Super Soldier Chapter 820: Palm mouth!

After the young man finished speaking, almost all of Liu Zhen looked over, and the young man looked like a thorn on his back.

Xiao Bing chuckled slightly, looked at the front desk, and asked in English: “Is it registered?”

“It will be ready soon, sir, please wait a moment.”

Liu Zhen and several people thought that Xiao Bing would get angry and would do something. After all, how could the dignified dragon gate master be ridiculed by such a reckless playboy, but Xiao Bing did not talk to each other. General knowledge means that an ant screams under the feet of an elephant. Elephants usually choose not to trample the ant to death with one foot, but to ignore the ant. It is because ants are for elephants. It is too small and too small.

The young man was swept by the gazes of several people in the dragon gate, feeling uncomfortable all over his body, and wondering, is there still something big on the other side? No, I must be thinking too much. Look at them all dressed up and down. If I were the owner of a five-star hotel, I wouldn’t let them in. Maybe it was a wanted criminal who spread to Canada? That’s right, it must be so!

The Chinese girl glanced at Xiao Bing, but her eyes lit up and said: “Blake, don’t bother me all the time. Tomorrow I will return to country m. Don’t you always follow me, okay? The most important thing is I don’t like you either.”

The young man named Black said anxiously: “That’s not good. My father specially asked me to be your tour guide. He will accompany you to Country M and let me visit Uncle Situ by the way.”

The girl was a little disgusted and said: “That’s your own business. If you are willing to go, when I go, you will go alone again, and be annoying me like a follower. You look too ugly. Doesn’t fit my aesthetics.”

Xiao Bing and the others almost laughed when they heard it, and the girl’s mouth was too poisonous, it was like a sharp-toothed snake.

Your face is a bit ugly when you are not here. Black’s father is a well-known rich man in Canada. The family wealth can be ranked in the Canadian capital and third in the entire Canada. He is the only one in this family. Successor, what kind of woman would Black find? Even the girl’s family in front of me has some power in Country M, but Black’s father didn’t care about it at all. If he hadn’t insisted, his father wouldn’t allow him to follow this girl’s ass. .

Blake said a little displeased: “Situ Jing, tell me, what point of my Blake is not worthy of you?”

“Yes.” The companion next to Blake also said, “Situ Jing, you may not know, my brother will soon have a senior internship, and then he can enter the family to take over specific affairs, and then their entire family All his wealth belongs to him. That is the wealth of the world’s top 500. If you change to another girl, I am afraid you will have to catch up with you. Miss Situ Jing still has to think about it.”

The European and American girl next to Situ Jing quietly tugged Situ Jing’s clothes, winking at Situ Jing, meaning that you shouldn’t just say it too badly, and it’s more than enough for your family to match you. .

Situ Jing looked disdainful, and she suddenly pointed to Xiao Bing and said, “If you can look so handsome with him, let alone be your girlfriend, I can marry you directly.”

When Xiao Bing heard Situ Jing say that he was handsome, not only did he not feel the slightest swelling of vanity, but frowned slightly. In fact, Xiao Bing didn’t like the feeling of being used as a shield by strangers. People are not very respectful, especially these people know at a glance that no one is easy to provoke. Everyone is rich and compelling, or arrogant and compelling. This is to be yourself, if you are For an ordinary person, it is very likely that the other person will be jealous, and this girl named Situ Jing obviously doesn’t care about the feelings of other people at all.

Sure enough, Blake looked at Xiao Bing, with a spiteful light flashing in his eyes, pointed at Xiao Bing, and asked: “Situ Jing, do you think he is more handsome than me?”

“Yeah, don’t you think?” Situ Jing said as a matter of course, but Xiao Bing could understand from Situ Jing’s eyes that she didn’t put herself in her eyes at all. Full of the kind of contempt of the daughter of the daughter, this is purely using herself to reject Black.

At this time, the front desk had already registered, and the remaining money was returned to Xiao Bing. After Xiao Bing collected all the money and the documents of the five people, he was about to leave. Blake suddenly gave the bodyguard behind him a wink. A Canadian blocked the way of Xiao Bing and others.

Xiao Bing smiled in his heart, is there anyone who seeks abuse? Although elephants are not as knowledgeable as ants, if the ant pushes its nose to the face, the elephant does not mind the ant being thrown to death with a sneeze.

Fortunately, these two bodyguards haven’t done anything yet, and haven’t challenged Xiao Bing’s bottom line in his heart.

Seeing that his bodyguard stopped Xiao Bing, Blake immediately raised his chin and asked proudly, “Hey, are you also from China?”

Xiao Bing asked indifferently: “So what?”

Black asked: “What do you do in China?”

Xiao Bing said: “Noodle shop owner!”

Hearing these words, Black and his companion immediately laughed, and even the girl next to Situ Jing giggled, but Situ Jing’s face was cold, and his eyes looked at Xiao Bing. She was even more contemptuous, and she even expressed a bit of resentment, thinking that Xiao Bing was deliberately losing her. Such a girl, obviously she was making trouble for others, and in the end it always made others seem to owe her to her. It seemed that Xiao Bing didn’t bother to be familiar with her.

Blake’s tears of laughter came out, she looked at Situ Jing, and said, “Situ Jing, did you hear that? He is just the owner of a small noodle restaurant, like the wealth of my family, even if it’s a thousand stores. Or 10,000 noodle restaurants can afford to open, how can you compare him with me, you should consider it carefully and be my girlfriend!”

Situ said bitterly: “Even if he is not worthy of me, I can’t be with you!”

After speaking, he saw Xiao Bing and several people still standing there, and he felt even more annoyed, and said angrily: “Why are you still standing there, why don’t you leave?”

After hitting Xiao Bing, he realized that Xiao Bing was not his opponent, nor was he worthy of being his love rival, so Blake had no interest in Xiao Bing anymore, waved his hand and motioned to his two bodyguards immediately. Step aside.

The two bodyguards received instructions from their young master and were about to give up their positions and let Xiao Bing pass by. Suddenly, Xiao Bing took a step forward and accidentally stepped directly on the right leg of one of the bodyguards. Go up, and then I heard a click, the bodyguard made a scream like a pig, especially the sound of a broken leg bone, which made people tremble. It is estimated that this leg must be completely broken. Even if it can be cured, at least you have to lie in a hospital bed for three or four months before it is possible to go to the ground.

Xiao Bing immediately took another foot and stepped on the right leg of another Canadian bodyguard. There was another broken leg. The Canadian bodyguard squatted and fell down with a thud. On the ground, he kept rolling on his knees, and kept howling in his mouth.

This series of actions is slow to say, but in fact it was too fast. When it was almost time, everyone did not realize what was happening. When they found that the two bodyguards were lying on the ground, the broken legs looked cruel. After deforming, Xiao Bing said in a very light tone: “Oh, sorry, I didn’t notice that you two stood in front of me, which prevented me from landing.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Liu Zhen’s mouth, and even the sect master dared to provoke him. If you didn’t kill you, you were already merciful, and you deserved it if you stepped on and broke one of your legs!

Everyone didn’t expect Xiao Bing’s actions. When they reacted, the legs of those two people had broken.

Blake’s face changed, and he said with shame: “You…do you dare to do it?”

Xiao Bing asked calmly: “Why don’t you dare?”

Blake said: “Do you know who my father is?”

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: “I don’t know.”

The companion next to Black rushed and said at this moment: “Boy, just wait for the bad luck. Master Black’s father is one of the most powerful people in Canada. Even the chief of police here sees Black’s Father must respectfully say hello, sir, you even dare to fight Master Black’s bodyguard, you don’t want to live anymore!”

Xiao Bing asked: “Who are you?”

This young man is also a Canadian. Hearing Xiao Bing’s question, he arrogantly said: “Don’t say Master Black, even if I want you to stay in jail for the rest of your life, it’s easy. Things, my name is Martin, and my family is the top ten Martin consortium in Canada…”

Blake’s face was gloomy and said: “You’d better wait here, the police will come in a few minutes, and you will never want to leave the prison in this life!”

While speaking, Blake took out his cell phone and prepared to make a call.

Situ Jing next to him suddenly said: “Black, wait a minute.”

Black put the phone down first and looked at Situ Jing.

Situ Jing looked at Xiao Bing, with a somewhat imperative tone, and said: “Why don’t you do that? You kneel and kowtow to Black to apologize. I will help you intercede. That’s all for this matter, too. Don’t let Mr. Black care about you in general.”

Blake was a little anxious: “Knock your head and apologize, even if it’s over?”

Situ Jing said indifferently: “After all, it was because of Just treat me as a face. The big deal is that I won’t stop you from coming back to Country M with me, what do you think? ?”

Blake was surprised, nodded, looked at Xiao Bing, and said, “Hear no, I’m just giving Miss Situ Jing a face, otherwise you will stay in jail for the rest of your life, kneeling down. Knock your head, I won’t be as knowledgeable as you.”

Xiao Bing sighed and said helplessly: “Sometimes, some people really make people feel sad.”

Liu Zhen said with a smile: “It seems to be.”

Martin, who has been holding his stinky feet, yelled next to him: “Hey, Master Black asked you to kowtow to apologize. It is your blessing. What are you doing stupidly?”

Xiao Bing said: “Palm mouth!”

Liu Zhen stepped forward and slapped Martin’s face with a slap. This slap was not too heavy, otherwise it would make Martin faint, but it would directly swell up half of Martin’s face. , Even two teeth fell off.

Blake was dumbfounded and shouted: “You Chinese pigs, what are you doing?”

Xiao Bing said in a cold tone: “Palm mouth!”

With a slap, Liu Zhen slapped Blake’s face with another slap. This slap was a lot heavier. It was a lesson that was rude to Blake. Blake flew out and fell to the ground. His face was swollen, a few teeth had fallen out, not to mention, the blood in his mouth was still bleeding.

No one thought that these Chinese people would dare to do something in such a place.

No one thought that these Chinese people would dare to act on the heirs of the Black family and the Martin family!

Even Situ Jing and her European and American female companion were stunned.

For a moment, everyone in the entire hall was dumbfounded and silent.

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