Super Thrilling Live Broadcast Chapter 569: Divergence

Chapter 569 Disagreement

“Resurrected from the dead?” I couldn’t believe it. Although there were no obvious injuries on the body of the Snake King, its soul had already been torn apart by hundreds of thousands of ghosts, so it should be dead. Besides, snakes are cold-blooded animals, so it is really unimaginable to shed blood and tears.

The ceremony outside the main entrance of the Taoist temple was still going on. After Snake Qian scattered the last handful of ashes, the seven snake-patterned talismans moved automatically without wind, and clusters of will-o’-the-wisps ignited on the colorful scales of the Snake King.

She Qian knelt down on the ground, respectfully, and the seven Taoist priests in black seemed to be waiting for something.

The will-o’-the-wisp seems to be fueled by the ashes of Mr. Snake, and it burns more and more vigorously. After about ten seconds, I don’t know if it is my illusion. The body of the Snake King seems to move.

After a few days, the dead snake corpse actually moved.

I widened my eyes, stopped, and hid in the dark to watch.

The body of the Snake King is moving more and more, the will-o’-the-wisp is invisible, and the blue flames are shining, giving people the feeling that it has an astonishing temperature. out.

“Using ghost fire to refine corpses?”

Among the blue flames, an astonishing change occurred in the snake king’s body. The blood stains on the bright scales disappeared and became more colorful, just like a blooming flower that suddenly began to wither when it was the most beautiful.

The snake scales swell outward when they are at their brightest, and I can hear the crisp sound coming from the scales from a long distance away.


The body of the snake coiled on the ground is squirming, even if you don’t have to judge it, you can see it clearly.

“What is this?” The scene in front of me was so weird that I couldn’t believe my eyes: “It’s not unreasonable for the Sanyin sect to be able to inherit for a hundred years and dominate Jiangcheng.”

There is a certain reason why Snake Gong’s lineage can beat Meng Po’s and Guiying’s two lines. I am amazed at their snake control skills.

The ghost fire rose slowly, and the blue flame could be several feet high. In the midst of the fire, the snake king slowly began to move, its body crawling according to the positions of the seven Taoist priests just now.

The ferocious triangular snake head with unextinguished will-o’-the-wisp passed in front of the first Taoist priest.

“The Big Dipper, the first Taoist priest stands on the Tianshu seat!” The star position is compared with the stars in the sky. I don’t know what they are doing, just watching blankly.

The “resurrected” snake king crawled slowly, and after passing the Tianshu position, its huge body left a half-foot-wide bloodstain on the ground.

“How could there be blood?” Judgment glanced, and I quickly discovered that the Taoist priest had buried a seven-inch long knife in the ground in front of him!

The tip of the knife was upward, and the King Snake slashed across, tearing the skin open.

“What the **** are they doing?” It will slow down a bit, and more and more blood is flowing out from under its body, almost staining the ground in front of the main entrance of the Taoist temple red.

There are seven star positions in total. The snake king who “resurrected from the dead” climbed through four star positions.

It seemed to have a premonition of something bad, and became irritable, but there was nothing it could do, the body was bleeding profusely, its belly was full of long cuts, and it was unable to move forward at all.

After struggling for a few minutes, the snake king’s ferocious head stopped shaking, all the will-o’-the-wisps on his body were extinguished, and he remained motionless.

In the mist of Yin Qi, a gust of cold wind blew away the ashes and broken talismans on the ground, leaving only seven black-robed Taoist priests and Snake Qiandai standing in place.

“Failed? The seven catastrophes only survived the fourth. Could it be that the sky is going to kill me?”

“The life-changing seven-star array can’t work. This only shows that the souls of Lord Snake and Teng Snake are too seriously injured, and it has reached the point where it cannot be repaired.”

“It’s all the fault of that life-stealer! If it weren’t for the grievances of hundreds of thousands of lonely souls and wild ghosts, the ceremony would not have failed!”

“It’s over, Teng Snake is dead, is there still a need for our Snake Lord lineage to exist? How will we control snakes in the future?”

The seven black-robed Taoist priests communicated with each other, and they were all a little pessimistic.

“Stop making noise!” After a long time, She Qian, who was kneeling on the ground, stood up. According to the entry sequence, I am still the next Snake Lord!”

“Teng Snake is dead, and you can’t get the approval of the snake spirit. Do you still want to be the Snake Lord?” The oldest of the seven black-robed Taoist priests stood up. If the owner of the lineage doesn’t have a snake spirit, can he still be called the Lord Snake? I think your ghost skills are much better than the way of controlling snakes, so why don’t you join the lineage of ghost infants.”

She Qian seems to have known for a long time that someone would stand up against him: “Jiang Yuan, you have only been a beginner for five years, and your copper rust qualifications. Relying on your relationship with the Jiang family in the secular world, Mr. Snake kindly stayed here to learn spells.” , now that Lord Snake’s body is still cold, you want to betray the sect?”

“Betray the sect? You’d really put a hat on me, but to be honest, the person who is dishonest to the sect, I’m afraid you should be the snake, right?” Jiang Yuan shook his black Taoist robe: “The first Once besieging and killing the life usurper, he is still weak and has not yet become powerful, the Snake Lord sent four senior brothers with the strongest Taoism to cooperate with you, and also handed over to you the Eighteen Yamas’ wheel formation with the background of the sect! But what about you? Not only Lost the formation, formation eyes, and ignored the four senior brothers, fled back to the sect alone, you are such a selfish villain, I really wonder how you have the face to want to become this generation’s Snake King?”

The more he talked, the more emotional he became, and he scolded Sheqian bloody, and the other black-robed Taoist priests who were still hesitating were also approaching Jiangyuan at this time, faintly intending to hug each other.

“That’s enough!” Jiang Yuan condemned every sentence, and She Qian gritted his teeth, with a ferocious face: “How many of you younger disciples dare to act presumptuously in front of me? If it weren’t for the disaster of the sect and the lack of disciples, I will definitely kill you today.” …”

“What can you do to us? Snake Qian, do you still think you can dominate? The current Sanyin Sect is different from before. The three suzerains, one died and two were seriously injured. Among the disciples of the younger generation, we Snake are one If you don’t want to make people angry, you’d better speak carefully.”

“Threat me? You, a dog crawling out of the world, dare to threaten me?” A sneer appeared on She Qian’s soft face.

“I never threatened you, I was just stating a fact. Although I come from the Jiang family and come from the secular world, the contributions I have made to the sect over the years are obvious to all. Now the sect is in such a catastrophe , I think we should step up contact with the secular world, maybe we can use the rules of the secular festival to kill that life usurper!” Jiang Yuan is a very capable person. Good at grasping the situation and using people’s hearts.

From their conversation, it can be heard that this Jiang Yuan should be from the Jiang family. In the cooperation with the Sanyin Sect, the Jiang family has always been at a disadvantage. .

He has great ambitions, and plans to change the cooperative relationship between the two in one fell swoop, improve the status of the Jiang family in the cooperation, and even wants to make the Jiang family the leader.

“The idea is very good, but it is very difficult to implement.” The real evil cultivators are not daring lunatics, and it is almost impossible to regain them by relying on the power of the world.

The development of the matter is similar to my speculation. She Qian and Jiang Yuan are arguing endlessly. Three of the younger disciples were bought by Jiang Yuan in advance.

The other two were vacillating. Although these two could not understand She Qian’s behavior style, among the disciples of the younger generation, She Qian was indeed the most qualified to succeed Mr. She.

The debate ended unhappily, and Snake Qian left angrily, while Jiang Yuan and those who supported him smiled, and stayed behind to carry away Snake Lord’s altar and the completely dead Snake King’s body.

The wind blew, and the scattered ashes flew away. It’s a pity that Mr. Snake can be regarded as a master of a generation, and he didn’t expect to end up like this in the end.

The main entrance of the Taoist temple was not closed, so I made sure that they were all gone before coming out of their hiding place.

“The three suzerains, one died and two were seriously injured. Among the disciples of the younger generation, the Snake Lord’s lineage has the most survivors. The news they revealed is quite crucial.” I took out the good and evil Shura mask and put it on my face, double-layer insurance , even if the mask comes off, who would have thought that the face inside me is actually fake.

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