Supreme God Chapter 12: Disagreement with the goddess

   With the advent of mankind, many gods in the homeland of the polar night have left this beautiful night sky and earth one by one. Adros walked all the way, and after removing some of the servants, he only saw a **** in Asteria. And this goddess of discord and did not know how to suddenly emerge.

  Disagree with the goddess Eris: “You can only say good things are hard to do.”

   “I don’t know what good things you are going to do again, Eris?” Asteria quipped, but she knew the goddess, doing everything in the name of doing good deeds, but unfortunately never did Have done a good thing. It is not uncommon to see the gods fight in her homeland because of her good deeds.

  Eris sighed again and said: “Do you know Eos?”

   “Well, I know.” Asteria and Adros nodded at the same time.

  Eos, the goddess of dawn, the daughter of Titan, Xuperion, the daughter of the **** of the sky, and the sister of the goddess of the sun, Helios, and Selene. They even knew that the parents of Asteria and Leto, that is, the grandparents of Adros, the **** of the sky, Koius and the goddess of Forber, killed Mount Olympus and Hupperion After the war with Thea, the goddess of dawn was born.

   “You probably haven’t seen this goddess of dawn, she is really graceful and affectionate, and she has seen his male **** all turned upside down.” Son Astrius, where the two joined together, became pregnant twice and gave birth to four gods of wind and five stars.”

   “It’s quite viable, almost faster than the goddess above the ocean, and then?” Adros suddenly quipped. Among the gods, it is recognized that the most viable is the goddess of the ocean, so they are the most sought after of. Of course, there are two other accidents, the two original gods, but no one dares to talk about it.

  Eris gave Aderos a white glance, blamed him for interrupting himself, and then said, “You think, this Astraius is the Titan of Cleos and the strong sea of ​​Eulbia. His son, Clius, was thrown into the Tartaros abyss because he opposed Zeus. The father of Eulbia, the ancient sea **** Pontos, still ignored Olympus. If Zeus knew In this case, you must turn your face.”

   “Yes.” Asteria said.

   “Yeah.” Eris patted Asteria’s shoulder and said to her: “Even if you think so, I am a friend of Xuperion and the goddess Thea It should be considered for them. You think about it, their pair of children, the sun **** Helios and the moon goddess Selene have been playing for Zeus at Olympus.”

   “Wait.” Asteria interrupted Eris: “When did you become a friend of Hupperion and Thea, how can I not know.”

  Eriston was embarrassed, and then waved his hand: “These are not important, the important thing is that I have to find a way to help them resolve this crisis.”

   “Well, how did you do it?”

  ”At this time, I see Zeus has been lingering in the world, and he is fooling around with the goddess everywhere. I think, there is not more, there is one less and there are many. Just let me find that Eos is playing by the sea, so I will Zeus I’ve taken it in, and I don’t need to do the following things. Our handsome and charismatic **** Zeus met the beautiful and charming and graceful goddess of dawn Eos, and it really wiped out the spark of love, regardless of place. , Began a beautiful story.”

   Adros looked at the discord **** in amazement, and was very talented to speak of a rotten woman.

   Asturia “huh”, she also knows the personality of God King Zeus very well. After catching up with his sister Leto, she chased herself frantically, forcing herself to become a quail and escaping into the sea before she got rid of him.

   “This seems to have nothing to do with your return to the land of extreme nights?” Aderos said.

  Eris glared at Adros: “I said you young man has no patience, I haven’t talked about it yet.” After a pause, Eris continued: “These two actions, maybe It was so intense that it attracted the strong mother and son of Eurybia and Astrius, as well as the goddess of the sea, Thetis, and then I was also discovered by Thetis. Strong Eurybia and Astor Reius’s mother and son are not Zeus’ opponents. If you can’t take him, then come to trouble me and I can only escape to the Underworld.”

   Sure enough, it is the goddess of discord. Adros has reason to believe that she was discovered by Zeus and Eos. This kind of behavior is simply unreasonable without being chased by others. If it was calculated by her like Aderos, he would have to consider whether it was necessary to kill him. It seems that it is absolutely right to stay away from her.

  Asteria looked at Eris and didn’t know what to say for a while, only to sigh: “You are still here during this time, don’t go out.”

  Eris angered: “How is it possible? I will go out to revenge after a while. I was chased and killed for the first time in my life. Without giving them a lesson, I would be a daughter of the Knicks. Yes. Especially the sea goddess Thetis, not her trouble, how could I be found.”

  Asteria was suddenly speechless, and didn’t know how to tell her that she could only go. She was after all only the god’s envoy who dominated the Knicks at night, and was not qualified to ask Eris to do anything.

   Seeing nothing, Adros didn’t stay in the night of the night, he remembered that the thunder artifact of Zeus was hanging, and he didn’t know if it was obtained by Hera, so he left.


   Hera’s palace is very noble and generous, just like her own temperament, giving people a pleasing feeling. Although it has been two years since he came to Mount Olympus, Aderos has stepped into this palace for the first time.

   In front of the palace, Adros met Ares, who was on the face, and there was a smile in his mouth. Since he gave Hecart an order, when he met Ares once, he beat him once, and the two had not met for more than half a year.

  Aris saw Adros first, and then looked sideways and found that he turned out to be a person. He couldn’t help but laugh: “Very good, Adros, you are a waste, and finally let me come across You are alone.”

  To say that Ares’s most recent period of time, the most anticipated thing is to let him encounter the single Adros. But this guy, on Mount Olympus, never acted alone, often with his goddess Aphrodite, and when occasionally separated, either the **** Hecate followed or Abo Luo, Aal Themis or Athena together. With the presence of these gods, Ares did not dare to start, he could not deal with the Fa alone, let alone two.

   Adros looked at Ares, who smiled so happy. How could he not know his thoughts, said lightly: “You must be careful, Hecate is beside.”

   Ares snorted: “When I’m stupid? If Hecate was there, he would have been out long ago, how could he hide.”

   Adros chuckled: “You still know, I think that Olympus has so many gods, you are the most stupid.” For the son of Zeus and Hera, who has always had contradictions, he did not speak at all. polite.

  Aris listened to Adros, and his face turned red, shouting loudly: “You are a waste, you dare to insult me, I must give you a lesson today.”

   Adros said: “You have to think about it, your majesty your mother, persuaded me not to let Hecate target you anymore. If you do it today, you may not in the future. It’s better.” He was not worried at all. He was confident enough to deal with this arrogant, arrogant and clumsy mind.

   “If you are not good, you are not good. I must teach you today to let you know that the God of War can not be easily insulted.” After that, he would come up and beat Adros with his fists.

   “Enough, Ares. Adros is a guest I invited. I have something to discuss with him. Do whatever you want, don’t block it behind the door of my Hera Although it didn’t appear, a clear voice of scorn has passed.

   Hearing his mother’s screams, Ares’ heart burst into flames, but he didn’t dare to violate Hera’s order. He could only stare at Adros fiercely, and left very unwillingly.

   Adros came to the hall of Hera’s temple and saw the beautiful, dignified, dignified and elegant god, sitting on the seat of the God, looking at himself with a gruff face.

   “Why do you always have trouble with Ares, anyway, he is also your brother.” Hera said dissatisfied with Adros bullying Ares.

   “How can I say I bullied him, obviously he is going to teach me a meal, my dear queen queen.”

   Adros teasing her flowers, Hera has been accustomed to it, and her exquisite Qiong nose snorted coldly: “If only he can really teach you.” She is a little familiar with Athena, knowing this It is rumored that the extremely talented son of Leto actually has extremely strong strength. His son Ares is not necessarily his opponent.

  Not only that, she discovered that her husband, the **** king Zeus, seemed quite peculiar to this son, and had never scolded him before the gods. You know, even the brothers Apollo and Hephaestus are often scolded by Zeus, not to mention, Ares who grew up next to them.

   Adros didn’t reply, he chuckled, came to Hera, and waited for her to say hello, found a big and beautiful chair, and lay down casually, looking at Hera, who was slightly angry, and lying down The following also said: “It is worthy of the chair made by Hephaestus, which is really comfortable for you.”

  Hera heard the words and her face was gloomy. If there was anything that made Hera unhappy, discussing the chair next to her was undoubtedly one of them.

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