Supreme God Chapter 1: Moon Sun and Polaris

   Mount Olympus is majestic and magnificent, towering among the mountains of Greece. In winter, snow-capped peaks shine brightly in the sun; in summer, the valley is shaded by trees. Every day, when the sun rises from the east, the dawn first shines on the summit of this holy mountain; when the sun goes down and the silver moon rises from the east, the glorious peak of Mount Olympus is again full of moonlight. Sometimes large chunks of dark clouds will also flow from all directions towards the **** of the mountain, so the valley is dim, the wind is strong, and the rain is pouring.

   Mount Olympus is a sacred and steep mountain. The gods chose this place to build their palace and govern the world there. Above the sea of ​​clouds, there is a colonnade, and the colonnade is in front of it. Exotic flowers and gardens. The strong wind never blows into this paradise, and these rock-solid palaces have never seen storms and storms over them. The top of the mountain is always breezy, the sun is shining, and the flowers are tangy.

  On this glorious Mount Olympus, every great **** has his own palace, the most magnificent is the palace of the king of Zeus, the most magnificent. Every morning, when Aurora opened the sky gate with rose-colored fingers to let out the sunlight, the gods on Mount Olympus would gather in the palace of their leader. Their supreme commander Zeus sat on the golden throne and received them in the palace’s largest hall.

  On this day, Zeus sat on the throne, listening to the performance of the muse, and suddenly looked at himself. After the day, Hera’s seat was empty, and she asked the gods, “Where is Hera?” Go?”

   On the other side of his throne is the goddess Themis, the goddess of justice, who is in charge of the peace of the world, the aunt of the **** king Zeus, and his second wife, but because of Hera The reason has long been separated from Zeus.

  Themis the goddess heard Zeus’s question and said with a blank expression: “Leto is about to be produced. I am afraid that our queen can’t sit still.”

   The dark night goddess Leto is the cousin of the **** king, and the most intimate **** with the **** king recently. However, she was unlucky. At this time, the **** king had already established a relationship with the queen Hera.

   Hera was very dissatisfied with Leto’s pregnancy with the child of Zeus, especially the three goddesses of fate have been able to be sure that Leto’s belly is a man and a woman. The woman doesn’t care. After all, Themis has helped Zeus to give birth to the three goddesses of timing and three goddesses of destiny. But Zeus now has no son. The boy Leto was born is the eldest son of Zeus. Hera, who had not yet given birth to a son for Zeus, made Hera jealous and annoyed, and decided not to let him be born.

  The day after Hera ordered that the earth be forbidden to give her a place of childbirth, poor Letodong hid in Tibet, wandering around, and finally found a hiding place on the Aegean Sea, the nameless island of Adros. This is Leto’s sister, the island formed by the meteor goddess Asteria. She couldn’t bear to see her sister suffering, so she begged Poseidon to give her a place.

  Despite this, Hera still ordered that the island not be allowed to take root, and could only drift on the endless ocean.

   Zeus summoned his goddess, the goddess Iris, the rainbow goddess, which can not only convey the meaning of heaven and earth to the **** king, but also accurately convey Zeus’ will. After understanding all the circumstances, Zeus immediately summoned the three goddesses of destiny.

   “Closo, Leto is pregnant, I have a feeling that the child in her stomach will carry the glory of Olympus, become a great god, help me see, how is destiny arranged?”

  Croso is the longest person of the three goddesses of fate. She controls the future and the line of life. Following the arrangement of heaven, she guides the life of all people and gods, even the **** king Zeus can’t change.

  She closed her eyes tightly, and suddenly opened her eyes, emitting green light, and replied: “I saw that the children of the sky and the dark night will become the incarnation of light, the peak of Olympus, and There are two crowns of the main gods. They are the hope in the darkness, the unity of strength and beauty.”

  Zeus was overjoyed when he heard this, took the blackjack in front of him, drank it, and said to Iris, “Go tell Poseidon that my eldest son cannot be born on a floating island, go Notify my mother Rhea and let her witness the birth of her eldest grandson.”

   Rhea is the mother of Zeus and Hera. I believe that with her present, Hera will not have any unfavorable behavior. Thinking of this, Zeus said to Themis again: “Themis, Hera has always respected you, and you should go to the past.”

  Iris and Themis just went out. The sky, which was originally a day, suddenly turned into a night. In the night sky, a bright moon hung high. With the appearance of the bright moon, a burst of baby laughter came, and the animals in the forest all looked in the direction of the Aegean Sea and happily got around, and a great **** was born.

  Zeus sitting high on the throne, when he heard this burst of laughter, he did not consciously chuckled: “The moon is blessed, all things rejoice together, call you Aal Themis.”

   After another seven days, the moon has not disappeared, but the sun and the stars also appeared in the sky at the same time. Under the round of the sun, everything is peaceful and peaceful. The birds in the sky, the mermaids in the water are all in unison. Singing is like the long night, seeing the light again.

   At this time, a loud cry came, and with this cry, all the visions in the sky disappeared, and Zeus said with joy: “Come with the sun and bless all things, call You Apollo.” But he didn’t find that when all the visions were about to disappear, the North Star in the north, a starlight shining down with the sunlight.

  Zeus took out a pair of bows and arrows from the treasure house, a golden light, a silvery white snow, this is the treasure of the first god, the **** of the sky, Uranos. Just as he was about to personally give the pair of gold and silver bows and arrows to his newborn children, a **** came to report that Hera was here.

   Zeus hurriedly called Elis to let her send the bow and arrow.

   “Golden bows and arrows, with overwhelming arrows, will accompany the life of Aal Themis; silver bows and arrows, without what it can’t hit, will become Apollo’s right-hand man.”


   When Iris took things to the Unnamed Island, he was stunned by the sight in front of him. At this time, the island of Adros was packed with many goddesses, the mother of the king, Rhea, the goddess of justice, Themis, and the wife of the sea **** Poseidon, Amphitrite, with her many daughters, even the mother. Ya is here. To the surprise of Elis, among the many goddesses, there are three children, not two.

  The goddess Leto saw Elis, then looked at the sky again, bit her lip, and said, “Iris, you came here, is there anything you have to say about Lord God?”

  Iris hurriedly took out the bow and arrow: “At the order of Lord God, the golden bow and arrow will be given to your daughter Aal Themis, and the silver bow and arrow will be given to your eldest son, Apollo.”

  At this time, not only was Leto surprised, but the other goddesses were also a little surprised, but they compared the last child born with the previous two, and they suddenly became surprised. The first two children, named Aal Themis and Apollo by the King of God, were born with visions and extraordinary powers, that is, many adult gods are not necessarily stronger than them. Their elder sister Aal Themis, but only seven days after being born, was able to help his brother to be born with the help of divine power.

   And the third child, when born, only showed a North Pole star light, almost no divine power on his body, similar to ordinary human child, no wonder Zeus is not willing to help him get the name.

  Not only that, but the third child of the newborn is not as good-looking as his brother and sister. His pupils and hair are black, and his nose is flat. From birth to the present, he does not cry or laugh. If it were all gods present, he could see at a glance that the child had no problems. I am afraid that he would be a fool.

  However, the goddess Leto likes this child very much. His hair color and pupil color are the same as his own, just like his own black robe, like a silent night.

   When the lively banquet ended, a group of goddesses played on the Unnamed Island for a few days and finally returned to silence.


  Leto holds Aal Themis in one hand and Apollo in one hand, feeding them both. As for her third son, Adros, she was lying in a cradle at her The black eyes rolled round and round. Adros did not receive the name given by Zeus, and Leto named him Adros, the name of the unnamed island at his feet, to thank his sister Meteor goddess Asteria.

   Adros looked at his brother and sister embraced by his mother. Sure enough, he deserved to be the future **** of Olympus. As a child, he could eat it like this, not by himself. Drinking milk by yourself, it took a few sips, but they seemed to be able to drink non-stop. Looking at his body again, it is similar to the human babies who were just a few months old, and they seem to be at least three years old.

   After watching it for a long time, Adros turned over and sighed in his heart: “Which way is this fortune? I woke up and went to ancient Greece. It is not the ancient Greece above history. It’s the mythology and legend that became the son of Zeus, the teddy king of the sun, and the brothers of the famous moon **** Aal Themis and the sun **** Apollo. But this is also good. Not reliable, but the thighs of the two of them can still be hugged. However, in addition to the fact that the Greek mythological world likes to mess with these gods, it is generally safer, and it should not be difficult to keep a small life.”

  Aal Themis and Apollo seem to be full, Leto put them down and let them go to play by themselves. Apollo pulled out his bow and arrow and ran out. Aal Themis, hurried to Adross, teasing him with his fingers. Seeing this, Adros knew that she had done so, so she didn’t play anymore and quickly cried a few times.

  Leto, the goddess of Leto, picked up Adros and prevented Aal Themis from teasing. Aal Themis then pouted his mouth, his eyes weeping. Leto met, helplessly, also picked her up and continued to make her tease Adros in her arms.

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