Super Soldier Chapter 929: Xiao Bing VS Tokugawa Honsai

Xiao Bing stood here with Mu Wushuang supporting him, and without looking at Park Xiuen who had fallen on the ground, his gaze was directly in the Tianshan sword formation, and his eyes were extremely hot and said: “This old man from Tianshan is not only at the top of martial arts. , Even the formations are pedantic and celestial. This formation may reach the limit of martial arts, such as breaking the peak of the void, and will not be able to break into it.”

Park Soo-eun is dead. Everyone looks at Xiao Bing in shock. That is the king of special forces in a country. What’s more, Han is not a weak country in terms of single-soldier combat. The strength of Park Soo-eun has reached Gang. Jin Pinfeng was already considered a top powerhouse in the world, but he was killed by Xiao Bing. It was easier than squeezing an ant to death.

That’s the strong man at the pinnacle of Gang Jin!

Everyone felt a little suffocated. They looked at Xiao Bing and Tokugawa Honxi. It seems that these two talents are the absolute protagonists today. According to their strength, they want to learn from Xiao Bing and Tokugawa Honxi. He and Tokugawa Honsai’s looting of food from the tiger’s mouth is simply a life-threatening death, which is really too difficult.

Unless these two people can lose and lose in the fight, when other people can compete with each other for profit, then they can each have their own abilities.

As long as Xiao Bing and Tokugawa Honsai are missing, these people each feel that they have some opportunities. Except for Xiao Bing and Tokugawa Honsai, the “king of god” Zeus is the strongest of all, but if Anthony Teaming up with other people may not be able to pose a threat to Zeus. If Zeus can be solved at that time, Anthony will have the confidence to balance the others, and the two Indian powerhouses are also confident that they will have a chance to get from Anthony’s hands. They are slightly weaker, but they also have some means to suppress the bottom of the box.

Everyone present has their own thoughts. They were shocked by Park Soo-eun’s death, but did not feel sympathy, but on the surface they showed incomparable indignation, especially Anthony moved in his heart and frowned. , Asked: “Are you the Chinese Special Force Wang Xiaobing?”

“Yeah.” Xiao Bing gave a faint hum, but didn’t look at Anthony, his eyes had been staring at the Tianshan Sword Formation, looking for a solution.

Anthony said: “I am Cardinal Anthony from the Holy See in Europe.”

Only then did Xiao Bing retract his gaze, revealing a faint surprise. Although Xiao Bing had some teachings with Eagle Country, he never played against the Holy See, because the Holy See is relatively independent by comparison. Organization, the authority of the Pope of the Holy See is not even under the Queen and Prime Minister of the Eagle Country. It is said that there are many masters in the Holy See, and they can almost overwhelm all the masters in Europe. You must know that before Country M becomes the overlord of the world, the Eagle Country can bring the entire Europe and America. Overwhelmed by the pressure, the Eagle Nation was so powerful at the beginning, it was called the empire that the sun never sets, and the Holy See has made great contributions.

Later, Eagle Nation was overtaken by M in terms of technology and economy. Even if the Holy See has many masters, even the Protoss resurrection may not be able to rival modern high technology, let alone the Holy See, so they acted. They also gradually became low-key, and even almost made the outside world forget their existence, but Xiao Bing knew that the power of the Holy See was still spreading across Europe, and the hidden masters were countless. If the Holy See was not deliberately low-key, the eight majors of the dark world. Committee members definitely have their place. They can occupy the chief position. Even the Mafia is inferior. It is not impossible to compete with the two princes for the chairmanship of the summit.

Unexpectedly, the Holy See, who has always been ignorant of the world, has also sent people over, and it is the cardinal whose status is second only to the pope.

Xiao Bing glanced at this Anthony and asked: “Your Holy See now has 64 cardinals, how many are you ranked?”

Anthony proudly said: “I am ranked eighth.”

“Oh, it’s eighth among the top ten cardinals. It’s amazing, and you look very young. It’s said that the youngest cardinal must be thirty-five years old before he can serve, and that It is also a relatively rare situation. Unless you are particularly valued by the Pope, your appearance is also in your thirties, which is about the same as the earliest age specified. This shows how important your position is in the eyes of the current Pope. Up.”

Anthony was also very proud of it. If it weren’t for his age, or even the current pope retired two years later, he could become the new pope, but he has just become a cardinal. Although he is strong, But the background is too shallow. The current pope will be seventy years old in two years, and he will have to retire when he is seventy. By then, Anthony will be only thirty-seven years old. It is a wishful thinking to succeed as the new pope.

For this reason, Anthony coveted the pope very much. After learning that there was such an opportunity, he ignored the low-key tradition of the Holy See in these years, and directly accepted the commission of the Eagle Nation to compete for the Tianshan Mountains. The treasure of the old man, if he can make such a contribution, his prestige will surely rise to the sky, and it will be possible for him to be promoted to the new pope by then.

Anthony said with an arrogant attitude: “I have been invited by the Eagle Kingdom for a long time to train the royal guards of the Eagle Kingdom. I have held important positions in both the Holy See and the Eagle Kingdom. This time I came here by the Prime Minister. Commissioned by the eagle to fight for the interests of our Eagle Nation.”

What a smart person Xiao Bing is, he immediately understood, and said with a smile: “The true leader of the Holy See is the Pope. As far as I know, the leader of the Holy See is voted by all the highly respected cardinals, and finally the new The pope should come from the cardinal, and the age of each pope must not exceed 70 years old, the current pope is probably about to retire, and you are obviously fighting for credit and prestige, so you would rather go against the Holy See. With a low-key principle, you have to come and compete with us for this Tianshan treasure, saying that you are fighting for the interests of the Eagle Nation. You are nothing more than coveting the position of the Pope.”

Anthony was seen through by Xiao Bing, but he did not waver. He rolled his eyes and said emotionally: “Captain Xiao Bing, I will not listen to you. You are the absolute king among the world’s special forces, although I said that I have retired from the dragon teeth of your country in the past few years, but we respect you. But you can’t just kill people like that, right? Mr. Park Soo-eun is the king of special forces in Han and the soul of the special forces in Han. The world’s anti-terrorism cause has made a great contribution and is respected. You just killed him so quietly? Should you give us an explanation?”

Xiao Bing laughed and said with a big laugh: “This Park Xiuen wanted to plot against us while I was crossing the bridge. I was killed by myself. You are a member of the Holy See in Europe, for the sake of an unknown Han Chinese. Isn’t this a joke to ask for justice? If you want to provoke everyone to fight me, then just say, even if I am an enemy, what is there to be afraid of?”

The aura on Xiao Bing’s body burst out frantically, and the horrible aura is almost torn apart the space. The many masters present were forced to retreat slowly, and then released their strength to contend with Xiao Bing’s aura. , Only the little old man Tokugawa Honnishi did not fall under this momentum, but there was also a moment of jealousy in his heart. It was Xiao Bing who used his aura to fight everyone at the same time, so Tokugawa Honnishi was so comfortable. He secretly thought that if it were him, he would definitely not be so easy facing three Void Breaking Masters and four Gang Jin masters.

Think about it, Tokugawa Honnishi is not an upright gentleman. Although he is the younger brother of Ixiegawa Valley, the morals of the two people are very different. Among all the people, only Xiao Bing can cause him great trouble. He immediately said loudly: “What else to say, let’s kill him together, and take revenge for something in Han.”

You don’t even remember the name, so you just kept avenging it. Xiao Bing was furious and slapped it with a palm. The force of terror rushed towards Tokugawa Honxi like a mountain. At the same time, Xiao Bing was even more direct. Swearing in the Chinese language of his own country: “Don’t push your face!”

Tokugawa Honsai also didn’t understand what it meant. They used to communicate in English before. This is a common language and everyone can understand it, but Xiao Bing directly scolded Chinese swear words, and even Tokugawa Honsai knew it. also absolutely couldn’t understand the meaning of these words, but I could feel that Xiao Bing was scolding him.

Tokugawa Honnishi, as the brother of the **** of war of the country r, is shocking in martial arts. Although his morality is far inferior to his senior brother Ixagawa Valley, his prestige is not as good as Ixagawa Valley, but his body is earth-shaking. The martial arts cultivation base is there. Now that Ixiechuan Valley is dead, he finished this event and got the treasure of Tianshan. Then he will return to China and even become even more powerful than the original Ixiechuan Valley. The **** of war of country r, when he has the confidence to lead the martial arts circle of country r to dominate Asia and even the world.

Tokugawa Honnishi was not afraid, and also slapped it with a palm. The palms of the two people intersected in the air, and there was a loud bang. The terrifying air wave shook the mountain and even broke an arm. The heavy German master Raphael shook his body even more, and fell to his knees on one knee. His eyes were all shocked. This is the realm that breaks the pinnacle of the void? It is too strong, ten Raphael is not the opponent of the two of them.

The rest of the people who were shaken by the terrifying air wave were unstable, but Tokugawa Honnishi and Xiao Bing were not moving.

Tokugawa Honnishi with his hands on his back, his short stature is like an insurmountable mountain at this time, proudly said: “What a world special forces king, I just experienced Tokugawa Honnishi today!”

The corner of Xiao Bing’s mouth smiled faintly, even in the face of many masters, he was not afraid of it. No one noticed that Tokugawa Honsai’s eyelids were trembling slightly. The two of them had just split evenly, but only he knew that, Xiao Bing. He just waved his hand casually, and he had already used seven or eight points of strength just to block this palm, but Xiao Bing might have only used three or four points, and the gap between the two had been revealed!

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