you have to do a little bit of brickwork every day” and you know that you are in trouble. They left Pharaoh and met Moses and Aaron standing opposite, and said to them, “May the Lord examine you and exercise judgment, because you have made us infamous in front of Pharaoh and his servants, and handed the knife over They killed us in their hands.”

When Moses returned to Goshen at night, he prayed to Yawei: “Lord, why do you treat this people so badly? Why send me away? Since I went to see in your name Talking, he treats the people hard, and you did not save them at all.”

Amidst the prayers of Moses, a strange light appeared in the sky, seven-colored clouds rolled in the light, and Yawei’s voice came inside.

“Now you will see what I have done to Pharaoh, so that he can let the Israelites go by my mighty hand and drive them out of his land.”

God spoke to Moses and said, “I am Jehovah. I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as almighty gods, and as for my name Jehovah, they never knew it. I made a firm covenant with them, and I will take them The aboriginal land of Canaan gave them. I also heard the lamentation of the Israelites being treated by the Egyptians, and I also remember my covenant. So you must say to the Israelites, I am the Lord. I will use my outstretched arms The land punishes the Egyptians, redeems you from their burdens, and does not do their hard work. I will treat you as my people, and I will also be your god. You must know that I am the Lord your God, and I will save you from the Egyptians. The burden. I swear to the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I will lead you in and give you the land for inheritance. I am the Lord.”

Moses told these words to the Israelites, but they were troubled by hard work and refused to listen to him. The Lord spoke to Moses and said, “Go in and tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the Israelites go out of his land.”

Moses said before the Lord: “How can Pharaoh listen to me as a clumsy person if the Israelites do not listen to me?”

Later, Yawei told Moses about Israel, who was the son of Abraham and Jacob, the son of Isaac, and told him about the twelve sons and daughters born in Israel, and the twelve branches of the Israelites. All told Moses to let Moses trust Israel. 8) For more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone’s college

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